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Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease (PMD) is an X-linked neurologic disorder characterized by dysmyelination in the central nervous system. Proteolipid protein (PLP), a major structural protein of myelin, is coded on the X chromosome. It has been postulated that a defect in the PLP gene is responsible for PMD. Different single-nucleotide substitutions have been found in conserved regions of the PLP gene of four unrelated PMD patients. Novel Southern blot patterns suggested a complex rearrangement in a fifth family. Linkage to PLP has been shown in others. We evaluated the PLP locus in a four-generation family with two living males affected with X-linked PMD. Analysis of DNA from the affected males revealed complete absence of a band, with PLP probes encompassing the promoter region, the entire coding region, and the 3' untranslated region and spanning at least 29 kb of genomic DNA. DNA from unaffected relatives gave the expected band pattern. Two obligate and one probable carrier women were hemizygous for the PLP locus by dosage analysis. Although it is unlikely, the previously described point mutations in PLP could represent polymorphisms. The finding of complete deletion of the PLP gene in our family is a stronger argument that mutations in PLP are responsible for X-linked PMD.  相似文献   

X-linked sideroblastic anemia is a genetic disorder characterized by a hypochromic microcytic anemia of variable intensity with the presence of ring sideroblasts in the bone marrow of the patients. Two different mutations have been reported in the ALAS2 gene in patients with this diseae. We have studied a large kindred with a pyridoxine-sensitive form of X-linked sideroblastic anemia. Sequencing amplified cDNA of the proband revealed a guanine-to-adenine change at nucleotide 871 of the coding sequence (exon 7 of the gene). This results in a glycine to serine substitution that is responsible for a marked decrease in the enzymatic activity of the mutated protein. A polymerase chain reaction assay demonstrated the presence of the same mutation in three affected males and two female carriers in the kindred. The carrier status was excluded in eight females at risk. Early detection of the mutant allele in family members may thus be important for the prevention of anemia in males and of iron overload both in affected males and carrier females.  相似文献   

Summary In a four-generation family, chondrodysplasia punctata was found in a boy and one of his maternal uncles. These two patients also have short stature, as do all female members of the family. DNA molecular analysis of the pseudoautosomal and Xp22.3-specific loci revealed the presence of an interstitial deletion that cosegregates with the phenotypic abnormalities. The proximal breakpoint of this deletion was located distal to the DXS31 locus and the distal breakpoint in the pseudoautosomal region between DXYS59 and DXYS17. This maps the recessive X-linked form of chondrodysplasia punctata between the proximal boundary of the pseudoautosomal region and DXS31, and an Xp gene controlling growth between DXYS59 and DXS31.  相似文献   

We identified a disease-causing mutation of the RUNX2 gene in a four-generation Chinese family affected with cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD). For mutation analysis, the coding region of RUNX2 was sequenced with DNA from two patients and three unaffected family members. The RUNX2 mutation was investigated in 50 normal controls by denaturing high pressure liquid chromatography. A heterozygous single-base deletion (c.549delC) of RUNX2, which predicts a termination site at the 185th codon and leads to a stop in the runt domain of RUNX2 protein, was detected in both patients but not in the three unaffected members of the family. This mutation was also not found in 50 controls and has not been reported previously. We demonstrated that a novel mutation (c.549delC) of RUNX2 is associated with CCD in a Chinese family, adding to the repertoire of RUNX2 mutations related to CCD.  相似文献   

Autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP) has recently been linked to locus D3S47 (probe C17), with no recombination, in a single large Irish family. Other ADRP pedigrees have shown linkage at zero recombination, linkage with recombination, and no linkage, demonstrating genetic heterogeneity. The gene encoding rhodopsin, the rod photoreceptor pigment, is closely linked to locus D3S47 on chromosome 3q. A point mutation changing a conserved proline to histidine in the 23d codon of the gene has been demonstrated in affected members of one ADRP family and in 17 of 148 unrelated ADRP patients. We have sequenced the rhodopsin gene in a C17-linked ADRP family and have identified in the 4th exon and in-frame 3-bp deletion which deletes one of the two isoleucine monomers at codons 255 and 256. This mutation was not found in 30 other unrelated ADRP families. The deletion has arisen in the sequence TCATCATCAT, deleting one of a run of three x 3-bp repeats. The mechanism by which this occurred may be similar to that which creates length variation in so-called mini- and microsatellites. Thus ADRP is an extremely heterogeneous disorder which can result from a range of defects in rhodopsin and which can have a locus or loci elsewhere in the genome.  相似文献   

