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Hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate (HRS) is required for trafficking of cell surface receptors to the lysosome. Previously, we identified HRS as a protein that interacts with the neurofibromatosis 2 tumor suppressor schwannomin. In the present study, we established modified RT4 schwannoma cell lines that inducibly express HRS and constitutively express epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) fused to the green fluorescent protein. We demonstrated that HRS expression reduced EGFR abundance and EGF-mediated Stat3 activation. HRS expression also targeted EGFR to late endosomes. Schwannomin inhibited EGF-mediated Stat3 activation, consistent with HRS and schwannomin interacting in the same signaling pathway. Paradoxically, past studies have shown that HRS overexpression blocked EGFR trafficking to the late endosome and EGFR downregulation contrary to predictions of HRS function in HRS knockout studies. This study is the first to show that HRS can reduce the abundance of total and active EGFR and may reflect cell type-specific HRS function.  相似文献   

MUC1, a tumor associated glycoprotein, is over-expressed in most cancers and can promote proliferation and metastasis. The objective of this research was to study the role of MUC1 in cancer metastasis and its potential mechanism. Pancreatic (PANC1) and breast (MCF-7) cancer cells with stable 'knockdown' of MUC1 expression were created using RNA interference. beta-Catenin and E-cadherin protein expression were upregulated in PANC1 and MCF-7 cells with decreased MUC1 expression. Downregulation of MUC1 expression also induced beta-catenin relocation from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, increased E-cadherin/beta-catenin complex formation and E-cadherin membrane localization in PANC1 cells. PANC1 cells with 'knockdown' MUC1 expression had decreased in vitro cell invasion. This study suggested that MUC1 may affect cancer cell migration by increasing E-cadherin/beta-catenin complex formation and restoring E-cadherin membrane localization.  相似文献   

Relay of information from the extracellular environment into the cell often results from a peptide growth factor binding to its cognate cell surface receptor; this event is an integral mechanism by which many cellular functions occur, including cell growth, motility, and survival. In recent years, however, this requirement for ligand binding has been shown to be surpassed by several distinct mechanisms, including cell surface receptor cross-talk (e.g., between epidermal growth factor receptor [EGFR] and G-coupled receptors), receptor-extracellular matrix interactions (e.g., EGFR: integrin complexes), and finally by structural mutations within the receptor itself. While all of these pathways result in so-called ligand-independent signaling by the EGF receptor, to date, only structural mutations in the receptor have been shown to result in qualitative changes in downstream targets of the receptor, which specifically result in oncogenic signaling, transformation, and tumorigenicity. In this review, we describe aspects of the known signaling properties of the retroviral oncogene v-ErbB as a model of ligand-independent oncogenic signaling, and compare these properties to results emerging from ongoing studies on structurally related EGF receptor mutants originally identified in human tumors. A better understanding of the signaling pathways used by these uniquely oncogenic receptor tyrosine kinase mutants may ultimately reveal new targets for the development of novel therapeutics selective for the inhibition of tumor cell growth.  相似文献   

Incubation of Swiss mouse 3T3 cells at 37 degrees C with bovine brain-derived growth factor (BDGF) decrease the cell surface 125I-EGF binding activity of these cells by 70-80%. This down-modulation of the EGF receptor by BDGF was time, temperature, and dose dependent. Scatchard plot analysis indicated that BDGF binding led to a selective decrease in the number of high-affinity EGF receptors. The BDGF-induced down-modulation of the EGF receptor was completely blocked by protamine, a potent inhibitor of receptor binding and mitogenic activities of BDGF. BDGF down-modulated the EGF receptor in phorbol myristic acetate (PMA)-pretreated cells, as well as in control cells. Furthermore, PMA-pretreated cells responded mitogenically to BDGF, whereas PMA itself failed to stimulate the mitogenic response of PMA-pretreated cells. This BDGF-induced down-modulation of the EGF receptor in PMA-desensitized cells suggests that BDGF down-regulates the EGF receptor by a mechanism distinct from that of PMA. Incubation of cells with compounds which are known to inhibit pinocytosis blocked the down-modulation induced either by BDGF or by platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) but had no effect on the PMA-induced down-modulation. Incubation of cells with inhibitors of receptor recycling enhanced the BDGF-induced down-modulation of the EGF receptor. These results suggest that BDGF and PDGF induce down-modulation of the EGF receptor by increasing the internalization of cell surface high-affinity receptors and that the internalization process may not be required for down-modulation induced by PMA.  相似文献   

