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The synergid cells are located in the female gametophyte and are essential for angiosperm reproduction. During the fertilization process, a pollen tube grows into one of the synergid cells, ceases growth, ruptures, and releases its two sperm cells into this cell. The synergid cells produce an attractant that guides the pollen tube to the female gametophyte and likely contain factors that control arrest of pollen tube growth, pollen tube discharge, and gamete fusion. The synergid cells contain an elaborated cell wall at their micropylar poles, the filiform apparatus that likely plays a role in pollen tube guidance and pollen tube reception. Recent genetic, molecular, and physiological studies in Arabidopsis, maize, and Torenia have provided insights into synergid cell development and the control of pollen tube growth by the synergid cell.  相似文献   

During angiosperm reproduction, one of the two synergid cells within the female gametophyte undergoes cell death prior to fertilization. The pollen tube enters the female gametophyte by growing into the synergid cell that undergoes cell death and releases its two sperm cells within the degenerating synergid cytoplasm to effect double fertilization. In Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and many other species, synergid cell death is dependent upon pollination. However, the mechanism by which the pollen tube causes synergid cell death is not understood. As a first step toward understanding this mechanism, we defined the temporal relationship between pollen tube arrival at the female gametophyte and synergid cell death in Arabidopsis. Using confocal laser scanning microscopy, light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and real-time observation of these two events in vitro, we demonstrate that synergid cell death initiates after the pollen tube arrives at the female gametophyte but before pollen tube discharge. Our results support a model in which a signaling cascade triggered by pollen tube-synergid cell contact induces synergid cell death in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

In angiosperms, the sperm cells are carried within the pollen tubes (male gametophytes) to the female gametophyte so that double fertilization can occur. The female gametophyte exerts control over the male, with specialized cells known as synergids guiding the pollen tubes and controlling their behavior when they enter the female gametophyte so that the sperm cells can be delivered to the egg and central cell. Upon pollen tube arrival at the ovule, signal transduction cascades mediated by receptor-like kinases are initiated in both the synergid and the tip of the pollen tube, leading to synergid cell death and pollen tube rupture. In this review, we discuss the role of these receptors and of newly discovered members of the pollen tube reception pathway.  相似文献   

ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE 3 (EIN3) is a key regulator of ethylene signaling, and EIN3‐BINDING F‐BOX1 (EBF1) and EBF2 are responsible for EIN3 degradation. Previous reports have shown that the ebf1 ebf2 double homozygous mutant cannot be identified. In this study, the genetic analysis revealed that the ebf1 ebf2 female gametophyte is defective. The pollination experiment showed that ebf1 ebf2 ovules failed to attract pollen tubes. In female gametophyte/ovule, the synergid cell is responsible for pollen tube attraction. Observation of the pEIN3::EIN3‐GFP transgenic lines showed that EIN3 signal was over‐accumulated at the micropylar end of ebf1 ebf2 female gametophyte. The overexpression of stabilized EIN3 in synergid cell led to the defect of pollen tube guidance. These results suggested that the over‐accumulated EIN3 in ebf1 ebf2 synergid cell blocks its pollen tube attraction which leads to the failure of ebf1 ebf2 homozygous plant. We identified that EIN3 directly activated the expression of a sugar transporter, SENESCENCE‐ASSOCIATED GENE29 (SAG29/SWEET15). Overexpression of SAG29 in synergid cells blocked pollen tube attraction, suggesting that SAG29 might play a role in ethylene signaling to repel pollen tube entry. Taken together, our study reveals that strict control of ethylene signaling is critical for the synergid cell function during plant reproduction.  相似文献   

The sperm cell of a flowering plant cannot migrate unaided and it must be transported by the pollen-tube cell before successful fertilization can occur. The pollen tube is precisely guided to the target female gametophyte, the embryo sac, which contains the egg cell. The mechanism that precisely directs the pollen tube through the pistil to the female gametophyte has been studied for more than a century. There has been controversy over whether a diffusible signal attracts the pollen tube or whether female tissues define its path. Emerging genetic and physiological data show that the female gametophyte produces at least two directional signals, and that at least one of these signals is diffusible and derived from the two synergid cells.  相似文献   

