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Natural biology of polyomavirus middle T antigen.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
K A Gottlieb  L P Villarreal 《Microbiology and molecular biology reviews》2001,65(2):288-318 ; second and third pages, table of contents
"It has been commented by someone that 'polyoma' is an adjective composed of a prefix and suffix, with no root between--a meatless linguistic sandwich" (C. J. Dawe). The very name "polyomavirus" is a vague mantel: a name given before our understanding of these viral agents was clear but implying a clear tumor life-style, as noted by the late C. J. Dawe. However, polyomavirus are not by nature tumor-inducing agents. Since it is the purpose of this review to consider the natural function of middle T antigen (MT), encoded by one of the seemingly crucial transforming genes of polyomavirus, we will reconsider and redefine the virus and its MT gene in the context of its natural biology and function. This review was motivated by our recent in vivo analysis of MT function. Using intranasal inoculation of adult SCID mice, we have shown that polyomavirus can replicate with an MT lacking all functions associated with transformation to similar levels to wild-type virus. These observations, along with an almost indistinguishable replication of all MT mutants with respect to wild-type viruses in adult competent mice, illustrate that MT can have a play subtle role in acute replication and persistence. The most notable effect of MT mutants was in infections of newborns, indicating that polyomavirus may be highly adapted to replication in newborn lungs. It is from this context that our current understanding of this well-studied virus and gene is presented.  相似文献   

Associated with the middle T antigen of polyomavirus is a novel phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) kinase activity which phosphorylates PtdIns at the D-3 position of the inositol ring. We have undertaken an analysis of myo-[3H]inositol-containing compounds in a panel of NIH 3T3 cell lines stably transfected with transforming and nontransforming middle T antigen mutants. All cell lines from which PtdIns 3-kinase activity coprecipitated with middle T antigen exhibited modestly elevated levels of PtdIns(3)P and compounds with predicted PtdIns(3,4)P2 and PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 structures. Complex formation between middle T antigen and PtdIns 3-kinase correlated not with an increase in total inositol phosphate levels but rather with elevated levels of InsP2 and InsP4. A specific increase in the level of an InsP2 species which comigrated in high-pressure liquid chromatography analysis with Ins(3,4)P2 was observed. These results suggest that association of the polyomavirus middle T antigen with PtdIns 3-kinase activates a distinct inositol metabolic pathway.  相似文献   

Cloned polyomavirus genomes encoding the small T antigen or truncated forms of the middle T antigen facilitated the growth of genomes encoding only the large T antigen in mouse 3T6 cells. We conclude that an N-terminal domain of the middle T antigen, in the appropriate cellular location, can substitute for the small T antigen during lytic infection.  相似文献   

The transforming protein of polyomavirus, middle T antigen, is associated with cellular membranes. We have examined the subcellular location of the middle T antigen in two different cell types by fractionation and detergent phase partitioning. Middle T antigen expressed in human cells by a recombinant adenovirus was detected primarily in the membrane skeleton. Sucrose gradient fractionation revealed that the middle T antigen was associated with complexes with molecular weights of 500,000 to 1,000,000. Several markers for cytoskeleton cofractionate with these complexes, including actin, tubulin, and vimentin. Electron micrographs of membrane skeleton prepared from cells expressing middle T antigen demonstrated that this material contained primarily fibrous structures and was clearly devoid of bilayer membranes. These structures were distinct from the filamentous structures observed in fractions enriched for cytoskeleton. Consistent with a role for membrane skeleton localization in transformation, middle T antigen was detected exclusively in fractions enriched for membrane skeleton in middle T antigen-transformed Rat-2 cells. Our results may resolve the apparent difference between middle T antigen localization as determined by immunomicroscopy and that determined by subcellular fractionation.  相似文献   

