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The paper is dedicated to the history of creation and development of a new trend of scientific investigations in Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of NAS of Ukraine and Ukraine as a whole, - molecular immunology - in the context of scientific, scientific-organizational, pedagogical, social and political activity of Serhiy Vasyliovych Komisarenko. Professor S. V. Komisarenko, Director of Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, Full Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, President of the Ukrainian Biochemical Society (since 1999), editor-in-chief Ukrainian Biochemical Journal (1989-1992 and since 1998), Academician-Secretary and Member of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (since April 2004) is a physician by education, molecular biologist by the calling, biochemist-immunologist by profession. He was one of the first researchers in our country who started systematic investigations in the field of molecular immunology, created a powerful world-famous scientific school, and made great contribution to solution of the acute problems of public health. He has proposed a new anti-tumor preparation MEBIFON which is produced at pharmaceutical firm Farmak in Kyiv. He was one of the first in the former USSR who introduced a hybridom technique for obtaining monoclonal antibodies. S. Komisarenko was awarded the State Prize of the Ukr. SSR (1979) for immunochemical investigation of milk for babies. He proved that small doses of total radiation cause essential inhibition of natural immunity, which he called "the Chernobyl AIDS". The collective of scientific workers of the Department of Molecular Immunology headed by S. Komisarenko was awarded the O. V. Palladin Prize of NAS of Ukraine (2003) for a cycle of works Immunochemical Analysis of Fibrin and Fibrinogen Polymerization Mechanisms. Serhiy Komisarenko combines successfully scientific, scientific-organizing activity with pedagogical work; he leads the division BIOTECHNOLOGY of the Department of Biochemistry at Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University. Under his supervision 6 doctors and 18 candidates of science have been prepared. He has above 400 scientific articles in the field of Biochemistry and/or Immunology, and more than 100 publications on Ukrainian culture and politics. Serhiy Komisarenko has performed great social and political work at the post of the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Ukraine, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine responsible for humanitarian sector (1990-1992), Ambassador of independent Ukraine in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland (1992-1998). He is a trustee of activity of charitable organization of disabled children Special Olympics - Ukraine (since 2002). He was awarded a Diploma of the Supreme Council of Ukraine (2003), State Order of Merit (III degree - 1996, II degree - 1998), State Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise (V degree - 2005). Serhiy Komisarenko was elected the Honorary Doctor of Kingston and North London Universities (1997). He has the Rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine.  相似文献   

In the article the short information about A.V. Palladin Memorial Museum, displaying some documentary materials on the life, scientific, scientific-administrative and enlightenment activity of the founder of the Institute of Biochemistry and Ukrainian Biochemical school, President of UkSSR Academy of Sciences (1946-1962), outstanding scientist and public figure, Academician Alexander Vladimirovich Palladin (1885-1972). The Museum created according to the Resolution of the UkSSR Soviet of Ministers due to the efforts of the Institute personnel, is officially considered as an affiliate of the State Historical Museum of Kiev and acquired a wide-spread reputation as a center of propagation and study of the history of Ukraine biochemical science, its achievements, contribution of the native scientists into the world treasury of the life sciences.  相似文献   

The article presents a short information about the Resolution of Ukr.SSR Soviet of Ministers on establishing the nominal premium of Presidium the Academy of Sciences of Ukr.SSR (of NAS of Ukraine, now) in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology dedicated to the famous scientists, founder of the Ukrainian biochemical school and the Institute of Biochemistry named after him--academician O. V. Palladin. There is a chronologically sequential list presenting all Laureates (with photo pictures) awarded by this honourable bonus with displaying their scientific works for which they received this reward.  相似文献   

The paper is dedicated to Academician Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Palladin (1895-1972), a founder of neurochemical school in Ukraine. The problem of biochemistry of the nervous system has been developed in Ukraine since the 20's of the 20th century. Theoretical principles and prospects of development of the basic trends in neurochemistry were stated for the first time in the paper by O. V. Palladin--the first work in biochemistry of the nervous system in Ukraine--"Biochemistry of the Brain and Psychochemistry", published in the journal "Nauka v Ukraine" ("Science in Ukraine") in 1922. Researches in neurochemistry have been carried out systematically since 1925 at the Ukrainian Biochemical Institute founded and headed by O. V. Palladin (O. V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, now). During the following period of half a century O.V.Palladin and his disciples made original works in the field of chemical topography of the nervous system, functional neurochemistry, in particular, in the field of protein and nitrous, lipid, nucleic metabolism, transmembrane transport of ions and metabolites, etc. Results of long-term investigations were reported at numerous international physiological and biochemical congresses, All-Union and Ukrainian biochemical conferences, seminars and have acquired the world fame. O. V. Palladin's great deserts in development of biochemistry of the nervous system were recognized and he was proclaimed a "patriarch" of the world neurochemistry at the first congress of the International Neurochemical Society in Strassburg (1967) and awarded a Gold Medal--one of the four delivered at the Second Congress of this Society in Milan (1969).  相似文献   

