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Death of unicellular organisms is brought about by the inactivation of a certain number of essential molecules in the cell. If the number of these essential molecules is only one per cell, the order of death is the same as if the cell were identical with this molecule; the order of death is logarithmic following the mass law. If more than one molecule must be inactivated before the cell dies, the order of death is not logarithmic. With 2 or 3 molecules, it still resembles the logarithmic order, but with an increasing number of reacting molecules, it approaches more and more the order of death known with higher organisms, namely a period of no death, followed by a comparatively short period of rapid death. The decision whether or not the logarithmic order exists, should be based upon the constancy of the death rate See PDF for Equation. The existence of a straight line when logarithms of survivors are plotted against time, is not sufficient proof unless the initial number of cells is included. These deductions are made with the assumption that all organisms are exactly alike, and show no individual variations or graded resistance. With most bacteria, the order of death is so nearly logarithmic that death must be brought about by the inactivation of only one molecule, though there may be several molecules of this same type in each cell.  相似文献   

Semelparous organisms have a simple life cycle characterized by immediate death after reproduction. We assume that semelparous life histories can be separated into a juvenile non-reproductive period followed by an adult period during which reproduction is possible. We derive formulae for the optimal age and size at reproduction and for the optimal size of the offspring (e.g., seeds). Our main contribution is to determine the conditions under which the optimal size of the offspring does not depend on the optimal size at reproduction and vice versa.  相似文献   

Cell replication in the follicular epithelium of the adult mosquito   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Females of the mosquitoes Culex pipiens molestus, Aedes togoi, Mansonia uniformis, and Aedes aegypti show active mitosis and an increase in cell number in the follicular epithelium of the ovary immediately after emergence from the pupa. Development up to stage III in the autogenous species, when mitosis in the follicular epithelium ceases, depends upon the continuity of cell proliferation over the first 48 hr after emergence (C. p. molestus, A. togoi) and on the number of cells originally in the follicle at emergence (A. togoi). The follicular epithelium in the anautogenous species ceases to divide in Mansonia, or the rate of division is considerably reduced in A. aegypti, 24–48 hr after emergence. Mitosis in the follicular epithelium of A. aegypti is renewed after the blood meal. A number of cells are released from phase G2 of the mitotic cycle into mitosis and other cells are initiated into DNA synthesis within 4 hr of the mosquito feeding on blood.  相似文献   

Gametogenesis is essential for the propagation of all sexually reproducing organisms and consists of halving the chromosome number through meiosis, and the subsequent packaging of the haploid products into gametes. Meiosis and gamete formation must be tightly coupled to ensure the formation of viable progeny; perturbations result in infertility, inviability, and birth defects. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, sexual reproduction occurs via sporulation and is similar in many respects to gametogenesis in mammals. An increasing number of conserved signaling molecules have been shown to be essential for yeast sporulation; recent studies reveal molecular insights into how these molecules regulate this intricate differentiation program.  相似文献   

All living organisms are destined to die. Cells, the core of those living creatures, move toward the irresistible direction of death. The question of how to die is critical and is very interesting. There are various types of death in life, including natural death, accidental death, questionable death, suicide, and homicide. The mechanisms and molecules involved in cell death also differ depending on the type of death. The dysenteric amoeba, E. histolytica, designated by the German zoologist Fritz Schaudinn in 1903, has the meaning of tissue lysis; i.e., tissue destroying, in its name. It was initially thought that the amoebae lyse tissue very quickly leading to cell death called necrosis. However, advances in measuring cell death have allowed us to more clearly investigate the various forms of cell death induced by amoeba. Increasing evidence has shown that E. histolytica can cause host cell death through induction of various intracellular signaling pathways. Understanding of the mechanisms and signaling molecules involved in host cell death induced by amoeba can provide new insights on the tissue pathology and parasitism in human amoebiasis. In this review, we emphasized on the signaling role of NADPH oxidases in reactive oxygen species (ROS)-dependent cell death by pathogenic E. histolytica.  相似文献   

