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d-Amino acid oxidase is a FAD-dependent enzyme that catalyses the conversion of the d-enantiomer of amino acids into the corresponding α-keto acid. Substrate specificity of the enzyme from the yeast Rhodotorula gracilis was investigated towards aromatic amino acids, and particularly synthetic α-amino acids.A significant improvement of the activity (Vmax,app) and of the specificity constant (the Vmax,app/Km,app ratio) on a number of the substrates tested was obtained using a single-point mutant enzyme designed by a rational approach. With R. gracilis d-amino acid oxidase the complete resolution of d,l-homo-phenylalanine was obtained with the aim to produce the corresponding pure l-isomer and to use the corresponding α-keto acid as a precursor of the amino acid in the l-form.  相似文献   

Human d-amino acid oxidase (hDAAO) is a flavoprotein that plays a key role in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. So far, the biochemical characterization of this enzyme has been hampered by the difficulty of expressing it in a common heterologous host such as Escherichia coli. Increasing amounts of recombinant hDAAO are indeed required for the investigation of its structure–function relationships and for the screening of new inhibitors to be used in the treatment of schizophrenia. A recombinant hDAAO has been over-expressed in BL21(DE3)Star E. coli cells. By alternating screenings of medium components at flask level and investigating physiological parameters in 2 L controlled batch fermentations, an improved, robust and scalable microbial process was set up giving almost a 40- and 4-fold improvement in volumetric productivity and specific activity, respectively. Under these conditions 770 U/L culture hDAAO with a specific activity of 0.4 U/mg protein and a specific productivity of 24.9 U/g biomass were produced. Optimization of medium ingredients, of the time and the amount of inducer’s addition, pH control at the moment of induction and harvest, low mechanical shear stress regime during recombinant protein production, represent the factors concurring to achieve the reported expression level. Notably, this expression level is higher than any previously described production of hDAAOs. A yield of 100 mg of pure hDAAO/L culture thus became available in comparison to the 1–10 mg/L previously reported.  相似文献   

d-Hydantoinase and d-carbamoylase genes from Agrobacterium radiobacter TH572 were cloned by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The plasmid pUCCH3 with a polycistronic structure that is controlled by the native hydantoinase promoter was constructed to co-express the two genes and transformed into Escherichia coli strain JM105. To obtain the highest level of expression of the d-carbamoylase and avoid intermediate accumulation, the d-carbamoylase gene was cloned closer to the promoter and the RBS region in the upstream of it was optimized. This resulted in high active expression of soluble d-hydantoinase and d-carbamoylase that is obtained without any inducer. Thus, by the constitutive recombinant JM105/pUCCH3, d-p-hydroxyphenylglycine (d-HPG) was obtained directly with 95.2% production yield and 96.3% conversion yield.  相似文献   

2,6-Dichloroindophenol (DCIP) is shown to be utilised efficiently as electron acceptor replacing dioxygen in the reaction of Trigonopsis variabilis d-amino acid oxidase (TvDAO) with d-methionine as the substrate. The specificity constant for DCIP reduction at 30 °C is one-twelfth that of oxygen conversion into hydrogen peroxide. Time course analysis of simultaneous consumption of DCIP and dioxygen, recorded on-line by absorption and non-invasive fluorescence quenching, respectively, pinpoints the preferential utilisation of dioxygen; and reveals a maximum DCIP conversion rate that is independent of the initial concentration of dioxygen. A robust direct assay of TvDAO activity has been developed that does not require anaerobic reaction conditions. It was down-scaled to microtitre plate format and overcomes practical limitations of other assays due to the low affinity of TvDAO for dioxygen (Km ≈ 0.7 mmol L−1).  相似文献   

