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Abstract: The molecular structure of lignins (occurrence of condensed and non-condensed monomeric units and associations with phenolic acids by ether and ester linkages) have been reviewed in this paper. Critical aspects of chemical determination of lignin content and monomeric composition have been discussed in the case of nitrobenzene oxidation and thioacidolysis. As an example of assessment of lignin biodegradation by peroxidases, lignin peroxidase and horseradish peroxidase have been compared, indicating that horseradish peroxidase is a ligninolytic enzyme, confirming the influence of the physical state of lignins on their biodegradability and the general difficulty to characterize biomacromolecules.  相似文献   

The development of the main brain components in two fetal bats (one insectivorous and one frugivorous type) is studied quantitatively and comparatively. The telencephalon, cerebellum, and diencephalon grow faster in the frugivorous bat. The brainstem maintains a greater relative volume throughout in the insectivorous type. The morphology and density of neurons in the cerebellum, caudate nucleus, olfactory mitral stratum, and neocortical layer II suggest that there exists an initial delay in development in the frugivorous bat; through subsequent reordering, however, it becomes more advanced in development, in accordance with the more progressive status of the adult forms in its category. In this there may be a certain ontogenetic recapitulation of a possible chiropteran phylogeny. These comparisons also point to the precociousness of the functional determination of those structures that are related to future behavior in a purely deterministic, non-teleological sense. The qualitative differentiation appears to be more significant than might be expected in comparison with the quantitative proliferation. Technical problems involved in the study of brain morphogenesis are discussed, especially the difficulty of distinguishing the respective effects of cell multiplication, cell death, and artificial increase in cell density through tissue shrinkage.  相似文献   

The gerbil displays sex determined differences in packed red-cell volume, haemoglobin level, total leukocyte count and absolute number of circulating lymphocytes. The erythrocytes demonstrate a prominent polychromasia and frequent occurrence of basophilic stippling.  相似文献   

Epidemiological aspects of respiratory mycotic infections   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Techniques and protocols of assessment of mitochondrial properties are of physiological and physiopathological important significance. A precise knowledge of the advantages and limitations of the different protocols used to investigate the mitochondrial function, is therefore necessary. This report presents examples of how the skinned (or permeabilized) fibers technique could be applied for the polarographic determination of the actual quantitative and qualitative aspects of mitochondrial function in human muscle samples. We described and compared the main available respiration protocols in order to sort out which protocol seems more appropriate for the characterization of mitochondrial properties according to the questions under consideration: quantitative determination of oxidative capacities of a given muscle, characterization of the pattern of control of mitochondrial respiration, or assessment of a mitochondrial defect at the level of the respiratory chain complexes. We showed that while protocol A, using only two levels of the phosphate acceptor adenosine diphosphate (ADP) concentration and the adjunction of creatine, could be used for the determination of quantitative changes in very small amount of muscle samples, the ADP sensitivity of mitochondrial respiration was underestimated by this protocol in muscles with high oxidative capacities. The actual apparent Km for ADP and the role of functional activation of miCK in ATP production and energy transfer in oxidative muscles, are well-assessed by protocol B (in the absence of creatine) together with protocol C (in the presence of creatine) that use increasing concentrations of ADP ranging from 2.5-2000 microM. Protocol D is well-adapted to investigate the potential changes at different levels of the respiratory chain, by the use of specific substrates and inhibitors. As can be seen from the present data and the current review of previous reports in the literature, a standardization of the respiration protocols is needed for useful comparisons between studies.  相似文献   

Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum cv. MD51) fiber cell walls were analyzed with an atomic force microscope to determine the effect of chemical treatments on cell wall organization and topography. Analysis of fibers in either air or water and without any staining or coating produced high-resolution images of cell wall microstructure which could be used for detailed quantitative analysis. Treatment of fibers with 1% H2O2 had little effect on surface morphology. Alkali removed much of the cuticle, some primary wall components, and revealed mostly thin-diameter microfibrils. Acidic Updegraff reagent fragmented the fibers, removed much of the cuticle, and revealed mostly thick microfibrils. The surface roughness of fibers treated sequentially with alkali and acid was quantitatively distinguishable from all other fiber types based on the standard deviation of the height data, amplification of surface area, and integration of the scan line data. Analysis of the fractal dimension enabled untreated and peroxide-treated fibers to be clearly distinguished from the other fiber types. Segmentation of the fractal data revealed specific portions of the fractal dimension which were especially useful for defining the size of structures that differentiated fiber types. Areas containing microfibrils could be quantitatively differentiated from non-microfibrillar areas. In water, some alkali-treated fibers had microfibrils that were relatively small in diameter while others appeared to consist of crystalline arrays of smaller fibrils. Received: 10 December 1996 / Accepted: 29 January 1997  相似文献   