Transformation by rodent polyomaviruses is mediated primarily by middle T antigen, a membrane-bound protein that does not carry an intrinsic enzymatic activity but interacts and subverts the activity of cellular regulators of proliferation. The multiple protein partners of murine polyomavirus (Py) middle T antigen include the tyrosine kinases c-Src and, to a lesser extent, c-Fyn and c-Yes. By contrast, the hamster polyomavirus (HaPV) middle T antigen selectively activates the c-Fyn gene product. This difference may account for the contrasting tumor patterns induced by the two viruses. The sequences of the respective N-terminal and C-terminal functional domains of murine Py and HaPV middle T antigens are highly conserved whereas the intervening stretches are clearly divergent, leading to the speculation that this divergence may direct the specificity for tyrosine kinase activation. We have addressed this issue by constructing a chimera middle T antigen molecule carrying the N-terminal domain from HaPV (exon 1) in phase with the other two domains from murine Py (exon 2). The biological properties of this chimera molecule are indistinguishable from those of HaPV middle T antigen; it specifically activates p59c-Fyn and carries the transforming phenotype of the HaPV middle T antigen on rat fibroblasts.  相似文献   

In polyomavirus-transformed cells, pp60c-src is activated by association with polyomavirus middle T antigen. These complexes have a higher tyrosine kinase activity compared with that of unassociated pp60c-src. Genetic analyses have revealed that the carboxy-terminal 15 amino acids of pp60c-src and the amino-terminal half of middle T antigen are required for this association and consequent activation of the tyrosine kinase. To define in greater detail the borders of the domain in middle T antigen required for activation of pp60c-src, we constructed a set of unidirectional amino-terminal deletion mutants of middle T antigen. Analysis of these mutants revealed that the first six amino acids of middle T antigen are required for it to activate the kinase activity of pp60c-src and to transform Rat-1 fibroblasts. Analysis of a series of insertion and substitution mutants confirmed these observations and further revealed that mutations affecting the first four amino acids of middle T antigen reduced or abolished its capacity to activate the kinase activity of pp60c-src and to transform Rat-1 cells in culture. Our results suggest that the first four amino acids of middle T antigen constitute part of a domain required for activation of the pp60c-src tyrosyl kinase activity and for consequent cellular transformation.  相似文献   

T Noda  M Satake  T Robins    Y Ito 《Journal of virology》1986,60(1):105-113
The polyomavirus small T-antigen gene, together with the polyomavirus promoter, was inserted into a retrovirus vector pGV16 which contains the Moloney sarcoma virus long terminal repeat and neomycin resistance gene driven by the simian virus 40 promoter. This expression vector, pGVST, was packaged into retrovirus particles by transfection of psi 2 cells which harbor packaging-defective murine retrovirus genome. NIH 3T3 cells were infected by this replication-defective retrovirus containing pGVST. Of the 15 G418-resistant cell clones, 8 express small T antigen at various levels as revealed by immunoprecipitation. A cellular protein with an apparent molecular weight of about 32,000 coprecipitates with small T antigen. Immunofluorescent staining shows that small T antigen is mainly present in the nuclei. Morphologically, cells expressing small T antigen are indistinguishable from parental NIH 3T3 cells and have a microfilament pattern similar to that in parental NIH 3T3 cells. Cells expressing small T antigen form a flat monolayer but continue to grow beyond the saturation density observed for parental NIH 3T3 cells and eventually come off the culture plate as a result of overconfluency. There is some correlation between the level of expression of small T antigen and the growth rate of the cells. Small T-antigen-expressing cells form small colonies in soft agar. However, the proportion of cells which form these small colonies is rather small. A clone of these cells tested did not form tumors in nude mice within 3 months after inoculation of 10(6) cells per animal. Thus, present studies establish that the small T antigen of polyomavirus is a second nucleus-localized transforming gene product of the virus (the first one being large T antigen) and by itself has a function which is to stimulate the growth of NIH 3T3 cells beyond their saturation density in monolayer culture.  相似文献   