The article deals with a short record including the information about the history of creation and main developmental stages of the first and presently the single in Ukraine Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The record contains the main achievements of the Institute scientific subdivisions for the 75 years period of their creative work in the field of the most urgent problems of fundamental and applied biochemistry. As well it displays the information about comprehensive and extensive publishing and educational activity conducted by the staff,, the work on training the scientific manpower of the highest qualification--Doctors of Science (D.Sc.) and Philosophy Doctors (Ph. D.), active participation of the research scientists in attracting to science the talented young people representing the students and school-children taking interest in the biological chemistry. The article shows the great role of the Institute famous scientists-biochemists in forming some scientific schools on functional biochemistry acknowledged in the world biochemistry. There are also some data about the each of nine scientific departments of the Institute for the period of last 20-25 years of their activity in the field of the most urgent problems of the contemporary biochemistry. These are the following Departments: Neurochemistry, Metabolism Regulation, Muscular Biochemistry, Protein Structure Functions, Coenzymes Biochemistry, Enzymes Chemistry and Biochemistry, Molecular Immunology, Biochemistry of Lipids, Sensor and Regulator Systems Biochemistry. There is also a short review regarding the history of foundation, development and scientific achievements of the Institute division in L'viv including four scientific departments: Biochemistry of Cellular Differentiation, Biochemical Genetics, Regulation of Low Molecular Compounds Synthesis, Regulation of Cells Differentiation.  相似文献   

The review deals with the scientific activity of the Department of Biochemistry of Lipids of the Palladin Biochemistry Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The estimation of the functional role of some major lipids and of the minor lipid components, namely, N-acylethanolamines (NAE), is the main problem of the scientific investigations of the Department. The role of some lipids in the pathogenesis of diseases accompanied by the oxidative stress was also studied. The Department was the first to find and identify NAE in neuroblastoma C1300 N18 cells. It was shown that NAE with long saturated acyl chains inhibited veratridine-activated fast sodium channels. NAE also activated uterine plasma membrane smooth muscle Ca2+, Mg(2+)-ATPase, and inhibited Fe(2+)-induced free radical oxidation in mitochondria. The results of these investigations served as a basis for development of pharmacological substances with membrane protective properties. It was shown that, at different diseases accompanied by the oxidative stress, a significant change in the lipid composition of cell membranes occurred. Sometimes these changes were adaptive in character, which favored the cell viability adaptation to pathological conditions. The new level of regulation of adaptive reactions can be accompanied by the development of additive injuries of cell viability, which may be caused by the altered level of biologically active cell lipid components. Based on the results of these investigations, the preparation intended for treatment of male infertility was developed. The pharmacological substances intended for treatment of morphine abuse and acute ischemia of myocardium were created.  相似文献   

Professor O. S. Tsyperovich (15.12.1910-20.12.1976), Doctor of biology, was born in the city of Odessa, graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry of Shevchenko Kyiv State University as a specialist in organic chemistry (1930-1935). In 1935-1941 he worked at the Institute of Biochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukr.SSR (Kyiv) as a junior research worker, and then as a senior research worker at the Department of Enzymology. In 1941 O. S. Tsyperovich defended the thesis for the Candidate's degree dedicated to the investigation of synthetic effect of proteolytic enzymes, and he was awarded the title of the senior research worker. In 1941-1945 O. S. Tsyperovich struggled in the ranks of the Soviet Army, was awarded the Red Star Order, medals For Defense of Caucasus, For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. In 1946-1976 O. S. Tsyperovich worked at the Institute of Biochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. When investigating the mechanism of proteins denaturation he discovered the phenomenon of their "denaturational stabilization". New technological schemes of production of pepsin preparations were elaborated on the basis of the method of autholysis proposed by him. In 1954 O. S. Tsyperovich defended the thesis for the Doctor's Degree and was awarded the order The Badge of Honor. Beginning from 1963 he headed the laboratory, and from 1966 -- the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry of Enzymes, in 1969 the title of professor was conferred on him. In the 60-70's O. S. Tsyperovich investigated hydrolytic enzymes of microorganisms with the purpose of their use in industry. Thus, the method of production of the preparation "pronasa" from Streptomyces griseus was developed, aminopeptidases, dipeptidases, a-amylase, cellulases, were investigated. Investigations in the field of preparative enzymology resulted in the development of technological scheme for creation of the following drugs for the purposes of medicine: medical pepsin, preparation gastric juice, crystalline trypsin, highly purified chemotrypsin, highly purified trypsin, highly purified amylase which were introduced into industry. New methods of silver regeneration from photographic and cinema films with the use of proteinase of S. griseus were developed, as well as the enzyme-antibiotic preparation protezym for hydrolysis of fodder proteins which gave positive results in breeding calves and in feeding adult animals. O. S. Tsyperovich has proposed two simple structures of automatic collector of fractions for the column chromatography, published 178 scientific works including 3 monographs, 10 author's certificates; 12 candidates of science were brought up under his supervision.  相似文献   

