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All the developmental stages of Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) were treated with fipronil using different modes of exposure under laboratory conditions. Eggs were dipped in an aqueous range of concentrations and no effects were recorded, except at the highest concentration. Pupae treated topically on the silk cocoon moulted to healthy adults, without any deleterious effects on their reproduction. In contrast, larvae and adults were killed by the compound, irrespective of the mode of treatment, even at rates below the maximum field recommended rate in Spain (30 g c.p./ha). Sublethal concentrations of fipronil did not affect the fecundity or fertility of survivors. We conclude that fipronil is very toxic under laboratory conditions to this predatory lacewing.  相似文献   

The green lacewing Chrysoperla carnea is a complex of cryptic species whose differentiation has been so far based upon morphology, ecophysiology, behaviour and preliminary mitochondrial DNA data using cytochrome oxidase subunit II (COII) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit II. In this work we extended the DNA data by screening nucleotide sequences of COII, cytochrome oxidase I, cytochrome b and the large ribosomal subunit of the mtDNA. These new data suggest that C. carnea s.s. is a well-supported, separate taxon, but that other taxa of the complex are not consistently differentiated by the current DNA data.  相似文献   

Dissemination of microbial biocontrol agents via predators may have advantages for safe spore dispersal to targeted pests with the added benefit of predation. A laboratory study was conducted to test the target-oriented dissemination of conidia of Beauveria bassiana using larvae of both the multicoloured Asian lady beetle (Harmonia axyridis) and common green lacewing (Chrysoperla carnea) for control of aphids. Maximum dry conidial attachment occurred within approximately 7 min after exposure. After release of the treated predators on leaves of Chinese cabbage, within 12 hours lacewing larvae dispersed 89% of the attached conidia while Asian lady beetles dispersed 93%. Both predators dispersed conidia up to 2.4 m from the release site. Leaf disk bioassays were conducted to compare two application methods; the dissemination of conidia of B. bassiana by predators and the direct application of conidial suspensions. Mortality in sprayed aphids was 91±2.1% compared to 88±2.1 and 84±4.2%, respectively, when conidia were disseminated by lacewings and lady beetles. Predation was not affected in treated lacewing larvae whereas there was a 20% reduction in predation by lady beetle larvae. It appears that B. bassiana can be effectively delivered using certain insect predators.  相似文献   

Chrysoperla carnea (Steph.) is a general predator reared in industrial scale. Different eggs of moth were used to rear C. carnea, but stabled moth colony needed expensive equipment and is costly. In this research, we surveyed appropriate diet to mass rearing. For this purpose, 100 same old (24H) eggs of C. carnea, separately, were selected randomly from the mass culture of C. carnea which was reared on the egg of flour moth Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller), artificial diet and semi-artificial diet under laboratory conditions (25 ± 5°C, 65 ± 5% RH and L–D: 16–8). These results showed reduction process ex (expectation of life table at age X) and the survival curve was convex (K-Strategy). Also Lx in appearing of adults that fed on egg of flour moth, artificial diet and semi-artificial diet were 0.76, 0.4 and 0.9 which implied that 24, 60 and 10% of cohort were dead before reaching adult stage. Eggs produced by each female were recorded daily until all females died. The parameters were estimated using Carey’s (1993) method. Gross (GRR) and net (R0) reproductive rates of predator on A. kuehniella, artificial diet and semi artificial diets were 225.5 ± 3.45, 72.4 ± 3.5, 267.8 ± 4.8 and 180.12 ± 2.3, 24.33 ± 4.3, 254.05+3.3 (female/female/generation), respectively. Mean generation time (T), Doubling time (DT), Intrinsic rate of increase (rm ) and Finite rate of increase (λ) of predator on A. kuehniella, artificial diet and semi artificial diet were 31.9 ± 0.71, 42.87 ± 0.45, 29.79 ± 0.57 (days); 4.27 ± 0.03, 9.36 ± 0.06, 3.74 ± 0.05 (days); 0.162 ± 0.001, 0.074 ± 0.003, 1.185 ± 0.002; and 1.175 ± 0.001, 1.076 ± 0.002, 1.203 ± 0.002 (female/female/day), respectively. This research indicated that semi-artificial diet is a suitable prey for the predator.  相似文献   

