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The import of protein into chloroplasts is mediated by translocon components located in the chloroplast outer (the Toc proteins) and inner (the Tic proteins) envelope membranes. To identify intermediate steps during active import, we used sucrose density gradient centrifugation and blue-native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (BN-PAGE) to identify complexes of translocon components associated with precursor proteins under active import conditions instead of arrested binding conditions. Importing precursor proteins in solubilized chloroplast membranes formed a two-peak distribution in the sucrose density gradient. The heavier peak was in a similar position as the previously reported Tic/Toc supercomplex and was too large to be analyzed by BN-PAGE. The BN-PAGE analyses of the lighter peak revealed that precursors accumulated in at least two complexes. The first complex migrated at a position close to the ferritin dimer (approximately 880 kDa) and contained only the Toc components. Kinetic analyses suggested that this Toc complex represented an earlier step in the import process than the Tic/Toc supercomplex. The second complex in the lighter peak migrated at the position of the ferritin trimer (approximately 1320 kDa). It contained, in addition to the Toc components, Tic110, Hsp93, and an hsp70 homolog, but not Tic40. Two different precursor proteins were shown to associate with the same complexes. Processed mature proteins first appeared in the membranes at the same fractions as the Tic/Toc supercomplex, suggesting that processing of transit peptides occurs while precursors are still associated with the supercomplex.  相似文献   

Protein import into chloroplasts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Most chloroplastic proteins are encoded in the nucleus, synthesized on cytosolic ribosomes and subsequently imported into the organelle. In general, proteins destined for the chloroplast are synthesized as precursor proteins with a cleavable N-terminal presequence that mediates routing to the inside of the chloroplast. These precursor proteins have to be targeted to the correct organellar membrane surface after their release from the ribosome and furthermore they have to be maintained in a conformation suitable for translocation across the two envelope membranes. Recognition and import of most chloroplastic precursor proteins are accomplished by a jointly used translocation apparatus. Different but complementary studies of several groups converged recently in the identification of the outer envelope proteins OEP86, OEP75, OEP70 (a Hsp 70-related protein), OEP34, and of the inner envelope protein IEP110 as components of this translocation machinery. None of these proteins, except for OEP70, shows any homology to components of other protein translocases. The plastid import machinery thus seems to be an original development in evolution. Following translocation into the organelle, chloroplastic proteins are sorted to their suborganellar destination, i.e., the inner envelope membrane, the thylakoid membrane, and the thylakoid lumen. This structural and evolutionary complexity of chloroplasts is reflected by a variety of routing mechanisms by which proteins reach their final location once inside the organelle. This review will focus on recent advances in the identification of components of the chloroplastic protein import machinery, and new insights into the pathways of inter-and intraorganellar sorting.  相似文献   

Toc64/OEP64 was identified biochemically in pea as a putative component of the chloroplast protein import apparatus. In Arabidopsis, three paralogous genes (atTOC64-III, atTOC64-V and atTOC64-I) encode Toc64-related proteins, and these have been reported to localize in chloroplasts, mitochondria and the cytosol, respectively. To assess the role of the atToc64-III protein in chloroplast protein import in an in vivo context, we identified and characterized Arabidopsis knockout mutants. The absence of detectable defects in toc64-III single mutants raised the possibility of redundancy, and prompted us to also identify toc64-V and toc64-I mutants, cross them to toc64-III, and generate double- and triple-mutant combinations. The toc64 mutants were analysed carefully with respect to a variety of criteria, including chlorophyll accumulation, photosynthetic performance, organellar ultrastructure and chloroplast protein accumulation. In each case, the mutant plants were indistinguishable from wild type. Furthermore, the efficiency of chloroplast protein import was not affected by the toc64 mutations, even when a putative substrate of the atToc64-III protein (wheatgerm-translated precursor of the 33 kDa subunit of the oxygen-evolving complex, OE33) was examined. Moreover, under various stress conditions (high light, osmotic stress and cold), the toc64 triple-mutant plants were not significantly different from wild type. These results demonstrate that Toc64/OEP64 is not essential for the efficient import of proteins into chloroplasts in Arabidopsis, and draw into question the functional significance of this component.  相似文献   

