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The free radical theory of aging emphasizes cumulative oxidative damage in the genome and intracellular proteins due to reactive oxygen species (ROS), which is a major cause for aging. Caloric restriction (CR) has been known as a representative treatment that prevents aging; however, its mechanism of action remains elusive. Here, we show that CR extends the chronological lifespan (CLS) of budding yeast by maintaining cellular energy levels. CR reduced the generation of total ROS and mitochondrial superoxide; however, CR did not reduce the oxidative damage in proteins and DNA. Subsequently, calorie-restricted yeast had higher mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), and it sustained consistent ATP levels during the process of chronological aging. Our results suggest that CR extends the survival of the chronologically aged cells by improving the efficiency of energy metabolism for the maintenance of the ATP level rather than reducing the global oxidative damage of proteins and DNA.  相似文献   

Integrity of mitochondrial functionality is a key determinant of longevity in several organisms. In particular, reduced mitochondrial ROS (mtROS) production leading to decreased mtDNA damage is believed to be a crucial aspect of longevity. The generation of low mtROS was thought to be due to low mitochondrial oxygen consumption. However, recent studies have shown that higher mitochondrial oxygen consumption could still result in low mtROS and contribute to longevity. This increased mitochondrial efficiency (i.e. low mtROS generated despite high oxygen consumption) was explained as a result of mitochondrial biogenesis, which provides more entry points for the electrons to the electron transport chain (ETC), thereby resulting in low mtROS production. In this study, we provide evidence for the existence of an alternative pathway to explain the observed higher mitochondrial efficiency in the long‐lived mrg19 mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Although we observe similar amounts of mitochondria in mrg19 and wild‐type (wt) yeast, we find that mrg19 mitochondria have higher expression of ETC components per mitochondria in comparison with the wt. These findings demonstrate that more efficient mitochondria because of increased ETC per mitochondria can also produce less mtROS. Taken together, our findings provide evidence for an alternative explanation for the involvement of higher mitochondrial activity in prolonging lifespan. We anticipate that similar mechanisms might also exist in eukaryotes including human.  相似文献   

Qi Y  Wang H  Zou Y  Liu C  Liu Y  Wang Y  Zhang W 《FEBS letters》2011,(1):231-239
In this study, we identified and functionally characterized the mitochondrial heat shock protein 70 (mtHsp70). Over-expression of mtHsp70 suppressed heat- and H2O2-induced programmed cell death (PCD) in rice protoplasts, as reflected by higher cell viability, decreased DNA laddering and chromatin condensation. Mitochondrial membrane potential (Δψm) after heat shock was destroyed gradually in protoplasts, but mtHsp70 over-expression showed higher Δψm relative to the vector control cells, and partially inhibited cytochrome c release from mitochondria to cytosol. Heat treatment also significantly increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, a phenomenon not observed in protoplasts over-expressing mtHsp70. Together, these results suggest that mtHsp70 may suppress PCD in rice protoplasts by maintaining mitochondrial Δψm and inhibiting the amplification of ROS.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of catalase and superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the acetic acid (AA) induced yeast programmed cell death (AA-PCD), we compared Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells (C-Y) and cells individually over-expressing catalase T (CTT1-Y) and Cu,Zn-SOD (SOD1-Y) with respect to cell survival, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) levels and enzyme activity as measured up to 200 min after AA treatment. AA-PCD does not occur in CTT1-Y, where H2O2 levels were lower than in C-Y and the over-expressed catalase activity decreased with time. In SOD1-Y, AA-PCD was exacerbated; high H2O2 levels were found, SOD activity increased early, remaining constant en route to AA-PCD, but catalase activity was strongly reduced.  相似文献   

Previously, the antimicrobial effects and membrane-active action of psacotheasin in Candida albicans were investigated. In this study, we have further found that a series of characteristic cellular changes of apoptosis in C. albicans can be induced by the accumulation of intracellular reactive oxygen species, specifically hydroxyl radicals, the well-known important regulators of apoptosis. Cells treated with psacotheasin showed diagnostic markers in yeast apoptosis at early stages: phosphatidylserine externalization from the inner to the outer membrane surface, visualized by Annexin V-staining; mitochondrial membrane depolarization, observed by DiOC6(3) staining; and increase of metacaspase activity, measured using the CaspACE FITC-VAD-FMK. Moreover, DNA fragmentation and condensation also revealed apoptotic phenomena at late stages through the TUNEL assay staining and DAPI staining, respectively. Taken together, our findings suggest that psacotheasin possess an antifungal property in C. albicans via apoptosis as another mode of action.  相似文献   

