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A protein fraction has been isolated from crude pepsin preparations which is about 400 times as active as crystalline pepsin in the lique-faction of gelatin. The activity as measured by the digestion of casein, edestin or egg albumin is less than that of crystalline pepsin. It is more resistant to alkali than the crystalline pepsin.  相似文献   

1. The effect of the addition of acid on the amount of ionized protein has been compared with the effect on the rate of digestion of gelatin, casein, and hemoglobin by pepsin. 2. A similar comparison has been made of the addition of alkali in the case of trypsin with gelatin, casein, hemoglobin, globin, and edestin. 3. In general, the rate of digestion may be predicted from the amount of ionized protein as determined by the titration curve or conductivity. The rate of digestion is a minimum at the isoelectric point of the protein and a maximum at that pH at which the protein is completely combined with acid or alkali to form a salt. 4. The physical properties of the protein solution have little or no effect on the rate of digestion.  相似文献   

A new crystalline protein, chymo-trypsinogen, has been isolated from acid extracts of fresh cattle pancreas. This protein is not an enzyme but is transformed by minute amounts of trypsin into an active proteolytic enzyme called chymo-trypsin. The chymo-trypsin has also been obtained in crystalline form. The chymo-trypsinogen cannot be activated by enterokinase, pepsin, inactive trypsin, or calcium chloride. There is an extremely slow spontaneous activation upon standing in solution. The activation of chymo-trypsinogen by trypsin follows the course of a monomolecular reaction the velocity constant of which is proportional to the trypsin concentration and independent of the chymotrypsinogen concentration. The rate of activation is a maximum at pH 7.0–8.0. Activation is accompanied by an increase of six primary amino groups per mole but no split products could be found, indicating that the activation consists in an intramolecular rearrangement. There is a slight change in optical activity but no change in molecular weight. The physical and chemical properties of both proteins are constant through a series of fractional crystallizations. The activity of chymo-trypsin decreases in proportion to the destruction of the native protein by pepsin digestion or denaturation by heat or acid. Chymo-trypsin has powerful milk-clotting power but does not clot blood plasma and differs qualitatively in this respect from the crystalline trypsin previously reported. It hydrolyzes sturin, casein, gelatin, and hemoglobin more slowly than does crystalline trypsin but the hydrolysis of casein is carried much further. The hydrolysis takes place at different linkages from those attacked by trypsin. The optimum pH for the digestion of casein is about 8.0–9.0. It does not hydrolyze any of a series of dipeptides or polypeptides tested. Several chemical and physical properties of both proteins have been determined.  相似文献   

Electromotive force measurements of cells without liquid junction, of the type Ag, AgCl, HCl + protein, H2, have been made at 30°C. with the proteins gelatin, edestin, and casein in 0.1 M hydrochloric acid. The data are consistent with the assumptions of a constant combining capacity of each protein for hydrogen ion, no combination with chloride ion, and Failey''s principle of a linear variation of the logarithm of the mean activity coefficient of the acid with increasing protein concentration. The combining capacities for hydrogen ion so obtained are 13.4 x 10–4 for edestin, 9.6 x 10–4 for gelatin, and 8.0 x 10–4 for casein, in equivalents of combined H+ per gm. of protein.  相似文献   

Experimental methods are described for determining the activity of pepsin preparations by means of changes in the viscosity of gelatin, casein, edestin, and powdered milk solutions, and by the rate of formation of non-protein nitrogen from casein and edestin solutions, or by the increase in formol titration of casein, edestin or gelatin. Activity units for pepsin are defined in terms of these measurements.  相似文献   

1. Evidence has been found that Northrop's phenomenon (so called by us) is produced in the digestion of casein or hemoglobin brought about by trypsin, papain, and pepsin either crude or crystalline in the presence of gelatin. 2. Anson's and Kunitz' methods permit the measure of proteolytic activity of any protease on casein or hemoglobin substrate in the presence of gelatin, even in very small quantities and with prolonged digestion time.  相似文献   