Many chloroplast proteins are synthesized in the cytoplasm as precursors which contain an amino terminal transit peptide. These precursors are subsequently imported into chloroplast and targeted to one of several organellar locations. This import is mediated by the transit peptide, which is cleaved off during import. We have used the transit peptides of ferredoxin (chloroplast stroma) and plastocyanin (thylakoid lumen) to study chloroplast protein import and intra-organellar routing toward different compartments. Chimeric genes were constructed that encode precursor proteins in which the transit peptides are linked to yeast mitochondrial manganese superoxide dismutase. Chloroplast protein import and localization experiments show that both chimeric proteins are imported into the chloroplast stroma and processed. The plastocyanin transit sequence did not direct superoxide dismutase to the thylakoids; this protein was found in the stroma as an intermediate that still contains part of the plastocyanin transit peptide. The organelle specificity of these chimeric precursors reflected the transit peptide parts of the molecules, because neither the ferredoxin and plastocyanin precursors nor the chimeric proteins were imported into isolated yeast mitochondria.  相似文献   

The majority of chloroplast proteins is nuclear-encoded and therefore synthesized on cytosolic ribosomes. In order to enter the chloroplast, these proteins have to cross the double-membrane surrounding the organelle. This is achieved by means of two hetero-oligomeric protein complexes in the outer and inner envelope, the Toc and Tic translocon. The process of chloroplast import is highly regulated on both sides of the envelope membranes. Our studies indicate the existence of an undescribed mode of control for this process so far, at the same time providing further evidence that the chloroplast is integrated into the calcium-signalling network of the cell. In pea chloroplasts, the calmodulin inhibitor Ophiobolin A as well as the calcium ionophores A23187 and Ionomycin affect the translocation of those chloroplast proteins that are imported with an N-terminal cleavable presequence. Import of these proteins is inhibited in a concentration-dependent manner. Addition of external calmodulin or calcium can counter the effect of these inhibitors. Translocation of chloroplast proteins that do not possess a cleavable transit peptide, that is outer envelope proteins or the inner envelope protein Tic32, is not affected. These results suggest that the import of a certain subset of chloroplast proteins is regulated by calcium. Our studies furthermore indicate that this regulation occurs downstream of the Toc translocon either within the intermembrane space or at the inner envelope translocon. A potential promoter of the calcium regulation is calmodulin, a protein well known as part of the plant's calcium signalling system.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic chloroplast is the hallmark organelle of green plants. During the endosymbiotic evolution of chloroplasts, the vast majority of genes from the original cyanobacterial endosymbiont were transferred to the host cell nucleus. Chloroplast biogenesis therefore requires the import of nucleus-encoded proteins from their site of synthesis in the cytosol. The majority of proteins are imported by the activity of Toc and Tic complexes located within the chloroplast envelope. In addition to chloroplasts, plants have evolved additional, non-photosynthetic plastid types that are essential components of all cells. Recent studies indicate that the biogenesis of various plastid types relies on distinct but homologous Toc-Tic import pathways that have specialized in the import of specific classes of substrates. These different import pathways appear to be necessary to balance the essential physiological role of plastids in cellular metabolism with the demands of cellular differentiation and plant development.  相似文献   