We used a murine retrovirus shuttle vector system to construct recombinants capable of constitutively expressing the simian virus 40 (SV40) large T antigen and the polyomavirus large and middle T antigens as well as resistance to G418. Subsequently, these recombinants were used to generate cell lines that produced defective helper-free retroviruses carrying each of the viral oncogenes. These recombinant retroviruses were used to analyze the role of the viral genes in transformation of rat F111 cells. Expression of the polyomavirus middle T antigen alone resulted in cell lines that were highly tumorigenic, whereas expression of the polyomavirus large T resulted in cell lines that were highly tumorigenic, whereas expression of the polyomavirus large T resulted in cell lines that were unaltered by the criteria of morphology, anchorage-independent growth, and tumorigenicity. More surprisingly, SV40 large T-expressing cell lines were not tumorigenic despite the fact that they contained elevated levels of cellular p53 and had a high plating efficiency in soft agar. These results suggest that the SV40 large T antigen is not an acute transforming gene like the polyomavirus middle T antigen but is similar to the establishment genes such as myc and adenovirus EIa.  相似文献   

Polyoma middle T antigen (mT) was expressed in rat F-111 cells under control of the dexamethasone-regulatable mouse mammary tumor virus promoter. Graded phenotypic responses to levels of mT induction by the hormone were seen, with morphological transformation, focus formation, and anchorage-independent growth requiring increasing levels of mT expression. The ability of different clones to form tumors reflected their maximum level of induction of mT-associated kinase and their ability to grow in soft agar. Expression of transformation parameters and tumorigenicity correlates with the level of mT phosphorylated by pp60c-src in immune complexes and not with the total amount of mT determined by metabolic labeling. We suggest that cellular factors regulate mT activity by forming a kinase-active fraction of mT molecules that controls the transformed state.  相似文献   

The functional importance of the two clusters of positively charged amino acids which flank the hydrophobic membrane-anchoring sequence of polyomavirus middle T (mT) protein has been investigated by using site-directed mutagenesis. A clear asymmetry was apparent. No effect on transformation was seen following multiple alterations or complete removal of the cluster at the carboxyl end of the protein. In contrast, a single substitution replacing the first arginine amino terminal to the hydrophobic stretch with glutamic acid, but not with lysine, histidine, or methionine, produced a partially transformation-defective mutant with a novel phenotype. This mutant failed to confer anchorage-independent growth on F111 established rat embryo fibroblasts but induced foci with altered morphology compared with wild-type mT. Biochemical studies on this mutant revealed that F111 clones expressing levels of mutant mT equivalent to those of wild-type controls showed a 65% reduction in pp60c-src activation and an 87% reduction in mT-associated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity. However, F111 clones expressing seven times more mutant mT than did wild-type controls showed equal or greater levels of kinase activities yet remained incompletely transformed. Possible mechanisms involving this transformation-sensitive region of mT are discussed.  相似文献   

A modular gene with a cDNA encoding the polyomavirus middle T antigen positioned behind the adenovirus type 2 major late promoter and tripartite leader was substituted for the E1a region in an adenovirus vector. Permissive human cells infected with this recombinant produce middle T protein at levels as high as those of the most abundant late adenoviral proteins, e.g., hexon or fiber. This level represents at least a 40-fold increase over that observed in a polyomavirus lytic infection of murine cells. Partial proteolytic mapping showed that this protein has the same primary structure as middle T protein produced in polyomavirus-infected murine cells. The adenovirus recombinant-generated middle T protein exhibited in vitro kinase activity, although at an approximately 10-fold-lower specific activity than that of middle T protein from polyomavirus-infected murine cells. Comparison of the expression levels of this middle T antigen-containing adenovirus vector with a similar construction encoding dihydrofolate reductase suggested that the translation efficiency of the inserted gene was dependent upon the proximity of its initiation codon to the tripartite leader. We tested this possibility by comparing three dihydrofolate reductase recombinants among which the spacing between the initiation codon and tripartite leader varied from 188 to 36 nucleotides. The efficiency of expression of dihydrofolate reductase protein dramatically increased as this spacing was reduced.  相似文献   