Reproduction in angiosperms depends on communication processes of the male gametophyte (pollen) with the female floral organs (pistil, transmitting tissue) and the female gametophyte (embryo sac). Pollen-pistil interactions control pollen hydration, germination and growth through the stylar tissue. The female gametophyte is involved in guiding the growing pollen tube towards the micropyle and embryo sac. One of the two synergids flanking the egg cell starts to degenerate and becomes receptive for pollen tube entry. Pollen tube growth arrests and the tip of the pollen tube ruptures to release the sperm cells. Failures in the mutual interaction between the synergid and the pollen tube necessarily impair fertility. But the control of pollen tube reception is not understood. We isolated a semisterile, female gametophytic mutant from Arabidopsis thaliana, named feronia after the Etruscan goddess of fertility, which impairs this process. In the feronia mutant, embryo sac development and pollen tube guidance were unaffected in all ovules, although one half of the ovules bore mutant female gametophytes. However, when the pollen tube entered the receptive synergid of a feronia mutant female gametophyte, it continued to grow, failed to rupture and release the sperm cells, and invaded the embryo sac. Thus, the feronia mutation disrupts the interaction between the male and female gametophyte required to elicit these processes. Frequently, mutant embryo sacs received supernumerary pollen tubes. We analysed feronia with synergid-specific GUS marker lines, which demonstrated that the specification and differentiation of the synergids was normal. However, GUS expression in mutant gametophytes persisted after pollen tube entry, in contrast to wild-type embryo sacs where it rapidly decreased. Apparently, the failure in pollen tube reception results in the continued expression of synergid-specific genes, probably leading to an extended expression of a potential pollen tube attractant.  相似文献   

In over 80 % of the angiosperms, the female gametophyte is comprised of seven cells, two of which are the synergid cells. These cells are considered pivotal in assuring successful fertilization. The synergid cells direct pollen tube growth toward the female gametophyte, and facilitate the entrance of the tube into the embryo sac. Once the pollen tube enters the synergid cell, its growth is arrested, the tip of the tube breaks, and two sperm cells are released. This sequence of events is also synergid dependent. In addition, separation of the cells of the male germ unit, orientation of the two sperm cells in the degenerating synergid, and fusion of the egg and central cell with sperm cells may also be related to synergid cells. Synergid structure has been widely studied, but development and function of these cells during angiosperm fertilization remains elusive. Recent molecular approaches have provided an enhanced understanding of the role of synergid cells in fertilization. The present review summarizes the results of current studies regarding the role of synergids in angiosperm reproductive function.  相似文献   

The specific functions of the genes encoding arginine biosynthesis enzymes in plants are not well characterized. We report the isolation and characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana N-acetylglutamate kinase(NAGK), which catalyzes the second step of arginine biosynthesis. NAGK is a plastid-localized protein and is expressed during most developmental processes in Arabidopsis. Heterologous expression of the Arabidopsis NAGK gene in a NAGK-deficient Escherichia coli strain fully restores bacterial growth on arginine-deficient medium. nagk mutant pollen tubes grow more slowly than wild type pollen tubes and the phenotype is restored by either specifically through complementation by NAGK in pollen, or exogenous supplementation of arginine. nagk female gametophytes are defective in micropylar pollen tube guidance due to the fact that female gametophyte cell fate specification was specifically affected. Expression of NAGK in synergid cells rescues the defect of nagk female gametophytes. Lossof-function of NAGK results in Arabidopsis embryos not developing beyond the four-celled embryo stage. The embryo-defective phenotype in nagk/NAGK plants cannot be rescued by watering nagk/NAGK plants with arginine or ornithine supplementation. In conclusion,our results reveal a novel role of NAGK and arginine in regulating gametophyte function and embryo development, and provide valuable insights into arginine transport during embryo development.  相似文献   