Crystalline proteins, such as edestin or melon globulin, remove pepsin from solution. The pepsin protein is taken up as such and the quantity of protein taken up by the foreign protein is just equivalent to the peptic activity found in the complex. The formation of the complex depends on the pH and is at a maximum at pH 4.0. An insoluble complex is formed and precipitates when pepsin and edestin solutions are mixed and the maximum precipitation is also at pH 4.0. The composition of the precipitate varies with the relative quantity of pepsin and edestin. It contains a maximum quantity of pepsin when the ratio of pepsin to edestin is about 2 to 1. This complex may consist of 75 per cent pepsin and have three-quarters of the activity of crystalline pepsin itself. The pepsin may be extracted from the complex by washing with cold N/4 sulfuric acid. If the complex is dissolved in acid solution at about pH 2.0 the foreign protein is rapidly digested and the pepsin protein is left and may be isolated. The pepsin protein may be identified by its tyrosine plus tryptophane content, basic nitrogen content, crystalline form and specific activity.  相似文献   

1. At equal hydrogen ion concentration the rate of pepsin digestion of gelatin, egg albumin, blood albumin, casein, and edestin is the same in solutions of hydrochloric, nitric, sulfuric, oxalic, citric, and phosphoric acids. Acetic acid diminishes the rate of digestion of all the proteins except gelatin. 2. There is no evidence of antagonistic salt action in the effect of acids on the pepsin digestion of proteins. 3. The state of aggregation of the protein, i.e. whether in solution or not, and the viscosity of the solution have no marked influence on the rate of digestion of the protein.  相似文献   

1. A study has been made of the properties of a hitherto unreported proteolytic enzyme from the latex of the milkweed, Asclepias speciosa. The new protease has been named asclepain by the authors. 2. The results of chemical, diffusion, and denaturation tests indicate that asclepain is a protein. 3. Like papain, asclepain dots milk and digests most proteins, particularly if they are dissolved in concentrated urea solution. Unlike papain, asclepain did not clot blood. 4. The activation and inhibition phenomena of asclepain resemble those of papain, and seem best explained on the assumption that free sulfhydryl in the enzyme is necessary for proteolytic activity. The sulfhydryl of asclepain appears more labile than that of papain. 5. The measurement of pH-activity curves of asclepain on casein, ovalbumin, hemoglobin, edestin, and ovovitellin showed no definite digestion maxima for most of the undenatured proteins, while in urea solution there were well defined maxima near pH 7.0. Native hemoglobin and ovovitellin were especially undigestible, while native casein was rapidly attacked. 6. Temperature-activity curves were determined for asclepain on hemoglobin, casein, and milk solutions. The optimum temperature was shown to increase with decreasing time of digestion.  相似文献   

1. A crystalline enzyme capable of digesting yeast nucleic acid has been isolated from fresh beef pancreas. 2. The enzyme called "ribonuclease" is a soluble protein of albumin type. Its molecular weight is about 15,000. Its isoelectric point is in the region of pH 8.0. 3. Ribonuclease splits yeast nucleic acid into fragments small enough to diffuse readily through collodion or cellophane membranes. 4. The split products of digestion, unlike the undigested yeast nucleic acid, are not precipitable with glacial acetic acid or dilute hydrochloric acid. 5. The digestion of yeast nucleic acid is accompanied by a gradual formation of free acid groups without any significant liberation of free phosphoric acid. 6. Ribonuclease is stable over a wide range of pH even when heated for a short time at 100°C. Its maximum stability is in the range of pH 2.0 to 4.5. 7. Denaturation of the protein of ribonuclease by heat or alkali, or digestion of the protein by pepsin, causes a corresponding percentage loss in the enzymatic activity of the material.  相似文献   

1. Pepsin solutions which have been completely denatured and inactivated by adjusting to pH 10.5 recover some of their activity when titrated to about pH 5.4 and allowed to stand at 22°C. for 24 to 48 hours. 2. Control experiments show that this inactivation and reactivation are probably not due to the effect of any inhibiting substance. 3. A method of isolation of the reactivated material has been worked out. 4. The reactivated material recovered in this way is a protein with the same general solubility, the same crystalline form, and the same specific proteolytic activity as the original crystalline pepsin. 5. This furnishes additional proof that the proteolytic activity is a property of the protein molecule.  相似文献   

