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Analysis of EEG coherence performed in 60 healthy adult subjects revealed some changes in the spatial organization of cortical electrical activity produced by complication of the context of cognitive performance (increasing the working memory load). Changes in the degree of coherence of cortical potentials within the local areas were observed already at the stage of the "operative readiness" immediately after the instruction, i.e., representation of the cognitive task sequence in the explicit working memory. The observed changes were different in the anterior (decrease in the degree of coherence) and posterior (increase in coherence) areas of the cortex. Context-related increase in the local coherence was more pronounced in the temporal, parietal, and occipital areas of the left hemisphere than in the right hemisphere.  相似文献   

The dynamics of power of short-term (0.8 s) induced responses to facial stimuli (wavelet transform in the 15-60 Hz band) were assessed in the study of the visual cognitive set under conditions of different loads on working memory in two groups of subjects. Subjects of the first group had to react only to facial stimuli (n = 29), whereas the second group solved an additional task loading the working memory (they had to find a target stimulus in a matrix of letters, n = 35). We estimated wavelet spectra in the occipital, temporal, central and frontal areas of both hemispheres. In both groups of subjects with the plastic form of set, the power level in the gamma2 band (41-60 Hz) was significantly higher than in subject with the rigid form. In group A at the set-testing stage, the largest increase in the gamma2 band was related to the central areas of the left hemisphere. In more complex situation (group ), the increase in power in the gamma2 and gamma1 (21-40 Hz) bands was observed in the occipital and temporal areas of both hemispheres. At the same time, the EEG power of the central areas in these gamma bands was significantly lower. In the frontal areas there were no significant differences in the dynamics of power between the subjects of both groups.  相似文献   

A certain alpha-band EEG dynamics was revealed in healthy adults (n = 16) at the interval between a warning and a target stimulus in a simple visuospatial task (subjects were instructed to locate a specific letter in the table of letters). Two series of experiment--either with a 2-sec or a 9-sec inter-stimulus interval were conducted, each consisting of 60 trials. In both series, we observed an induced desynchronization of low alpha (8-10 Hz) at the first second after the warning stimulus and its desynchronization just before the target stimulus. In series with a 9-sec inter-stimulus interval at the 4-6 s of it we observed an alpha-band synchronization, especially distinct in high alpha (10.5-13 Hz). This synchronization gradually reduced towards the end of the inter-stimulus interval. We consider the above changes in alpha-band spectral power during the inter-stimulus interval to be induced by "inner impulsations" caused by an internal representation (set) of the stimuli time-sequence. Changes in the level of cognitive control during the inter-stimulus interval cause increases and decreases in fronto-thalamic system activity, which are manifested in changes of alpha-band spectral power. Analysis of theta-band dynamics suggests that cortico-hippocampal system doesn't participate in this process.  相似文献   

Differences of EEG synchronization between normal old and young people during a working memory (WM) task were investigated. The synchronization likelihood (SL) is a novel method to assessed synchronization in multivariate time series for non-stationary systems. To evaluate this method to study the mechanisms of WM, we calculated the SL values in brain electrical activity for both resting state and task state. EEG signals were recorded from 14 young adults and 12 old adults during two different states, respectively. SL was used to measure EEG synchronization between 19 electrodes in delta, theta, alpha1, alpha2 and beta frequency bands. Bad task performance and significantly decreased EEG synchronization were found in old group compared to young group in alpha1, alpha2 and beta frequency bands during the WM task. Moreover, significantly decreased EEG synchronization in beta band in the elder was also detected during the resting state. The findings suggested that reduced EEG synchronization may be one of causes for WM capacity decline along with healthy aging.  相似文献   

Lee H  Simpson GV  Logothetis NK  Rainer G 《Neuron》2005,45(1):147-156
Working memory has been linked to elevated single neuron discharge in monkeys and to oscillatory changes in the human EEG, but the relation between these effects has remained largely unexplored. We addressed this question by measuring local field potentials and single unit activity simultaneously from multiple electrodes placed in extrastriate visual cortex while monkeys were performing a working memory task. We describe a significant enhancement in theta band energy during the delay period. Theta oscillations had a systematic effect on single neuron activity, with neurons emitting more action potentials near their preferred angle of each theta cycle. Sample-selective delay activity was enhanced if only action potentials emitted near the preferred theta angle were considered. Our results suggest that extrastriate visual cortex is involved in short-term maintenance of information and that theta oscillations provide a mechanism for structuring the recurrent interaction between neurons in different brain regions that underlie working memory.  相似文献   