We have determined the content of free l-amino acids and d-aspartate in the nervous tissue of three representative cephalopods: Sepia officinalis, Octopus vulgaris, and Loligo vulgaris, and the optic lobes of adult and embryo Sepia officinalis. Taurine is the most abundant amino acid in the cephalopod nervous tissue. Its content amounts to more than 50% of the total free amino acids. The other most concentrated amino acids are Glu, Ala, Asp, and GABA. High concentrations of d-aspartate were found in the nervous tissue of all cephalopods examined (7–12 μmol/g wet tissue) which represents 50–80% of the total aspartate (d + l), depending on the animal. Among the various regions of the brain of Octopus vulgaris, d-aspartate was found to be evenly distributed in the various regions of the brain. In nerve tissue of Sepia officinalis, there is no significant difference in the pattern of free l-amino acids, in particular of the d-aspartate concentration, between adults and embryos, except for GABA, Gly, His and Thr. This suggests that d-aspartate in nerve tissue of the Cephalopoda is of endogenous origin and not a product of accumulation from exogenous sources. From a comparative study of the content of d-aspartate in the nervous tissue of different animals, we found that protostomia contain a significantly higher amount than deuterostomia. Thus, d-aspartate could be a criterion to distinguish the protostomia phyla from the deuterostomia phyla.  相似文献   

Alginate–chitosan polyelectrolyte complexes (PECs) have been used for the first time as a suitable matrix for coimmobilisation of enzymes to reproduce a multistep enzymatic route for production of d-amino acids. Encapsulation of a crude cell extract from Agrobacterium radiobacter containing d-hydantoinase and d-carbamoylase activities into the PECs with negligible leakage from the formed capsules was accomplished. All results in this study indicate that the preparation of the biocatalyst (preparation method and chitosan characteristics) play a key role in the biocatalyst's properties. The most suitable biocatalysts were prepared using a chitosan with a medium molecular weight (600 kDa) and a degree of deacetylation of 0.9. For all of the preparation conditions under study, an encapsulation yield of around 60% was achieved and the enzymatic activity yields ranged from 30 to 80% for d-hydantoinase activity and from 40 to 128% for d-carbamoylase activity relative to the activities of the soluble extract. All of the biocatalysts were able to hydrolyze l,d-hydroxyphenylhydantoin into p-hydroxyphenylglycine with yields ranging from 30 to 80%.  相似文献   

d-Amino acid oxidase (DAAO) inhibitors are typically small polar compounds with often suboptimal pharmacokinetic properties. Features of the native binding site limit the operational freedom of further medicinal chemistry efforts. We therefore initiated a structure based virtual screening campaign based on the X-ray structures of DAAO complexes where larger ligands shifted the loop (lid opening) covering the native binding site. The virtual screening of our in-house collection followed by the in vitro test of the best ranked compounds led to the identification of a new scaffold with micromolar IC50. Subsequent SAR explorations enabled us to identify submicromolar inhibitors. Docking studies supported by in vitro activity measurements suggest that compounds bind to the active site with a salt-bridge characteristic to DAAO inhibitor binding. In addition, displacement of and interaction with the loop covering the active site contributes significantly to the activity of the most potent compounds.  相似文献   

d-Amino acid aminotransferase (DAAT) catalyzes the synthesis of numerous d-amino acids, making it an attractive biocatalyst for the production of enantiopure d-amino acids. To bolster its biocatalytic applicability, improved variants displaying increased activity toward non-native substrates are desired. Here, we report the development of a high-throughput, colorimetric, continuous coupled enzyme assay for the screening of DAAT mutant libraries that is based on the use of d-amino acid oxidase (DAAO). In this assay, the d-amino acid product of DAAT is oxidized by DAAO with concomitant release of hydrogen peroxide, which is detected colorimetrically by the addition of horseradish peroxidase and o-dianisidine. Using this assay, we measured apparent KM and kcat values for DAAT and identified mutants displaying altered substrate specificity via the screening of cell lysates in 96-well plates. The DAAO coupled assay is sensitive in that it allowed the detection of a DAAT mutant displaying an approximately 2000-fold decrease in kcat/KM relative to wild type. In addition, the DAAO assay enabled the identification of two DAAT mutants (V33Y and V33G) that are more efficient than wild type at transaminating the non-native acceptor phenylpyruvate. We expect that this assay will be useful for the engineering of additional mutants displaying increased activity toward non-native substrates.  相似文献   