The mature embryo sac of barley consists of an egg, two synergids, a central cell, and up to 100 antipodal cells. At shedding the male gametophyte is 3-celled, consisting of a vegetative cell with a large amount of starch and two sperms having PAS+ boundaries. Before pollination the nucleus and cytoplasm of each synergid appear normal. After pollination the nucleus and cytoplasm of one synergid undergo degeneration. The pollen tube grows along the surface of the integument of the ovule, passes through the micropyle, and enters the degenerate synergid through the filiform apparatus. The pollen tube discharges the vegetative nucleus, two cellular sperms, and a variable amount of starch into the degenerate synergid. Soon after deposition the sperms migrate by an unknown mechanism to the chalazal end of the degenerate synergid. Sperm nuclei then enter the cytoplasm of the egg and central cell, ultimately resulting in the formation of the zygote and primary endosperm nucleus, respectively. Sperm boundaries do not enter egg or central cell, but it was not possible to determine the fate of other sperm components. Degenerate vegetative and synergid nuclei remain in the synergid after fertilization, constituting what are considered to be X-bodies in barley. The second synergid degenerates during early embryogeny.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure and composition of the synergids of Capsella bursa-pastoris were studied before and after fertilization. The synergids in the mature embryo sac contain numerous plastids, mitochondria, dictyosomes and masses of ER and associated ribosomes. Each synergid contains a large chalazal vacuole, a nucleus with a single nucleolus and is surrounded by a wall. This wall is thickest at the micropyle end of the cell where it proliferates into the filiform apparatus. At the chalazal end of the cell the wall thins and may be absent for small distances. The pollen tube grows into one of the two synergids through the filiform apparatus and extends one-third the length of the cell before it discharges. Following discharge of the pollen tube, mitochondria and plastids of the tube can be identified in the synergid as can hundreds of 0.5 μ polysaccharide spheres liberated by the tube. The method by which the sperm or sperm nuclei enter the egg or central cell is not known although an apparent rupture was found in the wall of the egg near the tip of the pollen tube. The second synergid changes at the time the pollen tube enters the first synergid. These changes result in the disorganization of the nucleus and loss of the chalazal wall and plasma membrane. Eventually this synergid loses its identity as its cytoplasm merges with that of the central cell.  相似文献   

A study of the egg apparatus of Quercus gambelii was made at both the light and the electron microscope levels. This investigation was concerned primarily with the changes that occur in these cells before and after the process of fertilization and what role, if any, is played by the synergids in this phenomenon. The synergids before fertilization are, on the basis of ultrastructure, healthy, intact, functional cells. They have numerous mitochondria, dictyosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, and a typical nucleus. A prominent filiform apparatus is present, but the cell wall only extends a short distance around the micropylar end of the cells. Just before fertilization, one of the synergids degenerates. This is the synergid that receives the pollen tube and its discharge, including both male gametes. Dictyosomes increase in number and activity in the other synergid (persistent synergid) after fertilization. Eventually a complete cell wall forms around both of the synergids. No plasmodesmata are present in these walls. The egg has numerous mitochondria, dictyosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, and ribosomes, both free in the cytoplasm and attached to the endoplasmic reticulum. Lipid bodies are characteristic of this cell. A cell wall is present only around the micropylar end of the egg. After fertilization, little change occurs in the zygote. The number and activity of the dictyosomes increase, apparently in correlation with cell wall formation. The number of lipid bodies increases. The zygote is approximately the same size as the egg. Plastids are scarce, and starch grains are typically absent from all cells of the egg apparatus. It is suggested that the synergids function in the secretion of chemotropic substances that guide the growth of the pollen tube. Comparisons are made between the egg apparatus of Quercus gambelii and that of the other plants studied thus far.  相似文献   

In Angiosperms, the male gametes are delivered to the female gametes through the maternal reproductive tissue by the pollen tube. Upon arrival, the pollen tube releases the two sperm cells, permitting double fertilization to take place. Although the critical role of the female gametophyte in pollen tube reception has been demonstrated, the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. Here, we describe lorelei, an Arabidopsis thaliana mutant impaired in sperm cell release, reminiscent of the feronia/sirène mutant. Pollen tubes reaching lorelei embryo sacs frequently do not rupture but continue to grow in the embryo sac. Furthermore, lorelei embryo sacs continue to attract additional pollen tubes after arrival of the initial pollen tube. The LORELEI gene is expressed in the synergid cells prior to fertilization and encodes a small plant-specific putative glucosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein (GAP). These results provide support for the concept of signaling mechanisms at the synergid cell membrane by which the female gametophyte recognizes the arrival of a compatible pollen tube and promotes sperm release. Although GAPs have previously been shown to play critical roles in initiation of fertilization in mammals, flowering plants appear to have independently evolved reproductive mechanisms that use the unique features of these proteins within a similar biological context.  相似文献   