[McDowell, J.J, 2004. A computational model of selection by consequences. J. Exp. Anal. Behav. 81, 297-317] instantiated the principle of selection by consequences in a virtual organism with an evolving repertoire of possible behaviors undergoing selection, reproduction, and mutation over many generations. The process is based on the computational approach, which is non-deterministic and rules-based. The model proposes a causal account for operant behavior. McDowell found that the virtual organism consistently showed a hyperbolic relationship between response and reinforcement rates according to the quantitative law of effect. To continue validation of the computational model, the present study examined its behavior on the molecular level by comparing the virtual organism's IRT distributions in the form of log survivor plots to findings from live organisms. Log survivor plots did not show the "broken-stick" feature indicative of distinct bouts and pauses in responding, although the bend in slope of the plots became more defined at low reinforcement rates. The shape of the virtual organism's log survivor plots was more consistent with the data on reinforced responding in pigeons. These results suggest that log survivor plot patterns of the virtual organism were generally consistent with the findings from live organisms providing further support for the computational model of selection by consequences as a viable account of operant behavior.  相似文献   

Multicellular organisms eliminate unwanted or damaged cells by cell death, a process essential to the maintenance of tissue homeostasis. Cell death is a tightly regulated event, whose alteration by excess or defect is involved in the pathogenesis of many diseases such as cancer, autoimmune syndromes, and neurodegenerative processes. Studies in model organisms, especially in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, have been crucial in identifying the key molecules implicated in the regulation and execution of programmed cell death. In contrast, the study of cell death in Drosophila melanogaster, often an excellent model organism, has identified regulators and mechanisms not obviously conserved in other metazoans. Recent molecular and cellular analyses suggest, however, that the mechanisms of action of the main programmed cell death regulators in Drosophila include a canonical mitochondrial pathway.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is a highly conserved mechanism of cell deletion that destroys redundant, dysfunctional, damaged, and diseased cells. Furthermore, apoptotic cell death is essential during the development of multicellular organisms. However, there are only a few examples where the occurrence of apoptosis has been shown to be a direct prerequisite for developmental processes. As described previously by our group, the degradation of larval tissue during the first half of the metamorphosis of Hydractinia echinata involves extensive cell death. A large number of cells are removed, and we observed several cellular features of apoptotic cell death in the dying tissue, e.g., nucleosomal DNA fragmentation and nuclear condensation. Furthermore, we showed that metamorphosis in the basal cnidarian H. echinata depends on the activity of caspases, the central enzymes of apoptosis. In the present study, we build on these previous investigations of apoptosis in H. echinata by characterising a caspase-3 sequence in this species and placing it in an evolutionary context by performing phylogenetic analyses. Furthermore, we report the successful knockdown of a caspase by RNAi and show that apoptosis plays a role as an instructive mechanism in the metamorphosis of H. echinata.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death (PCD), a genetically regulated cell suicide program, is ubiquitous in the living world. In contrast to multicellular organisms, in which cells cooperate for the good of the organism, in unicells the cell is the organism and PCD presents a fundamental evolutionary problem. Why should an organism actively kill itself as opposed to dying in a nonprogrammed way? Proposed arguments vary from PCD in unicells being maladaptive to the assumption that it is an extreme form of altruism. To test whether PCD could be beneficial to nearby cells, we induced programmed and nonprogrammed death in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Cellular contents liberated during non-PCD are detrimental to others, while the contents released during PCD are beneficial. The number of cells in growing cultures was used to measure fitness. Thermostability studies revealed that the beneficial effect of the PCD supernatant most likely involves simple heat-stable biomolecules. Non-PCD supernatant contains heat-sensitive molecules like cellular proteases and chlorophyll. These data indicate that the mode of death affects the origin and maintenance of PCD. The way in which an organism dies can have beneficial or deleterious effects on the fitness of its neighbors.  相似文献   

Pederine, a drug extracted from the coleopter Paederus fuscipes, inhibits the growth of in vitro cultured cell lines at concentrations of the order of 1.5 nanogram/ml. Cytological examination shows a generalized cytotoxic effect. Analysis of macromolecular syntheses by the use of radioactive precursors shows that pederine causes an almost immediate block of protein and DNA synthesis, without affecting RNA synthesis. The effects on the synthesis of the two types of macromolecules remain nearly simultaneous even at the lowest active concentrations of pederine. Studies with cell-free systems show that the drug inhibits protein synthesis, whereas it is ineffective on the DNA-polymerizing activity. It seems, therefore, that the drug acts primarily on the amino acid-polymerizing system, and that the effect on DNA is secondary. This idea is strengthened by the observation that puromycin, a specific inhibitor of protein synthesis, also affects promptly DNA synthesis of in vitro cultured cells. Other authors have shown the same phenomenon with a number of inhibitors of protein synthesis; the properties of pederine support, therefore, the view that continuous protein synthesis is necessary for the maintenance of DNA replication in higher organisms.  相似文献   