The anticancer activity of salinomycin has evoked excitement due to its recent identification as a selective inhibitor of breast cancer stem cells (CSCs) and its ability to reduce tumor growth and metastasis in vivo. In prostate cancer, similar to other cancer types, CSCs and/or progenitor cancer cells are believed to drive tumor recurrence and tumor growth. Thus salinomycin can potentially interfere with the end-stage progression of hormone-indifferent and chemotherapy-resistant prostate cancer. Androgen-responsive (LNCaP) and androgen-refractive (PC-3, DU-145) human prostate cancer cells showed dose- and time-dependent reduced viability upon salinomycin treatment; non-malignant RWPE-1 prostate cells were relatively less sensitive to drug-induced lethality. Salinomycin triggered apoptosis of PC-3 cells by elevating the intracellular ROS level, which was accompanied by decreased mitochondrial membrane potential, translocation of Bax protein to mitochondria, cytochrome c release to the cytoplasm, activation of the caspase-3 and cleavage of PARP-1, a caspase-3 substrate. Expression of the survival protein Bcl-2 declined. Pretreatment of PC-3 cells with the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine prevented escalation of oxidative stress, dissipation of the membrane polarity of mitochondria and changes in downstream molecular events. These results are the first to link elevated oxidative stress and mitochondrial membrane depolarization to salinomycin-mediated apoptosis of prostate cancer cells.  相似文献   

Despite extensive investigation, the molecular mechanism of anticancer activity of sphingolipid metabolites remains to be clarified. Here we demonstrate that sphingosine induces mitochondrial cell death via Lck-mediated conformational activation of Bak in Jurkat T cell lymphoma. Treatment of cells with sphingosine rapidly induced mitochondrial membrane potential loss, cytochrome c release from mitochondria, and apoptotic cell death. Sphingosine also induced conformational activation of Bak, but not Bax. siRNA targeting of Bak effectively attenuated sphingosine-induced mitochondrial cell death, indicating that Bak is involved in sphingosine-induced mitochondrial cell death. Sphingosine also induced activation of tyrosine kinase Lck. Inhibition of Lck by treatment of PP2, a Lck inhibitor or siRNA targeting of Lck suppressed sphingosine-induced conformational activation and oligomerization of Bak, mitochondrial membrane potential loss, and apoptotic cell death, implying that activation of Lck is critically required for sphingosine-induced conformational activation of Bak and mitochondrial cell death. The results elucidated in this study provide a novel cellular mechanism for the anticancer activity of sphingolipid metabolites.  相似文献   



It has been suggested that mitochondrial function plays a central role in cardiovascular diseases associated with particulate matter inhalation. The aim of this study was to evaluate this hypothesis, with focus on cardiac O2 and energetic metabolism, and its impact over cardiac contractility.


Swiss mice were intranasally instilled with either residual oil fly ash (ROFA) (1.0 mg/kg body weight) or saline solution. After 1, 3 or 5 h of exposure, O2 consumption was evaluated in heart tissue samples. Mitochondrial respiration, respiratory chain complexes activity, membrane potential and ATP content and production rate were assessed in isolated mitochondria. Cardiac contractile reserve was evaluated according to the Langendorff technique.


Three hours after ROFA exposure, tissue O2 consumption was significantly decreased by 35% (from 1180 ± 70 to 760 ± 60 ng-at O/min g tissue), as well as mitochondrial rest (state 4) and active (state 3) respiration, by 30 and 24%, respectively (control state 4: 88 ± 5 ng-at O/min mg protein; state 3: 240 ± 20 ng-at O/min mg protein). These findings were associated with decreased complex II activity, mitochondrial depolarization and deficient ATP production. Even though basal contractility was not modified (control: 75 ± 5 mm Hg), isolated perfused hearts failed to properly respond to isoproterenol in ROFA-exposed mice. Tissue O2 consumption rates positively correlated with cardiac contractile state in controls (r2 = 0.8271), but not in treated mice (r2 = 0.1396).

