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Summary The innervated face of electrocytes in the main electric organ of Electrophorus electricus L. was examined by light microscopy, both conventional and with Nomarski contrast, and by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Acetylcholinesterase cytochemistry was used in the demonstration of the greater density of synapses over the caudal papillae. The various techniques contributed to a better understanding of the distribution and form of papillae and synapses at the posterior face of the electrocyte. Caudal papillae are longer and thinner than those at the rostral face, but it was not possible to recognize a different type sometimes referred to in the literature as small papillae. The contact of nerve endings with the electrocyte seems to be made predominantly on the terminal half of caudal papillae, however a smaller number occur elsewhere on the posterior face. Synaptic terminals frequently appear as round profiles, but may be also elongated, with or without bulges, usually occupying a depression, and separated from the post-synaptic membrane by a space of 60–100 nm, where an expansion may be found.  相似文献   

Summary The surfaces of the organs of Sachs and Hunter of Electrophorus electricus L. were examined by scanning electron microscopy. Special attention was directed to morphological details of the electrocyte to provide a better understanding of its anterior and posterior faces. Some aspects of the microanatomy of these organs, which differ markedly from those of the main electric organ, provide new information on the structure as revealed previously by light and transmission electron microscopy. The relief, mainly expressed by papillae, is related to the actual membrane area, which is important for calculations of specific resistance and conductance. Information is also presented on the general organization of the tissue, in particular the distribution of the connective elements and external configuration of synaptic terminals. Shrinkage in preparation of tissue was evaluated and correction made whenever necessary. Correction factors for actual membrane area were calculated for anterior and posterior faces of electrocytes from both organs.  相似文献   

Summary Membranes were isolated from the main electric organ of Electrophorus electricus and studied by means of cytochemistry and freezefracture. The membrane fractions consisted of vesicles inside-in as determined by localization of anionic sites using colloidal iron and cationized ferritin particles. The anionic sites were not homogeneously distributed on the surface of the vesicle. Freeze-fracture showed the presence of intramembranous particles associated with either protoplasmic (P) or extracellular (E) faces of the membrane. Regions of the membrane without particles were observed. The results are discussed in relation to the existence of association between intramembranous particles and membrane receptors.For all correspondence  相似文献   

Desmin, the intermediate filament protein of muscle, is present in the electric organs of Electrophorus electricus L. as five isovariants, instead of the one to two isovariants found in muscle. We analyzed the isodesmin pattern in the three different electric organs using densitometry of Coomassie blue-stained bands in electrofocusing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. We were able to compare the relative amount of each of the five desmin isovariants in an isodesmin pattern characteristic of each electric organ. These patterns proved to be, in some cases, statistically different. Desmin in each electric organ could have slightly different functions in order to correlate with the organ-specific isovariant patterns.  相似文献   

Summary The localization of (Na+-K+) ATPase in the intact electrocyte of the electric organ of Electrophorus electricus (L.) and its subcellular fractions was investigated by biochemical and cytochemical methods. The distribution of AChE activity in the subcellular fractions was also comparatively analysed with this enzyme serving as a marker of the innervated membranes of the electrocyte. After application of cytochemical method of Farquhar and Palade to glutaraldehyde-fixed tissue, reaction was observed only at the membranes of vesicles localized at the periphery of the electrocyte. Previously fixed electrocytes, incubated in Ernst's medium showed reaction only at the vesicles whereas in unfixed tissue reaction also appeared at other membranes (surface and invaginations) of the anterior and posterior faces. This reaction was significantly inhibited in the presence of ouabain or in the absence of K+. Inhibition of Na+-K+-ATPase by glutaraldehyde fixation was also confirmed by biochemical analysis.This investigation has been supported by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, Conselho de Ensino e Pesquisa da UFRJ and FINEP (FNDCT-375/CT)  相似文献   