Changes in the alpha-rhythm synchronization were revealed at different stages of cognitive visual set in 5- to 7-year-old children. We found a clear-cut correlation of these changes with set plasticity. In children with a plastic set, the EEG synchronization between the frontal and other brain regions substantially increased in the period of set-shifting (the actualization stage). At the set extinction stage, after set-shifting has already taken place, the EEG-synchronization becomes minimal. On the contrary, in children who formed a rigid set, EEG coherence considerably increases at the set extinction stage. This finding suggests that the rigid set still affects the cognitive activity even after (judging from oral reports) the set shift has been completed. The age-related differences in cognitive set formation clearly correlate with the time course of the EEG synchronization between the frontal and other brain regions. We think that the ability to form a plastic visual set depends on the frontal cortex maturation, which occurs at the age of 6-7 years, and its age-related effect on the brain cognitive functions.  相似文献   

Brain resonance phenomena and induced rhythms in the brain recently gained importance in electroencephalographic, magnetoencephalographic and cellular studies (Ba\c sar and Bullock 1992). It was hypothesized that evoked potentials are superpositions of induced rhythms caused by resonance phenomena in neural populations (Ba\c sar et al. 1992). According to Ba\c sar (1972), such resonance phenomena are reflected in the main peaks of the amplitude frequency characteristics computed from EEG responses. The present study is based on a frequency domain approach for the evaluation of topography- and modality-dependent properties of oscillatory brain responses. EEG and evoked potentials were recorded from vertex, parietal and occipital scalp locations in 24 volunteers. Two combined methods were applied: (1) amplitude frequency characteristics were computed from the transient evoked responses, and (2) frequency components of the transient responses were obtained by adaptive digital filtering. Our main goal was to investigate theta (4--7 Hz) and alpha (8--15 Hz) response components. (1) Amplitude frequency characteristics. Auditory stimuli elicited theta-alpha compound responses in the 4--11 Hz frequency band (e.g. typical peaking frequency around 7 Hz for vertex recordings). Visual stimuli elicited alpha responses (e.g. typical peaking frequency for vertex recordings around 9--12 Hz). Frequency maxima for visual stimuli thus had main peaks at higher frequency values than frequency maxima for auditory stimuli. (2) Digital filtering confirmed these results: for vertex recordings, theta vs. alpha response amplitudes were 9 vs 6 for auditory stimuli and 5 vs 5 for visual stimuli, thus confirming a shift towards higher frequencies, i.e. a more prominent contribution of the alpha range, in the case of visual stimulation. We hypothesize that these properties might reflect site- and modality-specific features of stimulus encoding in the brain in which resonance properties of neuron populations are involved. Furthermore we emphasize the utility of the systems theory approach for a better understanding of brain function by means of EPs. Received: 25 February 1994 / Accepted in revised form: 5 August 1994  相似文献   

The 62-channel EEG was recorded while low (LA, n = 18) and high (HA, n = 18) trait-anxious subjects viewed sequentially presented neutral, threatening and pleasant IAPS stimuli. Event-related desynchronization (ERD) and synchronization (ERS) were studied in the delta, theta1, theta2, alpha1, alpha2, beta1, beta2, beta3, and gamma frequency bands. Between-group differences, related to stimulus emotionality, were linked to theta1 and theta2 bands. In the low theta at prefrontal sites in the test period of 100-700 ms after stimulus onset HA exhibited relative predominance of the left hemisphere in response to both threatening and pleasant stimuli, whereas LA yielded larger right than left hemisphere activity in response to all the three stimulus categories. In the upper theta band between group differences were associated with posterior cortical regions and the test period of 0-1000 ms after stimulus onset: HA exhibited the largest ERS to threatening, whereas LA prompted the largest ERS to pleasant stimuli. Finally, according to the ERD data, in the alpha1 band HA participants in comparison with LA revealed enhanced left hemisphere activation in response to all the stimulus categories. It is suggested that as it is indexed by theta-ERS relative predominance of the left hemisphere at prefrontal sites along with the largest bilateral activity of posterior cortical regions (i.e., enhanced higher order visual processing) to threatening stimuli could form the basis for general bias towards threatening information in HA at the very early stages of emotional processing.  相似文献   

Up to now, mechanisms of neurovisceral integration are not clear. The main objective of the present investigation consisted in studying cortical concomitants of sympathetic activity during emotional perception. The 62-channel EEG and skin conductance response (SCR) were recorded while right-handed healthy participants (n-33) viewed sequentially presented neutral, pleasant, and unpleasant pictures. The event-related synchronization (ERS) and desynchronization were measured in different frequency bands. Relying on median split of SCR amplitudes elicited by the presented stimuli the participants were segregated into groups with low (SCR-) and high (SCR+) autonomous activity. In was revealed that group differences were associated with power changes in the low (4-6 Hz) theta band only. For both groups in the early test period (up to 1 s after stimulus onset), emotional vs. neutral stimuli induced larger theta-ERS over posterior cortical regions with greater impact on the right parieto-temporo-occipital regions. At the later phases (2-6 s after stimulus onset), only the SCR group retained emotion-related greater right hemisphere synchronization. It is concluded that the right parieto-temporo-occipital cortex mediates mechanisms of motivated attention and sympathetic activation.  相似文献   

