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Restriction fragments, 203 and 144 base pairs in length, bearing the Escherichia coli lac control region have been reconstituted with the core histones from calf thymus to form nucleosomes. By several criteria the reconstituted nucleosomes are similar to native nucleosomes obtained by micrococcal nuclease digestion of calf thymus nuclei. However, sensitive nuclease digestion studies reveal subtle and important differences between native monosomes and the lac reconstitutes. Each reconstitute consists mainly of nucleosomes containing histone cores placed nonrandomly with respect to the DNA sequence. The shorter reconstitute forms asymmetric nucleosomes as evidenced by the DNase I digestion pattern. Exonuclease III digestion followed by 5'-end analysis of the larger reconstitute suggests that, of the many possible arrangements of histone core with DNA sequence, only two are highly favored.  相似文献   

We have found that nucleosomes reconstituted from histone octamers and SV40 DNA Form I by progressively decreasing the salt concentration from 2 M NaCl are formed preferentially around 0.27, 0.37, 0.50 and 0.85 on SV40 DNA (relative to the EcoRI site). When SV40 DNA Form III is used, the nucleosomes form mainly at 0.28, 0.38, 0.61 and 0.83. These sites are very close to both the sites of RNA chain initiation by calf thymus RNA polymerase B on SV40 DNA Form I (0.25, 0.35, 0.42 and 0.88) and the regions of the supercoiled DNA which are readily denaturable by T4 gene 32 protein (0.25, 0.47 and 0.88), and correspond to AT-rich regions as deduced from the nucleotide sequence of SV40 DNA. The physiologically important region around 0.67 is an unfavourable site for all three types of proteins, and corresponds to a GC-rich region surrounding a 17 base pair AT cluster.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated by digestion studies with micrococcal nuclease that reconstitution of complexes from DNA and a mixture of the four small calf thymus histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4 leads to subunits closely spaced in a 137 +/- 7-nucleotide-pair register. Subunits isolated from the reconstituted complex contain nearly equimolar amounts of the four histones and sediment at 11.6S. On DNase I digestion both the reconstituted complex and the separated subunits gave rise to series of single-stranded DNA fragments with a 10-nucleotide periodicity. This indicates that the reconstitution leads to subunits very similar to nucleosome cores. Nucleosome cores closely spaced in a 140-nucleotide-pair register were also obtained upon removal of histone H1 from chromatin by dissociation with 0.63 M NaCl and subsequent ultracentrifugation. In reconstitution experiments with all five histones (including histone H1) our procedure did not lead to tandemly arranged nucleosomes containing about 200 nucleotide pairs of DNA. In the presence of EDTA, DNase II cleaved calf thymus nuclei and chromatin at about 200-nucleotide-pair intervals whereas in the presence of Mg2+ cleavage at intervals of approximately half this size was observed. The change in the nature of the cleavage pattern, however, was no longer found after removal of histone H1 from chromatin. This indicates that H1 influences the accessibility of DNase II cleavage sites in chromatin. This finding is discussed with respect to the influence of histone H1 on chromatin superstructure.  相似文献   

A procedure for the de novo construction of nucleosome core particles from defined DNA sequences of prokaryotic origin is described. Efficient de novo reconstitution without added carrier DNA is demonstrated. DNase I and exonuclease III analysis of a nucleosome core prepared from a 154 base pair fragment extending from base 853 to base 1006 of pBR322 indicates a non-random positioning of the histone core along the DNA. As bacteria have no histones, their DNA cannot be expected to have a histone core positioning signal encoded in it, the efficient formation of a uniquely positioned core particle is not self evident. The possibility that a phosphate end group positions DNA fragments on the histone is considered. The de novo reconstitution of carrier-less defined nucleosome core particles should facilitate the physicochemical study of nucleosomes on the fine structural level.  相似文献   

In a previous report we constructed a synthetic DNA sequence that directed the deposition of histone octamers to a single site, and it was proposed that DNA distortion was involved in the positioning effect. In the present study we utilized the chemical probe potassium permanganate to identify sites of DNA distortion in the synthetic positioning sequence. A permanganate hypersite was identified 15 bp from the nucleosome pseudo-dyad at a site known to display DNA distortion in the mature nucleosome. The sequence of the site contained a TA step flanked by an oligo-pyrimidine tract. A series of substitutions were made in the region of the permanganate hypersite and the resulting constructs tested for affinity for histone octamers and translational positioning in in vitro studies. The results revealed that either a single base substitution at the TA step or in the adjacent homopolymeric tract dramatically affected affinity and positioning activity. The rotational orientation of the permanganate-sensitive sequence was shown to be important for functions, since altering the orientation of the site in a positioning fragment reduced positioning activity and octamer affinity, while altering the rotational orientation of the sequence in a non-positioning fragment had the opposite effects. A reconstituted 5 S rDNA positioning sequence from Lytechinus variegatus was also shown to display a permanganate hypersite 16 bp from its pseudo-dyad.  相似文献   