Terminal deletion 1q43 in a newborn with hydrocephalus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A male newborn presented the main craniofacial features of the 1q terminal syndrome: prominent metopic sutures, flat nose bridge, wide short nose with anteverted nares, epicantus, telecanthus, long philtrum, thin upper lip with a well defined cupid bow, downturned corners of the mouth, retrognathia. The child also had an aqueductal obstructive hydrocephalus.  相似文献   

The doublecortin (DCX) gene was recently found to be involved in patients with X-linked lissencephaly and subcortical band heterotopia or double cortex syndrome. We have studied the coding regions of the DCX gene in 11 Japanese patients with cortical dysplasia and have identified three different mutations (R186C in exon 3, R272X and R303X in exon 5) in four sporadic female cases. R272X, which has been detected in two unrelated cases, is a novel mutation. Although the number of cases studied remains limited, exon 5 may be a common mutational site in Japanese patients in contrast to many previus reports concerning exons 2 and 3. Received: 28 October 1998 / Accepted: 26 February 1999  相似文献   

The LmcDNA16 locus of Leishmania major contains three highly related genes HASPA1 , HASPA2 and HASPB , encoding hydrophilic, acylated surface proteins and a tandem pair of unrelated sequences, SHERP1 and SHERP2 , coding for a small, hydrophilic protein that localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum and outer mitochondrial membrane. Differential regulation of these genes results in expression of a subset of the HASP proteins and SHERP only in infective stage parasites. To assess the contribution of these molecules to parasite virulence, the diploid LmcDNA16 gene locus has been removed by targeted gene deletion. Homozygous null mutants have precise deletions of both alleles and exhibit no HASP or SHERP expression. They are at least as virulent as wild-type parasites in macrophage invasion and intracellular survival assays, both in vitro and in vivo . Conversely, null mutants engineered to overexpress the entire LmcDNA16 gene locus are unable to survive within the intramacrophage environment despite their differentiation into infective metacyclic parasites. Both null and overexpressing null parasites show increased sensitivity to complement-mediated lysis, suggesting perturbation of their surface architecture. Avirulence in overexpressing parasites correlates with selective depletion of a specific lipid species, decreased expression of the major surface glycoprotein GP63, but no significant downregulation of the glycoconjugate lipophosphoglycan.  相似文献   

Three boy cousins suffering from x-linked hypogammaglobulinaemia have been described. Their disease is quite different from the classical x-linked hypogammaglobulinaemia. We present data from 15 family members of three families. The three mothers are sisters and 3 boys from 5 are suffering from immunodeficiency. HLA A, B and DR typing and in vitro diagnostics of immune functions of all family members were carried out. In the patients we could demonstrate a well functioning T cell system which seems to be regular for T cell help on PMW driven B cell maturation into cytoplasmic immunoglobulin positive (cIg+) cells of all immunoglobulin classes but we had no evidence for IgG secreting cells in a plaque forming cell (PFC) assay. The registration of spontaneous suppressor phenomena should be taken into account. If patients undergo an gamma-globulin therapy the changed suppressor effects come back to normal values but the secretion defect is unchanged. The three healthy mothers express one identical haplotype (A2 B8 DR3) which we could demonstrate in the three patients but also in one healthy boy.  相似文献   

X-linked hyper-IgM syndrome (XHIM) is a rare primary immunodeficiency caused by a defective CD40 ligand. We identified mutations of the CD40 ligand gene in 13 unrelated Japanese XHIM patients. Of the four patients with missense mutations, one had a mutation within the transmembrane domain, and the three others had mutations affecting the TNF homology region of the extracellular domain. Two of the missense mutations resulted in the substitution of amino acids that are highly conserved in TNF family proteins. Three patients had nonsense mutations, all of which resulted in the truncation of the TNF homology domain of the CD40 ligand. Three patients had genomic DNA deletions of 2, 3 or 4 nucleotides, respectively. All of the deletions were flanked by direct repeat sequences, suggesting that these deletions were caused by slipped mispairing. Three patients had mutations within introns resulting in altered splicing, and multiple splicing products were found in one patient. Thus, each of the 13 Japanese patients had different mutations, 9 of them being novel mutations. These results indicate that mutations in XHIM are highly heterogeneous, although codon 140 seems to be a hot spot of the CD40 ligand gene since two additional point mutations were located at Trp 140, bringing the total numbers of mutations affecting codon 140 to six. In one XHIM family with a missense mutation, prenatal diagnosis was performed by single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis of genomic DNA of a male fetus. Received: 20 August 1996  相似文献   