General Significance

The present results show an impaired mitochondrial function associated with deficient cardiac contractility, which could represent an early cardiovascular alteration after the exposure to environmental particulate matter.  相似文献   

Induction of yeast apoptosis by an antimicrobial peptide, Papiliocin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Papiliocin is a 37-residue peptide isolated from the swallowtail butterfly Papilio xuthus. In this study, we found that Papiliocin induced the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and hydroxyl radicals known to be important regulators of apoptosis in Candida albicans. To examine the relationship between the accumulation of ROS and the induction of apoptosis, we investigated the apoptotic effects of Papiliocin using apoptotic markers. Cells treated with Papiliocin showed a series of cellular changes normally seen in cells undergoing apoptosis: plasma membrane translocation of phosphatidylserine from the inner to the outer membrane leaflet, measured by Annexin V staining, dissipation of the mitochondrial membrane potential, observed by DiOC6(3) staining; and the presence of active metacaspases, measured using the CaspACE FITC-VAD-FMK, as early apoptotic events. In addition, DNA condensation and fragmentation, which is important marker of late stage apoptosis, was seen by DAPI and TUNEL assay. Therefore, these results suggest that Papiliocin leads to apoptosis in C. albicans via ROS accumulation.  相似文献   

Paraquat is a highly toxic quaternary nitrogen herbicide capable of increasing superoxide anion production. The aim of this research was to evaluate various behavioral changes and study cortical, hippocampal, and striatal mitochondrial function in an experimental model of paraquat toxicity in rats. Paraquat (10 mg/kg ip) was administered weekly for a month. Anxiety-like behavior was evidenced in the paraquat-treated group as shown by a diminished time spent in, and fewer entries into, the open arms of an elevated-plus maze. Also, paraquat treatment induced a deficit in the sense of smell. In biochemical assays, NADH-cytochrome c reductase activity was significantly inhibited by 25 and 34% in cortical and striatal submitochondrial membranes, respectively. Striatal cytochrome oxidase activity was decreased by 24% after paraquat treatment. Also, cortical and striatal mitochondria showed 55 and 74% increased State 4 respiratory rates, respectively. Paraquat treatment decreased striatal State 3 oxygen consumption by 33%. Respiratory controls were markedly decreased in cortical and striatal mitochondria, indicating mitochondrial dysfunction after paraquat treatment, together with mitochondrial depolarization and increased hydrogen peroxide production rates. We demonstrate that paraquat induced alterations in nonmotor symptoms and cortical and striatal mitochondrial dysfunction.  相似文献   

Two point mutations (T > G and T > C) at the same 8993 nucleotide of mitochondrial DNA (at comparable mutant load), affecting the ATPase 6 subunit of the F1F0-ATPase, result in neurological phenotypes of variable severity in humans. We have investigated mitochondrial function in lymphocytes from individuals carrying the 8993T > C mutation: the results were compared with data from five 8993T > G NARP (Neuropathy, Ataxia and Retinitis Pigmentosa) patients. Both 8993T > G and 8993T > C mutations led to energy deprivation and ROS overproduction. However, the relative contribution of the two pathogenic components is different depending on the mutation considered. The 8993T > G change mainly induces an energy deficiency, whereas the 8993T > C favours an increased ROS production. These results possibly highlight the different pathogenic mechanism generated by the two mutations at position 8993 and provide useful information to better characterize the biochemical role of the highly conserved Leu-156 in ATPase 6 subunit of the mitochondrial ATP synthase complex.  相似文献   

We previously isolated a Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant (HsTnII), which displays 40% reduced chronological lifespan as compared to the wild type (WT). In this study, we found HsTnII cultures to be characterized by fragmented and dysfunctional mitochondria, and by increased initiation of apoptosis during chronological aging as compared to WT. Expression of genes encoding subunits of mitochondrial electron transport chain and ATP synthase is significantly downregulated in HsTnII, and as a consequence, HsTnII is not able to respire ethanol. All these data confirm the importance of functional mitochondria and respiration in determining yeast chronological lifespan and apoptosis.  相似文献   