Summary The cytoarchitectural organization of the electromotor system of the electric catfish (Malapterurus electricus) was investigated in order to obtain insight into the neuronal reorganization accompanying the functional transition of a presumptive previous motor system to an electromotor system eliciting electric organ discharge. The electric catfish possesses two giant electromotoneurons situated within the rostral spinal cord. Intracellular dye injections have revealed the enormous extension of the dendritic tree of electromotoneurons. About 50 primary dendrites span the entire lateral funicle and intermediate grey matter, and reveal an extensive contralateral projection. The giant dendritic tree (1.2 mm in rostrocaudal direction) presumably receives inputs from all ascending and descending pathways of the spinal cord. Electromotoneurons and motoneurons receive the same type of fibre inputs, and electromotoneurons and interneurons are connected through common presynaptic elements. The innervation pattern of the electromotoneurons and spinal motoneurons is similar. Synaptic terminals with round synaptic vesicles often reveal chemical contacts and gap junctions. Furthermore, dendrites of the two electromotoneurons form juxtapositions (ephapses) with each other and also with spinal interneurons. Our results suggest that the two electromotoneurons are homologous to median (primary) spinal motoneurons and are the central structures of the electromotor system within the central nervous system of the electric catfish. A high capability of information processing can be attributed to the giant dendritic trees from functional considerations. This presumably enables the electromotoneurons to elicit an electric organ discharge in different behavioural contexts with a minimum of functional reorganization.  相似文献   

Slow recovery from desensitization of P2X3 receptors makes quite problematical understanding of their physiological function. We found that the recovery from desensitization of P2X3 receptors is speeded up by a decrease in external pH and an increase in temperature. On the contrary, the onset of desensitization is independent of these influences. Such unusual combination of temperature sensitivity/insensitivity allows receptors to function near normal body temperature even at low nanomolar concentrations of ATP. Since it is known that slight acidosis and increased temperature are typical of inflammation, we conclude that under inflammatory conditions the function of P2X3 receptors is upregulated. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 39, Nos. 4/5, pp. 377–379, July–October, 2007.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of the contractile responses induced by acetylcholine and replacement of the external Na+ ions with choline ions in the isolated twitch and tonic fibers of frog skeletal muscles was performed. The effects of extracellular Ca2+ concentration and several pharmacological agents modulating the activity of various systems maintaining Ca2+ level in the myoplasm (dantrolene, cresol, d-tubocurarine, and tetrodotoxin) were studied. It has been found that a voltage-dependent Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum depot is the main mechanism inducing the acetylcholine contracture in the fibers of both types. However, the twitch and tonic fibers differ in the properties of the α-isoform and(or) the ratio of α- to β-isoforms of ryanodine-sensitive channels. In the fibers of both types, the replacement of over 25% of Na+ ions with choline induces long-term contracture responses, which are also mediated by activation of acetylcholine receptors. It is assumed that an additional mechanism—accumulation of choline ions in the myoplasm and their direct action on the ryanodine-sensitive channels—is involved in the development of such contractile responses.  相似文献   

S. Kertser 《Neurophysiology》2007,39(4-5):318-324
The participation of definite molecular fragments of bis-cationic ammonium compounds in their blocking effect upon neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) was deduced from the relationship between the blocking efficacy and three-dimensional molecular models of such compounds that have different fragments. The data on the structure and activity of 15 channel blockers were used for this purpose; predicted blocking effects of the substances were calculated. The correlation coefficients between the blocking activity of the compounds and their predicted efficacy were statistically significant (P > 0.95). The results suggest that HCNCCCCCNCH and HCCNCCCCCNCH fragments (atom chains) with the dimensions of 1.42 and 1.36 nm, respectively, provide the most positive contribution, while a HCNCCCCCNCH fragment with the dimension of 1.36 nm corresponds to highly negative contribution to the blocking activity of compounds. Using the data obtained, we identified the optimum compound structures. The mechanism of the blocking effect upon nAChRs is discussed. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 39, Nos. 4/5, pp. 364–370, July–October, 2007.  相似文献   

The control of in vitro direct main stem formation by culturing receptacles, and a protocol for the micropropagation of Lilium longiflorum using in vitro main stem nodes derived from receptacle culture were developed. Receptacles from flowers cultured on MS medium containing 1.0 mg l–1 gibberellic acid (GA3) and 0.5 mg l–1 6-benzyladenine (BA) resulted in direct main stem formation after 3 months culture. These stems were isolated and cut into nodal stem segments, which were then cultured on MS medium supplemented with 0.2 mg l–1 BA. Shoots formed on each node after one month culture. These shoots were subcultured on MS medium containing 0.5 mg l–1 BA for their mass propagation. An average of 30 vigorous and uniform shoots were formed per single shoot after each subculture. A cyclic and continuous system of propagation by multiplication of shoots was developed. Shoots were rooted on 1/2 MS medium containing 0.2 mg l–1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). One hundred plantlets that were acclimatized in the greenhouse had a 100% survival. A comparison was made with the traditional culture of explants derived from bulb-scales and with that from main stems.  相似文献   

