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海南岛尖峰岭的维管植物区系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
符国瑷  洪小江 《广西植物》2008,28(2):226-229
概述了尖峰岭的自然条件与植被现状,对尖峰岭维管植物的区系组成与特点加以描述,并与临近植物区系相比较。与此同时,作者在野外植物多样性调查中,还发现了一些新记录植物,以及尖峰岭存在的国家、省重点保护野生植物也作了报道。  相似文献   

1. Regional distribution, frequency of occurrence and relative abundance were scored in 2467 Norwegian lakes for all the recorded 130 species of crustacean zooplankton. The majority of species were rare in the sense that 65% of species were recorded in fewer than 10% of localities. Only six species were recorded in more than 50% of localities, and the median number of species in a given locality was 14 (i.e. 10% of the total species pool). 2. Abundances of all species were scored according to the fraction of lakes in which they were recorded, their geographical range of distribution, and their numerical abundance. Typically the most rare species were rare by all three criteria, and vice versa for the common species, pointing to rarity as an inherent property of some species. For some species this rarity reflects being on the edge of their distributional range, while for others rarity seems to be a consequence of their life cycle strategies. 3. Some of the truly rare species have high dispersal rates and high colonization abilities, but are rapidly replaced by other species. Others are confined to specific habitats, often highly eutrophic, pointing to highly specialized niche adaptations. 4. A major cause for the few truly common species seems to be the limited number of species that are able to coexist within a given locality, reflecting ‘the ghost of competition past’ and predation pressure. 5. While species composition and species richness may reflect colonization abilities and stochastic events, the presence or absence of species is not only a random lottery but also a consequence of species‐specific attributes.  相似文献   

北京山区野生维管束植物区系   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
在北京山区共有高等植物1166种(含变种、变型),隶属于122科、503属;其中蕨类植物17科、26属、62种(变种),裸子植物3科、7属、7种;双子叶植物88科、371属、863种(变种);单子叶植物14科、99属、234种(变种)。优势科属的统计表明,本区维管束植物一方面集中于菊科、蔷薇科等一些世界性大科之中,同时又向少种科、单种科分散。在北京山区共调查到1个单种科,6个单属科。本区分布的单种属和寡种属共72个,其中单种属有31个。种子植物属的分布区类型占有全国植物科的15个分布区类型,以温带成分的属为主,其占种子植物总属数的55.34%;其次是泛热带分布类型,共计60属,占总属12.6%,中国特有分布的属有11属,占总属数的2.31%,所占比例较小。  相似文献   

A key challenge in ecology is to understand the relationships between organismal traits and ecosystem processes. Here, with a novel dataset of leaf length and width for 10 480 woody dicots in China and 2374 in North America, we show that the variation in community mean leaf size is highly correlated with the variation in climate and ecosystem primary productivity, independent of plant life form. These relationships likely reflect how natural selection modifies leaf size across varying climates in conjunction with how climate influences canopy total leaf area. We find that the leaf size?primary productivity functions based on the Chinese dataset can predict productivity in North America and vice‐versa. In addition to advancing understanding of the relationship between a climate‐driven trait and ecosystem functioning, our findings suggest that leaf size can also be a promising tool in palaeoecology for scaling from fossil leaves to palaeo‐primary productivity of woody ecosystems.  相似文献   

Terrestrial orchid germination, growth and development are closely linked to the establishment and maintenance of a relationship with a mycorrhizal fungus. Mycorrhizal dependency and specificity varies considerably between orchid taxa but the degree to which this underpins rarity in orchids is unknown. In the context of examining orchid rarity, large scale in vitro and in situ germination trials complemented by DNA sequencing were used to investigate ecological specialization in the mycorrhizal interaction of the rare terrestrial orchid Caladenia huegelii. Common and widespread sympatric orchid congeners were used for comparative purposes. Germination trials revealed an absolute requirement for mycorrhisation with compatibility barriers to germination limiting C. huegelii to a highly specific and range limited, efficacious mycorrhizal fungus. DNA sequencing confirmed fidelity between orchid and fungus across the distribution range of C. huegelii and at key life history stages within its life cycle. It was also revealed that common congeners could swap or share fungal partners including the fungus associated with the rare orchid but not vice versa. Data from this study provides evidence for orchid rarity as a cause and consequence of high mycorrhizal specialization. This interaction must be taken into account in efforts to mitigate the significant extinction risk for this species from anthropogenically induced habitat change and illustrates the importance of understanding fungal specificity in orchid ecology and conservation.  相似文献   