Two cellular proteins of 36 and 63 kDa which bind the small T and middle T antigens of polyomavirus recently have been identified as the catalytic and regulatory subunits of the phosphoserine/threonine-specific type 2A protein phosphatase (PP2A). We report here the presence of phosphoseryl phosphatase activity associated with polyomavirus small T and middle T antigens in immunoprecipitates prepared from virus-infected and transformed cells. Phosphatase activity was also found associated with middle T-antigen mutants, some of which had been defined previously to associate with 36- and 63-kDa cellular proteins. Middle T-antigen-associated phosphatase activity was sensitive to okadaic acid and microcystin-LR, inhibitors of PP2A, and insensitive to inhibitor 1 or 2, orthovanadate, or EDTA. Using antiserum specific for the catalytic subunit of PP2A, we found that unlike the majority of PP2A, middle T-antigen-bound PP2A was membrane associated. However, no gross change in the amount, activity, or localization of PP2A could be attributed to middle T-antigen expression in transformed cells. Anti-PP2A antibodies coprecipitated a 63-kDa protein from normal cells and in addition coprecipitated middle T antigen, 60- and 61-kDa proteins (identified as src family members), and an 81-kDa protein from middle T-antigen-transformed cells. Furthermore, we detected protein kinase activity in PP2A immunoprecipitates and protein phosphatase activity in src immune complexes from extracts of middle T-antigen-transformed, but not normal, cells. These results reinforce the notion that at least a portion of middle T antigen bridges a protein kinase with a protein phosphatase.  相似文献   

Deletion of residues 305 to 327 of polyomavirus middle T antigen, including the (Glu)6-Tyr-315 sequence that is a preferred site of phosphorylation in vitro by pp60c-src, markedly altered viral transformation of rat cells. The efficiency of transformation by the deletion mutant depended on how it was introduced into cells, and the resulting transformants displayed limited growth rates in monolayer and in suspension. Substitution of the polyomavirus residues 305 to 327 with a homologous region (containing [Glu]5-Ala-Tyr) from porcine gastrin did not restore wild-type transforming activity. These mutant middle T antigens interacted with pp60c-src and were phosphorylated in vitro. Thus, although a sequence of consecutive glutamic acid residues followed by a tyrosine is a dominant structural element which strongly influences the physical properties of middle T antigen, its presence did not ensure the biological activity of the protein. Other elements in this region of middle T antigen also contributed substantially to the transforming capacity of polyomavirus.  相似文献   

Recombinant adenoviruses bearing the avian c-src gene and polyomavirus middle-T-antigen gene were isolated and used to simultaneously overexpress both proteins in human 293 cells. Cells overexpressing both proteins had greater middle-T-antigen-associated tyrosine kinase activity than cells overexpressing only middle T antigen. By contrast, the intrinsic pp60c-src tyrosine kinase activity was not greater in cells overexpressing both proteins than in cells overexpressing only pp60c-src. This system of simultaneous overexpression provides a means of obtaining large quantities of pp60c-src, middle T antigen, and the complex between them.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of the polyomavirus major capsid protein VP1 was examined after in vivo 32P labeling of virus-infected cells. Two phosphorylated peptide fragments of VP1 were identified by protease digestion, high-performance liquid chromatography purification, mass spectrometry, and N-terminal sequencing. The peptides from residues 58 to 78 and residues 153 to 173 were phosphorylated on threonine. Site-directed mutations were introduced at these threonine sites, and mutant viruses were reconstructed. A threonine-to-glycine change at residue 63 (mutant G63) and a threonine-to-alanine change at residue 156 (mutant A156) resulted in viruses defective in phosphorylation of the respective peptides after in vivo labeling. Growth of the mutant G63 virus was similar to that of the wild-type virus, but the mutant A156 was inefficient in assembly of 240S viral particles. Polyomavirus nontransforming host range (hr-t) mutants are defective in VP1 threonine phosphorylation when grown in nonpermissive cells (R. L. Garcea, K. Ballmer-Hofer, and T. L. Benjamin, J. Virol. 54:311-316, 1985). Proteolytic mapping of VP1 peptides after in vivo labeling from hr-t mutant virus infections demonstrated that both residues T-63 and T-156 were affected. These results suggest that the block in virion assembly in hr-t mutant viruses is associated with a defect in phosphorylation of threonine 156.  相似文献   