In this work, we summarize results of computer simulation of electron and proton transport processes coupled to ATP synthesis in chloroplasts performed within the frames of a mathematical model developed as a system of differential equations for concentrations of electron carriers and hydrogen ion inside and outside the granal and stromal thylakoids. The model takes into account topological peculiarities and lateral heterogeneity of the chloroplast lamellar system. This allowed us to analyze the influence of restricted diffusion of protons inside small compartments of a chloroplast (e.g., in the narrow inter-thylakoid gap) on electron transport processes. The model adequately describes two modes of pH-dependent feedback control of electron transport associated with: (i) the acidification of the thylakoid lumen, which causes the slowing down of plastoquinol oxidation and stimulates an increase in dissipation of excess energy in PS2, and (ii) the alkalization of stroma, inducing the activation of the BBC (Bassham-Benson-Calvin) cycle and intensified consumption of ATP and NADPH. The influence of ATP on electron transport is mediated by modulation of the thylakoid membrane conductivity to protons through the ATP synthase complexes. We also analyze the contribution of alternative electron transport pathways to the maintenance of optimal balance between the energy donating and energy consuming stages of the light-induced photosynthetic processes.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial bioenergetic studies mostly rely on isolated mitochondria thus excluding the regulatory role of other cellular compartments important for the overall mitochondrial function. In intact cardiomyocytes, we followed the dynamics of electron fluxes along specific sites of the electron transport chain (ETC) by simultaneous detection of NAD(P)H and flavoprotein (FP) fluorescence intensities using a laser-scanning confocal microscope. This method was used to delineate the effects of isoflurane, a volatile anesthetic and cardioprotective agent, on the ETC. Comparison to the effects of well-characterized ETC inhibitors and uncoupling agent revealed two distinct effects of isoflurane: uncoupling-induced mitochondrial depolarization and inhibition of ETC at the level of complex I. In correlation, oxygen consumption measurements in cardiomyocytes confirmed a dose-dependent, dual effect of isoflurane, and in isolated mitochondria an obstruction of the ETC primarily at the level of complex I. These effects are likely responsible for the reported mild stimulation of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) production required for the cardioprotective effects of isoflurane. In conclusion, isoflurane exhibits complex effects on the ETC in intact cardiomyocytes, altering its electron fluxes, and thereby enhancing ROS production. The NAD(P)H-FP fluorometry is a useful method for exploring the effect of drugs on mitochondria and identifying their specific sites of action within the ETC of intact cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

Tindaro M. Giardina 《BBA》2008,1777(2):118-129
Uncoupling protein-2 (UCP2) is a member of the inner mitochondrial membrane anion-carrier superfamily. Although mRNA for UCP2 is widely expressed, protein expression is detected in only a few cell types, including macrophages. UCP2 functions by an incompletely defined mechanism, to reduce reactive oxygen species production during mitochondrial electron transport. We observed that the abundance of UCP2 in macrophages increased rapidly in response to treatments (rotenone, antimycin A and diethyldithiocarbamate) that increased mitochondrial superoxide production, but not in response to superoxide produced outside the mitochondria or in response to H2O2. Increased UCP2 protein was not accompanied by increases in ucp2 gene expression or mRNA abundance, but was due to enhanced translational efficiency and possibly stabilization of UCP2 protein in the inner mitochondrial membrane. This was not dependent on mitochondrial membrane potential. These findings extend our understanding of the homeostatic function of UCP2 in regulating mitochondrial reactive oxygen production by identifying a feedback loop that senses mitochondrial reactive oxygen production and increases inner mitochondrial membrane UCP2 abundance and activity. Reactive oxygen species-induction of UCP2 may facilitate survival of macrophages and retention of function in widely variable tissue environments.  相似文献   

Robert van Lis  Ariane Atteia 《BBA》2005,1708(1):23-34
Compelling evidence exists that the colorless algae of the genus Polytomella arose from a green Chlamydomonas-like ancestor by losing its functional photosynthetic apparatus. Due to the close relationship between the colorless and the green chlorophyte, Polytomella sp. appeared as a useful indicative framework for structural studies of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mitochondria. However, comparative studies reported here unexpectedly revealed significant differences between the mitochondrial respiratory systems of the two algae. Two-dimensional blue native/SDS-PAGE of isolated mitochondria indicated that cytochrome-containing respiratory complexes III and IV in the two chlorophytes contrast in size, subunit composition and relative abundance. Complex IV in Polytomella is smaller than its counterpart in C. reinhardtii and occurs in two forms that differ presumably in the presence of subunit COXIII. The cytochrome c and the iron-sulfur Rieske protein of both chlorophytes revealed structural differences on the amino acid sequence level. Under comparable culture conditions, the colorless alga exhibits lower levels of cytochrome c and complex IV but a higher respiratory activity than the green alga. Cytochrome c levels were also found to be differently regulated by the growth conditions in both algae. The divergence between the respiratory systems in the two related chlorophytes can be viewed as a consequence of the loss of photosynthetic activity and/or of the adaptation to the environment via the acquisition of a more flexible, heterotrophic metabolism. Our understanding of mitochondrial function and evolution is expected to be greatly enhanced via further parallel studies of photosynthetic/non-photosynthetic algae, for which this study forms an incentive.  相似文献   