Autophagy is one of the major cellular processes of recycling of proteins, metabolites and intracellular organelles, and plays crucial roles in the regulation of innate immunity, stress responses and programmed cell death (PCD) in many eukaryotes. It is also essential in development and sexual reproduction in many animals. In plants, although autophagy-deficient mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana show phenotypes in abiotic and biotic stress responses, their life cycle seems normal and thus little had been known until recently about the roles of autophagy in development and reproduction. Rice mutants defective in autophagy show sporophytic male sterility and immature pollens, indicating crucial roles of autophagy during pollen maturation. Enzymatic production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by respiratory burst oxidase homologues (Rbohs) play multiple roles in regulating anther development, pollen tube elongation and fertilization. Significance of autophagy and ROS in the regulation of PCD of transient cells during plant sexual reproduction is discussed in comparison with animals.  相似文献   

The Mitochondrial Permeability Transition as a Target for Neuroprotection   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Mitochondria serve as checkpoints and amplifiers on cell death pathways. In the central nervous system, mitochondrial involvement seems essential for normal expression of cell death phenotypes, and interference with these pathways thus seems a reasonable approach to neuroprotection. We have been involved in examining the potential involvement of the mitochondrial permeability transition (mPT) as one of several possible mechanisms by which mitochondria may be drawn into these death cascades. This possibility, though still controversial, is supported by evidence that factors that may stimulate mPT induction are associated with some forms of cell death (e.g., in stroke) and are modulated by diseases of the central nervous system (e.g., Huntington's). Evidence of neuroprotection seen with compounds such as N-Met-Val cyclosporine also support this possibility.  相似文献   

Meiosis is a specialized cell division used by diploid organisms to form haploid gametes for sexual reproduction. Central to this reductive division is repair of endogenous DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) induced by the meiosis-specific enzyme Spo11. These DSBs are repaired in a process called homologous recombination using the sister chromatid or the homologous chromosome as a repair template, with the homolog being the preferred substrate during meiosis. Specific products of inter-homolog recombination, called crossovers, are essential for proper homolog segregation at the first meiotic nuclear division in budding yeast and mice. This study identifies an essential role for the conserved Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes (SMC) 5/6 protein complex during meiotic recombination in budding yeast. Meiosis-specific smc5/6 mutants experience a block in DNA segregation without hindering meiotic progression. Establishment and removal of meiotic sister chromatid cohesin are independent of functional Smc6 protein. smc6 mutants also have normal levels of DSB formation and repair. Eliminating DSBs rescues the segregation block in smc5/6 mutants, suggesting that the complex has a function during meiotic recombination. Accordingly, smc6 mutants accumulate high levels of recombination intermediates in the form of joint molecules. Many of these joint molecules are formed between sister chromatids, which is not normally observed in wild-type cells. The normal formation of crossovers in smc6 mutants supports the notion that mainly inter-sister joint molecule resolution is impaired. In addition, return-to-function studies indicate that the Smc5/6 complex performs its most important functions during joint molecule resolution without influencing crossover formation. These results suggest that the Smc5/6 complex aids primarily in the resolution of joint molecules formed outside of canonical inter-homolog pathways.  相似文献   

The technique of flash photolysis was used to study cellular variations in the number of photoreactivating enzyme (PRE) molecules during the cell division cycle of the UV-sensitive E. coli strain BS?1. No variations in the number of PRE molecules per genome were observed throughout the cell division cycle when synchronized cells cultured in either glucose-minimal or succinate-minimal medium were used. This is interpreted to mean that PRE synthesis is continuous throughout the cell cycle for glucose-grown cells, but may stop at the time chromosome replication ceases prior to division, in succinate-grown cells. The effect of growth rate and stage of growth on cellular PRE content in asynchronous cultures was also determined. Variations in the number of PRE per genome were observed for both synchronous and asynchronous cells cultured in different media and occurred in a manner that suggested a dependence on growth rate. PRE per genome increased with generation time. Stationary phase cells from each culture medium (nutrient broth, glucose-minimal, succinate-minimal) had more PRE per genome than did respective log phase cells. It is suggested that PRE synthesis may be controlled by some aspect of chromosome replication.  相似文献   

