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Leptin resistance associated with hyperleptinemia in high-fat-diet-induced obese rats and aged obese rats is well established, but it is not clear whether hyperphagia-induced obese rats also develop leptin resistance. We investigated whether Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty (OLETF) rats, which are a strain of hyperphagia-induced obese rats, develop leptin resistance and whether caloric restriction reversed this leptin resistance-induced leptin receptor (ObRb) deficit. Twenty male OLETF rats, 20 male Long-Evans Tokushima Otsuka (LETO) rats, and 10 male Sprague Dawley (SD) rats were used. All rats were initially studied at 10 weeks of age and were freely fed with standard rat chow and water until they were 38 weeks of age. Daily food intake, body weight, and plasma leptin levels of OLETF rats were remarkably increased compared to LETO or SD rats from 10 to 38 weeks of age. When they were 38 weeks of age, all OLETF rats were randomly divided into two groups. One group was freely fed with standard rat chow (FD, or free diet group), and the other group (RD, or restricted diet group) was fed with only 70% of the amount consumed by the FD group. The LETO and SD rats were dismissed from further study. After 4 weeks of caloric restriction, the average body weight (636 ± 33 g vs. 752 ± 24 g, < 0.05) and abdominal adipose tissue weight (10.6 ± 3.2 g vs. 15.8 ± 1.5 g, < 0.05) of the RD group were decreased compared with those of the FD group. Plasma leptin levels of the RD group were significantly decreased compared with those of the FD group (3.47 ± 1.40 ng/mL vs. 11.55 ± 1.16 ng/mL, < 0.05). The mRNA expression of ObRb and leptin-related suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3) in the hypothalamus, liver, and skeletal muscles of the RD group were significantly decreased compared with those of the FD group. Caloric restriction did not improve leptin receptor (ObRb) deficit or the downstream signaling of leptin in the liver, skeletal muscles, and hypothalamus. Thus, we demonstrated that OLETF rats, which are a strain of hyperphagia-induced obese rats, did not develop central or peripheral leptin resistance. We suggest that hyperleptinemia in OLETF rats is a compensatory mechanism to overcome obesity induced by hyperphagia.  相似文献   

The surfactin can inhibit proliferation and induce apoptosis in cancer cells. Moreover, surfactin can induce cell death in human breast cancer MCF-7 cells through mitochondrial pathway. However, the molecular mechanism involved in this pathway remains to be elucidated. Here, the reactive oxygen species (ROS) and Ca2+ on mitochondria permeability transition pore (MPTP) activity, and MCF-7 cell apoptosis which induced by surfactin were investigated. It is found that surfactin evoked mitochondrial ROS generation, and the surfactin-induced cell death was prevented by N-acetylcysteine (NAC, an inhibitor of ROS). An increasing cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration was detected in surfactin-induced MCF-7 apoptosis, which was inhibited by 1,2-bis (2-aminophenoxy) ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid (BAPTA-AM, a chelator of calcium). In addition, the relationship between ROS generation and the increase of cytoplasm Ca2+ was determined. The results showed that surfactin initially induced the ROS formation, leading to the MPTP opening accompanied with the collapse of mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm). Then the cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration increased in virtue of the changes of mitochondrial permeability, which was prevented by BAPTA-AM. Besides, cytochrome c (cyt c) was released from mitochondria to cytoplasm through the MPTP and activated caspase-9, eventually induced apoptosis. In summary, surfactin has notable anti-tumor effect on MCF-7 cells, however, there was no obvious cytotoxicity on normal cells.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to characterize the function of mitochondria and main energy fluxes in human colorectal cancer (HCC) cells. We have performed quantitative analysis of cellular respiration in post-operative tissue samples collected from 42 cancer patients. Permeabilized tumor tissue in combination with high resolution respirometry was used.Our results indicate that HCC is not a pure glycolytic tumor and the oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) system may be the main provider of ATP in these tumor cells. The apparent Michaelis–Menten constant (Km) for ADP and maximal respiratory rate (Vm) values were calculated for the characterization of the affinity of mitochondria for exogenous ADP: normal colon tissue displayed low affinity (Km = 260 ± 55 μM) whereas the affinity of tumor mitochondria was significantly higher (Km = 126 ± 17 μM). But concurrently the Vm value of the tumor samples was 60–80% higher than that in control tissue. The reason for this change is related to the increased number of mitochondria. Our data suggest that in both HCC and normal intestinal cells tubulin β-II isoform probably does not play a role in the regulation of permeability of the MOM for adenine nucleotides.The mitochondrial creatine kinase energy transfer system is not functional in HCC and our experiments showed that adenylate kinase reactions could play an important role in the maintenance of energy homeostasis in colorectal carcinomas instead of creatine kinase.Immunofluorescent studies showed that hexokinase 2 (HK-2) was associated with mitochondria in HCC cells, but during carcinogenesis the total activity of HK did not change. Furthermore, only minor alterations in the expression of HK-1 and HK-2 isoforms have been observed.Metabolic Control analysis showed that the distribution of the control over electron transport chain and ATP synthasome complexes seemed to be similar in both tumor and control tissues. High flux control coefficients point to the possibility that the mitochondrial respiratory chain is reorganized in some way or assembled into large supercomplexes in both tissues.  相似文献   

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