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Ginther OJ 《Theriogenology》1983,19(4):603-611
Movement of the conceptus within the uterine lumen of barren mares was studied by daily ultrasound examinations on days 11-20 and by rectal palpation on days 15-48 (Experiment 1) and by ultrasound examinations 3 or 4 times per day at 2-4 hour intervals on days 11-16 (Experiment 2). In addition, broodfarm records were analyzed to compare side of ovulation with side of embryo attachment (Experiment 3). The vesicle was found in opposite uterine horns for 43% of the successive, daily, ultrasound examinations on days 11 and 12, 12 and 13, 13 and 14, and 14 and 15; 24% of the successive examinations on days 15 and 16; and 8% on days 16 and 17. No movement was detected after day 17. The vesicle was found in opposite horns during 41% of the successive examinations at 2-4 hour intervals on days 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15, but no movement was detected on day 16. In addition, no transuterine migration was found by rectal palpation between the day of first detection of an embryonal enlargement (mean, day 17) and day 48. During ultrasound examination on days 11-15, the vesicle was found significantly more frequently in the left horn (66% of the observations) than in the right horn (34%); however, final attachment occurred more frequently in the right horn (63% of the mares). In analyses of brood-farm records, ovulation occurred with equal frequency in left and right ovaries in barren and lactating mares, but with significantly greater frequency in the left ovary (63%) in maiden mares. Regardless of the side of ovulation, final attachment of the conceptus occurred significantly more frequently in the right horn (66%) in barren and maiden mares, but not in lactating mares.  相似文献   

Intrauterine mobility patterns of the embryonic vesicle were characterized on Days 9 to 17 after ovulation in pony mares using real-time ultrasonography (n=5 or 7 mares per day). The location of the vesicle was determined by dividing the uterus into right horn, left horn, and body. Each uterine horn was further divided into three approximately equal portions (cranial third, middle third, caudal third), yielding seven segments (body plus three portions of each horn). Location of the vesicle within the uterus was recorded every five minutes for two consecutive hours (25 location determinations per trial). The number of times the vesicle was found in the uterine body versus one of the uterine horns was greater for the body on Day 9 (15.2 vs 9.8; not significant) and Day 10 (17.3 vs 7.7 P<0.05) and greater (P<0.05) for the horns on Days 12 (7.3 vs 17.7) through 17 (0.0 vs 25.0). Averaged over all days, when the vesicle was in one of the uterine horns it was present 56% of the time in the caudal third, 30% of the time in the middle third, and 14% of the time in the cranial third. Mobility was determined by the number of times the vesicle changed locations during successive examinations. On Day 9, the mean number of location changes per trial was minimal (horn to horn, 0.2; body to horn or vice versa, 1.8; between two segments, 4.2). The extent of mobility increased on Day 10 and reached an apparent plateau from Day 11 to Day 14. The mean number of location changes per trial during the plateau was as follows: horn to horn, 1.6; body to horn or vice versa, 5.6; between two segments, 10.7. Fixation (cessation of mobility) occurred in one of the horns in 5 7 mares on Day 15 and in 7 7 mares by Day 16. Mobility was present on the earliest day the embryonic vesicle was detected (Day 9), but Days 11 to 14 were characterized as the days of maximum mobility.  相似文献   

C(18) neutral steroid formation by cytochrome P450 aromatase has been recorded for several equine and porcine tissues. High activity of P450 aromatase is reflected in the quantities of estrogens in yolk-sac (y-s) fluid of early equine conceptuses. In a previous study of y-s fluid we detected large amounts of androgens by radioimmunoassay (RIA), using an antiserum for androstenedione (A(4)). Here, we report that RIA, following chromatography, gave tentative identification of the major peak as norandrostenedione (19-norA) not as A(4). Furthermore, even greater quantities of 19-norA seemed to be present in y-s fluid as a sulphoconjugate, as noted from extraction, solvolysis, HPLC, followed by RIA. Confirmation of these unusual findings was attained after further purification with two HPLC systems and definitive identification by LC-MS with an authentic standard of 19-norA. Initial extraction of the steroid sulphate as a methylene-blue complex also yielded 19-norA suggesting that the 3-enol form had enabled sulphoconjugation. The biological significance of retention mainly as a sulphate is not known; however, the large amounts of 19-norA found in the fluid accords well with reports on the catalytic activity shown in vitro by the blastocyst isozyme of P450 aromatase in the pig and horse.  相似文献   