基于野外实地调查、植物标本采集与鉴定及文献研究的方法,分析了屈吴山省级自然保护区维管植物组成和分布区类型。结果表明:屈吴山省级自然保护区内植物共计50科108属157种,其中蕨类植物1科1属1种;裸子植物4科8属13种;被子植物45科99属143种,蕨类植物和裸子植物比较贫乏。保护区内植物科的组成以单种科和寡种科为主,单种科23科76属,占该区维管植物总科数的46.00%;寡种科22科31属,占该区维管植物总科数的44.00%。以蔷薇科(Rosaceae)、禾本科(Gramineae)、菊科(Compositae)、豆科(Leguminosae)、卫矛科(Celastraceae)、榆科(Ulmaceae)和松科(Pinaceae)为优势科。在科级水平上,划分为9个分布区和2个变型,科以世界广布科和北温带分布占优势,温带科(42.00%)高于热带科(24.00%);在属级水平上,划分为12个分布区和6个变型,温带属(75.93%)明显高于热带属(9.26%),温带地理成分占绝对优势,尤其以北温带分布为主。研究屈吴山省级自然保护区维管植物区系地理分布特征,为保护该区生物多样性和开展相关植...  相似文献   

Yi Jin  Hong Qian 《Ecography》2019,42(8):1353-1359
We present V.PhyloMaker, a freely available package for R designed to generate phylogenies for vascular plants. The mega‐tree implemented in V.PhyloMaker (i.e. GBOTB.extended.tre), which was derived from two recently published mega‐trees and includes 74 533 species and all families of extant vascular plants, is the largest dated phylogeny for vascular plants. V.PhyloMaker can generate phylogenies for very large species lists (the largest species list that we tested included 314 686 species). V.PhyloMaker generates phylogenies at a fast speed, much faster than other phylogeny‐generating packages. Our tests of V.PhyloMaker show that generating a phylogeny for 60 000 species requires less than six hours. V.PhyloMaker includes an approach to attach genera or species to their close relatives in a phylogeny. We provide a simple example in this paper to show how to use V.PhyloMaker to generate phylogenies.  相似文献   

Functional rarity (FR) — a feature combining a species'' rarity with the distinctiveness of its traits — is a promising tool to better understand the ecological importance of rare species and consequently to protect functional diversity more efficiently. However, we lack a systematic understanding of FR on both the species level (which species are functionally rare and why) and the community level (how is FR associated with biodiversity and environmental conditions). Here, we quantify FR for 218 plant species from German hay meadows on a local, regional, and national scale by combining data from 6500 vegetation relevés and 15 ecologically relevant traits. We investigate the association between rarity and trait distinctiveness on different spatial scales via correlation measures and show which traits lead to low or high trait distinctiveness via distance‐based redundancy analysis. We test how species richness and FR are correlated, and use boosted regression trees to determine environmental conditions that are driving species richness and FR. On the local scale, only rare species showed high trait distinctiveness while on larger spatial scales rare and common species showed high trait distinctiveness. As infrequent trait attributes (e.g., legumes, low clonality) led to higher trait distinctiveness, we argue that functionally rare species are either specialists or transients. While specialists occupy a particular niche in hay meadows leading to lower rarity on larger spatial scales, transients display distinct but maladaptive traits resulting in high rarity across all spatial scales. More functionally rare species than expected by chance occurred in species‐poor communities indicating that they prefer environmental conditions differing from characteristic conditions of species‐rich hay meadows. Finally, we argue that functionally rare species are not necessarily relevant for nature conservation because many were transients from surrounding habitats. However, FR can facilitate our understanding of why species are rare in a habitat and under which conditions these species occur.  相似文献   

There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that widespread (i.e. common) rather than geographically restricted species (i.e. rare) shape the overall distribution patterns of species richness. This is a non‐intuitive fact, given that local and regional assemblages are normally composed by numerous rare species and few common ones. We evaluated here the primacy of common species in a biogeographic transition zone, where rarity has frequently a higher incidence. We analysed the geographical variability of trees and shrubs in Uruguay, located in a transitional zone between prairie and forest biomes, to assess the relative contribution of rare and common species to the generation of richness patterns. The distribution of 301 species of the native woody assemblage of Uruguay was mapped over the national grid system (302 quadrants of approximately 22 × 30 km), using published data and herbarium records. The overall assemblage was segregated into four subassemblages in function of species distribution (quartiles). Species richness in the four quartiles was positively correlated with overall richness, but common species (quartile 3) showed the highest level of correlation. Then, we ranked species from the most widespread to the most restricted (common‐to‐rare) and from the most restricted to the most widespread (rare‐to‐common). Along each stage of the sequences we obtained a series of species richness patterns for increasing numbers of species. Correlating the species richness pattern for each subassemblage of both sequences with that of the full assemblage, we also found higher correlations in the common‐to‐rare sequence. We conclude the Uruguayan woody plants assemblage has a very large number of rare species as expected for a transitional biogeographical zone, but it was the common species that contributed most to the overall pattern of species richness. We propose the low contribution of rare species is explained by the most interspecific variability in ecological determinants within the assemblage of rare species. Therefore the spatial covariance among rare species is low, and so is the relationship with overall species richness.  相似文献   