Fungal apoptosis: function, genes and gene function   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cells of all living organisms are programmed to self-destruct under certain conditions. The most well known form of programmed cell death is apoptosis, which is essential for proper development in higher eukaryotes. In fungi, apoptotic-like cell death occurs naturally during aging and reproduction, and can be induced by environmental stresses and exposure to toxic metabolites. The core apoptotic machinery in fungi is similar to that in mammals, but the apoptotic network is less complex and of more ancient origin. Only some of the mammalian apoptosis-regulating proteins have fungal homologs, and the number of protein families is drastically reduced. Expression in fungi of animal proteins that do not have fungal homologs often affects apoptosis, suggesting functional conservation of these components despite the absence of protein-sequence similarity. Functional analysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae apoptotic genes, and more recently of those in some filamentous species, has revealed partial conservation, along with substantial differences in function and mode of action between fungal and human proteins. It has been suggested that apoptotic proteins might be suitable targets for novel antifungal treatments. However, implementation of this approach requires a better understanding of fungal apoptotic networks and identification of the key proteins regulating apoptotic-like cell death in fungi.  相似文献   

Summary Models incorporating the energetics of individual daphnids (Cladocera) have been developed to predict the effect of environmental variables, particularly food availability, on population dynamics. One of them, that of Kooijman (1986), assumes that all assimilated energy enters a storage compartment prior to use in production and metabolism, and that under starvation the stores are used to support maintenance, reproduction and somatic growth, in that order of priority. This predicts that, under starvation, reproduction and growth will continue for a time, and that after they cease death will be immediate. Another model, that of McCauley et al. (1990), assumes that assimilated energy is used directly for maintenance and production, and that stores are accumulated to support maintenance metabolism under starvation. This predicts that growth and reproduction should cease immediately upon starvation and that death will not be immediate. We have carried out laboratory experiments, manipulating starvation time, on Daphnia magna to distinguish between these two models. The results support features of both models in that reproduction, but not growth, ceases upon starvation. We therefore developed a third model in which both maintenance and growth are supported from stores under starvation, with maintenance taking priority over growth under these conditions.  相似文献   

The flatworm stem cell system is exceptional within the animal kingdom, as totipotent stem cells (neoblasts) are the only dividing cells within the organism. In contrast to most organisms, piwi-like gene expression in flatworms is extended from germ cells to somatic stem cells. We describe the isolation and characterization of the piwi homologue macpiwi in the flatworm Macrostomum lignano. We use in situ hybridization, antibody staining and RNA interference to study macpiwi expression and function in adults, during postembryonic development, regeneration and upon starvation. We found novelties regarding piwi function and observed differences to current piwi functions in flatworms. First, macpiwi was essential for the maintenance of somatic stem cells in adult animals. A knock-down of macpiwi led to a complete elimination of stem cells and death of the animals. Second, the regulation of stem cells was different in adults and regenerates compared to postembryonic development. Third, sexual reproduction of M. lignano allowed to follow germline formation during postembryonic development, regeneration, and starvation. Fourth, piwi expression in hatchlings further supports an embryonic formation of the germline in M. lignano. Our findings address new questions in flatworm stem cell research and provide a basis for comparison with higher organisms.  相似文献   

Oceans contain the largest living volume of the “blue” planet, inhabited by approximately 235–250,000 described species, all groups included. They only represent some 13% of the known species on the Earth, but the marine biomasses are really huge. Marine phytoplankton alone represents half the production of organic matter on Earth while marine bacteria represent more than 10%. Life first appeared in the oceans more than 3.8 billion years ago and several determining events took place that changed the course of life, ranging from the development of the cell nucleus to sexual reproduction going through multi-cellular organisms and the capture of organelles. Of the 31 animal phyla currently listed, 12 are exclusively marine phyla and have never left the ocean. An interesting question is to try to understand why there are so few marine species versus land species? This pattern of distribution seems pretty recent in the course of Evolution. From an exclusively marine world, since the beginning until 440 million years ago, land number of species much increased 110 million years ago. Specific diversity and ancestral roles, in addition to organizational models and original behaviors, have made marine organisms excellent reservoirs for identifying and extracting molecules (> 15,000 today) with pharmacological potential. They also make particularly relevant models for both fundamental and applied research. Some marine models have been the source of essential discoveries in life sciences. From this diversity, the ocean provides humankind with renewable resources, which are highly threatened today and need more adequate management to preserve ocean habitats, stocks and biodiversity.  相似文献   

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