Submaxillaris protease, reportedly specific for arginine residues, was used to probe accessible arginines of chicken erythrocyte nucleosome cores. The relative rates of digestion of histones in nucleosome cores by this protease were H3 greater than H2b greater than H4 much greater than H2a. At most, 8 of 52 total arginines among the four core histones were reasonably accessible to attack. Sites most rapidly cleaved were Arg-26 in H3, a site approximately 13 residues from the NH2 terminus of H2b, and Lys-12 or Arg-17 in H4. Five sites attacked more slowly were Arg-8, -128, or -129 and Arg-49, -52, or -53 in H3; Arg-3 and Arg-17 or -19 in H4; and a site near one terminus of H2b or H3. H2a and fragments resulting from the above cleavages were highly resistant to attack, even after prolonged incubation. Similar results were obtained upon digestion of histones in intact chromatin. H1 and H5 in whole chromatin were attacked at rates comparable to H3. Seven of the eight accessible sites lie outside of structure-forming histone sequences, i.e. sequences that are immobilized in histone complexes, indicating that these sequences are inaccessible in nucleosome cores. The single exceptional site noted, approximately 50 residues from the NH2 terminus of H3, is consistent with previous observations that Glu-51 and Glu-60 of H3 in nucleosomes are accessible to attack by S. aureus protease (Rill, R. L., and Oosterhof, D. K. (1981). J. Biol. Chem. 256, 12687-12691). The relationships of these protease accessibilities to NMR assignments of mobile histone tails in nucleosome cores are discussed.  相似文献   

Stability of nucleosome placement in newly repaired regions of DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rearrangements of chromatin structure during excision repair of UV-damaged DNA appear to involve unfolding of nucleosomal DNA while repair is taking place, followed by refolding of this DNA into a native nucleosome structure. Recently, we found that repair patches are not distributed uniformly along the DNA in nucleosome core particles immediately following their refolding into nucleosomes (Lan, S. Y., and Smerdon, M. J. (1985) Biochemistry, 24,7771). Therefore, the distribution of repair patches in nucleosome core DNA was used to monitor the stability of nucleosome placement in these regions. Our results indicate that in nondividing human cells undergoing excision repair there is a slow change in the positioning of nucleosomes in newly repaired regions of chromatin, resulting in the eventual randomization of repair patches in nucleosome core DNA. Furthermore, the nonrandom placement of nucleosomes observed just after the refolding event is not re-established during DNA replication. Possible mechanisms for this change in nucleosome placement along the DNA are discussed.  相似文献   

RecA protein promotes two distinct types of synaptic structures between circular single strands and duplex DNA; paranemic joints, where true intertwining of paired strands is prohibited and the classically intertwined plectonemic form of heteroduplex DNA. Paranemic joints are less stable than plectonemic joints and are believed to be the precursors for the formation of plectonemic joints. We present evidence that under strand exchange conditions the binding of HU protein, from Escherichia coli, to duplex DNA differentially affects homologous pairing in vitro. This conclusion is based on the observation that the formation of paranemic joint molecules was not affected, whereas the formation of plectonemic joint molecules was inhibited from the start of the reaction. Furthermore, introduction of HU protein into an ongoing reaction stalls further increase in the rate of the reaction. By contrast, binding of HU protein to circular single strands has neither stimulatory nor inhibitory effect. Since the formation of paranemic joint molecules is believed to generate positive supercoiling in the duplex DNA, we have examined the ability of positive superhelical DNA to serve as a template in the formation of paranemic joint molecules. The inert positively supercoiled DNA could be converted into an active substrate, in situ, by the action of wheat germ topoisomerase I. Taken collectively, these results indicate that the structural features of the bacterial chromosome which include DNA supercoiling and organization of DNA into nucleosome-like structures by HU protein modulate homologous pairing promoted by the nucleoprotein filaments of recA protein single-stranded DNA.  相似文献   

Facilitated, "cooperative" binding of GAL4-AH to nucleosomal DNA occurred in response to inhibition from the core histone amino termini. The binding of GAL4-AH (which contains the DNA-binding and dimerization domains of GAL4) to nucleosome cores containing multiple binding sites initiated at the end of a nucleosome core and proceeded in a cooperative manner until all sites were occupied. However, following tryptic removal of the core histone amino termini, GAL4-AH binding appeared to be noncooperative, similar to binding naked DNA. Binding of GAL4-AH to nucleosomes bearing a single GAL4 site at different positions indicated that inhibition of GAL4 binding was largely mediated by the histone amino termini and primarily occurred at sites well within the core and not near the end. When the histone amino termini were intact, binding of GAL4-AH to sites near the center of a nucleosome core was greatly enhanced by the presence of additional GAL4 dimers bound to more-accessible positions. These data illustrate that the binding of a factor to more-accessible sites, near the end of a nucleosome, allows facilitated binding of additional factors to the center of the nucleosome, thereby overcoming repression from the core histone amino termini. This mechanism may contribute to the binding of multiple factors to complex promoter and enhancer elements in cellular chromatin.  相似文献   