Behavioral reactions and brain mechanisms involved in processing two matching or mismatching (conflicting) visual stimuli were studied in healthy subjects (mean age 22.57 ± 0.46 years). Line orientations (vertical, horizontal, or 45°) were used as stimuli and were presented with an interval of 1500–1800 ms. The reaction time was shown to increase in the case of a conflict of two orientations as compared with matching orientations. The reaction time depended on the orientation of the reference stimulus and was minimal when a vertical line was used as a reference. An increase in N2 negativity (time window 200–280 ms) in the frontal and parietal cortical areas was identified as an informative indicator of a conflict between the current orientation and the orientation stored in working memory. The dipole sources of N2 were localized to the prefrontal cortex (middle frontal gyrus, frontal pole, and pars orbitalis). The N2 amplitude was found to depend on the orientation of the first stimulus in a pair, being higher in the case of a 45° orientation. The visual areas were shown to play a role in detecting a conflict of two consecutive signals because the early sensory components increased in amplitude. The results implicate cortical structures, including the sensory-specific visual, parietal, and prefrontal areas, in comparing consecutive visual signals and detecting their conflict.  相似文献   

In the Japanese newspaper industry, since the late 1970s, computerization has been started in large scale. The system, called Computerized Typesetting System (CTS), has been introduced. With this system, all information in the newspaper is input into a computer, called up on a cathode ray display (CRT) to edit, and then output to film or printing plates by CTS. Thus, the work of newspaper production has undergone a major transformation from industrial work to clerical work. It was reported that newspaper production staff working with VDTs complained more than staff working with the older key system about visual and physical problems which affected their job and their daily life. The complaint rates were highest for editors, who used VDT constantly throughout the day. This study was performed to clarify the health impact of VDT use and to prevent health disorders caused by the introduction of CTS. It is concluded that 5 m corrected vision and sphere refraction of CTS workers who used CTS over 2 or 4 hr daily, significantly became worse in a year after the introduction. Therefore, it is indicated that the control of CTS work time is important to prevent the visual disorder.  相似文献   

Zhou J  Shi XM  Peng QS  Hua GP  Hua TM 《动物学研究》2011,32(5):533-539
对人类和动物的心理学研究证实,老年个体的视觉对比敏感度相对青年个体显著下降。为揭示其可能的神经机制,采用在体细胞外单细胞记录技术研究青、老年猫(Felis catus)初级视皮层(primary visual cortex,V1)细胞对不同视觉刺激对比度的调谐反应。结果显示,老年猫V1细胞对视觉刺激反应的平均对比敏感度比青年猫显著下降,这与灵长类报道的研究结果相一致,表明衰老影响视皮层细胞对视觉刺激反应的对比敏感度是灵长类和非灵长类哺乳动物中普遍存在的现象,并可能是介导老年性视觉对比敏感度下降的神经基础。另外,与青年猫相比,老年猫初级视皮层细胞对视觉刺激的反应性显著增强,信噪比下降,感受野显著增大,表明衰老导致的初级视皮层细胞对视觉刺激反应的对比敏感度下降伴随着皮层内抑制性作用减弱。  相似文献   

The responses of the rabbit's visual cortical neurons to paired and rhythmic punctiform stimulation of their receptive fields were compared with responses to diffuse photic stimuli and the electric stimulation of the optic nerve. Diffuse photic and electric stimuli evoke a short-lasting initial activation of a neuron, followed by an inhibitory phase, during which the response to repetitive stimulation is suppressed. By contrast, localized stimulation of the neuron's receptive field with a spot of light produces an intensive and longer-lasting activation which is not followed by profound inhibition. Fusion of the responses to paired and rhythmic localized stimuli is therefore possible when the intervals between stimuli are brief enough. Rhythmic stimulation is capable of evoking sustained activation of a neuron during the entire duration of light flicker. During stimulation of a single point of the receptive field such prolonged activation can take place only within a limited range of stimulation frequencies (up to 15/sec), while higher frequencies evoke responses to the onset and offset of sequences of light flashes only. If, however, rhythmic stimuli alternate between the various points of a receptive field, prolonged neuronal activation is observed with any frequency of stimulation.A. N. Severtsov Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and Ecology of Animals, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 252–259, May–June, 1971.  相似文献   

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