Because estradiol (E(2)) production by the early equine conceptus is considered crucial to the establishment of pregnancy, the amounts of E(2), estrone (E(1)), and their sulfates (E(2)S, E(1)S) were measured by RIA in yolk-sac fluid of 63 conceptuses collected by transcervical lavage over the period of 11-26 days after ovulation. Amounts increased significantly with age of conceptus, especially for E(1)S. Then, the metabolism of E(2), which may be highly relevant for its action, was examined in the conceptus and endometrium over the period when the conceptus ceases to migrate within the uterus. Eleven conceptuses collected mainly on Days 12, 15, and 18, with endometrial biopsy samples taken immediately thereafter, were used for steroid metabolic studies. Trophoblastic and endometrial tissues were incubated with [(3)H]-labeled E(2) or E(1), and with [(14)C]-E(1) in one experiment. Steroids were recovered from the media by solid-phase extraction (SPE) and eluted separately as unconjugated and conjugated fractions. Conjugation increased from Day 12 for the trophoblast (more so by bilaminar than trilaminar tissues on Day 18) and was much greater for endometrium, with almost all as sulfoconjugates. HPLC profiles of free and sulfate fractions were obtained from a gradient of acetonitrile/water. Interconversion (E(2) right harpoon over left harpoon E(1)) by trophoblast varied with development; it favored E(2) in older conceptuses, more in bilaminar than trilaminar tissues. Some more polar products were also noted, with loss of tritium seen as [(3)H](2)O at SPE, and confirmed by HPLC in a second system with authentic reference steroids. Almost all radioactivity in the endometrium was present as E(2) in both free and sulfate fractions. It was concluded that local metabolism of E(2) is quantitatively significant and may play an important role in the actions of the large amounts of estradiol produced by the early equine conceptus.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin F2alpha secretion by the uterine endometrium between Days 13 and 14 postovulation causes luteal regression in mares. A mechanism involving interruption or suppression of this secretion causes pregnancy to be maintained. The present study was designed to determine the age of the conceptus when maximal suppression of PGF2alpha secretion occurs. Mares were examined daily during estrus with ultrasonography (day 0 = day of ovulation). Conceptus tissues were recovered nonsurgically on Days 9 (n = 7), 12 (n = 5), 13 (n = 5), and 16 (n = 7) and uterine biopsies on Day 14. Both uterine and conceptus tissues were washed in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) with 100 units penicillin G/ml + 100 microg streptomycin/ml, pH 7.4. Endometrial tissue (approximately 200 mg) plus conceptus tissues were incubated in 15 ml of tissue culture medium 199 (M199) + 10% fetal calf serum and 10 units penicillin G/ml and 10 microg streptomycin/ml at 37 degrees C under 5% CO(2): 5% O(2) : 90% N(2). Samples were taken at 4, 8, and 24 h. Two plates that contained only endometrial tissue and two additional plates with 25 mg flunixin meglumine added along with endometrial tissue were also included in the incubations. Concentrations of PGF2alpha were measured in all samples using radioimmunoassay. There was a trend toward suppression of PGF2alpha secretion by conceptus tissues, regardless of age. However, Day 12 concepti significantly suppressed PGF2alpha secretion compared with that of endometrial tissue incubated alone (P = 0.03).  相似文献   

The caracteristics of early intrauterine mobility of the conceptus were compared between ponies (n = 9) and donkeys (n = 9). The extensive mobility of the early conceptus, previously reported for ponies and horses, was found in donkeys as well. There were no significant differences between donkeys and ponies in the characteristics or patterns of mobility. However, the mean day of fixation was approximately one day later (P<0.05) in donkeys (Day 15.6 +/- 0.3) than in ponies (Day 14.7 +/- 0.2).  相似文献   