An electron microscopic study of the mature megagametophyte in Zea mays   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
With light microscopy maize megagametophytes stained with Alcian blue-periodic acid-Schiff (AB-PAS) reveal acid or neutral polysaccharides in various cell walls. Comparative fine structural studies were made of permanganate- or OsO4-fixed material. Organelle distribution is random in the vacuolate and multinucleate antipodal cells; organelles are abundant; starch is scarce. Antipodal cell walls have large openings forming several syncytia. Some walls are papillate. In the central cell (primary endosperm cell) a thin peripheral layer of cytoplasm surrounds the large vacuole; organelle number is moderate; starch is abundant. The central cell wall is also papillate adjacent to the antipodals and around the egg apparatus. In the synergids organelle distribution is non-random; nuclei and numerous organelles occupy the micropylar cytoplasm of each synergid; vacuoles dominate the chalazal cytoplasm of these cells. The filiform apparatus stains with AB-PAS and is composed of both lightly and darkly stained amorphous material. In the egg, organelle distribution is perinuclear with vacuoles proximal to the micropyle; mitochondria are large, abundant and polymorphic; starch is abundant. Nucleolar diameter is five times greater in the central cell and egg than in the antipodal cells and ten times greater than in the synergids. Plasmodesmata occur in all cell walls within the gametophyte, but none appear in the gametophyte wall itself. It is suggested that the antipodals and synergids might be secretory, the latter probably being involved in pollen tube attraction, and that stored metabolites in the central cell and egg cytoplasm support rapid increase in metabolism following fertilization.  相似文献   

B. -Q. Huang  S. D. Russell 《Planta》1994,194(2):200-214
The cytoskeletal organization of the embryo sac of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) was examined at maturity and during synergid degeneration, pollen-tube delivery and gamete transfer using rapid-frozen, freeze-substituted and chemically fixed material in combination with immunofluorescence and immunogold electron microscopy. Before fertilization, the synergid is a highly polarized cell with dense longitudinally aligned arrays of microtubules adjacent to the filiform apparatus at the micropylar end of the cell associated with major organelles. The cytoskeleton of the central cell is less polarized, with dense cortical microtubules in the micropylar and chalazal regions and looser, longitudinally oriented cortical microtubules in the lateral region. In the synergid and central cell, F-actin is frequently found at the surface of the organelles and co-localizes with either single microtubules or microtubule bundles. Egg cell microtubules are frequently cortical, randomly oriented and more abundant at the chalazal end of the cell; actin filaments are associated with microtubules and the cortex of the egg cell. At 48 h after pollination and before the pollen tube arrives, the onset of degeneration is evident in one of the two synergids: the electron density of cytoplasmic organelles and the ground cytoplasm increases and the nucleus becomes distorted. Although synergids otherwise remain intact, the vacuole collapses and organelles degenerate rapidly after pollen-tube entry. Abundant electron-dense material extends from the degenerated synergid into intercellular spaces at the chalazal end of the synergid and between the synergids, egg and central cell. Rhodamine-phalloidin and anti-actin immunogold labeling reveal that electron-dense aggregates in this region contain abundant actin forming two distinct bands termed coronas. This actin is part of a mechanism in the egg apparatus which appears to precisely position and facilitate the access of male gametes to the egg and central cell for fusion.Abbreviations ES embryo sac - FA filiform apparatus - Mf microfilament - Mt microtubule - PT pollen tube - RF-FS rapid-freeze freeze-substitution - TEM transmission electron microscopy We thank Gregory W. Strout for technical assistance in the use of the RF-FS technique and Dr. Hongshi Yu for providing Fig. 1. This research was supported by U.S. Department of Agriculture grants 88-37261-3761 and 91-37304-6471. We gratefully acknowledge use of the Samuel Robert Noble Electron Microscopy Laboratory of the University of Oklahoma.  相似文献   

天竺葵雌性生殖单位的超微结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用透射电镜研究了临近受精时天竺葵(Pelargonium hortorum Bailey)胚囊中的卵细胞、助细胞和中央细胞的结构。证明了卵细胞与助细胞以及助细胞与助细胞之间从合点端至珠孔端有很大的面积以质膜分界,仅珠孔端少部分以壁分隔。卵细胞与中央细胞之间同样缺乏细胞壁。在卵细胞的合点端,两质膜不同程度地分离形成宽窄相间的间隙。在间隙的絮状基质中存在小泡,这些小泡的产生似与卵和中央细胞中周质内质网的活动有关。推测小泡为多糖性质,可能为合子新壁的建造提供物质。卵细胞质中含巨大线粒体,质体和内质网也较丰富。基于超微结构的特征,可认为卵细胞具高度的生理合成活动的潜能。中央细胞极核位于珠孔端与卵器细胞毗邻,有利于在双受精作用中同时发生精细胞与卵细胞和精细胞与中央细胞核的融合。中央细胞的侧壁在珠孔端形成内突,具传递细胞的特点,表明这是雌配子体向孢子体摄取营养的重要部位。助细胞的细胞质含丰富的细胞器,这与多数植物中的相似,但具几个明显的特征,即核中存在微核仁,内质网形成圆球体或脂体,线粒体富集在丝状器的附近。传粉后花粉管进入胚囊之前,两个助细胞中一个退化。  相似文献   

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