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游录鹏  苗婧  邹爱兰  戚金亮  杨永华 《遗传》2012,34(4):107-116
马铃薯抗晚疫病基因Rpi-blb2是来源于马铃薯野生种Solanum bulbocastanum中的一个具有广谱抗性的NBS-LRR类抗病基因。文章用PCR的方法从20个高抗晚疫病的马铃薯栽培种和20个高感晚疫病的马铃薯栽培种以及7个马铃薯野生种中克隆了Rpi-blb2基因的LRR区段。采用生物信息学方法对这些序列的相似性、多态性位点、核酸多样性指数等参数进行了分析,发现Rpi-blb2的LRR区域在核酸水平上变异程度很高,而且存在多处热点突变位点;通过对该区域的Ka/Ks值进行估算,发现Rpi-blb2的LRR区域总体上受到纯化选择,功能保守,但是LRR区域的不同部位所受到的选择压力却不尽相同。同时,从核酸水平来看,Rpi-blb2基因的LRR区域在马铃薯栽培种和马铃薯野生种之间没有发现明显的分化。  相似文献   

The necessity to develop potato and tomato crops that possess durable resistance against the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora infestans is increasing as more virulent, crop-specialized and pesticide resistant strains of the pathogen are rapidly emerging. Here, we describe the positional cloning of the Solanum bulbocastanum-derived Rpi-blb2 gene, which even when present in a potato background confers broad-spectrum late blight resistance. The Rpi-blb2 locus was initially mapped in several tetraploid backcross populations, derived from highly resistant complex interspecific hybrids designated ABPT (an acronym of the four Solanum species involved:S. acaule, S. bulbocastanum, S. phureja and S. tuberosum), to the same region on chromosome 6 as the Mi-1 gene from tomato, which confers resistance to nematodes, aphids and white flies. Due to suppression of recombination in the tetraploid material, fine mapping was carried out in a diploid intraspecific S. bulbocastanum F1 population. Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries, generated from a diploid ABPT-derived clone and from the resistant S. bulbocastanum parent clone, were screened with markers linked to resistance in order to generate a physical map of the Rpi-blb2 locus. Molecular analyses of both ABPT- and S. bulbocastanum-derived BAC clones spanning the Rpi-blb2 locus showed it to harbor at least 15 Mi-1 gene homologs (MiGHs). Of these, five were genetically determined to be candidates for Rpi-blb2. Complementation analyses showed that one ABPT- and one S. bulbocastanum-derived MiGH were able to complement the susceptible phenotype in both S. tuberosum and tomato. Sequence analyses of both genes showed them to be identical. The Rpi-blb2 protein shares 82% sequence identity to the Mi-1 protein. Significant expansion of the Rpi-blb2 locus compared to the Mi-1 locus indicates that intrachromosomal recombination or unequal crossing over has played an important role in the evolution of the Rpi-blb2 locus. The contrasting evolutionary dynamics of the Rpi-blb2/Mi-1 loci in the two related genomes may reflect the opposite evolutionary potentials of the interacting pathogens.  相似文献   

The method of polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify a fragment of the LZ-NBS-LRR receptor kinase gene R1; the gene was transferred into potato (Solanum tuberosum) from its wild-growing relative S. demissum and confers the race-specific recognition of the pathogen Phytophthora infestans. To verify this method as a test for the presence of the late blight resistance gene R1, the amplified genome fragment was cloned from the potato hybrid comprising the germplasm of S. demissum. The primary structure of this fragment, which corresponded to the receptor domain of kinase, did not practically differ from the matching sequence in S. demissum. In addition, the method was verified by scoring the set of plant differentials, wherein the presence of R1 was established with race-specific Phytophthora isolates. By screening 70 potato cultivars, we established a significant relationship between the presence of the gene R1 fragment and the phenotypic characters of late blight resistance and late maturity. This evidence supports the idea that R1 was introgressed from short-day S. demissum into potato plants together with some gene(s) conferring late transition to flowering.  相似文献   