Bipolar disjunct distributions are a fascinating biogeographic pattern exhibited by about 30 vascular plants, whose populations reach very high latitudes in the northern and southern hemispheres. In this review, we first propose a new framework for the definition of bipolar disjunctions and then reformulate a list of guiding principles to consider how to study bipolar species. Vicariance and convergent evolution hypotheses have been argued to explain the origin of this fragmented distribution pattern, but we show here that they can be rejected for all bipolar species, except for Carex microglochin. Instead, human introduction and dispersal (either direct or by mountain‐hopping)facilitated by standard and nonstandard vectorsare the most likely explanations for the origin of bipolar plant disjunctions. Successful establishment after dispersal is key for colonization of the disjunct areas and appear to be related to both intrinsic (e.g., self‐compatibility) and extrinsic (mutualistic and antagonistic interactions) characteristics. Most studies on plant bipolar disjunctions have been conducted in Carex (Cyperaceae), the genus of vascular plants with the largest number of bipolar species. We found a predominant north‐to‐south direction of dispersal, with an estimated time of diversification in agreement with major cooling events during the Pliocene and Pleistocene. Bipolar Carex species do not seem to depend on specialized traits for long‐distance dispersal and could have dispersed through one or multiple stochastic events, with birds as the most likely dispersal vector.  相似文献   

1 It has been suggested that rare species differ from related common species in a variety of traits, including (among others) niche breadth and dispersal ability. We set out to test these ideas in the flora of central England.
2 We used two measures of range: number of hectads in Britain (national range) and number of 1 km2 in a 3000-km2 area of central England (local range). In each case we regressed phylogenetically independent contrasts in geographical range against contrasts in range of germination temperature (one aspect of fundamental niche breadth), terminal velocity of dispersule (a measure of wind dispersal capacity), seed weight and specialism index (a measure of the diversity of habitats exploited in central England). Seed weights and germination temperature were known for 263 species, specialism index for 261 and terminal velocity for 178.
3 Specialism index explained by far the largest part of the variance in local and national range. Seed weight, terminal velocity and germination temperature each explained only 2–4% of the variation in local range, and none of the variation in national range.
4 Most previous attempts to relate niche breadth and dispersal ability to range have concerned animals. There is little convincing published evidence for plants, and in the British herbaceous seed plants studied here the best predictor of range was diversity of habitats exploited. This pattern was independent of phylogeny.  相似文献   

植物的间断分布格局及其形成机制是植物地理学研究的重要问题之一。本文在对中国大陆与台湾名录整理比较的基础上,对中国西南与台湾地区的植物间断分布格局及形成机制进行了分析。结果表明,两地同种型间断分布的维管植物有198种(包括变种和亚种),隶属于56科129属,其中蕨类植物86种,裸子植物3种,双子叶植物56种,单子叶植物53种;两地异种型间断分布的维管植物有22属,隶属于15科,其中蕨类植物6属,裸子植物1属,双子叶植物7属,单子叶植物兰科8属。间断分布类群以草本植物为主,主要是蕨类和兰科植物。间断分布类群在台湾地区主要分布在中部到东北部,在大陆的分布主要集中在川东–鄂西地区、川西–滇西北地区–藏东南地区和滇东南–桂西–黔西南地区。在垂直高度上,海拔1,550–2,350m是间断分布类群最集中分布的海拔范围。我们推测中国西南与台湾地区的间断分布类群有3种来源:北半球温带、中国西南和热带亚洲来源。  相似文献   

1 Using data from a survey of over 10 000 1-m2 quadrats in a 3000-km2 area, we examined the relationship between abundance and range for the vascular plant flora of central England.
2 At the level of the whole landscape, abundance was not related to local, regional or national range. Local, regional and national range were closely related to each other.
3 At the level of the whole landscape, range was significantly and positively related to both niche breadth (expressed as the range of habitats exploited) and to habitat availability, although niche breadth appeared to be more important. Abundance was not related to niche breadth or habitat availability. Since specialist species are mainly confined to uncommon habitats (especially wetlands), we conclude that the relationship between range and niche breadth is not an artefact of widespread species passively sampling more habitats.
4 At the level of individual habitat types, significant positive relationships between range and abundance were common. These relationships remained after controlling for the effects of phylogeny. For predominantly annual weed communities, the relationship was linear, but for perennial communities it was markedly 'upper triangular', i.e. all combinations of range and abundance were found except wide range/low abundance. The evidence suggests that this difference can be attributed to the greater mobility of annual weeds.  相似文献   

