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The epigenetic mechanisms underlying the tumorigenesis caused by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and nitrosamine compounds such as 3-methylcholanthrene (MCA) and diethylnitrosamine (DEN) are currently unknown. We reported previously that dynamic changes in DNA methylation occurred during MCA/DEN-induced rat lung carcinogenesis. Here, we used the same animal model to further study the evolution of methylation alterations in tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) DAPK1, FHIT, RASSF1A, and SOCS-3. We found that none of these genes were methylated in either normal or hyperplasia tissue. However, as the severity of the cancer progressed through squamous metaplasia and dysplasia to carcinoma in situ (CIS) and infiltrating carcinoma, so methylation became more prevalent. Particularly dramatic increases in the level of methylation, the average number of methylated genes, and the incidence of concurrent methylation in three genes were observed in CIS and infiltrating carcinoma. Similar but less profound changes were seen in squamous metaplasia and dysplasia. Furthermore, methylation status was closely correlated to loss of protein expression for these genes, with protein levels markedly declining along the continuum of carcinogenesis. These results suggest that progressive CpG island hypermethylation leading to inactivation of TSGs might be a vital molecular mechanism in the pathogenesis of MCA/DEN-induced multistep rat lung carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), a highly aggressive form of solid tumor, has been increasing in South East Asia. The lack of effective therapy necessitates the introduction of novel chemopreventive strategies to counter the substantial morbidity and mortality associated with the disease. Recently, we reported that dimethoxy flavone (DMF), a methylated flavone derived from chrysin, significantly suppressed the development of preneoplastic lesions induced by N-nitrosodiethylamine (DEN) in rats, although the mechanism of action was not known. In the present study, we have investigated the effects of DMF administration on gene expression changes related to the inflammation-mediated NF-kB pathway, Wnt pathway and apoptotic mediators in DEN-induced preneoplastic nodules. There was a significant increase in inflammatory markers like cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and a decrease in apoptotic mediators like p53, caspase-3 and bax in DEN-treated rats when compared to the control group. Activation of NF-kB was noticed by an elevated expression of nuclear protein expression of NF-kB and cytoplasmic phospho-IkBαSer32/36 in the same animals. Likewise, upregulation of canonical Wnt pathway was noticed by elevated expression of nuclear protein levels of phospho-β-cateninThr393 and cytoplasmic casein kinase-2 (CK2), Dvl2 and cyclin D1 levels, along with a simultaneous decrease in expression of phospho-GSK3βSer9. Dietary DMF (100 mg/kg) administration inhibited liver nodule incidence and multiplicity by 82% and 78%, respectively. DMF also reversed the activation of NF-kB and Wnt pathway as shown by the decrease in protein expression of several proteins. Results of the present investigation provide evidence that attenuation of Wnt pathway and suppression of inflammatory response mediated by NF-kB could be implicated, in part, in the chemopreventive effects of methylated flavone. Therefore, the present findings hold great promise for the utilization of DMF as an effective chemotherapeutic agent in treating early stages of liver cancer.  相似文献   

The production and welfare of intensively reared fish would be improved by reducing stress responsiveness. One approach to achieving this goal is selective breeding utilising stress-responsive genes as direct genetic markers of the desirable trait. As a first step in this process, microarray analysis has been carried out on liver tissues of rainbow trout selectively bred for high (HR) or low (LR) responsiveness to a stressor. Microarray hybridizations provided gene expression profiles for pooled samples of fish confined for 6 h, 24 h and 168 h and for individual fish (168 h only). 161 genes were shown to be differentially regulated in HR and LR fish during confinement exposure and eight of these gene expression profiles were validated by quantitative PCR. Genes of particular interest included intelectin-2 precursor which showed greater than 100-fold higher expression in HR fish compared to LR fish irrespective of whether the fish were confined or not; interferon inducible transmembrane protein 3 which was differentially stress-induced between the two lines; and hepatic pro-opiomelanocortin B (POMC B) which was upregulated during stress in HR fish but downregulated in LR fish. All these offer potential as direct markers of low stress responsiveness in a marker-assisted selection scheme.  相似文献   



Status of DNA methylation is one of the most common molecular alterations in human neoplasia. Because it is possible to detect these epigenetic alterations in the bloodstream of patients, we investigated the aberrant DNA methylation status of estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) in patient pretherapeutic sera and tissue.