The protein tyrosine kinase Ack1 has been linked to cancer when over-expressed. Ack1 has also been suggested to function in clathrin-mediated endocytosis and in down-regulation of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor (EGFR). We have studied the intracellular localization of over-expressed Ack1 and found that Ack1 co-localizes with the EGFR upon EGF-induced endocytosis in cells with moderate over-expression of Ack. This co-localization is mainly observed in early endosomes. Furthermore, we found that over-expression of Ack1 retained the EGFR at the limiting membrane of early endosomes, inhibiting sorting to inner vesicles of multivesicular bodies. Down-regulation of Ack1 in HeLa cells resulted in reduced rate of (125)I-EGF internalization, whereas internalization of (125)I-transferrin was not affected. In cells where Ack1 had been knocked down by siRNA, recycling of internalized (125)I-EGF was increased, while degradation of (125)I-EGF was inhibited. Together, these data suggest that Ack1 is involved in an early step of EGFR desensitization.  相似文献   

The properties of the insulin-like growth factor-binding proteins (IGFBP-1 to 6) are not limited to modulation of IGF actions. IGFBP-1, which shares an Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) motif in its C-terminal domain, modulates cell motility by binding to integrin alpha5beta1. The cross-talks between integrins and growth factor receptor signalling pathways are extensively documented, particularly in the case of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). However, whether IGFBP-1 can modulate growth factor signalling through its interaction with integrin alpha5beta1 has not yet been studied. As EGF is involved in the decidualisation of endometrial stromal cells (ESCs) and as decidualised ESCs are a source of IGFBP-1, we investigated if IGFBP-1 can modulate EGF effects on ESCs. RGD- and IGF-independent inhibition of EGF mitogenic activity and EGFR signalling by IGFBP-1 were demonstrated in ESC primary cultures, A431, cells and in mouse fibroblasts lacking IGF receptors.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that overexpression of LIM kinase1 (LIMK1) resulted in a marked retardation of the internalization of the receptor-mediated endocytic tracer, Texas red-labeled epidermal growth factor (EGF) in low-invasive human breast cancer cell MCF-7. We thereby postulate that LIMK1 signaling plays an important role in the regulation of ligand-induced endocytosis of EGF receptor (EGFR) in tumor cells by reorganizing and influencing actin-filament dynamics. In the present study, we further assessed the effect of wild-type LIMK1, a kinase-deficient dominant negative mutant of LIMK1 (DN-LIMK1) and an active, unphosphorylatable cofilin mutant (S3A cofilin) on internalization of EGF-EGFR in MDA-MB-231, a highly invasive human breast cancer cell line. We demonstrate here that a marked delay in the receptor-mediated internalization of Texas red-labeled EGF was observed in the wild-type LIMK1 transfectants, and that most of the internalized EGF staining were accumulated within transferrin receptor-positive early endosomes even after 30 min internalization. In contrast, the expression of dominant-negative LIMK1 mutant rescued the efficient endocytosis of Texas red-EGF, and large amounts of Texas red-EGF staining already reached LIMPII-positive late endosomes/lysosomal vacuoles after 15 min internalization. We further analyzed the effect of S3A cofilin mutant on EGFR trafficking, and found an efficient delivery of Texas red-EGF into late endosomes/lysosomes at 15–30 min after internalization. Taken together, our novel findings presented in this paper implicate that LIMK1 signaling indeed plays a pivotal role in the regulation of EGFR trafficking through the endocytic pathway in invasive tumor cells.  相似文献   

