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Research efforts to deduce the function of the prion protein (PrPc) in knock-out mouse mutants have revealed that large deletions in the PrPc genome result in the ectopic neuronal expression of the prion-like protein Doppel (Dpl). In our analysis of one such line of mutant mice, Ngsk Prnp0/0 (NP0/0), we demonstrate that the ectopic expression of Dpl in brain neurons induces significant levels of cerebellar Purkinje cell (PC) death as early as six months after birth. To investigate the involvement of the mitochondrial proapoptotic factor BAX in the Dpl-induced apoptosis of PCs, we have analyzed the progression of PC death in aging NP0/0:Bax-/- double knockout mutants. Quantitative analysis of cell numbers showed that significantly more PCs survived in NP0/0:Bax-/- double mutants than in the NP0/0:Bax+/+ mutants. However, PC numbers were not restored to wildtype levels or to the increased number of PCs observed in Bax-/- mutants. The partial rescue of NP0/0 PCs suggests that the ectopic expression of Dpl induces both BAX-dependent and BAX-independent pathways of cell death. The activation of glial cells that is shown to be associated topographically with Dpl-induced PC death in the NP0/0:Bax+/+ mutants is abolished by the loss of Bax expression in the double mutant mice, suggesting that chronic inflammation is an indirect consequence of Dpl-induced PC death.  相似文献   

Doppel (Dpl) is a prion (PrP)-like protein due to the structural and biochemical similarities; however, the natural functions of Dpl and PrP remain unclear. In this study, a 531-bp human PRND gene sequence encoding Dpl protein was amplified from human peripheral blood leucocytes. Furl-length and various truncated human Dpl and PrP proteins were expressed and purified from Escherichia coil Supplement of the full-length Dpl onto human neuroblastoma cell SH-SY5Y induced remarkable cytotoxicity, and the region responsible for its cytotoxicity was mapped at the middle segment of Dpl [amino acids (aa) 81-122]. Interestingly, DpMnduced cytotoxicity was antagonized by the presence of full- length wild-type PrP. Analysis on fragments of PrP mutants showed that the N-terminal fragment (aa 23- 90) of PrP was responsible for the protective activity. A truncated PrP (PrPA32-121) with similar secondary structure as Dpl induced DpMike cytotoxicity on SH- SY5Y cells. Furthermore, binding of copper ion could enhance the antagonizing effect of PrP on Dpi-induced cytotoxicity. Apoptosis assays revealed that cytotoxicity induced by Dpl occurred through an apoptotic mechanism. These results suggested that the function of Dpl is antagonistic to PrP rather than synergistic.  相似文献   

1. Mouse lines lacking prion protein (PrP(C)) have a puzzling phenotypic discrepancy. Some, but not all, developed late-onset ataxia due to Purkinje cell degeneration. 2. Here, we identified aberrant mRNA species in the brain of Ngsk Prnp0/0 ataxic, but not in nonataxic Zrch Prnp0/0 mouse line. These mRNAs were chimeric between the noncoding exons 1 and 2 of the PrP gene (Prnp) and the novel sequence encoding PrP-like protein (PrPLP), a putative membrane glycoprotein with 23% identity to PrP(C) in the primary amino acid structure. The chimeric mRNAs were generated from the disrupted Prnp locus of Ngsk Prnp0/0 mice lacking a part of the Prnp intron 2 and its splice acceptor signal. 3. In the brain of wild-type and Zrch Prnp0/0 mice, PrPLP mRNA was barely detectable. In contrast, in the brain of Ngsk Prnp0/0 mice, PrP/PrPLP chimeric mRNAs were expressed in neurons, at a particularly high level in hippocampus pyramidal cells and Purkinje cells under the control of the Prnp promoter. 4. In addition to the functional loss of PrP(C), ectopic PrPLP expression from the chimeric mRNAs could also be involved in the Purkinje cell degeneration in Ngsk Prnp0/0 mice.  相似文献   