Late blight caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans is the most destructive disease in potato cultivation worldwide. New, more virulent P. infestans strains have evolved which overcome the genetic resistance that has been introgressed by conventional breeding from wild potato species into commercial varieties. R genes (for single-gene resistance) and genes for quantitative resistance to late blight are present in the germplasm of wild and cultivated potato. The molecular basis of single-gene and quantitative resistance to late blight is unknown. We have cloned R1, the first gene for resistance to late blight, by combining positional cloning with a candidate gene approach. The R1 gene is member of a gene family. It encodes a protein of 1293 amino acids with a molecular mass of 149.4 kDa. The R1 gene belongs to the class of plant genes for pathogen resistance that have a leucine zipper motif, a putative nucleotide binding domain and a leucine-rich repeat domain. The most closely related plant resistance gene (36% identity) is the Prf gene for resistance to Pseudomonas syringae of tomato. R1 is located within a hot spot for pathogen resistance on potato chromosome V. In comparison to the susceptibility allele, the resistance allele at the R1 locus represents a large insertion of a functional R gene.  相似文献   

Comparative genomics provides a tool to utilize the exponentially increasing sequence information from model plants to clone agronomically important genes from less studied crop species. Plant disease resistance (R) loci frequently lack synteny between related species of cereals and crucifers but appear to be positionally well conserved in the Solanaceae. In this report, we adopted a local RGA approach using genomic information from the model Solanaceous plant tomato to isolate R3a, a potato gene that confers race-specific resistance to the late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans. R3a is a member of the R3 complex locus on chromosome 11. Comparative analyses of the R3 complex locus with the corresponding I2 complex locus in tomato suggest that this is an ancient locus involved in plant innate immunity against oomycete and fungal pathogens. However, the R3 complex locus has evolved after divergence from tomato and the locus has experienced a significant expansion in potato without disruption of the flanking colinearity. This expansion has resulted in an increase in the number of R genes and in functional diversification, which has probably been driven by the co-evolutionary history between P. infestans and its host potato. Constitutive expression was observed for the R3a gene, as well as some of its paralogues whose functions remain unknown.  相似文献   

Genetic transformation with resistance (R) genes is expected to enhance resistance durability against pathogens, especially for potato, a vegetatively propagated crop with tetrasomic inheritance and a long-term breeding program. In this study, 128 potato transformants were analysed for the presence of vector T-DNA genes, borders and backbone sequences. They were harvested after transformation using a construct containing neomycin phosphotransferase II (nptII) and three R genes against potato late blight (Phytophthora infestans). Our analysis revealed that 45 % of the R gene-containing transformants possessed a low T-DNA copy number, without the integration of vector backbone and borders. The integration of vector backbone sequences was characterized using eight genes, and backbone gene tetA was selected for the early prediction of plants with backbone sequence integration. Three transformants, two plants harbouring one T-DNA copy and one plant harbouring three T-DNA copies, were crossed with susceptible cv. Katahdin. Based on our results, we conclude that all four T-DNA genes were inherited as one cluster and segregated in a Mendelian fashion. The three T-DNA inserts from the transformant harbouring three T-DNA copies were statistically proven to be un-linked and inherited into the offspring plants independently. All of the R genes were functionally expressed in the offspring plants as in their parental transformants. This functional gene stacking has important implications towards achieving more durable resistance against potato late blight.  相似文献   

Phytophthora infestans, the causal agent of late blight, is a major threat to commercial potato production worldwide. Significant costs are required for crop protection to secure yield. Many dominant genes for resistance (R-genes) to potato late blight have been identified, and some of these R-genes have been applied in potato breeding. However, the P. infestans population rapidly accumulates new virulent strains that render R-genes ineffective. Here we introduce a new class of resistance which is based on the loss-of-function of a susceptibility gene (S-gene) encoding a product exploited by pathogens during infection and colonization. Impaired S-genes primarily result in recessive resistance traits in contrast to recognition-based resistance that is governed by dominant R-genes. In Arabidopsis thaliana, many S-genes have been detected in screens of mutant populations. In the present study, we selected 11 A. thaliana S-genes and silenced orthologous genes in the potato cultivar Desiree, which is highly susceptible to late blight. The silencing of five genes resulted in complete resistance to the P. infestans isolate Pic99189, and the silencing of a sixth S-gene resulted in reduced susceptibility. The application of S-genes to potato breeding for resistance to late blight is further discussed.  相似文献   

Identification of resistance (R) genes to Phytophthora infestans is an essential step in molecular breeding of potato. We identified three specific R genes segregating in a diploid mapping population. One of the R genes is located on chromosome 4 and proved phenotypically indistinguishable from the Solanum demissum-derived R2, although S. demissum is not directly involved in the pedigree of the population. By bulked segregant analysis combined with a resistance assay, a genetic linkage map of the R2-like locus was constructed with 30 coupling and 23 repulsion phase AFLP markers. Two markers flanking the R2-like locus were applied to screen an extended population of 1,586 offspring. About 103 recombinants were selected, and an accurate high-resolution map was constructed. The R2-like resistance was localized in a 0.4 cM interval and was found co-segregating with four AFLP markers, which can be used to isolate the R2-like gene by map-based gene cloning. By analyzing race-specificity and R gene-specific molecular markers, we also found that an R1-like gene and an additional unknown R gene are segregating in the population.  相似文献   