 In order to study the potential of non-invasive scintigraphic evaluation of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor status in vivo, the biokinetics and tumor binding of 125I-EGF and anti-(EGF receptor) mAb 425 were investigated in nude mice bearing human tumor xenografts with different EGF-receptor densities as determined by a radioreceptor assay. The results demonstrated a tumor uptake for both substances depending on the receptor level. The EGF receptor status, however, was reflected slightly better by the binding of EGF to tumor tissue compared to the mAb. The rapid blood clearance of EGF with a plasma half-life of less than 1 min led to a tumor-to-blood ratio of approximately 3 within 6 h after injection in tumors with a high receptor expression. A similar ratio for the mAb was not obtained before day 6 after injection. The absolute concentration of EGF, however, was low compared to the mAb. Therefore, it can be concluded that the EGF receptor status as a target for (radio)immunotherapy can be evaluated in vivo with EGF labeled with a short-life positron-emitting radionuclide or with monoclonal antibodies to the EGF receptor or their fragments. Received: 14 September 1995 / Accepted: 6 December 1995  相似文献   

Regulation of ovarian cancer growth is poorly understood. In this study, the effects of EGT, TGFα and TGFβ1 on two ovarian cancer cell lines (OVCAR-3 and CAOV-3) were investigated. The results showed that EGF/TGFα stimulated cell growth and DNA synthesis in OVCAR-3 cell, but inhibited cell proliferation and DNA synthesis in CAOV-3 cells. TGFβ1 invariably inhibited cell proliferation and DNA synthesis in both cell lines. These efefects on growth factors are dose dependent. The interaction of TGFβ1 and EGF/TGFα was antagonistic in OVCAR-3 cells. In contrast, EGF/TGFα and TGFβ1 had an additive inhibitory effect on CAOV-3 cells. Our results demonstrated that mature and functional EGF receptors are present in both cell lines and that they are capable of ligand binding, internalization, processing and ligand-enhanced autophosphorylation. Both high- and low-affinity binding are present in these cell lines, with CAOV-3 cells having about 2–3 fold higher total receptors than OVCAR-3 cells. These results together with those from our previous studies show that these cells express TGFα, TGFβ1 and EGF receptors and that cell growth may be modulated by these growth factors in an autocrine can paracrine manner. This report presents evidence supporting the important roles of growth factors in ovarian cancer growth and provides a foundation for futher study into the mechanism of growth regulation by growth factors in these cell lines.  相似文献   

After stimulation with agonist, G protein coupled receptors (GPCR) undergo conformational changes that allow activation of G proteins to transduce the signal, followed by phosphorylation by kinases and arrestin binding to promote receptor internalization. Actual paradigm, based on a study of GPCR-A/rhodopsin family, suggests that a network of interactions between conserved residues located in transmembrane (TM) domains (mainly TM3, TM6 and TM7) is involved in the molecular switch leading to GPCR activation.

We evaluated in CHO cells expressing the VPAC1 receptor the role of the third transmembrane helix in agonist signalling by point mutation into Ala of the residues highly conserved in the secretin-family of receptors: Y224, N229, F230, W232, E236, G237, Y239, L240. N229A VPAC1 mutant was characterized by a decrease in both potency and efficacy of VIP stimulated adenylate cyclase activity, by the absence of agonist stimulated [Ca2+]i increase, by a preserved receptor recognition of agonists and antagonist and by a preserved sensitivity to GTP suggesting the importance of that residue for efficient G protein activation. N229D mutant was not expressed at the membrane, and the N229Q with a conserved mutation was less affected than the A mutant. Agonist stimulated phosphorylation and internalization of N229A and N229Q VPAC1 were unaffected. However, the re-expression of internalized mutant receptors, but not that of the wild type receptor, was rapidly reversed after VIP washing. Receptor phosphorylation, internalization and re-expression may be thus dissociated from G protein activation and linked to another active conformation that may influence its trafficking.