Chloroplasts were isolated from Arabidopsis plants grown under different conditions, and using different protocols, to determine a method that would yield chloroplasts capable of binding and importing precursor proteins. Chloroplasts isolated from protoplasts and purified on a Percoll gradient were highly import-competent, with little non-specific binding of the precursor, and a high yield of intact chloroplasts (0.1 mg chlorophyll/g FW). Chloroplasts from plants grown on agar plates had a much higher rate of import than those from plants grown on soil. Protein import remained high at all of the ages tested for chloroplasts from plate-grown plants, whereas it declined during the development of soil-grown plants. Arabidopsis chloroplasts imported a range of precursor proteins and had nucleotide requirements for binding and import similar to those reported for pea chloroplasts.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that presequences of nuclear-encoded chloroplast proteins from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii contain a region that may form an amphiphilic -helix, a structure characteristic of mitochondrial presequences. We have tested two precursors of chloroplast proteins (the PsaF and PsaK photosystem I subunits) from C. reinhardtii for the ability to be imported into spinach leaf mitochondria in vitro. Both precursors bound to spinach mitochondria. The PsaF protein was converted into a protease-protected form with high efficiency in a membrane potential-dependent manner, indicating that the protein had been imported, whereas the PsaK protein was not protease protected. The protease protection of PsaF was not inhibited by a synthetic peptide derived from the presequence of the N. plumbaginifolia mitochondrial F1 subunit. Furthermore, if the presequence of PsaF was truncated or deleted by in vitro mutagenesis, the protein was still protease-protected with approximately the same efficiency as the full-length precursor. These results indicate that PsaF can be imported by spinach mitochondria in a presequence-independent manner. However, even in the absence of the presequence, this process was membrane potential-dependent. Interestingly, the presequence-truncated PsaF proteins were also protease-protected upon incubation with C. reinhardtii chloroplasts. Our results indicate that the C. reinhardtii chloroplast PsaF protein has peculiar properties and may be imported not only into chloroplasts but also into higher-plant mitochondria. This finding indicates that additional control mechanisms in the cytosol that are independent of the presequence are required to achieve sorting between chloroplasts and mitochondria in vivo.Abbreviations cTP chloroplast transit peptide - mTP mitochondrial targeting peptide - Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - pF1(1,25) a synthetic peptide derived from the first 25 residues of the Nicotiana plumbaginifolia mitochondrial ATP synthase F1 subunit - PsaF(2–30) and PsaF(2–61) mutant proteins lacking regions corresponding to residues 2–30 and 2–61 in the PsaF precursor protein, respectively  相似文献   

Most chloroplast and mitochondrial precursor proteins are targeted specifically to either chloroplasts or mitochondria. However, there is a group of proteins that are dual targeted to both organelles. We have developed a novel in vitro system for simultaneous import of precursor proteins into mitochondria and chloroplasts (dual import system). The mitochondrial precursor of alternative oxidase, AOX was specifically targeted only to mitochondria. The chloroplastic precursor of small subunit of pea ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, Rubisco, was mistargeted to pea mitochondria in a single import system, but was imported only into chloroplasts in the dual import system. The dual targeted glutathione reductase GR precursor was targeted to both mitochondria and chloroplasts in both systems. The GR pre-sequence could support import of the mature Rubisco protein into mitochondria and chloroplasts in the single import system but only into chloroplasts in the dual import system. Although the GR pre-sequence could support import of the mature portion of the mitochondrial FAd subunit of the ATP synthase into mitochondria and chloroplasts, mature AOX protein was only imported into mitochondria under the control of the GR pre-sequence in both systems. These results show that the novel dual import system is superior to the single import system as it abolishes mistargeting of chloroplast precursors into pea mitochondria observed in a single organelle import system. The results clearly show that although the GR pre-sequence has dual targeting ability, this ability is dependent on the nature of the mature protein.  相似文献   

Protein import into cyanelles and complex chloroplasts   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Higher-plant, green and red algal chloroplasts are surrounded by a double membrane envelope. The glaucocystophyte plastid (cyanelle) has retained a prokaryotic cell wall between the two envelope membranes. The complex chloroplasts of Euglena and dinoflagellates are surrounded by three membranes while the complex chloroplasts of chlorarachniophytes, cryptomonads, brown algae, diatoms and other chromophytes, are surrounded by 4 membranes. The peptidoglycan layer of the cyanelle envelope and the additional membranes of complex chloroplasts provide barriers to chloroplast protein import not present in the simpler double membrane chloroplast envelope. Analysis of presequence structure and in vitro import experiments indicate that proteins are imported directly from the cytoplasm across the two envelope membranes and peptidoglycan layer into cyanelles. Protein import into complex chloroplasts is however fundamentally different. Analysis of presequence structure and in vitro import into microsomal membranes has shown that translocation into the ER is the first step for protein import into complex chloroplasts enclosed by three or four membranes. In vivo pulse chase experiments and immunoelectronmicroscopy have shown that in Euglena, proteins are transported from the ER to the Golgi apparatus prior to import across the three chloroplast membranes. Ultrastructural studies and the presence of ribosomes on the outermost of the four envelope membranes suggests protein import into 4 membrane-bounded complex chloroplasts is directly from the ER like outermost membrane into the chloroplast. The fundamental difference in import mechanisms, post-translational direct chloroplast import or co-translational translocation into the ER prior to chloroplast import, appears to reflect the evolutionary origin of the different chloroplast types. Chloroplasts with a two-membrane envelope are thought to have evolved through the primary endosymbiotic association between a eukaryotic host and a photosynthetic prokaryote while complex chloroplasts are believed to have evolved through a secondary endosymbiotic association between a heterotrophic or possibly phototrophic eukaryotic host and a photosynthetic eukaryote.  相似文献   