K Muniyappa  J Ramdas  E Mythili  S Galande 《Biochimie》1991,73(2-3):187-190
The ability of E coli recA protein to promote homologous pairing with linear duplex DNA bound to HU protein (Nucleosome cores) was found to be differentially affected. The formation of paranemic joint molecules was not affected whereas the formation of plectomic joint molecules was inhibited from the start of the reaction. The formation of paranemic joint molecules between nucleoprotein filaments of recA protein-circular single stranded DNA and closed circular duplex DNA is believed to generate positive supercoiling in the duplex DNA. We found that the positively superhelical duplex DNA was inert in the formation of joint molecules but could be converted into an active substrate, in situ, by the action of wheat germ topoisomerase I. These observations initiate an understanding of the structural features of E coli chromosome such as DNA supercoiling and nucleosome-like structures in homologous recombination.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic genomes, nucleosomes function to compact DNA and to regulate access to it both by simple physical occlusion and by providing the substrate for numerous covalent epigenetic tags. While competition with other DNA-binding factors and action of chromatin remodeling enzymes significantly affect nucleosome formation in vivo, nucleosome positions in vitro are determined by steric exclusion and sequence alone. We have developed a biophysical model, DNABEND, for the sequence dependence of DNA bending energies, and validated it against a collection of in vitro free energies of nucleosome formation and a set of in vitro nucleosome positions mapped at high resolution. We have also made a first ab initio prediction of nucleosomal DNA geometries, and checked its accuracy against the nucleosome crystal structure. We have used DNABEND to design both strong and weak histone- binding sequences, and measured the corresponding free energies of nucleosome formation. We find that DNABEND can successfully predict in vitro nucleosome positions and free energies, providing a physical explanation for the intrinsic sequence dependence of histone–DNA interactions.  相似文献   

Ca2+ influx by store-operated Ca2+ channels (SOCs) mediates all Ca2+-dependent cell functions, but excess Ca2+ influx is highly toxic. The molecular components of SOC are the pore-forming Orai1 channel and the endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ sensor STIM1. Slow Ca2+-dependent inactivation (SCDI) of Orai1 guards against cell damage, but its molecular mechanism is unknown. Here, we used homology modeling to identify a conserved STIM1(448–530) C-terminal inhibitory domain (CTID), whose deletion resulted in spontaneous clustering of STIM1 and full activation of Orai1 in the absence of store depletion. CTID regulated SCDI by determining access to and interaction of the STIM1 inhibitor SARAF with STIM1 Orai1 activation region (SOAR), the STIM1 domain that activates Orai1. CTID had two lobes, STIM1(448–490) and STIM1(490–530), with distinct roles in mediating access of SARAF to SOAR. The STIM1(448–490) lobe restricted, whereas the STIM1(490–530) lobe directed, SARAF to SOAR. The two lobes cooperated to determine the features of SCDI. These findings highlight the central role of STIM1 in SCDI and provide a molecular mechanism for SCDI of Orai1.  相似文献   

Natural abundance carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectra (67.9 MHz) were obtained for native nucleosome cores: cores dissociated in 2 M NaCl and 2 M NaCl, 6 M urea; and cores degraded with DNase I plus proteinase K. Phosphorus-31 NMR spectra of native and dissociated cores and core length DNA were also obtained at 60.7 MHz. The 31P resonance and spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) of DNA were only slightly affected by packaging in nucleosome cores, in agreement with other reports, but 13C resonances of DNA were essentially unobservable. The loss of DNA spectral intensity suggests that rapid internal motions of DNA sugar carbons in protein-free DNA previously demonstrated by 13C NMR methods are partly restricted in nucleosomes. The 13C spectrum of native cores contains many narrow intense resonances assigned to lysine side chain and alpha-carbons, glycine alpha-carbons, alanine alpha- and beta- carbons, and arginine side chain carbons. Several weaker resonances were also assigned. The narrow line widths, short T1 values, and non-minimal nuclear Overhauser enhancements of these resonances, including alpha- and beta-carbons, show that some terminal chain segments of histones in nucleosomes are as mobile as small random coil polypeptides. The mobile segments include about 9% of all histone residues and 25% of all lysines, but only 10% of all arginines. The compositions of these segments indicate that mobile regions are located in amino- or carboxyl-terminal sequences of two or more histones. In addition, high mobility was observed for side chain carbons of 45-50% of all lysines (delta and epsilon carbons) and about 25% of all arginines (zeta carbon) in histones (including those in mobile segments), suggesting that basic residues in terminal histone sequences are not strongly involved in nucleosome structure and may instead help stabilize higher order chromatin structure.  相似文献   

