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We have previously reported the occurrence of inhibin-like peptide in gastric juice of normal men. In the present investigation, normal gastric mucosa was shown to synthesize inhibin, in vitro, as measured by 3H-leucine incorporation (Maximum at 18 h). Furthermore, the immunohistochemical localization studies demonstrated its presence in the acid secreting parietal cells and basal region of foveolar epithelium of gastric mucosa. Surprisingly, the protein secreting zymogen cells remained unstained.  相似文献   

Prostatic inhibin purified from human seminal plasma (10.7 kDa, 94 amino acids) is very well known for its endocrine action on pituitary to suppress synthesis and secretion of FSH. In the present report we have revealed its antiproliferative action on two fibroblast cell lines, NRK-49F (ED50 = 2.5 ng/ml) and Balb/c 3T3 (ED50 = 24.5 ng/ml) which may mark its emergence as a negative growth regulator.  相似文献   

In view of recent reports on the production of inhibin- and activin-like proteins in lower vertebrates and their important role during development, we have examined the effects of the gonadopeptide inhibin in the process of oocyte maturation using amphibian (Rana pipiens) fully grown preovulatory ovarian follicles cultured in vitro. In the presence of frog pituitary homogenate (FPH), which stimulates progesterone (P4) levels and the subsequent germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), purified porcine inhibin (35-50 IU) inhibited both of these responses in a dose-dependent manner. Inhibin also blocked GVBD initiated by exogenously added P4 in intact as well as denuded oocytes. Thus, inhibin seems to act at the follicle (granulosa) cells because it blocked steroidogenesis and at the oocyte because it altered the steroid-induced oocyte maturation. The P4-treated follicles were susceptible to the inhibin action during the first 3 hr of steroid stimulation, which indicates that inhibin affects some early events during the process of GVBD. Maximum inhibitory effect was observed when P4 and inhibin were added simultaneously at the beginning of the incubations. Moreover, the inhibitory effect on GVBD caused by the gonadopeptide was dependent on the length of exposure of the follicles to inhibin. The continuous presence of inhibin in the culture was required to block GVBD efficiently. Data also indicate that the inhibitory effect of inhibin was reversible. Taken together, results from this study present evidence that inhibin may be a relevant paracrine/autocrine regulator of ovarian functions.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of the individual and joint influence of bovine prolactin (BPRL) and bovine somatotropin (BST) on DNA synthesis in cultured bovine granulosa cells from follicles of 3-5 mm in diameter was conducted, and a possibility for regulation of BPRL binding to receptors on the cells by BST was examined. Despite a unidirectional growth-promoting action of BPRL and BST on granulosa cells, their joint mitogenic effect on the cells was not additive at low concentrations of BPRL. The addition of BST to the culture medium did not alter the biphasic character of dependence of DNA synthesis in the cells on BPRL concentration, but increased the maximum effective concentration of the latter. When culturing granulosa cells with BST, the absence of its influence on the level of BPRL specific binding to the cells was shown. This fact suggests that BST modulating action on the mitogenic effect of BPRL is not a result of a change in the number of free receptors for PRL on granulosa cells. The results obtained are discussed in relation to the notion of similarity of receptor functional properties and intracellular signal ways for PRL and ST.  相似文献   

In a poly(U) dependent poly(Phe) synthesis, an unaminoacylated tRNA(phe) binds to a ribosome and inhibits poly(Phe) synthesis in excess tRNA(Phe). A small DNA fragment having a hairpin structure was added to this system and was found to prevent an unaminoacylated tRNA(phe) from binding to a ribosome and enhance the efficiency of poly(Phe) synthesis in the presence of excess tRNA(phe).  相似文献   

Plant cis-acting regulatory DNA elements (PLACE) database: 1999.   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34       下载免费PDF全文

Hormonal modulation of in vitro biosynthesis of three prostatic secretory proteins, prostate specific acid phosphatase (PSAP), prostate specific antigen (PSA) and prostatic inhibin peptide (PIP) by human benign hyperplasia (BPH) tissue was studied. LH and inhibins caused increase in the synthesis of all three proteins whereas FSH enhanced the synthesis of PIP and PSA only but decreased PSAP synthesis. Prolactin and thyroid releasing hormone decreased synthesis of PIP and PSAP. However, PSA synthesis was enhanced by TRH and was decreased by prolactin. Estradiol caused significant increase in PSA and PSAP but no discernible changes in PIP synthesis were noticed. Testosterone caused an increase in PIP, PSA and PSAP. These data indicate that biosynthesis of PIP, PSA and PSAP by BPH tissue is under multihormonal regulation.  相似文献   

In vivo administration of HSPI (10.7 kDa FSH suppressing peptide of prostate) to intact adult male rats was found to suppress the basal levels of incorporation of 3H-thymidine into DNA of ventral and dorsolateral lobes of the prostate, in a dose-dependent manner. Interestingly, microscopic examination of the prostate histology of HSPI treated rats revealed a significantly increased incidence of apoptotic bodies which are indicative of cell death. In another experiment, HSPI was also found to suppress the active DNA synthesis in testosterone-induced regrowth of prostate in castrated rats. Thus HSPI can suppress the basal and stimulated DNA synthesis and also induce apoptotic cell death in rat prostate.  相似文献   