The incidence of hospitalized cases of systemic mycotic infections   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The method of rearing Delia brassicae (Bouché) on rutabaga, one of its favoured hostplants, was improved and partly mechanized. During 3 months in 1978, about 2 million pupae were produced at an approximate cost of $ 720 U.S. The pupal yield averaged 50% of the number of eggs inoculated. Special attention was given to the number of eggs inoculated/g of plant food, to the conditions used during the rearing process and to the choice of a substrate suitable for larval pupation. The pupae were maintained at laboratory temperature until the first adults emerged and then they were stored for a maximum of 24 days at 3°. When such pupae were returned to laboratory temperatures, flies emerged from about 62% of them within 7days. A system for marking and collecting the emerging adults is described. The effects that rearing, storage, irradiation, marking and handling had on the quality of the adult flies are discussed.
Résumé L'élevage de la Mouche du chou, Delia brassicae (Bouché), sans conditionnement spécial et sur l'une des ses plantes-hôtes, le rutabaga, a été amélioré et partiellement mécanisé. En 1978, deux millions de pupes ont été produites en trois mois pour un prix de revient de 720 U.S. $. Un bon rendement est obtenu (50% des ufs donnent des pupes de poids supérieur ou égal à 12 mg) en inoculant 0,7 à 0,9 uf par gramme de rutabaga, dont la durée de conservation à 3° n'a pas excédé les six mois.L'influence du moment de refroidissement et de la durée de conservation des pupes à 3°, sur le taux et l'échelonnement des éclosions des adultes, a été examinée; 62% des pupes refroidies pendant un mois à partir du moment de l'éclosion des premiers adultes, ont donné des adultes en 7 jours après avoir été replacées dans les conditions ambiantes. Une méthode de marquage et de collecte des adultes est décrite.L'influence des techniques d'élevage, du stockage des pupes, de l'irradiation, du marquage et de la collecte sur la qualité des mouches est discutée en détails. La limitation à 30 jours de la période de stockage des pupes afin d'éviter une forte diminution de la qualité, constitue un obstacle capital à la réalisation de lâchers inondatifs.Bien qu'un stockage des pupes à 3° pendant 3 à 4 semaines, diminue de 5 jours la longévité des mâles, un schéma approprié de lâchers peut compenser cette diminution de qualité.

The concept of excluded volume and the theory of effects of excluded volume on the equilibria and rates of macromolecular reactions in fluid media containing high total concentrations of macromolecules ('crowded' media) are summarized. Reports of experimental studies of crowding effects published during the last year are tabulated. Limitations of current excluded volume theory are discussed, and a determination is made of conditions under which this theory may and may not be validly applied. Recently suggested novel approaches to quantitative analysis of crowding phenomena, which may help to overcome some of the limitations of current theory, are summarized.  相似文献   

Synopsis With the introduction of model films of polyacrylamide gel into which purified glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) have been incorporated, the direct recording of metachromatic spectra with virtually no interference of the corresponding orthochromatic peaks has become possible. Because this model system yields situations comparable to those of stained sections under the microscope, it is well suited for investigating qualitative and quantitative aspects of histochemical staining procedures. Previous model experiments have shown that under aqueous conditions only minor differences can be observed between the metachromatic peaks of different GAGs complexed with a suitable dye (e.g. Toluidine Blue O, Thionin, Safranin O, Cresyl Violet, Crystal Violet). In non-aqueous media, such as glycerol and ethylene glycol, the complexes with Toluidine Blue O revealed a special pattern for heparin, having a metachromatic peak (517 nm) about 30 nm lower than that of all other GAGs. This observation has formed the basis of a method for the qualitative microspectro-photometric detection of heparinin situ which was worked out by combining model film experiments with microspectrophotometric data obtained from rat mast cells. Since only a limited number of cells is necessary for obtaining reliable data with this method, the presence of heparin in the cytoplasmic granules of normal human mast cells and basophilic granulocytes could thus be proved directly.Alcian Blue 8GX, another basic dye frequently used in GAG histochemistry, has also been investigated with polyacrylamide films. In contrast to the metachromatic dyes, the rate of staining with Alcian Blue depends to a large extent on the rate of penetration of the dye into the model films. The rate of penetration is also a phenomenon of great importance for dye bindingin situ, where complex basic protein molecules may form a barrier for the Alcian Blue molecules. The model film studies performed so far have yielded conditions that provide maximal staining (up to an optimal level) and a linear relationship between the concentration of GAG and the AB binding. The presence of basic protein, electrostatically bound to the GAG, was not found to influence either the rate of staining or the maximal amount of dye binding.Paper presented at a symposium The Changing directions of carbohydrate histochemistry, at the fifth International Congress of Cytochemistry and Histochemistry in Bucharest, Romania on 1 September 1976.  相似文献   

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