Localization of the phosphorylations of polyomavirus large T antigen.   总被引:11,自引:10,他引:1  
Polyomavirus large T antigen is phosphorylated on both serine and threonine residues at a ratio of approximately 6 to 1. This phosphorylation could be resolved into a series of nine Staphylococcus aureus V8 phosphopeptides. All of these were found in an N-terminal chymotryptic fragment with a molecular weight of 57,000. A C-terminal formic acid fragment of 50,000-molecular-weight lacked phosphate. Therefore, unlike simian virus 40 large T antigen, polyomavirus large T antigen has no significant C-terminal phosphorylation. Limited V8 and hydroxylamine cleavage showed that the phosphorylations can be localized to two different portions of the molecule. A significant fraction of the phosphate was localized in the N-terminal portion of the molecule before residue 183. Within this region V8 peptides 4, 8, and 9 represented phosphorylations that were more proximal, while peptides 1, 2, and 3 included more distal phosphorylations. None of these phosphorylations appeared analogous to those of simian virus 40 large T antigen. V8 phosphopeptides 5 and 7 were more distal and could be distinguished in biological experiments from the N-terminal phosphorylations. Formic acid mapping suggested that much, if not all, of this phosphorylation is located between residues 257 and 285.  相似文献   

High yields of soluble, biologically active pp60c-src and middle t antigen (MTAg) of polyomavirus were produced in insect cells, using a baculovirus expression system. In mammalian cells, pp60c-src undergoes a regulatory phosphorylation on Tyr-527 in vivo and is autophosphorylated on Tyr-416 in vitro. In insect cells, pp60c-src was phosphorylated primarily on Tyr-416, although Tyr-527 was detectable at a low level. A kinase-negative mutant of pp60c-src was not phosphorylated on either Tyr-527 or Tyr-416 in insect cells and thus is an excellent biochemical reagent to search for the regulatory kinase that usually phosphorylates Tyr-527 in mammalian cells. MTAg synthesized in insect cells was not phosphorylated on tyrosine residues in vivo or in vitro, suggesting that it did not associate with any endogenous tyrosine kinases. However, MTAg isolated from cells coinfected with viruses encoding both MTAg and pp60c-src was phosphorylated on tyrosine residues both in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

p56lck and p60c-src are closely related protein-tyrosine kinases that are activated by similar oncogenic mutations. We have used fibroblast cell lines that express p56lck from introduced DNA molecules to compare the subcellular localizations of p60c-src and p56lck and their abilities to bind polyomavirus middle T antigen (mT). p56lck is associated with the detergent-insoluble matrix, as defined by extraction with solutions containing nonionic detergents, whereas p60c-src is soluble under these conditions. p56lck is also associated with detergent-insoluble structures in a lymphoid cell line, LSTRA. p60c-src binds to mT, but p56lck does not bind detectably. In terms of both solubility and mT interactions, the nononcogenic p56lck more closely resembles oncogenically activated p60c-src mutants than it resembles p60c-src. Because published results show that an intact carboxy terminus is required for p60c-src to bind mT and be soluble, we tested whether the different localization and mT binding properties of p56lck and p60c-src were dictated by their different carboxy termini. A protein consisting largely of p60c-src sequences but carrying a p56lck carboxy terminus was soluble and bound to mT. We suggest that both the solubility and mT-binding properties of p60c-src not only require sequences common to the carboxy termini of p60c-src and p56lck, but also require sequences unique to the body of p60c-src.  相似文献   

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