Mutation of that conserved amino acid in VPAC2 could be investigated only by a conservative mutation (N216Q) and led to a receptor with a low VIP stimulation of adenylate cyclase, receptor phosphorylation and internalization. This indicated the importance of the conserved N residue in the TM3 of that family of receptors.  相似文献   

The approximately 14 kb mRNA of the polycystic kidney disease gene PKD1 encodes a large ( approximately 460 kDa) protein, termed polycystin-1 (PC-1), that is responsible for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). The unique organization of its multiple adhesive domains (16 Ig-like domains/PKD domains) suggests that it may play an important role in cell-cell/cell-matrix interactions. Here we demonstrated that PKD1 promoted cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions in cancer cells, indicating that PC-1 is involved in the cell adhesion process. Furthermore in this study, we showed that PKD1 inhibited cancer cells migration and invasion. And we also showed that PC-1 regulated these processes in a process that may be at least partially through the Wnt pathway. Collectively, our data suggest that PKD1 may act as a novel member of the tumor suppressor family of genes.  相似文献   

Processing of EGF-family ligands is an essential step in triggering the EGF receptor pathway, which fulfills a diverse set of roles during development and tissue maintenance. We describe a mechanism of ligand processing which is unique to insects, and possibly to other invertebrates. This mechanism relies on ligand precursor trafficking from the ER by a chaperone, Star (S), and precursor cleavage by Rhomboids, a family of intra-membrane protease. Remarkably, the ability of Rhomboids to cleave S as well, endows the pathway with additional diversity. Rhomboid isoforms which also reside in the ER inactivate the chaperone before any ligand was trafficked, thus significantly reducing the level of ligand that will eventually be processed and secreted. ER localization also serves as a critical feature in trafficking the entire ligand-processing machinery to axonal termini, as the ER extends throughout the axon. Finally, examination of diverse species of insects demonstrates the evolution of chaperone cleavability, indicating that the primordial processing machinery could support long-range signaling by the ligand. Altering the intracellular localization of critical components of a conserved signaling cassette therefore provides an evolutionary mechanism for modulation of signaling levels, and diversification of the biological settings where the pathway functions.  相似文献   

The activation state of the EGF receptor (EGF-R) is tightly controlled in the cell so as to prevent excessive signalling, with the dangerous consequences that this would have on cell growth and proliferation. This control occurs at different levels, with a key level being the trafficking and degradation of the EGF-R itself. Multiple guanosine triphosphatases belonging to the Arf, Rab and Rho families and their accessory proteins have key roles in these processes. In this study, we have identified ARAP1, a multidomain protein with both Arf GTPase-activating protein (GAP) and Rho GAP activities, as a novel component of the machinery that controls the trafficking and signalling of the EGF-R. We show that ARAP1 localizes to multiple cell compartments, including the Golgi complex, as previously reported, and endosomal compartments, where it is enriched in the internal membranes of multivesicular bodies. ARAP1 distribution is controlled by its phosphorylation and by its interactions with the 3- and 4-phosphorylated phosphoinositides through its five PH domains. We provide evidence that ARAP1 controls the late steps of the endocytic trafficking of the EGF-R, with ARAP1 knockdown leading to EGF-R accumulation in a sorting/late endosomal compartment and to the inhibition of EGF-R degradation that is accompanied by prolonged signalling.  相似文献   

Oncogenic mutations disrupt the regulatory circuits that govern cell function, enabling tumor cells to undergo de-regulated mitogenesis, to resist to pro-apoptotic insults, and to invade through tissue boundaries. Cancer cell biology has played a crucial role in elucidating the signaling mechanisms by which oncogenic mutations sustain these malignant behaviors and thereby in identifying rational targets for cancer drugs. The efficacy of such targeted therapies illustrate the power of a reductionist approach to the study of cancer.  相似文献   

