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A comparative research of dandelion seed progeny from the coenopopulations growing for a long time in a gradient of radioactive (zone of the East-Ural radioactive trace--EURT) or chemical (zone exposure Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant--NTMP) pollution was carried out. It was revealed that the viability of seeds declined similarly in gradient of the man-caused stress regardless of its nature. Dandelion coenopopulations from the EURT zone, NTMP and the background area significantly differed in the qualitative and quantitative allozyme specifications. The analysis of clonal diversity revealed phenogenetic uniqueness of all coenopopulations. Study of F1-generation metal and radio resistance showed that the seed progeny from the impact EURT zone possessed a high viability but had hidden damage that led to a low resistance to additional man-caused influences. High viability of the seeds in the F1-generation from the NTMP zone combined with increased resistance to the provocative effects of radiation and heavy metals. Significant differences in responses to the "habitual" and "n ew" factors of influence, i.e. effect of pre-adaptation in samples from EURT and NTMP zones were not found.  相似文献   

快速的城市化进程使得城市大气污染日趋严重,造成了城市植被的退化及其生态服务功能的下降。大气中的O3、紫外(UV-B)辐射、重金属、SO2等污染物及其复合污染从分子、细胞、个体、种群、群落和生态系统各个水平上都对城市植被造成了胁迫效应。本文从微观实验法和宏观高光谱遥感法两方面对已有的研究方法进行了分析和总结后,提出了以下几个今后需要关注的研究领域:开展野外和长期胁迫实验、植物受胁迫机理及多种因子复合胁迫研究等;同时指出应重视建筑物在城市大气污染生态胁迫中的重要作用,并在今后加强城市行道树相关方面的研究。  相似文献   

Though epistasis has long been postulated to have a critical role in genetic regulation of important pathways as well as provide a major source of variation in the process of speciation, the importance of epistasis for genomic selection in the context of plant breeding is still being debated. In this paper, we report the results on the prediction of genetic values with epistatic effects for 280 accessions in the Nebraska Wheat Breeding Program using adaptive mixed least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO). The development of adaptive mixed LASSO, originally designed for association mapping, for the context of genomic selection is reported. The results show that adaptive mixed LASSO can be successfully applied to the prediction of genetic values while incorporating both marker main effects and epistatic effects. Especially, the prediction accuracy is substantially improved by the inclusion of two-locus epistatic effects (more than onefold in some cases as measured by cross-validation correlation coefficient), which is observed for multiple traits and planting locations. This points to significant potential in using non-additive genetic effects for genomic selection in crop breeding practices.  相似文献   

Spatial structure of genetic variation within populations is well measured by statistics based on the distribution of pairs of individual genotypes, and various such statistics have been widely used in experimental studies. However, the problem of uncharacterized correlations among statistics for different alleles has limited the applications of multiallelic, multilocus summary measures, since these had unknown sampling distributions. Usually multiple alleles and/or multiple loci are required in order to precisely measure spatial structures, and to provide precise indirect estimates of the amount of dispersal in samples of reasonable size. This article examines the correlations among pair-wise statistics, including Moran I-statistics and various measures of conditional kinship, for different alleles of a locus. First the correlations are mathematically derived for random spatial distributions, which allow averages over alleles and loci to be used as more powerful yet exact test statistics for the null hypothesis. Then extensive computer simulations are conducted to examine the correlations among values for different alleles under isolation by distance processes. For loci with more than three alleles, the results show that the correlations are remarkably and perhaps surprisingly small, establishing the principle that then alleles behave as nearly independent realizations of space-time stochastic processes. The results also show that the correlations are largely robust with respect to the degree of spatial structure, and they can be used in a straightforward manner to form confidence intervals for averages. The results allow a precise connection between observations in experimental studies and levels of dispersal in theoretical models.  相似文献   

The increase in locomotor activity induced by cocaine (15 mg/kg, i.p.) in the mouse was antagonized by pretreatment with compounds which inhibited monoanimergic receptors such as phenoxybenzamine, chlorpromazine or methysergide. On the contrary, the lethal dose of cocaine in rats and mice was not reduced by these substances. These data suggest that monoamines are involved in mediating the motor activity of cocaine but not implicated in the toxic effect of the drug.  相似文献   

Many common environmental pollutants, together with nuclear radiation, are recognized as genotoxic. There is, however, very little information on pollution-related genetic effects on free-living animal populations, especially in terrestrial ecosystems. We investigated whether genetic diversity in two small insectivorous passerines, the great tit (Parus major) and the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca), was changed near point sources of heavy metals (two copper smelters) or radioactive isotopes (nuclear material reprocessing plant). We measured concentration of heavy metals and nucleotide diversity in mitochondrial DNA in feather samples taken from nestlings in multiple polluted areas and at control sites. In both species, heavy metal concentrations - especially of arsenic - were increased in feathers collected at smelter sites. The P. major population living near a smelter showed significantly higher nucleotide diversity than a control population in an unpolluted site, suggesting increased mutation rates in a polluted environment. On the contrary, F. hypoleuca showed reduced nucleotide diversity at both smelter sites but increased nucleotide diversity near the source of radioactivity. Our results show that heavy metal pollution and low level nuclear radiation affect the nucleotide diversity in two free-living insectivorous passerines. We suggest that the different response in these two species may be due to their different ability to handle toxic compounds in the body.  相似文献   