Doppel (Dpl) protein is a paralog of the prion protein (PrP) that shares 25% sequence similarity with the C-terminus of PrP, a common N-glycosylation site and a C-terminal signal peptide for attachment of a glycosylphophatidyl inositol anchor. Whereas PrPC is highly expressed in the central nervous system (CNS), Dpl is detected mostly in testes and its ectopic expression in the CNS leads to ataxia as well as Purkinje and granule cell degeneration in the cerebellum. The mechanism through which Dpl induces neurotoxicity is still debated. In the present work, primary neuronal cultures derived from postnatal cerebellar granule cells of wild-type and PrP-knockout FVB mice were used in order to investigate the molecular events that occur upon exposure to Dpl. Treatment of cultured cerebellar neurons with recombinant Dpl produced apoptosis that could be prevented by PrP co-incubation. When primary neuronal cultures from Bax-deficient mice were incubated with Dpl, no apoptosis was observed, suggesting an important role of Bax in triggering neurodegeneration. Similarly, cell survival increased when recDpl-treated cells were incubated with an inhibitor of caspase-3, which mediates apoptosis in mammalian cells. Together, our findings raise the possibility that Bax and caspase-3 feature in Dpl-mediated apoptosis.  相似文献   

Doppel (Dpl) protein is a paralog of the prion protein (PrP) that shares 25% sequence similarity with the C-terminus of PrP, a common N-glycosylation site and a C-terminal signal peptide for attachment of a glycosylphophatidyl inositol anchor. Whereas PrPC is highly expressed in the central nervous system (CNS), Dpl is detected mostly in testes and its ectopic expression in the CNS leads to ataxia as well as Purkinje and granule cell degeneration in the cerebellum. The mechanism through which Dpl induces neurotoxicity is still debated. In the present work, primary neuronal cultures derived from postnatal cerebellar granule cells of wild-type and PrP-knockout FVB mice were used in order to investigate the molecular events that occur upon exposure to Dpl. Treatment of cultured cerebellar neurons with recombinant Dpl produced apoptosis that could be prevented by PrP co-incubation. When primary neuronal cultures from Bax-deficient mice were incubated with Dpl, no apoptosis was observed, suggesting an important role of Bax in triggering neurodegeneration. Similarly, cell survival increased when recDpl-treated cells were incubated with an inhibitor of caspase-3, which mediates apoptosis in mammalian cells. Together, our findings raise the possibility that Bax and caspase-3 feature in Dpl-mediated apoptosis.  相似文献   

Malignant progression in gliomas is correlated with increased migratory capacity which involves metalloproteolytic activity. Here, we report that ectopic expression of BCL-2 in two malignant glioma sublines markedly promoted glioma cell migration from spheroids and invasion into Matrigel-coated membranes. Invasion of fetal rat-brain aggregates was enhanced by BCL-2. Zymography revealed activation of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) in BCL-2-expressing cells. BCL-2 expressing cells showed an increase in MMP-2/-3/-12 (LN-18), and MMP-9/-12 and cell surface urokinase-type plasminogen activator (u-PA) (LN-229) mRNA and a reduction in tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMP)-2 mRNA (LN-229). Taken together, we propose a novel function for BCL-2 in the malignant phenotype of glioma cells, that is, to enhance migration and invasion by altering the expression of a set of metalloproteinases and their inhibitors.  相似文献   

Mannosylerythritol lipid (MEL), an extracellularglycolipid from yeast, induces the differentiation ofHL-60 promyelocytic leukemia cells towardsgranulocytes. We show here that MEL is also a potentinhibitor of the proliferation of mouse melanoma B16cells. Flow-cytometric analysis of the cell cycle ofMEL-treated B16 cells revealed the accumulation ofcells in the sub-G0/G1 phase, which is a hallmark ofcells undergoing apoptosis. Treatment of B16 cellsfor 24 h with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA),an activator of protein kinase C (PKC), did notinterfere with the growth and survival of the cells,but it effectively counteracted the MEL-induced growtharrest and apoptosis. The activity of PKC was reducedin B16 cells treated with MEL at a concentration atwhich MEL induced apoptosis. However, incubation withPMA in addition to MEL reversed this reduction in theactivity of PKC. These results suggest thatconverging signaling pathways are triggeredindependently by MEL and PMA and that the signalsmight both be mediated by PKC.  相似文献   