Materials and methods

In this case control study the patient series consisted of 120 sporadic primary breast cancer cases and 100 patients with benign breast lesion. ER3, ER4, and ER5 primers were used for methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction (MSP) to analyze the CpG methylation of promoter region of ERα gene. Correlation between ER3, ER4, and ER5 methylation and clinicopathological characteristics of the patients was investigated.


The methylation status of ER3, ER4 and ER5 was 65%, 26.7% and 61.7% in tissue respectively and 57.5%, 21.7% and 55.8% in serum respectively. The concordance between tumor and serum DNA methylation was 80%, 72% and 92% for ER3, ER4 and ER5 respectively.


This study demonstrated the potential utility of serum DNA methylation of ERα gene promoter as a non-invasive diagnostic and/or prognostic marker in patients with breast cancer.  相似文献   

An essential pre-requisite to perform sound quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assays is to design outstanding primer pairs. This means they must have a good efficiency and be not prone to produce multiple amplicons or primer dimer products. To circumvent these issues, several softwares are available to help primer design. Although satisfactory computer-aided primer design tools are available for standard PCR, less efforts were done to provide specific methods for selection of optimal primer pairs for qPCR. We have developed PRaTo a web-based tool that enables checking and ranking of primers pairs for their attitude to perform optimally and reliably when used in qPCR experiments. PRaTo is available at http://prato.daapv.unipd.it.  相似文献   

Using differential display PCR, we identified a novel gene upregulated in renal cell carcinoma. Characterization of the full-length cDNA and gene revealed that the encoded protein is a human homologue of the Drosophila melanogaster Tweety protein, and so we have termed the novel protein TTYH2. The orthologous mouse cDNA was also identified and the predicted mouse protein is 81% identical to the human protein. The encoded human TTYH2 protein is 534 amino acids and, like the other members of the tweety-related protein family, is a putative cell surface protein with five transmembrane regions. TTYH2 is located at 17q24; it is expressed most highly in brain and testis and at lower levels in heart, ovary, spleen, and peripheral blood leukocytes. Expression of this gene is upregulated in 13 of 16 (81%) renal cell carcinoma samples examined. In addition to a putative role in brain and testis, the over-expression of TTYH2 in renal cell carcinoma suggests that it may have an important role in kidney tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin-like (UBL)–ubiquitin-associated (UBA) proteins, including Dsk2 and Rad23, act as delivery factors that target polyubiquitinated substrates to the proteasome. We report here that the Dsk2 UBL domain is ubiquitinated in yeast cells and that Dsk2 ubiquitination of the UBL domain is involved in Dsk2 stability, depending on the Dsk2 UBA domain. Also, Dsk2 lacking ubiquitin chains impaired ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation and decreased the interaction of Dsk2 with polyubiquitinated proteins in cells. Moreover, Dsk2 ubiquitination affected ability to restore the temperature-sensitive growth defect of dsk2Δ. These results indicate that ubiquitination in the UBL domain of Dsk2 has in vivo functions in the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway in yeast.  相似文献   

The FAM69 family of cysteine-rich type II transmembrane proteins comprises three members in all vertebrates except fish, and orthologues with a conserved structure are present throughout metazoa. All three murine FAM69 proteins (FAM69A, FAM69B, FAM69C) localise to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in cultured cells, probably via N-terminal di-arginine motifs. Mammalian FAM69A is ubiquitously expressed, FAM69B is strongly expressed in the brain and in peripheral endothelial cells, and FAM69C in the brain and eye. Antibodies against mouse FAM69B strongly stain the ER of a subset of neurons in the brain. FAM69 proteins are likely to play a fundamental and highly conserved role in the ER of most metazoan cells, with additional specialised roles in the vertebrate nervous system.  相似文献   