We have previously described the isolation of a complementary DNA (cDNA) from the freshwater molluscLymnaea stagnalis encoding a polypeptide that exhibits 50% identity to the ß-subunits of vertebrate -aminobutyric acid (GABA) type A (GABAA) receptor. When expressed inXenopus laevis oocytes fromin vitro-transcribed RNA, the snail subunit forms functional homo-oligomeric receptors possessing chloride-selective ion channels. In recordings from voltage-clamped oocytes held at –60 mV, GABA induced an inward current, whereas application of the chloride-channel blocker picrotoxin (in the absence of agonist) elicited an apparent outward current. Single channel recordings obtained from cell-attached patches have revealed a single population of 20 pS channels, with an open probability greater than 90% (at a pipette potential of –100 mV) in the absence of GABA. The relationship between single channel current and pipette potential was linear over the studied range (–100 mV to +60 mV), but the open probability was less for hyperpolarizations than for depolarizations. The spontaneous channel openings were blocked by micromolar concentrations of picrotoxin. Functional hetero-oligomeric receptors were formed when the molluscan subunit was co-expressed in oocytes with the bovine GABAA receptor 1-subunit, but the channels gated by these receptors did not open spontaneously.  相似文献   

Filamentous Desulfobulbaceae have been reported to conduct electrons over centimetre-long distances, thereby coupling oxygen reduction at the surface of marine sediment to sulphide oxidation in sub-surface layers. To understand how these ‘cable bacteria'' establish and sustain electric conductivity, we followed a population for 53 days after exposing sulphidic sediment with initially no detectable filaments to oxygen. After 10 days, cable bacteria and electric currents were established throughout the top 15 mm of the sediment, and after 21 days the filament density peaked with a total length of 2 km cm−2. Cells elongated and divided at all depths with doubling times over the first 10 days of <20 h. Active, oriented movement must have occurred to explain the separation of O2 and H2S by 15 mm. Filament diameters varied from 0.4–1.7 μm, with a general increase over time and depth, and yet they shared 16S rRNA sequence identity of >98%. Comparison of the increase in biovolume and electric current density suggested high cellular growth efficiency. While the vertical expansion of filaments continued over time and reached 30 mm, the electric current density and biomass declined after 13 and 21 days, respectively. This might reflect a breakdown of short filaments as their solid sulphide sources became depleted in the top layers of the anoxic zone. In conclusion, cable bacteria combine rapid and efficient growth with oriented movement to establish and exploit the spatially separated half-reactions of sulphide oxidation and oxygen consumption.  相似文献   

The inward rectified potassium current ofVicia faba guard cell protoplasts treated with acetylcholine (ACh) or the antagonists of its receptors were recorded by employing the patch clamp technique. The results show that ACh at lower concentrations increases the inward K+ current, in contrast, ACh at higher concentrations inhibits it. Treated with d-Tubocurarine (d-Tub), an antagonist of the nicotine ACh receptor (nAChR) inhibits the inward K+ current by 30%. Treated with atropine (Atr), an antagonist of the muscarine (Mus) ACh receptor (mAChR) also inhibits it by 36%. However, if guard cell protoplasts are treated with d-Tub and Atr together, the inward K+ current is inhibited by 60% –75%. Tetraethylammonium chloride (TEA), a strong inhibitor of K+ channels has no effect on the inward K+ current regulated by ACh, suggesting that there are inward K+ channels modulated by AChRs on the membrane of the guard cell protoplasts. These data demonstrate an ACh-regulated mechanism for stomatal movement.  相似文献   

Electric spatial patterns of bands formed along the cell wall of the characean internode were studied using a multi-electrode measuring system. The electric potential near the surface of the cell was measured by arranging about 25 electrodes along the cell at approximately 1.6 mm intervals. Since the time required for one scan over the cell length is only 1 s, the temporal change in the spatial pattern of surface electric potential can be readily observed. Oscillations were sometimes found as the electric pattern started to appear after the cell was illuminated. Fourier analysis shows that a single spatial mode arises gradually and then becomes stabilized in an oscillatory manner. A simple electric circuit model comprising three variables, i.e., a membrane potential, an electric current across the membrane and an electromotive force, can simulate well the oscillatory rise of bands. These results imply that the electric spatial pattern observed in characean internodes is a self-organized structure emerging far from equilibrium, known as a dissipative structure. Biophysical mechanisms of band formation are discussed.  相似文献   