Ginther OJ 《Theriogenology》1984,21(4):633-644
The equine embryonic vesicle has been shown to be highly mobile prior to day 15, moving from one horn to the other many times per day. In Experiment 1, intrauterine mobility patterns of the vesicle were compared between barren and postpartum mares on days 12, 13, or 14, using an ultrasound instrument. Location of the vesicle (left horn, right horn, body) was determined every five minutes during six two-hour trials in each group. Averaged over all trials, the vesicle moved from one horn to the other 1.1 times per two-hour trial. There were no significant differences between barren and postpartum mares in the mean number of times the vesicle changed its location or in the amount of time the vesicle spent in the left versus right horn. In postpartum mares, the number of location changes and the time spent in a horn were not different between the formerly gravid horn and the nongravid horn. The reported frequent attachment of the vesicle to the formerly nongravid horn was not, therefore, attributable to a difference in the extent of mobility or the amount of time spent in the nongravid horn during the period of high intrauterine mobility. In Experiment 2, the rate of movement of the embryonic vesicle within the uterine body on days 12 through 14 was estimated to average 3.4 mm/min (range, 0-14 mm/min), based on fixed points of reference (cranial end of cervix, uterine cysts). Using time-lapse photography at one-minute intervals, a 14-day embryonic vesicle was monitored as it approached a cyst in the lumen of the uterine body. The vesicle encroached upon the cyst, forming an indentiation in the vesicle. It then moved over the top of the cyst to the other side and continued moving in the same direction.  相似文献   

Experimental studies and field surveys suggest that embryonic loss during the first 6 weeks of gestation is a common occurrence in the mare. During the first 2 weeks of development, a number of important cell differentiation events must occur to yield a viable embryo proper containing all three major germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm). Because formation of the mesoderm and primitive streak are critical to the development of the embryo proper, but have not been described extensively in the horse, we examined tissue development and differentiation in early horse conceptuses using a combination of stereomicroscopy, light microscopy, and immunohistochemistry. Ingression of epiblast cells to form the mesoderm was first observed on day 12 after ovulation; by Day 18 the conceptus had completed a series of differentiation events and morphologic changes that yielded an embryo proper with a functional circulation. While mesoderm precursor cells were present from Day 12 after ovulation, vimentin expression was not detectable until Day 14, suggesting that initial differentiation of mesoderm from the epiblast in the horse is independent of this intermediate filament protein, a situation that contrasts with other domestic species. Development of the other major embryonic germ layers was similar to other species. For example, ectodermal cells expressed cytokeratins, and there was a clear demarcation in staining intensity between embryonic ectoderm and trophectoderm. Hypoblast showed clear α1-fetoprotein expression from as early as Day 10 after ovulation, and seemed to be the only source of α1-fetoprotein in the early conceptus.  相似文献   

Porcine conceptuses (embryo and associated membranes) in utero undergo developmental morphological transformations coincident with structural and biochemical changes in the uterine endometrium during early gestation. To elucidate a possible role for insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) in these events, porcine endometrial (Days 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, and 30) and conceptus (Days 12, 14, and 16) tissues were characterized for the presence of IGF-I peptide and mRNAs. The corresponding uterine luminal fluids (ULF) at these stages of pregnancy were also analyzed for immunoreactive IGF-I concentration. ULF IGF-I was lowest on Day 8, highest on Day 12, and declined by Day 14. In contrast, endometrial tissue IGF-I content remained constant during this period. Conceptus tissues contained less IGF-I than endometrial tissues; however, conceptus IGF-I values were maximum on Day 12 coincident with peak values for ULF IGF-I. Dot-blot hybridization analyses revealed temporal variation in steady-state levels of IGF-I mRNAs in endometrium. Highest levels of endometrial IGF-I mRNA were detected on Day 12 and were about 4-fold greater than on Day 30 of pregnancy. IGF-I mRNA expression in conceptus tissues on Days 12, 14, and 16 was the same and was significantly less than that in endometrium on Day 12. These results demonstrate the temporal variation of IGF-I mRNA abundance in uterine endometrium and of immunoreactive IGF-I in ULF and in conceptus tissues, with the developmental processes occurring in the conceptuses at early pregnancy.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Progesterone-4-14C was extensively metabolized during incubation with dispersed trophoblast prepared from chorionic membranes of the 21-day sheep conceptus. Of the metabolites formed, 17,20α-dihydroxypregn-4-en-3-one, 20α-hydroxypregn-4-en-3-one, 20(β-hydroxypregn-4-en-3-one, 5α-pregnane-3α,17,20α-triol, 5β-pregnane-3ga, 17,20α-triol, 5β-pregnane-3g,20α-diol, 3β-hydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one, 3α-hydroxy-5β-pregnan-20-one, 20β-hydroxy-5β-pregnan-3-one, 5α-pregnane-3,20-dione and 5β-pregnane-3,20-dione were identified. These findings indicate that the sheep conceptus acquires extensive steroid metabolizing capability very early in pregnancy.  相似文献   