Two Arabidopsis Toc34 homologues, atToc34 and atToc33, components of the chloroplast protein import machinery located in the outer envelope membrane, were recently isolated. Both proteins insert into the outer envelope, are supposed to bind GTP and to interact with Toc75 as demonstrated by in vitro import assays. We studied the expression of the two genes by RNA gel blot analysis, promoter-GUS plants and in situ hybridisations as well as immunoblot analysis. The atToc34 and atToc33 genes are expressed in green as well as non-green tissues and are developmentally regulated. Despite these similarities, however, the two Arabidopsis Toc34 homologues are differentially expressed in various plant organs. To gain more insight into the in vivo function of both proteins, antisense plants were created. While antisense plants of atToc33 are characterized by a pale yellowish phenotype, antisense plants of atToc34 show a weaker phenotype. Protein interaction studies using an in vitro translated precursor protein and heterologously expressed atToc34 and atToc33 proteins showed a direct GTP-dependent interaction, but demonstrated different affinities of the two atToc proteins towards the precursor protein. Thus, our results indicate a more specialized function for both atToc34 and atToc33, suggesting specificity for certain imported precursor proteins.  相似文献   

We have established a homologous system for studying mitochondrial protein import in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, using C. reinhardtii precursor proteins and mitochondria isolated from C. reinhardtii. The precursors of the F1 ATP synthase subunit and the Rieske FeS protein were imported into mitochondria with high efficiency, while the F1 subunit precursor was imported with much lower efficiency. The import of heterologous precursor proteins from higher plants was also less efficient. The precursor of the C. reinhardtii PsaF chloroplast protein was converted into a protease-protected form upon incubation with mitochondria. In vitro processing studies revealed that in contrast to the situation in higher plants, the processing of the precursors was catalysed by a soluble, matrix-located peptidase.  相似文献   

Homologous protein import machineries in chloroplasts and cyanelles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The cyanelles of the glaucocystophyte alga Cyanophora paradoxa resemble endosymbiotic cyanobacteria, especially in the presence of a peptidoglycan wall between the inner and outer envelope membranes. However, it is now clear that cyanelles are in fact primitive plastids. Phylogenetic analyses of plastid, nuclear and mitochondrial genes support a single primary endosymbiotic event. In this scenario, cyanelles and all other plastid types are derived from an ancestral photosynthetic organelle combining the high gene content of rhodoplasts and the peptidoglycan wall of cyanelles. This means that the import apparatuses of all primary plastids, i.e. those from glaucocystophytes, red algae, green algae and higher plants, should be homologous. If this is the case, then transit sequences should be similar and heterologous import experiments feasible. Thus far, heterologous in vitro import has been shown in one direction only: precursors from C. paradoxa were imported into isolated pea or spinach chloroplasts. Cyanelle transit sequences differ from chloroplast stroma targeting peptides in containing in their N-terminal domain an invariant phenylalanine residue which is shown here to be crucial for import. In addition, we now demonstrate that heterologous precursors are readily imported into isolated cyanelles, provided that the essential phenylalanine residue is engineered into the N-terminal part of chloroplast transit peptides. The cyanelle and likely also the rhodoplast import apparatus can be envisaged as prototypes with a single receptor/channel showing this requirement for N-terminal phenylalanine. In chloroplasts, multiple receptors with overlapping and less stringent specificities have evolved, explaining the efficient heterologous import of native precursors from C. paradoxa.  相似文献   