The helical periodicity of DNA on the nucleosome   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
The precise number of base pairs per turn of the DNA double helix in the nucleosome core particle has been the subject of controversy. In this paper the positions of nuclease cutting sites are analysed in three dimensions. Using this midpoint of the DNA on the nucleosome dyad as origin, the cutting site locations measured along a strand of DNA are mapped onto models of the nucleosome core containing DNA of different helical periodicities. It is found that a helical periodicity of 10.5 base pairs per turn leads to cutting site positions which are sterically inaccessible. In contrast, a periodicity of 10.0 base pairs per turn leads to cutting site positions which are not only sterically sound, but which fall into a pattern such as would be expected when the access of the nuclease to the DNA is restricted by the presence of the histone core on one side and of the adjacent superhelical turn of DNA on the other. As proposed earlier by us (1), a value for the helical periodicity close to 10 base pairs per turn on the nucleosome, taken together with a periodicity close to 10.5 for DNA in solution - a value now established - resolves the so-called linkage number paradox.  相似文献   

We have elsewhere reported the purification of a poly(dG).poly(dC)-binding nuclear protein (suGF1) from sea urchin embryos (J. Hapgood and D. Patterton, Mol. Cell. Biol. 14:this issue, 1994). We proposed that suGF1 may be a member of a family of G-string factors involved in developmental gene regulation, possibly via alterations in chromatin structure. In this article, we characterize the binding of purified suGF1 to 11 contiguous Gs in the H1-H4 intergenic region of a sea urchin early histone gene battery in vitro. It is shown that suGF1-DNA binding is dependent on ionic strength and requires divalent cations. Purified suGF1 forms discrete protein-DNA multimers, consistent with suGF1-suGF1 interactions. In a model for the suGF1-DNA complex derived from our footprinting and methylation interference data, suGF1 contacts the Gs in the major groove as well as one of the bordering phosphate backbones. The data are consistent with the direction of curvature of the DNA in the suGF1-DNA complex being the same as that preferred by the free DNA and exhibited by the DNA when bent around a positioned nucleosome core in vitro. However, on the basis of steric considerations, the binding of suGF1 and that of the histone octamer are predicted to be mutually exclusive. We show that suGF1 is indeed unable to bind to the G string when occupied by a histone octamer located in the major in vitro positioning frame in the H1-H4 intergenic region.  相似文献   

J F Watkins  M J Smerdon 《Biochemistry》1985,24(25):7279-7287
We have investigated the salt- and temperature-induced rearrangement of nucleosomes in both intact and H1-depleted nuclei from human cells. In agreement with previous reports on the rearrangement of nucleosomes in isolated chromatin or chromatin fragments, we observed a decrease in the average nucleosome repeat length following incubation of nuclei at 37 degrees C in elevated salt concentrations. However, this decrease occurred in two distinct phases. First, incubation of H1-depleted nuclei at 37 degrees C for as little as 10 min in low-salt, isotonic buffer (containing 0.025 M KCl) resulted in a shift in the limiting repeat value from approximately 190 to 168 base pairs (bp). A similar shift was observed for intact nuclei incubated at 37 degrees C for 1 h in buffer containing near-physiological salt concentrations (i.e., 0.175 M KCl). This limiting repeat value was maintained in both intact and H1-depleted nuclei up to a salt concentration of 0.45 M KCl in the incubation buffer. Second, at salt concentrations of 0.625 M KCl, a limiting repeat of approximately 146 bp was obtained, and the nuclei had clearly lysed. During the first shift in repeat length, little additional exchange of nuclear proteins occurred compared to nuclei kept on ice in a low-salt buffer. This was the case even though the conditions used to monitor exchange were optimized by using a high DNA to chromatin ratio. On the other hand, a significant increase in the exchange of nuclear proteins, and formation of nucleosomes on the naked DNA, was observed during the shift in repeat length to 146 bp.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

It has been shown by others that the melting of DNA in the nucleosome core particle is biphasic (ref. 1) and that the initial denaturation phase is due to melting of the DNA termini (refs. 1 & 2). We analyze the salt dependence of the melting temperature of this first transition and estimate that only 15% of the phosphates of the DNA termini are involved in intimate charge-charge interactions with histones. (The simplest model yields approximately 9%, whereas a calculated overestimate yields approximately 21% neutralization.) This is a surprisingly small number of interactions but we suggest that it may nonetheless be representative of all the core particle DNA.  相似文献   

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