Proteomic analysis of bovine conceptus fluids during early pregnancy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A proteomic analysis of bovine amniotic and allantoic fluids collected around Day 45 of gestation was performed using gel-based and LC-based MS workflows. A depletion/enrichment protocol using ultrafiltration under denaturing and reducing conditions produced an enriched fraction containing protein species predominantly between 5 and 50 kDa molecular weight. The analyses of conceptus fluid proteins were performed using two strategies; first, 2-DE coupled with MALDI-TOF-MS/MS and LC-ESI-MS/MS analysis of individual protein spots and second, a global protein snapshot of the enriched 5-50 kDa protein fraction by LC-ESI-MS/MS and LC-MALDI-TOF-MS/MS. Allocation of bovine specific protein identities was achieved by searching the Interactive Bovine In Silico SNP (IBISS) and NCBInr protein sequence databases resulting in the confident PMF identification and MS/MS confirmation of >200 2-DE generated allantoic fluids protein spots (74 individual protein species identified) and the MS/MS peptide identification of 105 LC-ESI-MS/MS generated protein identities. In total, the identity of 139 individual protein species from allantoic fluids was confirmed with peptide sequence probability MOWSE scores at the p<0.05 level or better. The comparison of bovine Day 45 amniotic and allantoic fluids protein profiles revealed differences between these two conceptus fluids in early pregnancy.  相似文献   

Fifty-three Angus and Hereford beef cows were utilized to investigate the effect of the conceptus on uterine environment during the period of pregnancy recognition. Blood samples were collected on Days 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18. Cows were randomly assigned to be either mated on the subsequent oestrus or serve as cyclic controls. Blood samples were then collected daily from Day 10 until slaughter on Day 15, 16 or 17 from the initiation of oestrus. Uteri were flushed with physiological saline and flushings analyzed for quantitative and qualitative protein changes, calcium, oestradiol-17β and prostaglandin F content. Endometrial explants of caruncular and intercaruncular tissue, and conceptus tissue recovered from pregnant cows were cultured with [3H]-leucine to determine quantitative and qualitative polypeptide synthesis and release. Plasma progesterone concentrations were similar between pregnant and cyclic cows from Day 10 through 17. Only the uterine content of prostaglandin F significantly increased in the ipsilateral horn of pregnant cows on Days 16 and 17. This increase in prostaglandin content was related to the increase in conceptus length from 25 to 40–80 mm. Conceptus production of bovine trophoblastic protein-1 was also first clearly detectable in fluorographs of medium from conceptuses measuring 25 mm. The complexity of the polypeptides present in the medium increased with conceptus development. Polypeptide synthesis by the endometrium was similar between tissues and days; however, production of two groups of low molecular weight basic polypeptides continued to be intensified on fluorographs from the pregnant horn on Day 17 compared to cyclic cows.  相似文献   