Soon after pupal eclosion, adult Chrysoperla congrua undergo obligatory ontogenetic colour change. This phenomenon, unique among lacewings to C. congrua , is investigated further and its functional significance is discussed. Four to 5 days after eclosion, adult C. congrua undergo obligatory ontogenetic colour change from yellow-brown to green, which corresponds with maturation of gonads in both sexes. Courtship displays by both sexes involving abdominal tremulation (calling) always occurred soon after colour change. I propose that colour change in adult C. congrua serves not only as camouflage in a dynamic habitat, as suggested by previous authors, but may also serve as a visual cue to conspecifics of sexual maturity and receptiveness to a potential mate.  相似文献   

Abstract Understanding predator–prey interactions has a pivotal role in biological control programs. This study evaluated the functional response of three larval instars of the green lacewing, Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens), preying upon eggs and first instar larvae of the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera Hübner. The first and second instar larvae of C. carnea exhibited type II functional responses against both prey stages. However, the third instar larvae of C. carnea showed a type II functional response to the first instar larvae of H. armigera, but a type III functional response to the eggs. For the first instar larvae of C. carnea, the attack rate on H. armigera eggs was significantly higher than that on the larvae, whereas the attack rate of the second instar C. carnea on H. armigera larvae was significantly higher than that on the eggs. For the third instar larvae of C. carnea, the attack rate on the larvae was 1.015 ± 0.278/h, and the attack coefficient on the eggs was 0.036 ± 0.005. The handling times of the third instar larvae on larvae and eggs were 0.087 ± 0.009 and 0.071 ± 0.001 h, respectively. The highest predation rate was found for the third instar larvae of C. carnea on H. armigera eggs. Results of this study revealed that the larvae of C. carnea, especially the third instar, had a good predation potential in controlling H. armigera eggs and larvae. However, for a comprehensive estimation of the bio‐control abilities of C. carnea toward H. armigera, further field‐based studies are needed.  相似文献   


Biocontrol potential of the entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) on the second-instar larvae of the non-target insect predators, Coccinella septumpunctata and Chrysoperla carnea as compared to Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.) was evaluated. The pathogenicity of EPNs, namely, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, Steinernema feltiae and Steinernema carpocapsae at concentrations 100, 200, 400, 800 and 1600 IJs/cup) were tested at 2, 4 and 6 days’ post-inoculation. Laboratory results showed significant differences among the mortality rates of different tested larvae, for each concentration at different time intervals. H. bacteriophora induced the highest mortality followed by S. carpocapsae treatment. However, S. feltiae was found to be more safety on predators as it causes less mortality at 6 days of treatment. The values of half lethal concentrations (LC50) were 614.06, 3797.43 and 676.47 IJs/cup for C. Carnea and 390.60, 1209.88 and 503.65 IJs/cup for C. septumpunctata treated by H. bacteriophora, S. feltiae and S. carpocapsae, respectively. In semi-field experiments, there were non-significant differences among mortality of each predator indicated at concentrations of the different EPNs after 2 days or 6 days’ post-inoculation. The study revealed a lethal pathogenic effect of EPNs against insect pests but caused low mortality on the non-target ones.  相似文献   

Antagonist interactions such as intraguild predation (IGP) or cannibalism among predatory arthropods can reduce the impact of these invertebrates on pest limitation in agroecosystems. Here, the effects of IGP between two major natural enemies of cotton pests, the cursorial spider Cheiracanthium pelasgicum (C.L. Koch) and the common green lacewing Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens), were studied under laboratory conditions. First, a feeding preference test was carried out to determine the degree of C. pelasgicum preference for lacewing larvae, using second-instar Helicoverpa armigera larvae as alternative prey. In a second bioassay, the effects of predator interactions on potential predation of H. armigera larvae were analysed using three treatment combinations (plus a control with no predator): (1) spider alone, (2) lacewing larvae alone, (3) spider + lacewing larvae. Potential predation by C. pelasgicum on lacewing eggs was also studied. C. pelasgicum showed no significant preference for either of the two species, indicating that this spider may impact negatively on the green lacewing population. Findings revealed no additive effects and an antagonist interaction between C. pelasgicum and green lacewing larvae, which adversely affected H. armigera suppression; both predators displayed lower predation rates when kept together than either predator alone. However, presence of lacewing larvae and subsequent unidirectional IGP did not affect the predation capacity of C. pelasgicum. Finally, predation rates of C. pelasgicum on lacewing eggs were very low (mean 2.35 ± 0.71 eggs, 24 h after offering) indicating that the impact of C. pelasgicum on lacewing populations may be limited.  相似文献   