1. If dilute solutions of purified trypsin of low salt concentration at pH from 1 to 7 are heated to 100°C. for 1 to 5 minutes and then cooled to 20°C. there is no loss of activity or formation of denatured protein. If the hot trypsin solution is added directly to cold salt solution, on the other hand, all the protein precipitates and the supernatant solution is inactive. 2. The per cent of the total protein and activity present in the soluble form decreases from 100 per cent to zero as the temperature is raised from 20°C. to 60°C. and increases again from zero to 100 per cent as the solution is cooled from 60°C. to 20°C. The per cent of the total protein present in the soluble (native) form at any one temperature is nearly the same whether the temperature is reached from above or below. 3. If trypsin solutions at pH 7 are heated for increasing lengths of time at various temperatures and analyzed for total activity and total protein nitrogen after cooling, and for soluble activity and soluble (native) protein nitrogen, it is found that the soluble activity and soluble protein nitrogen decrease more and more rapidly as the temperature is raised, in agreement with the usual effects of temperature on the denaturation of protein. The total protein and total activity, on the other hand, decrease more and more rapidly up to about 70°C. but as the temperature is raised above this there is less rapid change in the total protein or total activity and at 92°C. the solutions are much more stable than at 42°C. 4. Casein and peptone are not digested by trypsin at 100°C. but when this digestion mixture is cooled to 35°C. rapid digestion occurs. A solution of trypsin at 100°C. added to peptone solution at zero degree digests the peptone much less rapidly than it does if the trypsin solution is allowed to cool slowly before adding it to the peptone solution. 5. The precipitate of insoluble protein obtained from adding hot trypsin solutions to cold salt solutions contains the S-S groups in free form as is usual for denatured protein. 6. The results show that there is an equilibrium between native and denatured trypsin protein the extent of which is determined by the temperature. Above 60°C. the protein is in the denatured and inactive form and below 20°C. it is in the native and active form. The equilibrium is attained rapidly. The results also show that the formation of denatured protein is proportional to the loss in activity and that the re-formation of native protein is proportional to the recovery of activity of the enzyme. This is strong evidence for the conclusion that the proteolytic activity of the preparation is a property of the native protein molecule.  相似文献   

1. A method for isolating a nucleoprotein from lysed staphylococci culture is described. 2. It is homogeneous in the ultracentrifuge and has a sedimentation constant of 650 x 10–13 cm. dyne–1 sec.–1, corresponding to a molecular weight of about 300,000,000. 3. The diffusion coefficient varies from about 0.001 cm.2/day in solutions containing more than 0.1 mg. protein/ml. to 0.02 in solutions containing less than 0.001 mg. protein/ml. The rate of sedimentation also decreases as the concentration decreases. It is suggested, therefore, that this protein exists in various sized molecules of from 500,000–300,000,000 molecular weight, the proportion of small molecules increasing as the concentration decreases. 4. This protein is very unstable and is denatured by acidity greater than pH 5.0, by temperature over 50°C. for 5 minutes. It is digested by chymo-trypsin but not by trypsin. 5. The loss in activity by heat, acid, and chymo-trypsin digestion is roughly proportional to the amount of denatured protein formed under these conditions. 6. The rate of diffusion of the protein is the same as that of the active agent. 7. The rate of sedimentation of the protein is the same as that of the active agent. 8. The loss in activity when susceptible living or dead bacteria are added to a solution of the protein is proportional to the loss in protein from the solution. Non-susceptible bacteria remove neither protein nor activity. 9. The relative ultraviolet light absorption, as determined directly, agrees with that calculated from Gates'' inactivation experiments in the range of 2500–3000 Å. u. but is somewhat greater in the range of 2000–2500 Å. u. 10. Solubility determinations showed that most of the preparations contained at least two proteins, one being probably the denatured form of the other. Two preparations were obtained, however, which had about twice the specific activity of the earlier ones and which gave a solubility curve approximating that of a pure substance. 11. It is suggested that the formation of phage may be more simply explained by analogy with the autocatalytic formation of pepsin and trypsin than by analogy with the far more complicated system of living organisms.  相似文献   

The rate of digestion, as determined by the increase in non-protein nitrogen or formol titration, of casein, gelatin, and hemoglobin with crystalline trypsin preparations increases nearly in proportion to the concentration of protein, but with crude pancreatic extract the rate of digestion becomes independent of the protein concentration in concentrations of more than 2.5 per cent. With both enzymes the rate of digestion of mixtures of 5 per cent casein and gelatin is greater than would be expected from the point of view of a compound between enzyme and substrate. The rate of digestion of 5 per cent casein in the presence of 5 per cent gelatin is exactly the same as that of 5 per cent casein alone. This result is obtained with both enzymes. The digestion of casein with crude trypsin follows the course of a monomolecular reaction quite closely while with purified trypsin the velocity constant decreases as the reaction proceeds. In the case of hemoglobin the monomolecular velocity constant decreases with both purified and crude enzyme. When the reaction is followed by changes in the viscosity of the solution the abnormal effect of changing substrate concentration disappears and the reaction is in fair agreement with the monomolecular equation. The results as a whole indicate that the abnormalities of the reaction are due to the occurrence of several consecutive reactions rather than to the formation of a substrate enzyme compound.  相似文献   