Goat conceptuses were surgically removed from the uterus at different days during early pregnancy and cultured for 24-30 h in the presence of L-[3H]leucine to determine the effects of embryo removal on the interestrus interval and to characterize in vitro synthesis and release of conceptus proteins. Normal cyclic and animals (controls) exhibited interestrus intervals of 20.44 +/- 0.89 days. Removal of conceptuses on Days 13 and 15 did not alter interestrus intervals compared to cyclic animals. Removal of conceptuses on Day 17 and times thereafter resulted in significant (p less than 0.05) prolongation of interestrus intervals. These results demonstrate that maternal recognition of pregnancy in the goat occurs between Days 15 and 17. Proteins synthesized and released into the medium by conceptuses were first detectable at Day 16 by the analytical method employed (two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by fluorography). The major protein synthesized at this time was acidic (pI = 5.2-5.7) and consisted of two isotypes with molecular weights of about 17,000. Although patterns of protein production became more complex with conceptus development, this protein remained as a major product through Day 21 but not afterwards. This protein, as well as two other low molecular weight acidic proteins (Mr approximately equal to 21,000, 23,000; pI = 5.7-6.0) were shown by immunoprecipitation to react with anti-ovine trophoblast protein-1 (oTP-1) serum. Hence, these products may comprise a caprine trophoblast protein-1 (cTP-1) complex.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of exogenous adrenocorticotropin (ACTH), administered to gilts during early stages of gestation, upon fetal survival and various maternal and conceptus parameters. Forty-eight gilts of approximately 6-7 months of age were bred by means of artificial insemination after detection of the second estrus and randomly allotted to one of 12 treatment-period groups. Treatment consisted of a daily intramuscular injection of 0, 40 or 80 U.S.P. units of a long acting ACTH preparation for a period of five days. The injection periods were 1-5, 6-10, 11-15 or 16-20 days of gestation with day one corresponding to 48 hours post-estrus detection. All gilts were slaughtered at approximately 37 days of gestation. Forty-two of the 48 inseminated gilts conceived. Conception rate was not different (P>.10) among the 12 treatment-period combinations. Percent fetal survival was greater (P<.09) in gilts receiving 80 U.S.P. units of ACTH (82 +/- 4.3%; X +/- SEM ) than in gilts receiving 40 U.S.P. units of ACTH (68.8 +/- 4.5%). The percent fetal survival in the control group (71.7 +/- 3.9%) was not different (P>.10) from either of the two ACTH treatment groups. A significant (P<.05) treatment by period interaction for percent fetal survival was observed. The lowest percent fetal survival (48.0 +/- 9.0%) was observed in gilts receiving 40 U.S.P. units of ACTH on day 11-15 of gestation. No significant (P>.10) differences were detected among the 12 treatment-period combinations for any of the maternal or conceptus parameters measured.  相似文献   