A male patient carrying an interstitial deletion in Xp22.3 and affected by Kallmann syndrome, X-linked ichthyosis and mental retardation, but without chondrodysplasia punctata or short stature, was investigated with molecular probes from the distal Xp22.3 region. By means of a novel probe, M115, from the relevant region, the distal deletion breakpoint was shown to be between 3.18 and 3.57 Mb from Xptel. As the patient is not affected by X-linked recessive chondrodysplasia punctata, the gene for this disease can therefore be located to within an interval of less than one megabase proximal to the pseudoautosomal boundary. If the chondrodysplasia punctata gene is associated with a CpG island, this leaves only two islands at 2760 and 3180 kb from the Xp telomere as the most promising candidate sites for this gene.  相似文献   

Amelogenesis imperfecta is characterized by the defective formation of tooth enamel. Here we present evidence that the X-linked form of this disorder (AIH1) is caused by a structural alteration in one of the predominant proteins in enamel, amelogenin. Southern blot analysis revealed a deletion extending over 5 kb of the amelogenin gene in males with the hypomineralization form of the AIH1. Carrier females were heterozygous for the molecular defect. The deletion appears to include at least two exons of the amelogenin gene and the extent of the deletion was verified by PCR analysis. The mutation was shown to segregate with the disease among 15 analyzed individuals belonging to the same kindred. Our results link a defect in the amelogenin gene to the abnormal formation of enamel. We thus conclude that the amelogenin protein has a role in biomineralization of tooth enamel.  相似文献   

Phylogeny reconstructions of the globin gene families have revealed that paralogous genes within species are often more similar to one another than they are to their orthologous counterparts in closely related species. This pattern has been previously attributed to mechanisms of concerted evolution such as interparalog gene conversion that homogenize sequence variation between tandemly duplicated genes and therefore create the appearance of recent common ancestry. Here we report a comparative genomic analysis of the alpha-globin gene family in mammals that reveal a surprisingly high rate of lineage-specific gene duplication and deletion via unequal crossing-over. Results of our analysis reveal that patterns of sequence similarity between paralogous alpha-like globin genes from the same species are only partly explained by concerted evolution between preexisting gene duplicates. In a number of cases, sequence similarity between paralogous sequences from the same species is attributable to recent ancestry between the products of de novo gene duplications. As a result of this surprisingly rapid rate of gene gain and loss, many mammals possess alpha-like globin genes that have no orthologous counterparts in closely related species. The resultant variation in gene copy number among species may represent an important source of regulatory variation that affects physiologically important aspects of blood oxygen transport and aerobic energy metabolism.  相似文献   

Cong P  Ye Y  Wang Y  Lu L  Yong J  Yu P  Joseph KK  Jin F  Qi M 《Gene》2012,500(2):220-223
Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is an X-linked recessive genetic disorder with a normal 46, XY karyotype caused by abnormality of the androgen receptor (AR) gene. One Chinese family consisting of the proband and 5 other members with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS) was investigated. Mutation analysis by DNA sequencing on all 8 exons and flanking intron regions of the AR gene revealed a unique large deletion/insertion mutation in the family. A 287 bp deletion and 77 bp insertion (c.933_1219delins77) mutation at codon 312 resulted in a frameshift which caused a premature stop (p.Phe312Aspfs*7) of polypeptide formation. The proband's mother and grandmother were heterozygous for the mutant allele. The proband's father, uncle and grandfather have the normal allele. From the pedigree constructed from mutational analysis of the family, it is revealed that the probably pathogenic mutation comes from the maternal side.  相似文献   

We describe a new deletional form of alpha thalassemia segregating in three generations of a family of northern European origin. A full-term female girl had hypochromic, microcytic anemia since early infancy associated with delayed language development, slow growth and weight gain. Hematologic studies suggested the presence of alpha thalassemia. Gene-blotting studies showed no abnormal alpha-like globin gene fragments; however, studies of inheritance of informative polymorphic restriction fragments using zeta, alpha and 3'-alpha-hypervariable region (3'-HVR) probes showed evidence for an extensive deletion encompassing the entire alpha-like globin gene cluster. The 3' breakpoint of this deletion maps beyond the 3'-HVR, a region implicated as a hot spot for the generation of other large deletional events within the alpha-like cluster. The 5' breakpoint maps at least 10 kilobases (kb) 5' to the zeta-globin gene. The minimum size estimate for this deletion is greater than 47 kilobases.  相似文献   

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