We characterized recombinant d-hydantoin hydrolase (DHHase) and N-carbamoyl-d-amino acid amidohydrolase (DCHase) from Flavobacterium sp. AJ11199 and Pasteurella sp. AJ11221. The DHHases from these two strains showed a wide range of hydrolytic activity for various 5-monosubstituted d-hydantoin compounds, including a very high level activity for d-hydantoin compounds corresponding to d-aromatic amino acids such as d-tryptophan d-phenylalanine and d-tyrosine. The DCHases, in turn, were capable of catalyzing the hydrolysis of various N-carbamoyl-d-amino acids (NCD-A.A.) corresponding to d-aliphatic and d-aromatic amino acids. The combination of these enzymes was found to be applicable for the production of various d-amino acids.  相似文献   

To convert cephalosporin C to 7-aminocephalosporin (7-ACA), a D-amino acid oxidase (DAAO) gene from Trigonopsis variabilis and a glutaryl-7-aminocephalosporanic acid acylase (GL-7-ACA acylase) gene from Pseudomonas were cloned and expressed in recombinant Escherichia coli. For DAAO recombinant strain BL21(DE3)/pET-DAAO, a high DAAO activity of 250 U ml−1 was obtained by a fed-batch culture. A GL-7-ACA acylase gene, in which the signal peptide sequence was deleted, was also successfully expressed in a recombinant E. coli BL21(DE3)/pET-ACY with a high expression level of 3000 U l−1. A novel recombinant strain, BL21(DE3)/pET-DA, harboring both genes of DAAO and GL-7-ACA acylase, was further constructed, and a rather high DAAO activity of 140 U ml−1 and GL-7-ACA acylase activity of 950 U l−1 were simultaneously obtained. This recombinant strain, in which two genes are co-expressed, made it possible to catalyze cephalosporin C into 7-ACA directly.  相似文献   

d-Amino acid oxidase (DAAO) is a potential target in the treatment of schizophrenia as its inhibition increases brain d-serine level and thus contributes to NMDA receptor activation. Inhibitors of DAAO were sought testing [6+5] type heterocycles and identified isatin derivatives as micromolar DAAO inhibitors. A pharmacophore and structure-activity relationship analysis of isatins and reported DAAO inhibitors led us to investigate 1H-indazol-3-ol derivatives and nanomolar inhibitors were identified. The series was further characterized by pKa and isothermal titration calorimetry measurements. Representative compounds exhibited beneficial properties in in vitro metabolic stability and PAMPA assays. 6-fluoro-1H-indazol-3-ol (37) significantly increased plasma d-serine level in an in vivo study on mice. These results show that the 1H-indazol-3-ol series represents a novel class of DAAO inhibitors with the potential to develop drug candidates.  相似文献   

Nutritive effects of d-amino acids on the silkworm, Bombyx mori, were investigated by growth experiments using defined diets and also by analysis of free amino acids in the larval haemolymph. None of the d-forms of the usual ten essential amino acids could be utilized effectively, although d-methionine was utilized in lieu of the l-form only to a limited extent and d-histidine gave a positive but smaller effect than d-methionine. d-Proline, its l-form being semi-essential for the silkworm, was not utilized. d-Leucine, and to a lesser extent d-alanine and d-serine, were found to be somewhat toxic. Comparison of free amino acid patterns in the haemolymph of the fifth-instar larvae, which fed on diets either lacking l-forms of histidine, methionine and leucine singly or including the d-forms singly in place of these l-forms, supported the results of the growth experiments.  相似文献   

The possible modes of binding for methyl-α-d-mannopyranoside, methyl-β-d-mannopyranoside, 2-O-methyl-α-d-mannopyranoside, methyl-2-O-methyl-α-d-mannopyranoside and methyl-α-d-N-acetylmannosamine to concanavalin A have been investigated using theoretical methods. All these sugars, except methyl-α-d-N-acetylmannosamine, reach the active site of concanavalin A with a highly restricted number of binding orientations. Present investigations suggest that the failure of methyl-α-d-N-acetylmannosamine to bind to concanavalin A is not so much due to steric factors as to repulsive electrostatic interactions. Methyl-2-O-methyl-α-d-mannopyranoside can bind to concanavalin A in one mode whereas the other sugars can bind in more than one mode. The high potency of methyl-α-d-mannopyranoside over methyl-β-d-mannopyranoside is mainly due to the possibility of hydrophobic interactions of the α-methoxy group with Leu(99) or Tyr(100) and also due to the possibility of formation of better and more hydrogen bonds with the protein. A comparison of these data with those for the d-glucopyranosides suggests that the change of the hydroxyl at the C-2 atom from equatorial to axial orientation increases the stereochemically allowed region as well as the possible binding modes. From these studies it is also suggested that the overall shape of the oligosaccharides rather than the terminal or internal mannose alone affects the binding potency of saccharides to concanavalin A.  相似文献   

