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Condensed chromatin and cell inactivation by single-hit kinetics   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Mammalian cells are extremely sensitive to gamma rays at mitosis, the time at which their chromatin is maximally condensed. The radiation-induced killing of mitotic cells is well described by single-hit inactivation kinetics. To investigate if radiation hypersensitivity by single-hit inactivation correlated with chromatin condensation, Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) K1 (wild-type) and xrs-5 (radiosensitive mutant) cells were synchronized by mitotic shake-off procedures and the densities of their chromatin cross sections and their radiosensitivities were measured immediately and 2 h into G1 phase. The chromatin of G1-phase CHO K1 cells was dispersed uniformly throughout their nuclei, and its average density was at least three times less than in the chromosomes of mitotic CHO K1 cells. The alpha-inactivation co-efficient of mitotic CHO K1 cells was approximately 2.0 Gy(-1) and decreased approximately 10-fold when cells entered G1 phase. The density of chromatin in CHO xrs-5 cell chromosomes at mitosis was greater than in CHO K1 cell chromosomes, and the radiosensitivity of mitotic CHO xrs-5 cells was the greatest with alpha = 5.1 Gy(-1). In G1 phase, CHO xrs-5 cells were slightly more resistant to radiation than when in mitosis, but a significant proportion of their chromatin was found to remain in condensed form adjacent to the nuclear membrane. These studies indicate that in addition to their known defects in DNA repair and V(D)J recombination, CHO xrs-5 cells may also be defective in some process associated with the condensation and/or dispersion of chromatin at mitosis. Their radiation hypersensitivity could result, in part, from their DNA remaining in compacted form during interphase. The condensation status of DNA in other mammalian cells could define their intrinsic radiosensitivity by single-hit inactivation, the mechanism of cell killing which dominates at the dose fraction size (1.8-2.0 Gy) most commonly used in radiotherapy.  相似文献   

Overall changes in chromatin sensitivity to DNase I during differentiation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The DNase I sensitivity of total chromatin was studied in fixed cells and nuclei isolated from proliferating and terminally differentiated cells, by measuring the incorporation of labelled nucleotides into DNase-sensitive sites, and electrophoresis of DNA isolated from DNase-treated nuclei. The unfixed nuclei were sensitive to digestion at around 10 micrograms/ml, the fixed cells at 30 ng/ml DNase I concentration. Proliferating Rauscher leukemia cells were more digestible than normal spleen cells. The DNase I sensitivity of the human HL60 leukemia line decreased upon DMSO-induced differentiation but still exceeded the digestibility of nuclei from normal human peripheral blood. A novel flow-cytometric technique was developed to study DNase sensitivity at the cell level. It confirmed the relative resistance of differentiated cells to DNase I and ruled out the possibility that this could be due to an altered distribution of cell cycle phases. The overall DNase I sensitivity of chromatin was compared with the sensitivity of the c-myc gene and the myc-associated hypersensitive sites. The latter sites were detected at 1 microgram/ml DNase I in HL60 nuclei. They disappeared partially upon DMSO-induced differentiation. At 10 micrograms/ml, myc was degraded in both growing and differentiating HL60, but not in HPB cells. These data suggest that a progressive condensation of the chromatin occurs during terminal differentiation which gradually involves specific genes that need to be inactivated.  相似文献   

Pericentric heterochromatin plays an important role in epigenetic gene regulation. We show that pericentric heterochromatin aggregates during myogenic differentiation. This clustering leads to the formation of large chromocenters and correlates with increased levels of the methyl CpG-binding protein MeCP2 and pericentric DNA methylation. Ectopic expression of fluorescently tagged MeCP2 mimicked this effect, causing a dose-dependent clustering of chromocenters in the absence of differentiation. MeCP2-induced rearrangement of heterochromatin occurred throughout interphase, did not depend on the H3K9 histone methylation pathway, and required the methyl CpG-binding domain (MBD) only. Similar to MeCP2, another methyl CpG-binding protein, MBD2, also increased during myogenic differentiation and could induce clustering of pericentric regions, arguing for functional redundancy. This MeCP2- and MBD2-mediated chromatin reorganization may thus represent a molecular link between nuclear genome topology and the epigenetic maintenance of cellular differentiation.  相似文献   

Mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes of 20 Down syndrome (DS) patients with regular trisomy 21 contain more condensed chromatin surface (11.28 +/- 2.64 % of the total nuclear surface: mean +/- SD) and more nucleolus organiser regions surface (13.21 +/- 3.45 %) than that of 12 healthy controls: (8.84 +/- 2.23 and 9.12 +/- 2.33 %, reciprocally). The source of this peculiarity has been investigated. A computer program was designed for the planimetric measurement of the condensed chromatin surface (CCs)/ total nuclear surface(TNs) and the nucleolus organiser regions surface (NORss) /TNs proportions in interphase nuclei. CCs/TNs and NORss/TNs of 100 maximally activated nuclei (MANs) were measured for each patient and control case. The difference was found highly significant (P<0.01). Nuclei with a diameter of >/= 17 micrometer measured on the slide (in flattened state) were considered as maximally activated nuclei (MANs). NORss/TNs enhancement and fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) studies in MANs of DS patients indicate that this phenomenon is due to the over-expression (or lack of downregulative mechanism) of NORs (rDNA) to some extent, including the NOR of the supernumerary chromosome 21. No statistical difference was observed between 12 healthy controls and 5 Robertsonian translocation type of DS Patients (where the two involved NORs are missing) when the two parameters were considered.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in the abundance and form of endoplasmic reticulum in the three major cell types of the maize root cap were investigated by stereological and stereometric techniques. Quantification from thin sections was by the modification and application of standard morphometric procedures. This revealed dramatic increases in both the volume fraction and surface densities of endoplasmic reticulum as the meristem cells differentiate into starch and secretory cells. A stereometric technique for analysing thick sections was used to assess changes in the types of endoplasmic reticulum as cells differentiate through the root cap. This procedure showed that the proportions of cisternal endoplasmic reticulum to tubular endoplasmic reticulum was highest in the peripheral secretory cells. Electron opacity of the endomembrane system was enhanced by selective staining with zinc iodide and osmium tetroxide (ZIO).  相似文献   

Friend leukemia (FL) cells grown in the presence of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) undergo erythroid differentiation. Acridine orange (AO) binding to DNA and thermal denaturation of DNA in situ were studied in differentiated and non-differentiated FL cells using flow-through cytofluorometry. The differentiated cells bind less AO than do the non-differentiated ones. The difference in AO binding is higher in the spectrum of emission characteristic for AO intercalation (at 530 nm) than for AO stacking (>600 nm) and depends on AO concentration. The difference is abolished after extraction of acid-soluble macromolecules from cells. During stepwise extraction by lowering pH, there is a progressive increase of AO binding to DNA. Most of the increase in AO binding of the non-differentiated cells occurs at pH 2.5-2.0; of the differentiated cells at pH 1.75-1.50. There are differences in sensitivity of DNA in situ to heat-denaturation between differentiated and non-differentiated cells, as evidenced by the variation in height and in position of the melting bands on derivative melting profiles. The changes described suggest that a profound modulation of chromatin structure, perhaps involving altered DNA-histone interactions, occurs during the DMSO-induced erythroid differentiation of FL cells.  相似文献   

Experiments were made with the uptake of 35-S sulphate along the axis of the intact seminal root of maize seedlings. Using short exposures the most intensive sulphur uptake was found in the apical 10 mm long region of the root. In the differentiating cells the maximum of sulphur uptake was in the first two 1-mm segments of the elongation zone immediately behind the meristem and then in the zone of the root hairs. Apart from the high activity in the area of the root hairs, two and three peaks, respectively, of increased sulphur accumulation were found in the area of the formation of laterals in case of longer exposure.  相似文献   

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