We assessed woody plant communities in two widely separated forests in the tropical dry forest (TDF) biome of Mexico for evidence of similar patterns of species commonness and rarity. We used belt transects laid out along contour lines (i.e., constant elevation) and stratified across elevation gradients at sites in Jalisco and Oaxaca to sample woody plant species diversity, abundance, relative frequency and basal area. We assembled a combined species list and compared species found in both sites (shared) to species found in only one site, assessing whether the most and least common species at a site tended to be shared or unshared. Of the 8242 individuals sampled, 370 species or morpho‐species were identified, with 222 species recorded at the Jalisco site and 270 at the Oaxaca site—122 (33%) species were shared across sites. Abundance, frequency and basal area of shared species were greater on average than for unshared species, and were positively correlated across sites. A subset of 68 shared species (18%) accounted for over half of all individuals encountered at the two sites. Species in the most common quartile were more likely to be shared than expected by chance, while species in the least common quartile were less likely. A genus‐level analysis found similar patterns. Our findings suggest that the TDF of Pacific coast Mexico shows evidence of widespread dominance by a small subset of species. These findings have potentially important implications for predicting species composition, understanding the role of oligarchic species in ecological processes, and conserving rare species.  相似文献   

Seven forms of rarity in mammals   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Conservation biologists have identified threats to the survival of about a quarter of the mammalian species; to identify patterns of rarity and commonness of mammals, we studied a global sample of 1212 species (about 28% of the mammals) using the ‘7 forms of rarity’ model (in which species are roughly divided into above and below the median for local population density, species’ range area, and number of habitat types). From a niche‐based hypothesis of abundance and distribution, we predicted that mammals would exhibit a bimodal pattern of rarity and commonness, with an overabundance of species in the relatively rarest and most common categories; and just such a significant bimodal pattern emerged, with over a quarter of the species classified as exceedingly rare and a further quarter very common, supporting the niche‐based hypothesis. Orders that include large mammals, including perissodactyls, primates, diprotodonts, and carnivores, exhibited significantly high proportions of relatively rare species; and tropical zoogeographic regions, especially Indomalaya, had relatively high proportions of species in the rarest category. Significant biases in the available data on mammals included under‐sampling of small species like rodents and bats, and a relative paucity of data on zoogeographic regions outside of North America and Australia. Mammalian species listed as of conservation concern by the IUCN occurred in all cells of the model, indicating that even relatively common species can be listed as threatened under some conditions; but we also found that sixty‐three species were relatively rare in all three criteria of the 7‐forms model but were not listed as threatened, indicating potential candidates for further study. Mammals may be a group of animals where rarity or commonness is a natural aspect of species biology, both confirming and perhaps partly explaining the large proportion of mammals assigned threatened status.  相似文献   

The Cape Peninsula (area: 471 km2), situated at the south-western extremity of the Cape Floristic Region, has exceptionally high plant species richness (2285 species and infraspecific taxa) and numbers of endemic (90; 88 species and two infraspecific) and threatened (141; 138 species and three infraspecific) taxa (termed species from here on). This biodiversity is threatened by urban development and the spread of invasive alien plants. Peninsula endemics are concentrated in a few, predominantly species-rich families and these correspond well with endemic-rich families in other areas of the Cape Floristic Region. A high level of similarity exists between families with threatened and families with endemic species. A frequency analysis of the biological traits of both endemic and threatened species shows that low growing, ant-dispersed shrubs are over-represented in both groups. Endemics are most likely to be non-sprouters, but threatened plants do not have a specific post-fire regeneration strategy. Threatened species have higher frequencies of geophytes, sprouters and wind-dispersed species compared to endemic species. Numbers of endemic and threatened species are not randomly distributed with regard to occurrence in vegetation types and patterns are similar for both groups. The habitat and biological profiles of both endemic and threatened species suggest that they are highly vulnerable to extinction as a result of increasing rates of alien plant infestation, urbanization and inappropriate fire regimes.  相似文献   

该文报道了广西维管植物新记录9种,即刻节润楠(Machilus cicatricosa S. Lee)、四瓣马齿苋(Portulaca quadrifida L.)、腺果藤(Pisonia aculeata L.)、阳春山龙眼(Helicia yangchunensis H. S. Kiu)、小鹿藿[Rhynchosia minima(L.) DC.]、白皮素馨(Jasminum rehderianum Kobuski)、宿苞厚壳树(Ehretia asperula Zoll. et Mor.)、卵叶线柱兰(Zeuxine ovalifolia L. Li&S. J. Li)和羽状穗砖子苗(Cyperus javanicus Houtt.)。文中还提供了识别特征和彩色照片,并列出了每个种的标本引证及地理分布。  相似文献   

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