Water-soluble low-molecular-weight (3–10 kDa) chitosan obtained by enzymatic degradation of high-molecular-weight chitosan, as well as its deaminated derivatives, can be used as elicitors of resistance to late blight in potato.  相似文献   

Late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans, is one of the most devastating diseases in cultivated potato. Breeding of new potato cultivars with high levels of resistance to P. infestans is considered the most durable strategy for future potato cultivation. In this study, we report the identification of a new late-blight resistance (R) locus from the wild potato species Solanum bulbocastanum. Using several different approaches, a high-resolution genetic map of the new locus was generated, delimiting Rpi-blb3 to a 0.93 cM interval on chromosome 4. One amplification fragment length polymorphism marker was identified that cosegregated in 1,396 progeny plants of an intraspecific mapping population with Rpi-blb3. For comparative genomics purposes, markers linked to Rpi-blb3 were tested in mapping populations used to map the three other late-blight R loci Rpi-abpt, R2, and R2-like also to chromosome 4. Marker order and allelic conservation suggest that Rpi-blb3, Rpi-abpt, R2, and R2-like reside in the same R gene cluster on chromosome 4 and likely belong to the same gene family. Our findings provide novel insights in the evolution of R gene clusters conferring late-blight resistance in Solanum spp.  相似文献   

Phytophthora infestans, the causal agent of late blight, threatens potato production worldwide. An important tool in the management of the disease is the use of resistant varieties. Eleven major resistance genes have been identified and introgressed from Solanum demissum. However, new sources of resistance are continually sought. Here, we report the characterization and refined genetic localization of a resistance gene previously identified as Rber in a backcross progeny of Solanum tuberosum and Solanum berthaultii. In order to further characterize Rber, we developed a set of P. infestans isolates capable of identifying each of the 11 R-genes known to confer resistance to late blight in potato. Our results indicate that Rber is a new resistance gene, different from those recognized in S. demissum, and therefore, it has been named R Pi-ber according to the current system of nomenclature. In order to add new molecular markers around R Pi-ber , we used a PCR-based mapping technique, named MASP-map, which located R Pi-ber in a 3.9 cM interval between markers CT240 and TG63 on potato chromosome X. The location of R Pi-ber coincides with an area involved in resistance to different pathogens of potato and tomato.  相似文献   

A large number of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance to late blight of potato have been reported with a "conventional" method in which each phenotypic trait reflects the cumulative genetic effects for the duration of the disease process. However, as genes controlling response to disease may have unique contributions with specific temporal features, it is important to consider the phenotype as dynamic. Here, using the net genetic effects evidenced at consecutive time points during disease development, we report the first conditional mapping of QTL underlying late blight resistance in potato under five environments in Peru. Six conditional QTL were mapped, one each on chromosome 2, 7 and 12 and three on chromosome 9. These QTL represent distinct contributions to the phenotypic variation at different stages of disease development. By comparison, when conventional mapping was conducted, only one QTL was detected on chromosome 9. This QTL was the same as one of the conditional QTL. The results imply that conditional QTL reflect genes that function at particular stages during the host-pathogen interaction. The dynamics revealed by conditional QTL mapping could contribute to the understanding of the molecular mechanism of late blight resistance and these QTL could be used to target genes for marker development or manipulation to improve resistance.  相似文献   

Late blight caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans is the economically most important and destructive disease in potato cultivation. Quantitative resistance to late blight available in tetraploid cultivars is correlated with late maturity in temperate climates, which is an undesirable characteristic. A total of 30 DNA-based markers known to be linked to loci for pathogen resistance in diploid potato were selected and tested as polymerase chain reaction-based markers for linkage with quantitative trait loci (QTL) for late blight resistance and plant maturity in two half-sib families of tetraploid potatoes. Most markers originated from within or were physically closely linked to candidate genes for quantitative resistance factors. The families were repeatedly evaluated in the field for quantitative resistance to late blight and maturity. Resistance was corrected for the maturity effect. Nine of eleven different map segments tagged by the markers harbored QTL affecting maturity-corrected resistance. Interactions were found between unlinked resistance QTL, providing testable strategies for marker-assisted selection in tetraploid potato. Based on the linkage observed between QTL for resistance and plant maturity and based on the genetic interactions observed between candidate genes tagging resistance QTL, we discuss models for the molecular basis of quantitative resistance and maturity.  相似文献   