Summary A protease has been purified from Trypanosoma congolense bloodstream forms by osmotic disruption, freeze-thawing of the cells, followed by chromatography using Thiopropyl-Sepharose and gel filtration.The enzyme is a thiolprotease. A combination of SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and contact print zymograms using casein as substrate showed a single proteolytic band with a molecular weight of 31 000. The isoelectric point of the enzyme as ascertained by isoelectric focusing extended from pH 4.4 to 5.5 with a maximum at pH 5.0. The protease cleaved various heat denatured substrates such as casein, hemoglobin, albumin and ovalbumin. The highest enzyme activity was observed at pH 5.5 and pH 6.0 using casein and hemoglobin as substrates respectively. The max. temperature was found to be 50 °C. The enzyme is inactivated by mercurial compounds, iodoacetamide, iodoacetate, chloromethylketones and leupeptin and is activated by dithioerythritol.  相似文献   

1. Synthesis of plastein from the products of peptic hydrolysis of small quantities of egg albumin can be demonstrated with amorphous or crystalline pepsin. 2. Synthesis of plastein from the products of peptic hydrolysis of amorphous or crystalline insulin can be demonstrated with amorphous or crystalline pepsin. 3. The plastein synthesised by pepsin from the products of peptic hydrolysis of insulin is physiologically inactive. 4. The plastein formed in the insulin experiments could not be crystallised by the methods used for the crystallisation of insulin. 5. The physiological activity of insulin is not destroyed by repeated freezing (at about –50°C.) and melting of an aqueous or an alcoholic solution of this hormone. 6. No marked decrease in the physiological activity of insulin after incubation at 37°C. with pepsin at pH 4.0, in dilute or concentrated solutions, was detected.  相似文献   

A study has been made of the general properties of crystalline soybean trypsin inhibitor. The soy inhibitor is a stable protein of the globulin type of a molecular weight of about 24,000. Its isoelectric point is at pH 4.5. It inhibits the proteolytic action approximately of an equal weight of crystalline trypsin by combining with trypsin to form a stable compound. Chymotrypsin is only slightly inhibited by soy inhibitor. The reaction between chymotrypsin and the soy inhibitor consists in the formation of a reversibly dissociable compound. The inhibitor has no effect on pepsin. The inhibiting action of the soybean inhibitor is associated with the native state of the protein molecule. Denaturation of the soy protein by heat or acid or alkali brings about a proportional decrease in its inhibiting action on trypsin. Reversal of denaturation results in a proportional gain in the inhibiting activity. Crystalline soy protein when denatured is readily digestible by pepsin, and less readily by chymotrypsin and by trypsin. Methods are given for measuring trypsin and inhibitor activity and also protein concentration with the aid of spectrophotometric density measurements at 280 mµ.  相似文献   

We showed, using the method of lysis of fibrin plates and five substrate proteins in a thin layer of agar gel, that inorganic orthophosphate (0.001–0.06 M) enhances by 50–250% the activatory functions of streptokinase, urokinase, and tissue plasminogen activator and, in general, by 1.2–12.0 times enhances protein lysis by trypsin, α-chymotrypsin, subtilisin, papain, bacterial metalloprotease, and even pepsin at a concentration < 4 mM. At higher concentrations, phosphate sharply inhibited pepsin activity and inhibited by 40–50% gelatin lysis by papain and gelatin (at a peak concentration) and casein lysis by metalloprotease. Inorganic pyrophosphate ions at concentrations of 10?8–10?1 M enhanced the cleavage of a number of proteins by serine proteinases and, at concentrations of 10?5–10?3 M, the activities of pepsin, plasminogen tissue activator, and streptokinase by 100 and 40%, respectively. The pyrophosphate concentrations of >10?3 and >10?4 M inhibited pepsinand metalloproteinase-catalyzed lysis of vritually all proteins. ATP increased casein lysis by serine proteinases, metalloproteinase, and pepsin by 20–60% at concentration of >10?3 M and by 30–260% at 10?2 M concentration. At concentrations of 10?2 M, it inhibited the cleavage of some proteins by trypsin, chymotrypsin, papain, and metalloproteinase by 20–100%, and, at concentrations of 10?3 M, lysis of albumin by pepsin and other proteins (except for fibrinogen) by metalloproteinase. A GTP concentration of 10?7–10?2 M increased protein degradation by serine proteinases, papain, and gelatin lysis by pepsin by 20–90%, whereas albumin lysis was inhibited by 40–70%. The presence of 10?6–10?5 M GTP led to a slightly increased degradation of hemoglobin and casein by bacterial metalloproteinase, while ≥10?3 M GTP induced a drop in the activity of the metalloproteinase by 20–50%. ADP enhanced gelatin lysis by trypsin, casein lysis by pepsin and papain, and inhibited metalloproteinase activity by 20–100% (at ≥10?3 M). Peculiarities of the effects of AMP and GD(M)P on gelatin lysis were found.  相似文献   