Direct epidemiological observations suggest that exposure to high levels of urban air pollution may result in increased risk of lung cancer, sufficient to account for a few (approximately 1-3) percent of total lung cancer incidence. Extrapolation from occupational exposure and risk data suggests that among potential carcinogens present in polluted urban air, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) may make a major contribution to air pollution-associated lung cancer risks. The use of biomarkers of genotoxocity in large-scale population studies may help to reduce the uncertainty involved in the assessment of such risks, especially those associated with relatively low pollution levels such as nowadays found in many Western cities. Increases in biomarkers of exposure to urban air PAHs as well as biomarkers of early effects have been detected in situations of relatively high levels of air pollution (e. g., ambient PAH concentrations of the order of a few tens of micrograms per cubic meter). Evidence has also been found about the modulation genetic damage accumulation in different individuals by polymorphisms in genes involved in the activation or detoxification of PAHs, especially of polymorphisms GSTM1 and CYP1A1 genes. However, the inconsistencies in the currently reported effects of genetic polymorphisms suggest that additional factors may also be important in the modulation of individual susceptibility to the accumulation of PAH-derived genetic damage. Biomarkers studies in populations exposed to relatively low ambient PAH concentrations (below 20 microg/m(3)) have not demonstrated clear dose-related effects (e.g., on DNA adduct levels), possibly because of the existence of multiple sources and routes of human exposure to PAHs in addition to inhalation of urban air (including, for example, home heating, environmental tobacco smoke and diet), and the consequent difficulty of adequately and specifically assessing atmospheric air-related exposure. This makes it imperative that molecular epidemiology studies be designed in such a way as to allow adequate assessment of exposure to urban air PAHs at the individual level and over short-, medium- and long-term time periods which correspond to the expression times of different biomarkers.  相似文献   

Atmospheric electrical potential (E) was evaluated statistically with smoke and sulfur dioxide as a predictor of excess mortality during the London air pollution episodes of the 1950s. E, as a surrogate of respirable aerosols, in combination with SO2 proved to be a better predictor of excess episode mortality than smoke.  相似文献   

Peak expiratory flow (PEF) has been measured with Vitalograph (in liters per minute) in 2,512 school-children aged between 7 and 15 years in Upper Silesian Industrial Region. Five hundred eighty one children from Zarki near Czestochowa served as a control group. The results have been analysed statistically. Determined PEF values for children from the Upper Silesian Industrial Region are considered as a biological reference values for assessment of PEF in both health and disease. PEF values calculated for children from Zarki were higher than those in the examined group, except the value for a 14-year old children.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biologists increasingly use pedigree‐based quantitative genetic methods to address questions about the evolutionary dynamics of traits in wild populations. In many cases, phenotypic data may have been collected only for recent parts of the study. How does this influence the performance of the models used to analyse these data? Here we explore how data depth (number of years) and completeness (number of observations) influence estimates of genetic variance and covariance within the context of an existing pedigree. Using long‐term data from the great tit Parus major and the mute swan Cygnus olor, species with different life‐histories, we examined the effect of manipulating the amount of data included on quantitative genetic parameter estimates. Manipulating data depth and completeness had little influence on estimated genetic variances, heritabilities, or genetic correlations, but (as expected) did influence confidence in these estimates. Estimated breeding values in the great tit were not influenced by data depth but were in the mute swan, probably because of differences in pedigree structure. Our analyses suggest the ‘rule of thumb’ that data from 3 years and a minimum of 100 individuals per year are needed to estimate genetic parameters with acceptable confidence, and that using pedigree data is worthwhile, even if phenotypes are only available toward the tips of the pedigree.  相似文献   

DNA markers allow us to study quantitative trait loci (QTL) - the genes that control adaptation and quantitative variation. Experiments can map the genes responsible for quantitative variation and address the evolutionary and ecological significance of this variation. Recent studies suggest that major genes segregate within and among natural populations. It is now feasible to study the genes that cause morphological variation, life history trade-offs, heterosis and speciation. These methods can determine the role of epistasis and genotype-by-environment interaction in maintaining genetic variation. QTL mapping is an important tool used to address evolutionary and ecological questions of long-standing interest.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and population structure of seven populations of Sedum alfredii growing in lead/zinc (Pb/Zn) mine spoils or in uncontaminated soils from eastern and southern China were investigated using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technology. Four of the sampled sites were heavily contaminated with heavy metals (Zn, Cd, Pb), and extremely high concentrations of Zn, Cd, and Pb were found among these corresponding populations. A significant reduction of genetic diversity was detected in the mining populations. The reduction of genetic diversity could be derived from a bottleneck effect and might also be attributed to the prevalence of vegetative reproduction of the mining populations. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) and the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) tree derived from genetic distances further corroborated that the genetic differentiation between mine populations and uncontaminated populations was significant. Polymorphism with the heavy metal accumulation capability of S. alfredii probably due to the genetic variation among populations and heavy metal contamination could have more impact on the genetic diversity and population structure of S. alfredii populations than geographic distance.  相似文献   