Bovine conceptuses removed from the uterus during the peri- and postattachment periods of placentation (Days 17-24 and 26-38, respectively) were cultured in a modified minimum essential medium in the presence of L-[3H]leucine to characterize in vitro synthesis of proteins released into the medium. Patterns of protein production were analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by fluorography of dried gels. Four groups of low molecular weight acidic proteins (LMWAP) were observed to be synthesized during the peri- and postattachment periods. The number and relative concentrations of these changed with development. One group (A) consisted of three major and two or more minor isoelectric species (pI approximately equal to 5.8-6.8); these were the major synthesized proteins observed from Days 17-22. The major polypeptides of Group A were present at all time points examined through Day 38 and, in several preparations, appeared as doublets (Mr approximately equal to 22,000 and 24,000) through Day 29 but not thereafter. Group A polypeptides from Day 19 and 36 conceptus cultures were demonstrated by immunoblot analysis to cross-react with antiserum produced against ovine trophoblast protein-1 (oTP-1). A second group of proteins (A1) and a single protein (B) in the 20,000-24,000 Mr range were observed between Days 17 and 22. These were acidic relative to Group A and were not detected after Day 22. A fourth group (C) of LMWAP (Mr approximately equal to 14,000-18,000) was first observed around Day 21 and appeared to increase relative to Group A through Day 29. One protein from this group, C3, was the predominant LMWAP at Day 38.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Orexin A and B are hypothalamic peptides derived from the prepro-orexin (PPO) precursor. Orexins stimulate food intake and arousal. Those peptides bind and activate two G protein-coupled receptors: orexin receptor 1 (OX1R) and orexin receptor 2 (OX2R). Numerous authors have suggested that orexins play an important role in the regulation of the reproductive functions. The objective of the present study was to analyse the presence of and changes in the gene and protein expression pattern of the orexin system in the porcine uterus, conceptus and trophoblast (chorioallantois) during early pregnancy. In the endometrium, the highest PPO and OX1R gene expression was detected on days 15 to 16 of gestation. The OX2R mRNA content in the endometrium was higher on days 10 to 11 and 15 to 16 than on days 12 to 13 and 27 to 28. In the trophoblasts, PPO gene expression was higher on days 30 to 32 than on days 27 to 28. The highest PPO protein content in the endometrium was noted on days 12 to 13. The highest OX1R protein content in the endometrium was detected on days 10 to 11, whereas OX2R protein on days 15 to 16. In the trophoblasts, PPO and OX1R protein levels were more pronounced on days 27 to 28 than on days 30 to 32, but OX2R expression was higher on days 30 to 32. The expression of PPO, OX1R and OX2R was different in the conceptuses and trophoblasts during early pregnancy. Local orexin production and the presence of the specific orexin receptors suggest that the orexin system may participate in the control of porcine reproductive functions by exerting endocrine and auto/paracrine effects on the uterus, conceptuses and trophoblasts during early pregnancy. This study provides the first evidence for the presence of orexins and their receptors in the uteri, conceptuses and trophoblasts in pigs during early pregnancy. The local orexin system is dependent on the stage of pregnancy.  相似文献   

Fifty-one cyclic beef cows were mated with fertile bulls. At 36 h after the start of oestrus, cows were assigned to receive sesame oil (controls) or progesterone (100 mg) on Days 1, 2, 3 and 4 of pregnancy. Peripheral plasma concentration of progesterone was measured until slaughter on Days 5 or 14. Cows were randomly assigned to be slaughtered on Days 5 or 14 or remain intact and palpated per rectum on Day 40 to verify pregnancy. Uteri on Days 5 and 14 were flushed for recovery of luminal protein and conceptus tissue. Conceptus and endometrial tissues were cultured with [3H]leucine and submitted to two-dimensional-PAGE and fluorography. Administration of progesterone increased peripheral plasma progesterone concentration on Day 2-5. Conceptuses recovered from progesterone-treated cows on Day 14 were advanced in development compared to conceptuses from control cows. Conceptuses recovered from progesterone-treated cows were viable as polypeptides associated with maintenance of pregnancy in cattle were synthesized and released at an earlier time and pregnancy was maintained beyond Day 40. Early progesterone stimulation altered the synthesis and release of polypeptides from endometrial explant cultures on Day 5. Results indicate a role of progesterone in the maternal regulation of conceptus growth and development in early pregnancy of cattle.  相似文献   

During the second and third weeks of pregnancy, the equine conceptus expands rapidly while it is enclosed within a glycan capsule. Around day 16 of gestation, the conceptus loses its mobility in the uterus by a process termed 'fixation', coinciding with various changes in the capsule. Here, we compared the structure of the carbohydrate moieties expressed by the capsule during pre- and post-fixation periods. The glycan structures were studied by chemical analyses in combination with mass spectrometry. Capsule material from conceptuses collected before fixation (days 13-16) was observed to carry a sialylated core type 1 O-linked glycan, Neu5Ac-(2-->3)-Gal-(1-->3)-GalNAc-(1-->Ser/Thr. By comparison, analysis of post-fixation capsules (days 17-19) revealed a desialylated core type 1, Gal-(1-->3)-GalNAc-(1-->Ser/Thr. The equine embryonic capsule also furnished 4-substituted GlcNAc, 4-substituted Glc and 2,3,4,6-tetrasubstituted Glc residues, the concentrations of which did not change between pre- and post-fixation stages. The loss of sialic acid from the sialylated core type 1 in the capsule appears to be directly related to successful fixation of the conceptus, and thus critical to the continuance of pregnancy in horses.  相似文献   

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