An active medicinal component of plant origin with an ability to overcome autophagy by inducing apoptosis should be considered a therapeutically active lead pharmacophore to control malignancies. In this report, we studied the effect of concentration-dependent 3-AWA (3-azido withaferin A) sensitization to androgen-independent prostate cancer (CaP) cells which resulted in a distinct switching of 2 interrelated conserved biological processes, i.e. autophagy and apoptosis. We have observed 3 distinct parameters which are hallmarks of autophagy in our studies. First, a subtoxic concentration of 3-AWA resulted in an autophagic phenotype with an elevation of autophagy markers in prostate cancer cells. This led to a massive accumulation of MAP1LC3B and EGFP-LC3B puncta coupled with gradual degradation of SQSTM1. Second, higher toxic concentrations of 3-AWA stimulated ER stress in CaP cells to turn on apoptosis within 12 h by elevating the expression of the proapoptotic protein PAWR, which in turn suppressed the autophagy-related proteins BCL2 and BECN1. This inhibition of BECN1 in CaP cells, leading to the disruption of the BCL2-BECN1 interaction by overexpressed PAWR has not been reported so far. Third, we provide evidence that pawr-KO MEFs exhibited abundant autophagy signs even at toxic concentrations of 3-AWA underscoring the relevance of PAWR in switching of autophagy to apoptosis. Last but not least, overexpression of EGFP-LC3B and DS-Red-BECN1 revealed a delayed apoptosis turnover at a higher concentration of 3-AWA in CaP cells. In summary, this study provides evidence that 3-AWA is a strong anticancer candidate to abrogate protective autophagy. It also enhanced chemosensitivity by sensitizing prostate cancer cells to apoptosis through induction of PAWR endorsing its therapeutic potential.  相似文献   

The cells that comprise the cerebellum perform a complex integration of neural inputs to influence motor control and coordination. The functioning of this circuit depends upon Purkinje cells and other cerebellar neurons forming in the precise place and time during development. Zebrafish provide a useful platform for modeling disease and studying gene function, thus a quantitative metric of normal zebrafish cerebellar development is key for understanding how gene mutations affect the cerebellum. To begin to quantitatively measure cerebellar development in zebrafish, we have characterized the spatial and temporal patterning of Purkinje cells during the first 2 weeks of development. Differentiated Purkinje cells first emerged by 2.8 days post fertilization and were spatially patterned into separate dorsomedial and ventrolateral clusters that merged at around 4 days. Quantification of the Purkinje cell layer revealed that there was a logarithmic increase in both Purkinje cell number as well as overall volume during the first 2 weeks, while the entire region curved forward in an anterior, then ventral direction. Purkinje cell dendrites were positioned next to parallel fibers as early as 3.3 days, and Purkinje cell diameter decreased significantly from 3.3 to 14 days, possibly due to cytoplasmic reappropriation into maturing dendritic arbors. A nearest neighbor analysis showed that Purkinje cells moved slightly apart from each other from 3 to 14 days, perhaps spreading as the organized monolayer forms. This study establishes a quantitative spatiotemporal map of Purkinje cell development in zebrafish that provides an important metric for studies of cerebellar development and disease. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 75: 1174–1188, 2015  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) plays anti-apoptotic and antioxidative role against cell death induced by serum-deprivation (SDP) in an immortalized prion protein gene-deficient neuronal cell line derived from Rikn prion protein (PrP) gene-deficient (Prnp(-/-)) mice, which ectopically produce excess Doppel (Dpl) (PrP-like glycoprotein). To investigate whether PrP(C) inhibits apoptotic neuronal cell death without Dpl, an immortalized cell line was established from the brain of ZrchI Prnp(-/-) mice, which do not show ectopic expression of Dpl. The results using a ZrchI neuronal Prnp(-/-) cell line (NpL2) showed that PrP(C) potently inhibited SDP-induced apoptotic cell death. Furthermore, PrP(C) expression enhanced the superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in NpL2 cells. These results indicate that Dpl production did not affect anti-apoptotic and anti-oxidative functions of PrP, suggesting that PrP(C) may be directly correlated with protection against oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is an intricately regulated process required for the health and homeostasis of living systems. The mitochondrial apoptotic pathway depends on the BCL-2 family of pro- and anti-apoptotic members whose interactions form a complex network of checks and balances in regulating cell fate. A diverse set of signals recruits distinct BH3-domain only BCL-2 proteins to trigger activation of the executioner proteins BAX and BAK. In addition to protein components of the apoptotic machinery, literature of the past several decades supports crucial functions for lipids in apoptosis and cooperation between lipid metabolism and BCL-2 proteins. In this review we present the two key examples of ceramide and cardiolipin in apoptosis, focusing particularly on BCL-2 family-regulated pathways at the mitochondrial level. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Lipid Metabolism in Cancer.  相似文献   