生物膜研究是现代生物学研究的前沿方向之一,本文对文革结束以后生物膜研究在中国科学院生物物理研究所(下称生物物理所)的兴起与发展进行了系统回顾.文革结束后,中国科学院领导了解到国外生物膜研究迅速发展的情况,迅即派遣以生物物理所杨福愉为组长,包括生物化学研究所、动物研究所、植物研究所、上海实验生物研究所等六人的代表团前往联邦德国进行考察.考察结束后院领导根据多学科交叉对生物膜研究的重要作用,组织了生物物理所、植物所、中国医学科学院、北京医科大学等单位联合申报国家自然科学基金委员会重大项目"膜脂-膜蛋白的相互作用及其在医学和农业上的应用",并获得立项.与此同时,院领导建议由中国生物物理学会、中国生化学会和中国细胞生物学会共同组织生物膜学术讨论会.首次会议于1979年3月在北京友谊宾馆举行,以后每3年召开1次,从未中断,有力地促进了生物膜研究的交流与发展.2003年举行的第200届香山会议专门组织讨论21世纪生物膜研究在中国的布局,进一步推动了生物膜研究的发展.本文还重点阐述了中国科学院生物物理研究所在生物膜研究方面所取得的代表性成果:a.金属离子通过膜脂-膜蛋白相互作用调控生物膜能量转换、物质运输及信号转导的分子机制;b.提出"克山病是一种心肌线粒体病"的重要观点;c.发现溶酶体内含有为量甚微、一般认为是消化酶的胰凝乳蛋白酶,并阐明了它通过溶酶体膜外泄后参与细胞凋亡的作用机制;d.确定了通过调控线粒体动态变化而干预肿瘤细胞迁移侵袭的新靶标.最后,特别值得一提的是,2004年,常文瑞与植物研究所匡廷云等在《自然》(Nature)发表了《菠菜中主要捕光色素复合体2.72魡分辨率的晶体结构分析》的研究论文,2005年饶子和与徐建兴等在《细胞》(Cell)发表了《猪心线粒体呼吸链复合体Ⅱ的晶体结构》的研究论文,充分标志着我国生物膜研究已在国际上占据一席之地.2004年,徐涛研究员因其在囊泡转运方面的丰厚学术积淀,作为首席科学家组织一批生物膜专家承担了国内首个生物膜973项目,这标志着国内生物膜研究开始进入一个新的发展时期.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation by protein kinase A of cytoplasmic protein of bovine brain, reconstituted as liposome membrane, is studied. The reconstituted protein imitates the potential-dependent sodium channel. The effect of phosphorylation is shown to depend on the way in which the protein is reconstructed into the artificial membrane. Phosphorylation of channels reconstructed in the open state inhibits the rate of sodium ion flux, while phosphorylation of channels reconstructed in the closed state enhances the activating effect of veratrine and scorpion toxin.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kiev. A. V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 192–198, March–April, 1992.  相似文献   