  • 1 The lacewing C.carnea was caught weekly at Rothamsted in six traps, in 1973 and between 1975 and 1980. The traps were in three pairs: two light-traps in woodland, two light-traps in open fields, and two suction-traps, sampling at 12 m and 1.2 m above the ground.
  • 2 Standardized trap phenologies were compared seasonally, for each year, using multivariate methods. Trap environments caused the greatest phenological difference, which was between the woodland and the other traps. The suctiontraps and the light-traps in open fields also differed. The greatest similarity was between the woodland light-traps, the next between the suction-traps, but the two light-traps in open fields were relatively dissimilar.
  • 3 These results were supported by analysis of the sex-ratio of catches in each trap. We suggest an overall phenology in which the wood is important as an overwintering site for adults in autumn and as a source in spring.
  • 4 Assessment of consistency over years showed no year was typical, but 1979 was markedly dissimilar from other years; 1976 was particularly similar to 1975.
  • 5 The use of generalized Procrustes analysis (Gower, 1975) is recommended for similar sets of ecological data.

Three novel insecticides, pyriproxyfen, spinosad and tebufenozide, were evaluated for their effect on survival and reproduction of Chrysoperla carnea adults using two methods of exposure: direct contact and ingestion. Pyriproxyfen and tebufenozide proved to be harmless to adult survival, whereas spinosad 72 h after treatment reduced the number of adults by 39.8% and 87.2% in topical and ingestion treatment at the maximum concentration recommended (800 mg a.i. litre?1). Fecundity was not affected irrespective of the insecticide or time of application (before or after the onset of oviposition). Concerning fertility, only pyriproxyfen exerted a negative effect on hatching when the eggs were deposited by females treated by ingestion in the post‐oviposition period at the highest concentration tested (150 mg a.i. litre?1).  相似文献   

Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) is an important biological control agent currently being used in many integrated pest management (IPM) programs to control insect pests. The effect of post-treatment temperature on insecticide toxicity of a spinosyn (spinosad), pyrethroid (lambda cyhalothrin), organophosphate (chlorpyrifos) and new chemistry (acetamiprid) to C. carnea larvae was investigated under laboratory conditions. Temperature coefficients of each insecticide tested were evaluated. From 20 to 40 °C, toxicity of lambda cyhalothrin and spinosad decreased by 2.15- and 1.87-fold while toxicity of acetamiprid and chlorpyrifos increased by 2.00 and 1.79-fold, respectively. The study demonstrates that pesticide effectiveness may vary according to environmental conditions. In cropping systems where multiple insecticide products are used, attention should be given to temperature variation as a key factor in making pest management strategies safer for biological control agents. Insecticides with a negative temperature coefficient may play a constructive role to conserve C. carnea populations.  相似文献   

In laboratory feeding experiments, larvae of Chrysoperla carnea consumed up to 790 Chaetosiphon fragaefolii during their development. In gauzehouse experiments, releases of C. carnea larvae significantly reduced numbers of C. fragaefolii on potted strawberry plants. In open field experiments numbers of C. fragaefolii were significantly reduced at release rates of eight chrysopid larvae per plant, but a release experiment on larger strawberry plants grown under protection did not give a significant reduction in aphid numbers, even at a release rate of 25 larvae per plant.  相似文献   

The predator Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) was equally effective against two clones of the aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae) that differed in their insecticide resistance profile. This differs from results of similar experiments with Aphidius colemani (Viereck) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) on the same clones of M. persicae.  相似文献   

