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Glutaredoxins and thioredoxins are highly conserved, small, heat-stable oxidoreductases. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains two gene pairs encoding cytoplasmic glutaredoxins (GRX1, GRX2) and thioredoxins (TRX1, TRX2), and we have used multiple mutants to determine their roles in mediating resistance to oxidative stress caused by hydroperoxides. Our data indicate that TRX2 plays the predominant role, as mutants lacking TRX2 are hypersensitive, and mutants containing TRX2 are resistant to these oxidants. However, the requirement for TRX2 is only apparent during stationary phase growth, and we present three lines of evidence that the thioredoxin isoenzymes actually have redundant activities as antioxidants. First, the trx1 and trx2 mutants show wild-type resistance to hydroperoxide during exponential phase growth; secondly, overexpression of either TRX1 or TRX2 leads to increased resistance to hydroperoxides; and, thirdly, both Trx1 and Trx2 are equally able to act as cofactors for the thioredoxin peroxidase, Tsa1. The antioxidant activity of thioredoxins is required for both the survival of yeast cells as well as protection against oxidative stress during stationary phase growth, and correlates with an increase in the expression of both TRX1 and TRX2. We show that the requirement for thioredoxins during this growth phase is dependent on their activity as cofactors for the antioxidant enzyme Tsa1, and for regulation of the redox state and protein-bound levels of the low-molecular-weight antioxidant glutathione.  相似文献   

氧化胁迫是生物体面对逆境时的重要反应。在与逆境和活性氧做斗争的过程中,细胞进化出一套完整的应答调控机制,通过调节体内活性氧的代谢平衡,来保护DNA、脂质和蛋白质等免受氧化攻击。本文以酿酒酵母为例,根据近年来国内外研究的进展,围绕其在氧化胁迫应答过程中的三道保护屏障,即抗氧化物质和防御酶系统、转录调节和氧化物降解以及细胞器自噬,综述了其抗氧化代谢机理,为深入认识细胞的抗氧化应答机制奠定基础。  相似文献   

Ycf1p function is regulated by casein kinase 2α, Cka1p, via phosphorylation of Ser251. Cka1p-mediated phosphorylation of Ycf1p is attenuated in response to high salt stress. Previous results from our lab suggest a role for Ycf1p in cellular resistance to salt stress. Here, we show that Ycf1p plays an important role in cellular resistance to salt stress by maintaining the cellular redox balance via glutathione recycling. Our results suggest that during acute salt stress increased Sod1p, Sod2p and Ctt1p activity is the main compensatory for the loss in Ycf1p function that results from reduced Ycf1p-dependent recycling of cellular GSH levels.  相似文献   

Three glutathione peroxidase homologs (YKL026C, YBR244W, and YIR037W/HYR1) were found in the Saccharomyces Genome Database. We named them GPX1, GPX2, and GPX3, respectively, and we investigated the function of each gene product. The gpx3Delta mutant was hypersensitive to peroxides, whereas null mutants of the GPX1 and GPX2 did not show any obvious phenotypes. Glutathione peroxidase activity decreased approximately 57 and 93% in the gpx3Delta and gpx1Delta/gpx2Delta/gpx3Delta mutants, respectively, compared with that of wild type. Expression of the GPX3 gene was not induced by any stresses tested, whereas that of the GPX1 gene was induced by glucose starvation. The GPX2 gene expression was induced by oxidative stress, which was dependent upon the Yap1p. The TSA1 (thiol-specific antioxidant) gene encodes thioredoxin peroxidase that can reduce peroxides by using thioredoxin as a reducing power. Disruption of the TSA1 gene enhanced the basal expression level of the Yap1p target genes such as GSH1, GLR1, and GPX2 and that resulted in increases of total glutathione level and activities of glutathione reductase and glutathione peroxidase. However, expression of the TSA1 gene did not increase in the gpx1Delta/gpx2Delta/gpx3Delta mutant. Therefore, de novo synthesis and recycling of glutathione were increased in the tsa1Delta mutant to maintain the catalytic cycle of glutathione peroxidase reaction efficiently as a backup system for thioredoxin peroxidase.  相似文献   