1. The rate of inactivation of crystalline trypsin solutions and the nature of the products formed during the inactivation at various pH at temperatures below 37°C. have been studied. 2. The inactivation may be reversible or irreversible. Reversible inactivation is accompanied by the formation of reversibly denatured protein. This denatured protein exists in equilibrium with the native active protein and the equilibrium is shifted towards the denatured form by raising the temperature or by increasing the alkalinity. The decrease in the fraction of active enzyme present (due to the formation of this reversibly denatured protein) as the pH is increased from 8.0 to 12.0 accounts for the decrease in the rate of digestion of proteins by trypsin in this range of pH. 3. The loss of activity at high temperatures or in alkaline solutions, just described, is very rapid and is completely reversible for a short time only. If the solutions are allowed to stand the loss in activity becomes gradually irreversible and is accompanied by the appearance of various reaction products the nature of which depends upon the temperature and pH of the solution. 4. On the acid side of pH 2.0 the trypsin protein is changed to an inactive form which is irreversibly denatured by heat. The course of the reaction in this range is monomolecular and its velocity increases as the acidity increases. 5. From pH 2.0 to 9.0 trypsin protein is slowly hydrolyzed. The course of the inactivation in this range of pH is bimolecular and its velocity increases as the alkalinity increases to pH 10.0 and then decreases. As a result of these two reactions there is a point of maximum stability at about pH 2.3. 6. On the alkaline side of pH 13.0 the reaction is similar to that in strong acid solution and consists in the formation of inactive protein. The course of the reaction is monomolecular and the velocity increases with increasing alkalinity. From pH 9.0 to 12.0 some hydrolysis takes place and some inactive protein is formed and the course of the reaction is represented by the sum of a bi- and monomolecular reaction. The rate of hydrolysis decreases as the solution becomes more alkaline than pH 10.0 while the rate of formation of inactive protein increases so that there is a second point at about pH 13.0 at which the rate of inactivation is a minimum. In general the decrease in activity under all these conditions is proportional to the decrease in the concentration of the trypsin protein. Equations have been derived which agree quantitatively with the various inactivation experiments.  相似文献   

1. A method is described for the preparation of pepsinogen from swine gastric mucosae which consists of extraction and fractional precipitation with ammonium sulfate solutions followed by two precipitations with a copper hydroxide reagent under particular conditions. Crystallization as very thin needles takes place at 10°C., pH 5.0 and from 0.4 saturated ammonium sulfate solution containing 3–5 mg. protein nitrogen per milliliter. 2. Solubility measurements, fractional recrystallization, and fractionation experiments based on separation after partial heat or alkali denaturation and after partial reversal of heat or alkali denaturation failed to reveal the presence of any protein impurity. 3. The properties of the enzymatically inactive pepsinogen were studied and compared with the properties of crystalline pepsin. The properties of pepsinogen which are similar to those of pepsin are: molecular weight, absorption spectrum, tyrosine-tryptophane content, and elementary analysis. The properties in which they differ are: enzymatic activity, crystalline form, amino nitrogen, titration curve, pH stability range, specific optical rotation, isoelectric point, and the reversibility of heat or alkali denaturation. 4. Conversion of pepsinogen into pepsin at pH 4.6 was found to be autocatalytic; i.e., the pepsin formed catalyzes the reaction. Conversion of pepsinogen into pepsin is accompanied by the splitting off of a portion of the molecule containing 15–20 per cent of the pepsinogen nitrogen.  相似文献   

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