捕食性的普通草蛉Chrysoperla sp.(carnea group) 和安平草蛉Mallada desjardinsi(Navas)(脉翅目:草蛉科)的寄主-生境定位取决于其觅食行为以及对各阶段释放的植物气味的行为反应.本研究调查了这两种交配的草蛉成虫以及取食棉花的扶桑绵粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis的反应,以便了解它们之间的三重营养关系.结果表明:草蛉雄虫和雌虫均能感受到棉花植株释放的绿叶挥发物;植株的各个阶段均可使捕食性昆虫和绵粉蚧定位.在受绵粉蚧为害的棉叶上饱和烃含量高,说明草蛉成虫的反应更为强烈;在植株受为害期和开花期释放捕食性昆虫,可提高田间捕食性昆虫的作用.这些结果提示有效的生物防治取决于捕食性昆虫在植株上的天然定殖能力以及对害虫的吞食能力.  相似文献   

Toxicity of spinosad to immature stages of Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) and its effect on the reproduction and survival of adult stages after direct spray and ingestion treatments were evaluated. Spinosad was harmless to C. carnea eggs and pupae irrespective of concentrations or method of treatments. Direct spray of spinosad to first instar caused significant reduction in rate of pupation and L1-adult survival, but did not affect the rate of adult emergence. Third-instar bioassay revealed significant difference in L3-adult survival. When C. carnea first instars were fed upon spinosad-treated-Brevicoryne brassicae (L.), significant differences in investigated parameters were not observed among different treatments. The weight of third instar and pupae were comparable regardless of tested spinosad concentrations. Also, feeding on spinosad treated-B. brassicae had no negative impact on fecundity and fertility. Furthermore, ingestion of spinosad contaminated-B. brassicae significantly prolonged larval and larval + pupal periods. The larval feeding capacity of C. carnea did not differ significantly between larvae fed on spinosad-treated and untreated aphids with the exception of first instar. When C. carnea adults were allowed to oviposit on spinosad treated-substrate, total number of eggs laid, percent of eggs laid on the treated substrate and egg hatching did not differ from those of control. However, when adults were fed on spinosad-treated artificial diet, negative effects on adult survival and fecundity were observed.
Nasser Said MandourEmail: Email:

In this study, we formulated pesticides from 12 products, namely machine oil EC, imidacloprid WP, thiamethoxam WP, acetamiprid WP, methidathion EC, acequinocyl WP, clothianidin WP, deltamethrin EC, mancozeb WP, benomyl WP, difenoconazole WP, and bitertanol WP. These 12 pesticides were selected to determine their toxicity to green lacewing, Chrysoperla nipponensis, at the maximum field recommended dosage under laboratory conditions. Machine oil EC had extremely detrimental effects on eggs of C. nipponensis, resulting in 99% mortality (categorized as Class IV) when eggs were treated with machine oil EC by dipping. Mean larval corrected mortalities (%) for methidathion EC and deltamethrin EC were 62.5% (categorized as Class II) and 87.5% (categorized as Class III) respectively, when larvae were topically treated. As a result of dipping treatments of pupae with pesticides, machine oil EC and thiamethoxam WP were classified as slightly harmful (categorized as Class II). Methidathion EC showed high toxicity, resulting in a total effect index rate 100% (categorized as Class IV). Taxonomical notes of the genus Chrysoperla and C. nipponensis are reviewed here.  相似文献   

以棉蚜和his gossypii Glover饲养日本通草蛉Chrysoperla nipt)oensis(Okamoto)作为对照,用一种半固体人工饲料连续饲养10代日本通草蛉,对日本通草蛉各生长阶段的生长和发育指标进行观测。结果显示,用人工饲料饲养的日本通草蛉的幼虫历期为13~15d,蛹期为8d,较对照组的7d和6d分别延长6~8d和2d;用棉蚜饲养的对照组日本通草蛉幼虫累计存活率为94%,成虫获得率为87%,而人工饲料饲养连续10代的幼虫累计存活率为81%~89%,成虫获得率69%~79%。取食人工饲料的日本通草蛉成虫,在产卵前期、产卵量、产卵期及寿命方面与对照组存在显著的差异,人工饲料组草蛉的产卵前期为5.07—5.22d,而对照组草蛉的产卵前期为4.12d,人工饲料组草蛉的产卵量为190~390粒,对照组的单雌产卵量为667.2粒,人工饲料组草蛉的寿命为36—38d,对照组成虫寿命52d。以上结果表明,这种半固体人工饲料可以满足日本通草蛉幼虫生长发育基本需要,可用于日本通草蛉的室内继代饲养,但需要进一步优化配方。  相似文献   