Cancer‐upregulated gene 2 (CUG2) was originally identified as a potential oncogene commonly up‐regulated in various human cancers. Recently, CUG2 was also identified as a new member of a centromere protein complex, important in the formation of a functional kinetochore complex. Presently, we report the pro‐apoptotic effect of CUG2 when this gene was overexpressed in the SKOV‐3 human ovarian cancer cell line. Apoptotic cell death mediated by CUG2 overexpression was independently demonstrated using cell viability determination, flow cytometry analysis, chromosome fragmentation assay, and the cleavage of the death substrate poly(ADP‐ribose) polymerase. Moreover, activation of caspase‐3 and ‐8 and the cytoplasmic translocation of mitochondrial cytochrome c were evident upon CUG2 expression. Apoptotic cell death was also observed during early development of zebrafish when CUG2 was overexpressed in zebrafish embryo. We propose that high expression of CUG2 induces apoptotic cell death. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Apoptosis during preimplantation development has received much interest because of its potential role in eliminating defective cells. Although development in humans is characterised by a high degree of genetic abnormality, little is known of the regulation of apoptosis in embryos. By PolyA PCR we analysed expression of 11 BCL-2 genes in individual human embryos representative of normal development and in severely fragmented embryos. We demonstrate constitutive expression of BAX in virtually all embryos at all stages of development, and variable expression of BCL2, BCL-XL, BCL-W, MCL-1 BAK, BAD, BOKL, BID, BIK, and BCL-XS. The frequency of expression of pro- and anti-apoptotic BCL-2 members was similar throughout development, except at the two-cell stage where pro-apoptotic genes predominated. Protein expression was confirmed for BCL-2, MCL-1, BCL-X, BAX, BAD, and activated caspase 3. BCL-2 protein was associated with mitochondria but expressed inconsistently in the blastocyst inner cell mass. Consistent differences between morphologically intact and fragmented embryos included the expression of BAK in fragmented but not intact four-cell embryos. Our study addresses the importance of examining single human embryos representative of the viable population for a large number of genes, in order to establish meaningful expression profiles and provide information on overlapping function in a large gene family.  相似文献   

Aberrant overexpression of antiapoptotic members of the Bcl-2 protein family contributes to resistance to anticancer therapeutic drugs. Thus, this protein represent attractive target for novel anticancer agents. In the present study, we determined the effect of the anti-apoptosis protein Bcl-2 on caspase-3 activation, PLC-γ1 degradation and Akt activation during the various anticancer agents-induced apoptosis. Treatment with chrysin for 12 h produced morphological features of apoptosis in U937 cells, which was associated with caspase-3 activation and PLC-γ1 degradation. Induction of apoptosis was also accompanied by down-regulation of XIAP and inactivation of Akt. Chrysin-induced caspase-3 activation, PLC-γ1 degradation and apoptosis were significantly attenuated in Bcl-2 overexpressing U937/Bcl-2 cells. Ectopic expression of Bcl-2 appeared to inhibit ceramide-, and Akt specific inhibitor (SH-6)-induced apoptosis by sustained Akt activation. Thus, our findings imply that some of the biological functions of Bcl-2 may be attributed to their ability to inhibit anticancer agents-induced apoptosis through the sustained Akt activation.  相似文献   

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