Penicillium camemberti AM83 strain is able to carry out effective Baeyer–Villiger type oxidation of DHEA, pregnenolone, androstenedione and progesterone to testololactone. Pregnenolone and DHEA underwent oxidation to testololactone via two routes: through 4-en-3-ketones (progesterone and/or androstenedione respectively) or through 3β-hydroxy-17a-oxa-d-homo-androst-5-en-17-one.Analysis of transformation progress of studied substrates as function of time indicates that the 17β-side chain cleavage and oxidation of 17-ketones to d-lactones are catalyzed by two different, substrate-induced, BVMOs. In the presence of a C-21 substrate (pregnenolone or progesterone) induction of the enzyme catalyzing cleavage at 17β-acetyl chain was observed, whereas DHEA and androstenedione induced activity of the BVMO responsible for the ring-D oxidation; 5-en-3β-alcohol was a more effective inducer that the respective 4-en-3-ketone.  相似文献   

To characterize further the Na+/d-glucose cotransport system in renal brush border membranes, phlorizin - a potent inhibitor of d-glucose transport - has been chemically modified without affecting the d-glucose moiety or changing the side groups that are essential for the binding of phlorizin to the Na+/d-glucose cotransport system. One series of chemical modifications involved the preparation of 3-nitrophlorizin and the subsequent catalytic reduction of the nitro compound to 3-aminophlorizin. From 3-aminophlorizin, 3-bromoacetamido-, 3-dansyl- and 3-azidophlorizin have been synthesized. In another approach, 3′-mercuryphlorizin was obtained by reaction of phlorizin with Hg(II) acetate. The phlorizin derivatives inhibit sodium-dependent but not sodium-independent d-glucose uptake by hog renal brush border membrane vesicles in the following order of potency: 3′-mercuryphlorizin = phlorizin > 3-aminophlorizin > 3-bromoacetamidophlorizin > 3-azidophlorizin > 3-nitrophlorizin > 3-dansylphlorizin. 3-Bromoacetamidophlorizin - a potential affinity label - also inhibits sodium-dependent but not sodium-independent phlorizin binding to brush border membranes. In addition, sodium-dependent phosphate and sodium-dependent alanine uptake are not affected by 3-bromoacetamidophlorizin. The results described above indicate that specific modifications of the phlorizin molecule at the A-ring or B-ring are possible that yield phlorizin derivatives with a high affinity and high specificity for the renal Na+/d-glucose cotransport system. Such compounds should be useful in future studies using affinity labeling (3-bromoacetamido- and 3-azidophlorizin) or fluorescent probes (3-dansylphlorizin).  相似文献   

Esterase (PpEST) from Pseudomonas putida IFO12996 catalyzes the stereoselective hydrolysis of methyl dl-β-acetylthioisobutyrate (DL-MATI) and dl-β-acetylthioisobutyramide (DL-ATIA) to give d-β-acetylthioisobutyric acid (DAT). DAT is a key intermediate for the synthesis of a series of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors. To use enzyme for the DAT production, the PpEST gene of P. putida IFO12996 was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. PpEST with a molecular weight of 33 kDa could hydrolyze DL-MATI and DL-ATIA to give DAT with enantiometric excess value (e.e. value) about 97% and enantioselectivity value (E-value) >150, respectively. The kinetic constants of PpEST for DL-MATI and DL-ATIA were examined and they showed that DL-ATIA was a poorer substrate than DL-MATI for PpEST. However, DL-ATIA was 20-fold more soluble in water than DL-MATI, it was more stable than DL-MATI and it did not show substrate inhibition of the PpEST up to 780 mM. This result suggested that PpEST is an esterase but with amidase activity, which can kinetically resolve DL-ATIA to yield DAT and DL-ATIA is a better choice than DL-MATI for industrial production of DAT by the enzymatic resolution method.  相似文献   