Cch1p and Mid1p are components of a high-affinity Ca(2+)-permeable channel in the yeast plasma membrane. Here, we show that growth of mutants in the Cch1pMid1p channel is markedly hypersensitive to low temperature and to high iron concentration in the medium. Both phenotypes were suppressed by high Ca(2+) concentration. Iron stress elicited an increased Ca(2+) influx into both wild type and cch1Deltamid1Delta yeast. Inhibition of calcineurin strongly depressed growth of iron-stressed wild type yeast, indicating that calcineurin is a downstream element of the iron stress response. Iron hypersensitivity of the cch1Deltamid1Delta mutant was not associated with an increased iron uptake. An involvement of oxidative stress in the iron-hypersensitive phenotype was indicated by the findings that the antioxidants tocopheryl acetate and (ethyl)glutathione improved growth and viability of the iron-stressed mutant. Further, the degree of glutathione oxidation was increased in the presence of iron. The results indicate that iron stress leads to an increased oxidative poise and that Cch1pMid1p is essential to tolerate this condition.  相似文献   

摘要:YPK1是酵母中和哺乳动物蛋白激酶SGK同源的一种丝氨酸∕苏氨酸蛋白激酶,在酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)生理调节中有重要的作用,和酵母细胞壁的完整性、细胞骨架中肌动蛋白极性、细胞内吞作用、细胞在氮源缺乏和营养条件调节下细胞内部的翻译情况密切相关。【目的】为了深入研究YPK1蛋白激酶的细胞功能以及在细胞信号传导中的作用,【方法】我们构建了过量表达YPK1的高拷贝质粒,研究了过量表达YPK1的酵母细胞在盐胁迫条件下的生长情况,【结果】发现过量表达YPK1会导致酵母细胞对盐胁迫高度敏感,并且这种敏感性依赖于TOR1的存在。【结论】我们的研究结果首次初步揭示YPK1与细胞盐胁迫应答的关系,并初步证明YPK1的功能充分发挥需要TOR1的参与。  相似文献   

Living organisms are subject to various mechanical stressors, such as high hydrostatic pressure. Empirical evidence shows that under high pressure, the oxidative stress response is activated in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, the mechanisms involved in its antioxidant systems are unclear. Here, we demonstrate that superoxide dismutase 1 (Sod1) plays a role in resisting high pressure for cell growth. Mutants lacking Sod1 or Ccs1, the copper chaperone for Sod1, displayed growth defects under 25 MPa. Of the various SOD1 mutations associated with familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, H46Q and S134N substitutions diminished SOD activity to levels comparable to those of catalytically deficient H63A and null mutants. When these mutant cells were cultured under 25 MPa, their intracellular O2?– levels increased while sod1? mutant genome stability was unaffected. The high-pressure sensitive sod1 mutants were also susceptible to sublethal levels of the O2?– generator paraquat. The sod1? mutant is known to exhibit methionine and lysine auxotrophy. However, excess methionine addition or overexpression of the lysine permease gene LYP1 did not counteract high-pressure sensitivity in the sod1 mutants, suggesting that their amino acid availability might be intact under 25 MPa. Interestingly, an exclusive localization of Sco2-Sod1 to the intermembrane space (IMS) of mitochondria appeared to partially restore the high-pressure growth ability in the sod1 mutants. Taken these results together, we suggest that high pressure enhances O2?– production and Sod1 within the IMS plays a role in scavenging O2?– allowing the cells to grow under high pressure.BackgroundEmpirical evidence shows that under high hydrostatic pressure, the oxidative stress response is activated in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, the mechanisms involved in its antioxidant systems are unclear. In the current study, we aimed to explore the role of superoxide dismutase 1 (Sod1) in yeast able to grow under high pressure.MethodsWild type and sod1 mutant cells were cultured in high-pressure chambers under 25 MPa (~250 kg/cm2). The SOD activity in whole cell extracts and 6His-tagged Sod1 recombinant proteins was analyzed using an SOD assay kit. The O2?– generation in cells was estimated by fluorescence staining.ResultsMutants lacking Sod1 or Ccs1, the copper chaperone for Sod1, displayed growth defects under 25 MPa. Of the various SOD1 mutations associated with familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, H46Q and S134N substitutions diminished SOD activity to levels comparable to those of catalytically deficient H63A and null mutants. The high-pressure sensitive sod1 mutants were also susceptible to sublethal levels of the O2?– generator paraquat. Exclusive localization of Sco2-Sod1 to the intermembrane space (IMS) of mitochondria partially restored the high-pressure growth ability in the sod1 mutants.ConclusionsHigh pressure enhances O2?– production and Sod1 within the IMS plays a role in scavenging O2?– allowing the cells to grow under high pressure.General significanceUnlike external free radical-generating compounds, high-pressure treatment appeared to increase endogenous O2?– levels in yeast cells. Our experimental system offers a unique approach to investigating the physiological responses to mechanical and oxidative stresses in human body.  相似文献   

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