Unfolding of preproteins upon import into mitochondria.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Unfolding of preproteins and translocation across the mitochondrial membranes requires their interaction with mt-Hsp70 and Tim44 at the inner face of the inner membrane and ATP as an energy source. We measured the temperature dependence of the rates of unfolding and import into the matrix of two folded passenger domains, the tightly folded heme-binding domain (HBD) of cytochrome b2 and the loosely folded mouse dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). Despite the stability of the HBD, its rates of thermal breathing were fast and the preprotein was imported rapidly at all temperatures. In contrast, rates of unfolding and import of DHFR were strongly temperature dependent and import was significantly slower than unfolding. In addition, import rates of DHFR were strongly dependent on the length of the presequence. We propose that the mitochondrial import motor does not exert a constant pulling force. Rather, mt-Hsp70 appears to release a translocating polypeptide chain such that the precursor can then slide back and refold on the surface of the mitochondria. Refolding competes with translocation, and passengers may undergo several rounds of unfolding and refolding prior to their import.  相似文献   

Toc64 has been suggested to be part of the chloroplast import machinery in Pisum sativum. A role for Toc64 in protein transport has not been established, however. To address this, we generated knockout mutants in the moss Physcomitrella patens using the moss's ability to perform homologous recombination with nuclear DNA. Physcomitrella patens contains two genes that encode Toc64-like proteins. Both of those proteins appear to be localized in the chloroplast. The double-mutant plants were lacking Toc64 protein in the chloroplasts but showed no growth phenotype. In addition, these plants accumulated other plastid proteins at wild-type levels and showed no difference from wild type in in vitro protein import assays. These plants did have a slightly altered chloroplast shape in some tissues, however. The evidence therefore indicates that Toc64 proteins are not required for import of proteins in Physcomitrella, but may point to involvement in the determination of plastid shape.  相似文献   

PTS2 protein import into mammalian peroxisomes   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Peroxisome targeting signal (PTS)2 directs proteins from their site of synthesis in the cytosol to the lumen of the peroxisome. Unlike PTS1 which is present in the great majority of peroxisomal matrix proteins and whose import mechanics have been dissected in considerable detail, PTS2 is a relatively rare topogenic signal whose import mechanisms are far less well understood. However, as is the case for PTS1 proteins, an inability to import PTS2 proteins leads to human disease. In this report, we describe the biochemical characterization of mammalian PTS2 protein import using a semi-permeabilized cell system. We show that a PTS2-containing reporter molecule is taken up by peroxisomes in a reaction that is time-, temperature-, ATP-, and cytosol-dependent. Furthermore, the import process is specific, saturable, and requires action of the chaperone Hsc70, the cochaperone Hsp40, and the peroxins Pex5p and Pex14p. We also demonstrate peroxisomal translocation of PTS2 reporter/antibody complexes confirming the import competence of higher order structures. Importantly, cultured fibroblasts from patients with the rhizomelic form of chondrodysplasia punctata (RCDP) which are deficient for the PTS2 receptor protein, Pex7p, are unable to import the PTS2 reporter in this assay. The ability to monitor PTS2 import in vitro will permit, for the first time, a detailed comparison of the biochemical properties of PTS1 and PTS2 protein import.  相似文献   

The atToc33 protein is one of several pre‐protein import receptors in the outer envelope of Arabidopsis chloroplasts. It is a GTPase with motifs characteristic of such proteins, and its loss in the plastid protein import 1 (ppi1) mutant interferes with the import of photosynthesis‐related pre‐proteins, causing a chlorotic phenotype in mutant plants. To assess the significance of GTPase cycling by atToc33, we generated several atToc33 point mutants with predicted effects on GTP binding (K49R, S50N and S50N/S51N), GTP hydrolysis (G45R, G45V, Q68A and N101A), both binding and hydrolysis (G45R/K49N/S50R), and dimerization or the functional interaction between dimeric partners (R125A, R130A and R130K). First, a selection of these mutants was assessed in vitro, or in yeast, to confirm that the mutations have the desired effects: in relation to nucleotide binding and dimerization, the mutants behaved as expected. Then, activities of selected mutants were tested in vivo, by assessing for complementation of ppi1 in transgenic plants. Remarkably, all tested mutants mediated high levels of complementation: complemented plants were similar to the wild type in growth rate, chlorophyll accumulation, photosynthetic performance, and chloroplast ultrastructure. Protein import into mutant chloroplasts was also complemented to >50% of the wild‐type level. Overall, the data indicate that neither nucleotide binding nor dimerization at atToc33 is essential for chloroplast import (in plants that continue to express the other TOC receptors in native form), although both processes do increase import efficiency. Absence of atToc33 GTPase activity might somehow be compensated for by that of the Toc159 receptors. However, overexpression of atToc33 (or its close relative, atToc34) in Toc159‐deficient plants did not mediate complementation, indicating that the receptors do not share functional redundancy in the conventional sense.  相似文献   