Water-soluble low-molecular-weight (3-10 kDa) chitosan obtained by enzymatic degradation of high-molecular-weight chitosan, as well as its deaminated derivatives, can be used as elicitors of late blight resistance in potato.  相似文献   

Hexaploid somatic hybrids resulting from mesophyll protoplast fusions between Solanum brevidens Phil., PI 218228, and Solanum tuberosum L., PI 203900 were tested for late blight resistance using two races of Phytophthora infestans Monte., de Bary. The S. tuberosum parent was a late blight differential possessing the R4 gene which confers resistance to race 0. The S. brevidens parent is resistant to potato leaf roll virus. Inoculations with both compatible (race and incompatible (race 0) races of P. infestans clearly demonstrated the expression of the late blight resistance gene in all of the hybrid progeny tested. Most of the hybrids tested were also resistant to potato leaf roll virus (PLRV), indicating that the S. brevidens genes for PLRV resistance were present and expressed.  相似文献   

To explore the molecular mechanisms behind the diversification of colicin gene clusters, we examined DNA sequence polymorphism for the colicin gene clusters of 14 colicin E2 (ColE2) plasmids obtained from natural isolates of Escherichia coli. Two types of ColE2 plasmids are revealed, with type II gene clusters generated by recombination between type I ColE2 and ColE7 gene clusters. The levels and patterns of DNA polymorphism are different between the two types. Type I polymorphism is distributed evenly along the gene cluster, while type II accumulates polymorphism at an elevated rate in the 5' end of the colicin gene. These differences may be explained by recombinational origins of type II gene clusters. The pattern of divergence between the ColE2 gene cluster and its close relative ColE9 is not correlated with the pattern of polymorphism within ColE2, suggesting that this gene cluster is not evolving in a neutral fashion. A statistical test confirms significant departures from the predictions of neutrality. These data lend further support to the hypothesis that colicin gene clusters may evolve under the influence of nonneutral forces.   相似文献   

Rairdan GJ  Moffett P 《The Plant cell》2006,18(8):2082-2093
Plant nucleotide binding and leucine-rich repeat (NB-LRR) proteins contain a region of homology known as the ARC domain located between the NB and LRR domains. Structural modeling suggests that the ARC region can be subdivided into ARC1 and ARC2 domains. We have used the potato (Solanum tuberosum) Rx protein, which confers resistance to Potato virus X (PVX), to investigate the function of the ARC region. We demonstrate that the ARC1 domain is required for binding of the Rx N terminus to the LRR domain. Domain-swap experiments with Rx and a homologous disease resistance gene, Gpa2, showed that PVX recognition localized to the C-terminal half of the LRR domain. However, inappropriate pairings of LRR and ARC2 domains resulted in autoactive molecules. Thus, the ARC2 domain is required to condition an autoinhibited state in the absence of elicitor as well as for the subsequent elicitor-induced activation. Our data suggest that the ARC region, through its interaction with the LRR, translates elicitor-induced modulations of the C terminus into a signal initiation event. Furthermore, we demonstrate that physical disruption of the LRR-ARC interaction is not required for signal initiation. We propose instead that this activity can lead to multiple rounds of elicitor recognition, providing a means of signal amplification.  相似文献   

Methyl ester of jasmonic acid (Me-JA) influences the induced resistance of potato tubers to late blight caused byPhytophthora infestans. Treatment of potato tuber disk surfaces with Me-JA solution or exposure to an atmosphere containing Me-JA vapors (10−6–10−5 M) increased the rate of rishitin biosynthesis induced by arachidonic acid orP. infestans. Methyl jasmonate increased the sensitivity of potato tissue to arachidonic acid. As a result, in the presence of Me-JA, the protective properties of arachidonic acid were observed at lower concentrations than in the absence of Me-JA. In addition, Me-JA reduced the adverse effects of lipoxygenase inhibitors (salicylhydroxamic acid and esculetin) on the induced resistance of potato tubers to late blight. Therefore, the synergistic interaction of Me-JA and biogenic elicitors can be regarded as part of a mechanism of potato defense against diseases.  相似文献   

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