本研究以日本通草蛉Chrysoperla nipponensis (Okamoto)为材料,采用Oligo(dT)引物定向克隆构建cDNA文库并进行EST序列测定,旨在以基因库的形式进行种质资源的保存,为其遗传改良奠定基础,并为探讨其分类地位提供分子依据。对该文库质量分析表明:库容量为1.0×106,重组率为80.0%,平均插入片段为512 bp。测序后最终成功得到323条表达序列标签(expressed sequence tags,ESTs)序列,经Phrap程序聚类拼接后得到236条单基因簇(unigene),包括86个重叠群(congtigs)和150个单拷贝(singlets)。使用NCBI中的BlastN和BlastX程序对236条ESTs进行本地化搜索,BlastN的结果表明:180条ESTs(76.3%)没有注解,56条ESTs(23.7%)与GenBank上公布的序列有较高的同源性,其中一条序列被确定为该种的16S rRNA基因,利用MEGA软件构建了基于该16S rRNA序列草蛉科的系统发育树,结果显示通草蛉属Chrysoperla与叉草蛉属Dichochrysa、玛草蛉属Mallada、草蛉属Chrysopa的亲缘关系比较近,这与传统分类相吻合。BlastX的比对结果为197条ESTs(83.5%)有功能注解,39条ESTs(16.5%)无注解或score值小于100。使用GO(gene ontology)数据库对236条ESTs序列进行功能注释,结果表明:142条ESTs(59.7%)有注解,并表达出40多种基因产物。  相似文献   

The toxicity of some of the most commonly used insecticides in the organophosphate and pyrethroid classes were investigated against different Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) populations collected over three consecutive years (2005-2007). The populations were tested using leaf dip bioassays for residual effects and topical applications to measure the response of larvae that would come into direct contact with field application of insecticides. In leaf dip assays, the LC50 (micrograms per milliliter; 120 h) values for chlorpyrifos and profenofos were in the range of 59.3-1,023 and 180.02-1,118 respectively. The LC50 values for lambda-cyhalthrin, alphamethrin, and deltamethrin were 359.08-2,677, 112.9-923.5, and 47.81-407.03, respectively. The toxicity for the above insecticides in topical application was similar to toxicity in leaf dip assays. The susceptibility of a laboratory population, which was locally developed and designated as (Lab-PK), to deltamethrin was comparable with another susceptible laboratory population. Resistance ratios for five field populations were generally low to medium for deltamethrin, but high to very high for chlorpyrifos, profenofos, lambda-cyhalthrin and alphamethrin compared with the Lab-PK population. Our data also suggested that the five field populations had multiple resistance to two classes of insecticides. The populations showed resistance to two organophosphates tested and to lambda-cyhalthrin and alphamethrin; however, resistance to deltamethrin was only found at two locations. This pattern indicates occurrence of two divergent patterns of resistance within pyrethroids. The resistance to the insecticides was stable across 3 yr, suggesting field selection for general fitness had also taken place in various populations of C. carnea. The broad spectrum of resistance and stability of resistance to insecticides in C. carnea in the current study suggested that it could be a prime candidate for mass releases and compatible with most spray programs.  相似文献   

Abstract. Individuals of Chrysoperla curnea (Stephens) from central Europe exhibit courtship songs that are radically different from those of nearctic members of the same species. Additionally, the two geographically distinct populations will not hybridize under laboratory conditions. It is likely, therefore, that the two song morphs are distinct, sibling species; consequently Chrysoperla plorabunda (Fitch) is raised from synonymy, to include New World specimens formerly placed in C.camea. Within the nearctic region, other plorabunda -like individuals have been found to possess uniquely different calls, suggesting that the carnea-plorabunda complex may in fact consist of numerous morphologically indistinguishable species.  相似文献   

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