CHO cells and cs-4-D3 cells were used to investigate the association between poly(ADP-rib) synthesis and the cessation of DNA synthesis and DNA fragmentation. The cs4-D3 cells are cold-sensitive DNA synthesis arrest mutants of CHO cells. Upon incubation at 33 degrees C, DNA synthesis in the cs4-D3 cells stops and the cells enter a prolonged G1 or G0 phase. The events that occurred when cs4 cells were incubated at 33 degrees C were similar to those that occurred when wild-type CHO cells grew to high density. (1) In both cases, DNA synthesis and cell growth stopped. (2) The NAD+ concentration/cell was 20-25% lower in growth-arrested cells than in logarithmically growing cells. (3) Poly(ADP-rib) synthesis was 3-4 fold higher in growth-arrested cells than in logarithmically growing cells. (4) The growth-inhibited cells developed DNA strand breaks which resulted in large percentages of their DNA appearing in the low molecular weight range of alkaline sucrose gradients. (5) Both the increased rate of poly(ADP-rib) synthesis and the development of DNA strand breaks appears to be characteristic of the G1 phase of the cell cycle. (6) When growth-inhibited cells were restored to conditions favorable for DNA synthesis and cell growth, the DNA strand breaks were repaired. (7) Prolonged incubation under growth-restrictive conditions resulted in the accumulation of more DNA strand breaks than the cells could repair. This was followed by cell death when the cells were restored to conditions favorable for cell growth.  相似文献   

Aurintricarboxylic acid (ATA) at a concentration which produces 40% inhibition of protein synthesis, inhibits completely isoproterenol-stimulated DNA synthesis in mouse parotid glands. The drug was found to interfere with some essential changes occurring during the prereplicative phase of IPR-stimulated DNA synthesis. It inhibits the increase in ribosonal protein synthesis that takes place by 2 h after stimulation. The peak of ribosonal RNA that occurs 8 h after isoproterenol was also abolished by ATA. Since the drug completely inhibits isoproterenol-stimulated DNA synthesis, these results suggest that the control of ribosome production may be involved in cell growth activation. In view of the finding that ATA first inerferes with the binding of adenylate-rich RNA to polysomes, it was suggested that the drug may act by preferentially inhibiting that fraction of protein synthesis dependent on the newly transcribed messenger RNA.  相似文献   

S Zhang  F Grosse 《FEBS letters》1992,312(2-3):143-146
A helicase-like DNA unwinding activity was found in highly purified fractions of the calf thymus single-stranded DNA binding protein (ctSSB), also known as replication protein A (RP-A) or replication factor A (RF-A). This activity depended on the hydrolysis of ATP or dATP, and used CTP with a lower efficiency. ctSSB promoted the homologous DNA polymerase alpha to perform DNA synthesis on double-stranded templates containing replication fork-like structures. The rate and amount of DNA synthesis was found to be dependent on the concentration of ctSSB. At a 10-fold mass excess of ctSSB over double-stranded DNA, products of 200-600 nucleotides in length were obtained. This comprises or even exceeds the length of a eukaryotic Okazaki fragment. The ctSSB-associated DNA helicase activity is most likely a distinct protein rather than an inherent property of SSB, as inferred from titration experiments between SSB and DNA. The association of a helicase with SSB and the stimulatory action of this complex to the DNA polymerase alpha-catalyzed synthesis of double-stranded DNA suggests a cooperative function of the three enzymatic activities in the process of eukaryotic DNA replication.  相似文献   

The influence of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) on the replication of DNA containing the SV40 origin of replication has been examined. Extensive replication of SV40 DNA can be carried out in the presence of T antigen, topoisomerase I, the multimeric human single strand DNA-binding protein (HSSB), and DNA polymerase alpha-DNA primase (pol alpha-primase) complex (the monopolymerase system). In the monopolymerase system, both small products (Okazaki fragments), arising from lagging strand synthesis, and long products, arising from leading strand synthesis, are formed. The synthesis of long products requires the presence of relatively high levels of pol alpha-primase complex. In the presence of PARP, the synthesis of long products was blocked and only small Okazaki fragments accumulated, arising from the replication of the lagging strand template. The inhibition of leading strand synthesis by PARP can be effectively reversed by supplementing the monopolymerase system with the multimeric activator 1 protein (A1), the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and PCNA-dependent DNA polymerase delta (the dipolymerase system). The inhibition of leading strand synthesis in the monopolymerase system was caused by the binding of PARP to the ends of DNA chains, which blocked their further extension by pol alpha. The selective accumulation of Okazaki fragments was shown to be due to the coupled synthesis of primers by DNA primase and their immediate extension by pol alpha complexed to primase. PARP had little effect on this coupled reaction, but did inhibit the subsequent elongation of products, presumably after pol alpha dissociated from the 3'-end of the DNA fragments. PARP inhibited several other enzymatic reactions which required free ends of DNA chains. PARP inhibited exonuclease III, DNA ligase, the 5' to 3' exonuclease, and the elongation of primed DNA templates by pol alpha. In contrast, PARP only partly competed with the elongation of primed DNA templates by the pol delta elongation system which required SSB, A1, and PCNA. These results suggest that the binding of PARP at the ends of nascent DNA chains can be displaced by the binding of A1 and PCNA to primer ends. HSSB can be poly(ADP-ribosylated) in vivo as well as in vitro. However, the selective effect of PARP in blocking leading strand synthesis in the monopolymerase system was shown to depend primarily on its DNA binding property rather than on its ability to synthesize poly(ADP-ribose).  相似文献   

Effects of prostatic inhibin and thyroid releasing hormone (TRH) on lipid peroxidation in rat prostate was studied in an in vitro system. It was found that both inhibited the lipid peroxidase activity thus having a protective role in the prostate.  相似文献   

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