Electron transport processes were investigated in barley leaves in which the oxygen-evolution was fully inhibited by a heat pulse (48 °C, 40 s). Under these circumstances, the K peak (∼ F400 μs) appears in the chl a fluorescence (OJIP) transient reflecting partial QA reduction, which is due to a stable charge separation resulting from the donation of one electron by tyrozine Z. Following the K peak additional fluorescence increase (indicating QA accumulation) occurs in the 0.2-2 s time range. Using simultaneous chl a fluorescence and 820 nm transmission measurements it is demonstrated that this QA accumulation is due to naturally occurring alternative electron sources that donate electrons to the donor side of photosystem II. Chl a fluorescence data obtained with 5-ms light pulses (double flashes spaced 2.3-500 ms apart, and trains of several hundred flashes spaced by 100 or 200 ms) show that the electron donation occurs from a large pool with t1/2 ∼ 30 ms. This alternative electron donor is most probably ascorbate.  相似文献   

Beena Nandha  Pierre Joliot  Giles N. Johnson 《BBA》2007,1767(10):1252-1259
The pgr5 mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana has been described as being deficient in cyclic electron flow around photosystem I, however, the precise role of the PGR5 protein remains unknown. To address this issue, photosynthetic electron transport was examined in intact leaves of pgr5 and wild type A. thaliana. Based on measurements of the kinetics of P700 oxidation in far red light and re-reduction following oxidation in the presence of DCMU, we conclude that this mutant is able to perform cyclic electron flow at a rate similar to the wild type. The PGR5 protein is therefore not essential for cyclic flow. However, cyclic flow is affected by the pgr5 mutation under conditions where this process is normally enhanced in wild type leaves, i.e. high light or low CO2 concentrations resulted in enhancement of cyclic electron flow. This suggests a different capacity to regulate cyclic flow in response to environmental stimuli in the mutant. We also show that the pgr5 mutant is affected in the redox poising of the chloroplast, with the electron transport chain being substantially reduced under most conditions. This may result in defective feedback regulation of photosynthetic electron transport under some conditions, thus providing a rationale for the reduced efficiency of cyclic electron flow.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the cellular toxicity of copper-induced injury to the black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon. The 24 h, 48 h, 72 h and 96 h LC50 (median lethal concentration) of Cu2+ on P. monodon (11.63 ± 1.14 g) were found to be 3.49, 1.54, 0.73 and 0.40 mg L− 1, respectively. Total haemocyte count (THC), phagocytic activity, respiratory burst (RB), cytoplasmic free-Ca2+ (cf-Ca2+) concentration and apoptotic cell ratio of shrimp were determined after exposure to different concentrations of Cu2+ (0, 0.05, 0.5, 1.5 and 3.5 mg L− 1) for 0, 6, 12, 24 and 48 h. There was no significant effect on the analytic indicator of shrimp exposed to 0.05 mg L− 1 Cu2+. THC decreased after Cu-exposure to 0.5 mg L− 1 for 48 h, 1.5 mg L− 1 for 24 h and 3.5 mg L− 1 for 12 h. Phagocytic activity decreased in P. monodon following 48 h exposure to 3.5 mg L− 1 Cu2+. RB was induced after 6 h exposure to 0.5, 1.5 and 3.5 mg L− 1 Cu2+. cf-Ca2+ concentration increased after 48 h exposure to 0.5 mg L− 1 Cu2+, and 12 h exposure to 1.5 and 3.5 mg L− 1 Cu2+. The percentage of apoptotic cells increased to 9.5%, 16.3% and 18.6% respectively following 48 h exposure to 0.5, 1.5 and 3.5 mg L− 1 Cu2+. These results indicate that Cu can induce oxidative stress, elevation of cf-Ca2+ and cell apoptosis, and inhibit phagocytic activity in the shrimp P. monodon, and the lethal injury of Cu2+ to P. monodon may be mainly due to the sharp reduction of THC caused by ROS-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

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