In vitro assays for the import of proteins by isolated pea thylakoids have been refined and optimised with respect to (a) the method of thylakoid preparation, (b) the concentration of thylakoids in the import assay, and (c) the pH and temperature of the import assay. As a result, the 23 kDa and 16 kDa proteins of the photosynthetic oxygen-evolving complex are imported with efficiencies approaching 100%; import of the third oxygen-evolving complex protein is also observed, albeit with lower efficiencies. We have also demonstrated import of three further thylakoid proteins: plastocyanin, the CFoII subunit of the ATP synthase, and the photosystem I subunit, PSI-N, using this import assay. Import of plastocyanin, PSI-N and the 33 kDa oxygen-evolving complex protein subunit requires the presence of stromal extract whereas the other three proteins are efficiently imported in the absence of added soluble proteins. Import into isolated barley thylakoids was achieved under identical assay conditions, although with somewhat lower efficiency than into pea thylakoids.  相似文献   

T ranslocon at the o uter envelope membrane of c hloroplasts, 34  kDa (Toc34) is a GTP-binding component of the protein import apparatus within the outer envelope membrane of plastids. The Arabidopsis genome encodes two homologues of Toc34, designated atToc33 and atToc34. In this report, we describe the identification and characterization of two atToc34 knockout mutants, plastid protein import 3-1 ( ppi3-1 ) and ppi3-2 . Aerial tissues of the ppi3 mutants appeared similar to the wild type throughout development, and contained structurally normal chloroplasts that were able to efficiently import the Rubisco small subunit precursor (prSS) in vitro . The absence of an obvious ppi3 phenotype in green tissues presumably reflects the ability of atToc33 to substitute for atToc34 in the mutant, and the relatively high level of expression of the atTOC33 gene in these tissues. In the roots, where atTOC33 is expressed at a much lower level, significant growth defects were observed in both mutants: ppi3 roots were approximately 20–30% shorter than wild-type roots. Attempts to identify a double homozygote lacking atToc34 and atToc33 (by crossing the ppi3 mutants with ppi1 , an atToc33 knockout mutant) were unsuccessful, indicating that the function provided by atToc33/atToc34 is essential during early development. Plants that were homozygous for ppi1 and heterozygous for ppi3 displayed a chlorotic phenotype much more severe than that of the ppi1 single mutant. Furthermore, the siliques of these plants contained approximately 25% aborted seeds, indicating that the double homozygous mutation is embryo lethal. The data demonstrate that atToc33/atToc34 performs a central and essential role during plastid protein import, and indicate that the atToc34 isoform is relatively more important for plastid biogenesis in roots.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis thaliana, the Toc34 receptor component of the chloroplast import machinery is encoded by two independent but highly homologous genes, atToc33 and atToc34. We have isolated a T-DNA insertion mutant of atToc33 which is characterized by a pale phenotype, due to reductions in the levels of photosynthetic pigments, and alterations in protein composition. The latter involve not only chloroplast proteins but also some cytosolic polypeptides, including 14-3-3 proteins which, among other functions, have been proposed to be cytosolic targeting factors for nucleus-encoded chloroplast proteins. Within the chloroplast, many, though not all, proteins of the photosynthetic apparatus, as well as proteins not directly involved in photosynthesis, are found in significantly reduced amounts in the mutant. However, the accumulation of other chloroplast proteins is unaffected. This suggests that the atToc33 receptor is responsible for the import of a specific subset of nucleus-encoded chloroplast proteins. Supporting evidence for this conclusion was obtained by antisense repression of the atToc34 gene in the atToc33 mutant, which results in an exacerbation of the phenotype.Communicated by R. Hagemann  相似文献   

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