The colorimetric method of Reissig et al. for the estimation of N-acetylamino sugars, is often used as a specific method for the quantification of the N-acetyl-d-glucosamine. Although this assay is more sensitive to the monomer, it recognizes all soluble N-acetyl-d-glucosamine oligomers. This result is very important because this method is extensively used in biology for the estimation of chitinolytic activity.  相似文献   

An l-amino acid oxidase (Bp-LAAO) from Bothrops pauloensis snake venom was highly purified using sequential chromatography steps on CM-Sepharose, Phenyl-Sepharose CL-4B, Benzamidine Sepharose and C18 reverse-phase HPLC. Purified Bp-LAAO showed to be a homodimeric acidic glycoprotein with molecular weight around 65 kDa under reducing conditions in SDS-PAGE. The best substrates for Bp-LAAO were l-Met, l-Leu, l-Phe and l-Ile and the enzyme showed a strong reduction of its catalytic activity upon l-Met and l-Phe substrates at extreme temperatures. Bp-LAAO showed leishmanicidal, antitumoral and bactericidal activities dose dependently. Bp-LAAO induced platelet aggregation in platelet-rich plasma and this activity was inhibited by catalase. Bp-LAAO-cDNA of 1548 bp codified a mature protein with 516 amino acid residues corresponding to a theoretical isoelectric point and molecular weight of 6.3 and 58 kDa, respectively. Additionally, structural and phylogenetic studies identified residues under positive selection and their probable location in Bp-LAAO and other snake venom LAAOs (svLAAOs). Structural and functional investigations of these enzymes can contribute to the advancement of toxinology and to the elaboration of novel therapeutic agents.  相似文献   

Fluorine-19 labeled compounds have been incorporated into lipids and proteins of Escherichia coli. 19F-Labeled membrane vesicles, prepared by growing a fatty acid auxotroph of a d-lactate dehydrogenase-deficient strain on 8,8-difluoromyristic acid, can be reconstituted for oxidase and transport activities by binding exogenous d-lactate dehydrogenase. 19F-Labeled d-lactate dehydrogenases prepared by addition of fluorotryptophans to a tryptophan-requiring strain are able to reconstitute d-lactate dehydrogenase-deficient membrane vesicles. Thus, lipid and protein can be labeled independently and used to investigate protein-lipid interactions in membranes.  相似文献   

The possible modes of binding for methyl-α-d-mannopyranoside, methyl-β-d-mannopyranoside, 2-O-methyl-α-d-mannopyranoside, methyl-2-O-methyl-α-d-mannopyranoside and methyl-α-d-N-acetylmannosamine to concanavalin A have been investigated using theoretical methods. All these sugars, except methyl-α-d-N-acetylmannosamine, reach the active site of concanavalin A with a highly restricted number of binding orientations. Present investigations suggest that the failure of methyl-α-d-N-acetylmannosamine to bind to concanavalin A is not so much due to steric factors as to repulsive electrostatic interactions. Methyl-2-O-methyl-α-d-mannopyranoside can bind to concanavalin A in one mode whereas the other sugars can bind in more than one mode. The high potency of methyl-α-d-mannopyranoside over methyl-β-d-mannopyranoside is mainly due to the possibility of hydrophobic interactions of the α-methoxy group with Leu(99) or Tyr(100) and also due to the possibility of formation of better and more hydrogen bonds with the protein. A comparison of these data with those for the d-glucopyranosides suggests that the change of the hydroxyl at the C-2 atom from equatorial to axial orientation increases the stereochemically allowed region as well as the possible binding modes. From these studies it is also suggested that the overall shape of the oligosaccharides rather than the terminal or internal mannose alone affects the binding potency of saccharides to concanavalin A.  相似文献   

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