E. B. Skvyrska was born in the town of Chigirin. In 1928 she graduated from the Agricultural-Pedagogical Division of the Kyiv Institute of People's Education (Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, now) in speciality pedagogue-biologist. In 1937 she finished the post-graduate course at the Institute of Biochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, in 1940 she defended the thesis for the Candidate's degree in biology and the title of the senior researcher was conferred on her in 1941. Beginning from 1936, E. B. Skvyrska had been working at the Institute of Biochemistry. She was working at the Department of Structure and Biochemistry of Nervous System (till 1963), and then at the Department of Structure and Biochemistry of Nuclear Acids (till 1973). In 1958 she defended the thesis for the Doctor's degree. From 1938 to 1941 E. B. Skvyrska worked as the assistant, and from 1945 to 1950 as the docent of the Department of Biochemistry at the Taras Shevchenko Kyiv (State) National University. Up to 1941 her scientific work was dedicated to the investigation of peculiarities of carbohydrate metabolism of the central and peripheral nervous system depending on the animal age. Since 1951 E. B. Skvyrska was investigating the metabolism of high-molecular phosphorus-including compounds (nucleic acids, phosphoproteins and phospholipids) in the central nervous system during the excitation and inhibition, in ontogenesis, in functionally and morphologically different parts of the nervous system, in different structure elements of the nerve cell. The results of investigations allowed finding the biochemical peculiarities connected with the difference of structure and function of morphologically different divisions of the nervous system. Peculiarities and functioning of t-RNA and aminoacyl-t-RNA synthetases of rats in norm and during starvation were studied at the Department of Nucleic Acids. More than 50 scientific works have been published.  相似文献   

Professor V. O. Belitser, Doctor of Science (biology), (30.09.1906, Ryazan, RF-04.03.1988 Kyiv, Ukraine), Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, graduated from the physico-mathematical faculty of the Moscow University in speciality "physico-chemical biology". In 1934-1943 he worked at the All-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine (Moscow) where he was engaged in research of the relation between the respiratory system and glycolytic reactions in the animal tissues. V. O. Belitser established the effect of creatin on the muscular respiration on the role of creative phosphate in this process. He was the first to demonstrate that the anaerobic phosphorylation is bound to respiration. He investigated stechiometric relations between the joint phosphate binding and oxygen absorption and estimated thermodynamic importance of this process, he showed that the energy of electron transfer from the substrate to oxygen is a source of formation of three ATP molecules per one atom of absorbed oxygen. From 1944 to 1988 V. O. Belitser worked at the Institute of Biochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukr.SSR (Kyiv), where he headed the Laboratory of Enzymes (then proteins), and from 1966 he headed the Department of Protein Structure and Function; for a certain period (1969-1972) he headed the Institute as its director. Investigations of properties of native and denaturated proteins jointly with K. I. Kotkova led to the creation of blood substitute from blood serum proteins of cattle--BK-8. The school of V. O. Belitser is known by studying the molecular mechanism of one of the basic reactions of blood coagulation--fibrinogen transformation to fibrin, by finding out the organization and function of fibrinogen and fibrin. It was proved experimentally that the specific polymerization centres significance for the fibrin lattice formation are of essential significance for the fibrin lattice formation, that fibrinogen to fibrin transformation occurs in two stages--enzymatic and polymerizational ones. V. O. Belitser proposed the mechanism of fibrinogen transformation to fibrin, as soon as he had substantiated the kinetic theory of this reaction; domain structure of fibrinogen has been investigated. Such diagnostic tests as the methods of definition of the products of fibrinogen and fibrin splitting in urine (for differential diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases) were developed and put into medical practice under his guidance. V. O. Belitser and members of his school have published above 300 scientific works, prepared 5 doctors and 25 candidates of science. The selfless work of the scientists was honoured with high state awards--the Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Labour Red Banner, the Order of Oktober Revolution, that of Friendship of Peoples and with numerous medals.  相似文献   

Interaction of tetrodotoxin-sensitive proteins of the soluble cytoplasmic fraction of mammalian brain with liposomes was studied. Tetrodotoxin-sensitive proteins were shown to be incorporated in an orderly transmembrane manner into liposomes of a particular chemical composition (phosphatidylcholine-phosphatidylserine-cholesterol, brain phospholipids-cholesterol).A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. A. V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 716–725, September–October, 1984.  相似文献   

碱基编辑技术,以CRISPR/Cas系统为平台,引导胞嘧啶脱氨酶或腺嘌呤脱氨酶至特定的基因组靶点,产生靶向性的C至T或者A至G的碱基转换。自碱基编辑技术问世以来,全球多个科研团队通过优化改进得到了一系列高精准性、广靶向性、小编辑框、普适性的碱基编辑器。在应用方面,碱基编辑器能够在人体细胞、动植物细胞以及胚胎中进行高效的碱基转换,在治疗人类遗传病、构建动物疾病模型、植物育种等方面具有巨大的应用潜能。本文就碱基编辑技术的发展、优化和应用等方面进行综述和展望。  相似文献   

Binding sites of the neurotoxin apamin were located by immunocytochemical analysis using apamin antibodies. It was found that these bindings sites were located on the plasma membrane of smooth muscle cells in the longitudinal muscle of the cecum and at the nerve terminals in the guinea pig.A. V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 824–827, November–December, 1985.  相似文献   