Work in cortically controlled neuroprosthetic systems has concentrated on decoding natural behaviors from neural activity, with the idea that if the behavior could be fully decoded it could be duplicated using an artificial system. Initial estimates from this approach suggested that a high-fidelity signal comprised of many hundreds of neurons would be required to control a neuroprosthetic system successfully. However, recent studies are showing hints that these systems can be controlled effectively using only a few tens of neurons. Attempting to decode the pre-existing relationship between neural activity and natural behavior is not nearly as important as choosing a decoding scheme that can be more readily deployed and trained to generate the desired actions of the artificial system. These artificial systems need not resemble or behave similarly to any natural biological system. Effective matching of discrete and continuous neural command signals to appropriately configured device functions will enable effective control of both natural and abstract artificial systems using compatible thought processes.  相似文献   

Epigenetic marks, such as cytosine methylation and post-translational histone modifications, are important for interpreting and managing eukaryotic genomes. Recent genetic studies in plants have uncovered details on the different interwoven mechanisms that are responsible for specification of genomic cytosine methylation patterns. These mechanisms include targeting cytosine methylation using heterochromatic histone modifications and RNA guides. Genomic cytosine methylation patterns also reflect locus-specific demethylation initiated by specialized DNA glycosylases. While genetics continues to more fully define these mechanisms, genomic studies in Arabidopsis have yielded an unprecedented high-resolution view of how epigenetic marks are layered over a genome.  相似文献   

Mxi1, a member of the Myc–Max–Mad network, is an antagonist of the c-Myc oncogene and is associated with excessive cell proliferation. Abnormal cell proliferation and tumorigenesis are observed in organs of Mxi1−/− mice. However, the Mxi1-reltaed mechanism of proliferation is unclear. The present study utilized microarray analysis using Mxi1 mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) to identify genes associated with cell proliferation. Among these genes, insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) was selected as a candidate gene for real-time PCR to ascertain whether IGFBP-3 expression is regulated by Mxi1. Expression of IGFBP-3 was decreased in Mxi1−/− MEFs and Mxi1−/− mice, and the gene was regulated by Mxi1 in Mxi1 MEFs. Furthermore, proliferation pathways related to IGFBP-3 were regulated in Mxi1−/− mice compared to Mxi1+/+ mice. To determine the effect of Mxi1 inactivation on the induction of cell proliferation, a proliferation assay is performed in both Mxi1 MEFs and Mxi1 mice. Cell viability was regulated by Mxi1 in Mxi1 MEFs and number of PCNA-positive cells was increased in Mxi1−/− mice compared to Mxi1+/+ mice. Moreover, the IGFBP-3 level was decreased in proliferation defect regions in Mxi1−/− mice. The results support the suggestion that inactivation of Mxi1 has a positive effect on cell proliferation by down-regulating IGFBP-3.  相似文献   

Assessment of DNA methylation has become a critical factor for the identification, development and application of methylation based biomarkers. Here we describe a systematic comparison of a quantitative high-resolution mass spectrometry-based approach (MassARRAY), pyrosequencing and the broadly used methylation-specific PCR (MSP) technique analyzing clinically relevant epigenetically silenced genes in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). By MassARRAY and pyrosequencing, we identified significant DNA methylation differences at the ID4 gene promoter and in the 5′ region of members of the SFRP gene family in 62 AML patients compared with healthy controls. We found a good correlation between data obtained by MassARRAY and pyrosequencing (correlation coefficient R2 = 0.88). MSP-based assessment of the identical samples showed less pronounced differences between AML patients and controls. By direct comparison of MSP-derived and MassARRAY-based methylation data as well as pyrosequencing, we could determine overestimation of DNA methylation data by MSP. We found sequence-context dependent highly variable cut-off values of quantitative DNA methylation values serving as discriminator for the two MSP methylation categories. Moreover, good agreements between quantitative methods and MSP could not be achieved for all investigated loci. Significant correlation of the quantitative assessment but not of MSP-derived methylation data with clinically important characteristics in our patient cohort demonstrated clinical relevance of quantitative DNA methylation assessment. Taken together, while MSP is still the most commonly applied technique for DNA methylation assessment, our data highlight advantages of quantitative approaches for precise characterization and reliable biomarker use of aberrant DNA methylation in primary patient samples, particularly.  相似文献   

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