Because of the large number of tests for linkage that are performed in genome scans, the naive estimator of the size of a genetic effect in cases of borderline significance can be inflated and lead to unrealistic expectations for successful replication. As a remedy, this report proposes lower confidence limits that account for the multiple comparisons of the genome scan.  相似文献   

Identifying population structure is one of the most common and important objectives of spatial analyses using population genetic data. Population structure is detected either by rejecting the null hypothesis of a homogenous distribution of genetic variation, or by estimating low migration rates. Issues arise with most current population genetic inference methods when the genetic divergence is low among putative populations. Low levels of genetic divergence may be as a result of either high ongoing migration or historic high migration but no current, ongoing migration. We direct attention to recent developments in the use of the tempo-spatial distribution of closely related individuals to detect population structure or estimate current migration rates. These 'kinship-based' approaches complement more traditional population-based genetic inference methods by providing a means to detect population structure and estimate current migration rates when genetic divergence is low. However, for kinship-based methods to become widely adopted, formal estimation procedures applicable to a range of species life histories are needed.  相似文献   

Indirect genetic effects (IGEs) occur when the phenotype of an individual, and possibly its fitness, depends, at least in part, on the genes of its social partners. The effective result is that environmental sources of phenotypic variance can themselves evolve. Simple models have shown that IGEs can alter the rate and direction of evolution for traits involved in interactions. Here we expand the applicability of the theory of IGEs to evolution in metapopulations by including nonlinear interactions between individuals and population genetic structure. Although population subdivision alone generates some dramatic and nonintuitive evolutionary dynamics for interacting phenotypes, the combination of nonlinear interactions with subdivision reveals an even greater importance of IGEs. The presence of genetic structure links the evolution of interacting phenotypes and the traits that influence their expression ("effector traits") even in the absence of genetic correlations. When nonlinear social effects occur in subdivided populations, evolutionary response is altered and can even oppose the direction expected due to direct selection. Because population genetic structure allows for multilevel selection, we also investigate the role of IGEs in determining the response to individual and group selection. We find that nonlinear social effects can cause interference between levels of selection even when they act in the same direction. In some cases, interference can be so extreme that the actual evolutionary response to multilevel selection is opposite in direction to that predicted by summing selection at each level. This theoretical result confirms empirical data that show higher levels of selection cannot be ignored even when selection acts in the same direction at all levels.  相似文献   

The basis of genetic monitoring is the knowledge of laws of the spontaneous mutation process. These laws are determined for human chromosome and genome mutations by cytogenetic examination of newborns, infants with congenital defects, and the material of spontaneous abortions. Confidence intervals and all the necessary sample sizes were calculated when registering the mutagenic effects of different intensity in the general population as well as to the groups of closer contact with mutagens. Such calculations were made for controlling the spontaneous mutation process in lymphocytes of human peripheral blood on the basis of registering chromosome aberrations.  相似文献   

Antenatal diagnosis in a woman previously delivered of a child with arginino-succinic aciduria, due to deficiency of arginino-succinase (EC, showed the fetus to be unaffected. This was confirmed at birth.  相似文献   

张广来  张宁  任亚运 《生态学报》2022,42(19):7932-7940
以2003年实施的大气污染防治重点城市政策为准自然实验,运用双重差分模型从区域层面分析了大气污染规制对城市空气污染治理的影响,研究发现:(1)大气污染规制在1%的显著性水平下降低了重点城市的工业二氧化硫排放强度,工业二氧化硫排放量以及城市PM2.5年均浓度值。(2)大气污染防治重点城市政策实施后的9年时间内有效减少了12215.8万t城市工业二氧化硫排放量,并且使得城市PM2.5年均浓度改善2.97μg/m3,下降比分别达到了36.2%和8.5%,平均每年减少了3.7%的城市工业二氧化硫排放量并降低0.944%的城市PM2.5浓度值。(3)大气污染防治重点城市政策对于城市空气污染治理主要是通过减少能源消耗量、增加城市污染治理力度、促进规制地区产业结构转型升级和提升生产技术水平等渠道予以实现。  相似文献   

Studies on large samples of the population are an indispensable prerequisite for investigations into the validity and reliability of threshold levels stipulated for atmospheric pollutants purity under real conditions. Children represent suitable groups for such studies, also in the context of meaningful and effective prophylaxis. Epidemiological studies conducted over several years show that there are differences between the anthropometric, hematological and immunological parameters of subjects living in regions with major pollution loads and in so-called "clean air" regions. Conclusions are drawn regarding the work performed by national hygiene authorities, and a method is proposed for the continuation of epidemiological studies in qualitatively and quantitatively differently loaded regions as a contribution to establishing a uniform register of effects.  相似文献   

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