Wakayama M  Ohnishi J  Ueno O 《Planta》2006,223(6):1243-1255
In its leaf blade, Arundinella hirta has unusual Kranz cells that lie distant from the veins (distinctive cells; DCs), in addition to the usual Kranz units composed of concentric layers of mesophyll cells (MCs) and bundle sheath cells (BSCs; usual Kranz cells) surrounding the veins. We examined whether chlorophyllous organs other than leaf blades—namely, the leaf sheath, stem, scale leaf, and constituents of the spike—also have this unique anatomy and the C4 pattern of expression of photosynthetic enzymes. All the organs developed DCs to varying degrees, as well as BSCs. The stem, rachilla, and pedicel had C4-type anatomy with frequent occurrence of DCs, as in the leaf blade. The leaf sheath, glume, and scale leaf had a modified C4 anatomy with MCs more than two cells distant from the Kranz cells; DCs were relatively rare. An immunocytochemical study of C3 and C4 enzymes revealed that all the organs exhibited essentially the same C4 pattern of expression as in the leaf blade. In the scale leaf, however, intense expression of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) occurred in the MCs as well as in the BSCs and DCs. In the leaf sheath, the distant MCs also expressed Rubisco. In Arundinella hirta, it seems that the ratio of MC to Kranz cell volumes, and the distance from the Kranz cells, but not from the veins, affects the cellular expression of photosynthetic enzymes. We suggest that the main role of DCs is to keep a constant quantitative balance between the MCs and Kranz cells, which is a prerequisite for effective C4 pathway operation.  相似文献   

Mohamed  S. H.  Smouni  A.  Neyra  M.  Kharchaf  D.  Filali-Maltouf  A. 《Plant and Soil》2000,224(2):171-183
Thirty isolates of root-nodulating bacteria obtained from Acacia cyanophylla, A. karroo, A. cyclops, A. tortilis (subsp.raddiana), Faidherbia albida and Acacia sp., grown in different regions of Libya, were studied by performing numerical analysis of 104 characteristics. Three fast- and one slow-growing reference strains from herbaceous and woody legumes were included. Five distinct clusters were formed. The fast-growing reference strains were separated from the isolates whereas the slow-growing was included in cluster 4. With the exception of one cluster, the majority of clusters were formed regardless of the host plant or site of origin. Based on plant tests, generation times, acid production and carbon utilization the isolates were diverse (fast and slow-growing isolates). Like slow-growing isolates, most of the fast-growing isolates appeared to be non-specific, nodulated many species from the same genus notably F. albida, known to nodulate only with slow-growing strains. Most clusters grew at temperatures 35 °C and 37 °C; some grew at temperatures above 40 °C. The majority of isolates grew at acid and alkaline pH and only one isolate grew below pH 4. Most isolates were able to utilize many amino acids as nitrogen sources and to reduce nitrate. Urea was hydrolysed by all clusters. Monosaccharides and polyols were used by slow and fast-growing isolates as the only carbon sources whereas assimilation of disaccharides varied: Some isolates, like slow-growing isolates, failed to utilize these carbon sources. Most isolates were unable to utilize polysaccharides. Regarding tolerance to NaCl on agar medium, the majority of isolates were unable to grow at a concentration of 2% NaCl, but some were highly resistant and there was one isolate which grew at 8% NaCl. Most isolates were resistant to heavy metals and to antibiotics.  相似文献   

Decay of the bacteriochlorophyll excited state was measured in membranes of the purple bacteria Rhodospirillum (R.) rubrum, Rhodobacter (Rb.) sphaeroides wild type and Rb. sphaeroides mutant M21 using low intensity picosecond absorption spectroscopy. The excitation and probing pulses were chosen in the far red wing of the long wavelength absorption band, such that predominantly the minor antenna species B896 was excited. The decay of B896 was studied between 77 and 177K under conditions that the traps were active. In all species the B896 excited state decay is almost temperature independent between 100 and 177K, and probably between 100 and 300 K. In this temperature range the decay rates for the various species are very similar and close to 40 ps. Below 100 K this rate remains temperature independent in Rb. sphaeroides w. t. and M21, while in R. rubrum a steep decrease sets in. An analysis of this data with the theory of nuclear tunneling indicates an activation energy for the final transfer step from B896 to the special pair of 70cm-1 for R. rubrum and 30cm-1 or less for Rb. sphaeroides.Abbreviations B880 and B896 the main and long wavelength bacteriochlorophyll's of the LH-1 antenna - RC reaction centre - P special pair in the RC  相似文献   

The shortening and action potential of the upper and lower cortices of the main pulvinus ofMimosa pudica were recorded simultaneously. The shortening and action potential were observed only in the lower cortex. The extensibility and the excitability of the cortex are discussed.  相似文献   

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