Ex situ germplasm bank of plant species of world flora has been created at the Institute of Cell Biology and Genetic Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine as a result of investigations in the fields of botany and plant biotechnology. At present the bank contains more than 4000 samples in seed bank and more than 2000 cell lines in in vitro bank. The germplasm bank which has been put on the List of scientific objects of national property of Ukraine is the basis of elaboration ofbiotechnological methods of plant biodiversity preservation and of plant material screening for biologically active substances.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the data on foundation and development of physiological chemistry (biochemistry) as independent science and education subject in the V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University before and after the organization of the Department of Physiological Chemistry. Studying the chemistry of natural compounds, their qualitative and quantitative content and transformations in living organisms both by foreign and home researchers made the basis for the appearance of physiological chemistry as static biochemistry. The improvement of the investigation methods and further discoveries caused the appearing of new branches--dynamic and functional biochemistry. The attention is paid to the fact that biochemistry arised at the Kharkov University as the education subject (A. I. Khodnev) and then developed as independent science due to efforts of A. Ya. Danilevskiy as well as biochemical school created by him. The Kazan' and Kharkov periods of scientific activity of A.Ya. Danilevskiy are described. The leading role of A. Ya. Danilevskiy in development of the home school of biochemistry is considered. Important role of A. V. Palladin in the foundation of Kharkov biochemists' school and organization of the Scientific-research Institute of Biochemistry in Kharkov is considered as well. It is stated that the Institute of Biochemistry after its arrival to Kiev and joining the Academy of Sciences became the center of Ukrainian biochemistry. The role of A. V. Nagorny and I. N. Bulankin in further development of biochemistry and foundation of a new scientific branch--age-related physiology and biochemistry--at the Kharkov University after its re-organization is discussed.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins with a molecular weight of 290, 180, and 55 kDa were isolated using immunosorbent attached to sepharose and rabbit antibodies to cytoplasmic tetrodotoxin-sensitive protein from beef brain gray matter. A technique used for research into voltage-dependent sodium channels was applied to reconstruction of these proteins and investigation of toxin-dependent sodium flows through the lipoprotein membrane. Findings are interpreted as evidence of the similarity between cytoplasmic tetrodotoxin-sensitive protein and that of sodium channels at the cell membrane.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev; A. V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp. 485–489, July–August, 1989.  相似文献   

Highly purified protein preparations promoting TTX-dependent sodium permeability in the liposomal membrane were separated from the cytoplasmic fraction of bovine brain tissue. The protein was purified using anion-exchange and separation chromatography and gel filtration. The separated protein was found to be a high-molecular acidic glycoprotein forming 55 kD subunits during denaturation under reducing conditions. It was thought to contribute to the formation of voltage-dependent sodium channels in the cell membrane.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology and A. V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 202–209, March–April, 1987.  相似文献   

Immunosensors: sources of origin, achievements and perspectives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The analysis of the recent data in the literature and results of investigations in the field of the development and study of function efficiency of different types of immune sensors, that are performed at the Department of Biochemistry Sensory and Regulatory Systems of the A. V. Palladin Institute of Biochemistry of Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences are presented. Sources of origination and perspectives of the devlopment of biosensors are discussed as well. The paper also gives an overview of main research projects at the Department, mainly in the filed of biosensors. They include development of the scientific bases for the creation of a new generation of chemo- and biosensors for their application in medicine and ecology. Multi-immune, multi-enzyme and combined multi-parametrical sensors can provide express analyses in laboratory and field conditions with the purpose to perform immune chemical diagnostics of diabet, kidney diseases, immune defficiencies, autoimmune, allergic, pre-infarction and pre-tumor states as well as to control total toxicity of the environment and identification of main types of toxic elements in it. The investigations are based on the latest achivements in the field of physics, chemistry, information technology and electronics with the use of different types of planar electrodes, ion sensitive field effect transistors (ISFETs), semiconductor capacitive structures, termistors, optrodes, piezocrystalls and application of such methods and effects as laser correlation spectroscopy, chemiluminescence, fluorescence, surface plasmon resonance, photoluminescence of porous silicon, interferometry, evanescent wave technique, nonemmiting energy transfer and holography.  相似文献   

This paper considers the activity of Academician V.E. Sokolov as head of the General Biology Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which he headed from 1985 to 1998. The history of the struggle for the preservation of biological science, carried out by Sokolov and the Department headed by him over more than ten years, is shown based on archival and little-known published materials. Examples are given of the activity of the General Biology Department that had great scientific, public, and nature-conservation significance.  相似文献   

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