The potential benefits of drugs directly targeting the ErbB receptors for cancer therapy have led to an extensive development within this field. However, the clinical effects of ErbB receptor-targeting drugs in cancer treatment are limited due to a high frequency of resistance. It has been reported that, when inhibiting the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) with the tyrosine kinase inhibitor gefitinib, increased activation of ErbB3 via MET, or by re-localization of ErbB3 mediates cell survival. Here we show further evidence that members of the ErbB receptor family facilitate resistance to EGFR inhibitor treatment in ErbB2 overexpressing breast cancer cells. We found that gefitinib treatment increased ErbB3 expression, both at protein and mRNA levels. ErbB3 expression was upregulated not only by gefitinib but also by a panel of different EGFR inhibitors, suggesting that inhibition of EGFR in general affects ErbB3 expression. In addition, we found that gefitinib treatment increased ErbB2 expression levels while EGFR inhibitors decreased the activity of ErbB2. Concentrations of gefitinib that decreased phospho-ErbB2 reversely increased ErbB3 levels. We further examined changes induced by gefitinib treatment on mRNA levels of the most common genes known to be involved in breast cancer. As expected, we found that gefitinib downregulated genes whose functions were linked to cellular proliferation, such as Ki-67, topoisomerase II alpha and cyclins, and surprisingly downregulated gene expression of FAS which is involved in apoptotic signaling. Together, our data strongly suggest that resistance to EGFR inhibitors may result from the compensation of other family members and that combinations of anti-cancer drugs are required to increase the sensitivity of these treatments.  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF-1R) plays an important role in cell growth and malignant transformation. To investigate IGF-1R-dependent signaling events and its effects on apoptosis induction and cellular proliferation, we generated a constitutively active, ligand-independent IGF-1R variant. We fused the cytoplasmic domain of the IGF-1R to the extracellular and transmembrane domains of the oncogenic ErbB2 receptor (ErbB2V→E/IGF-1). A fusion protein in which the wild-type sequence of the ErbB2 receptor was used, served as a control (ErbB2V/IGF-1R). ErbB2V/IGF-1R, ErbB2V→E/IGF-1R and IGF-1R were stably transfected into interleukin 3 (IL-3)-dependent BaF/3 cells. ErbB2V→E/IGF-1R expressing cells exhibited ligand-independent, constitutive tyrosine phosphorylation of the receptor fusion protein. Constitutively, activated ErbB2V→E/IGF-1R conferred IL-3 independence for growth and survival to the transfected BaF/3 cells. Constitutive activation of the IGF-1R results in cellular growth and protection against apoptosis upon IL-3 withdrawal in BaF/3 cells.  相似文献   

Germain RN 《FEBS letters》2010,584(24):4814-5045
Signaling through the T cell receptor for antigen (TCR) has been studied for years by conventional biochemical means. More recently, attempts have been made to develop computational models of signaling through this receptor, with a specific focus on understanding how this recognition system discriminates between closely related (self and non-self) ligands. Here we discuss recent advances centered on the role of feedback regulation, especially the key finding that a combination of digital and analog control circuits is fundamental to the discrimination properties of the TCR. We end by pointing to future, more biologically accurate models that incorporate spatial aspects of molecular organization in antigen-engaged T lymphocytes with this underlying biochemistry.  相似文献   

Phosphotyrosine binding (PTB) domains of the adaptor proteins Doks (downstream of tyrosine kinases) play an important role in regulating signal transduction of cell-surface receptors in cell growth, proliferation and differentiation; however, ligand specificity of the Dok PTB domains has until now remained elusive. In this study, we have investigated the molecular basis of specific association between the Dok1 PTB domain and the tyrosine-phosphorylated EGFR. Using yeast two-hybrid and biochemical binding assays, we show that only the PTB domain from Dok1 but not Dok4 or Dok5 can selectively bind to two known tyrosine phosphorylation sites at Y1086 and Y1148 in EGFR. Our structure-based mutational analyses define the molecular determinants for the two distinct Dok1 PTB domain/EGFR interactions and provide the structural understanding of the specific interactions between EGFR and PTB domains in the divergent Dok homologues.  相似文献   

Using a monoclonal antibody interacting with the extracellular amino-terminus of the human VPAC2 receptor but that did not interfere with ligand binding, we measured by flow cytometry receptor internalization and trafficking induced by full agonists, partial agonists and an antagonist in Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing the recombinant receptor. The agonists, but not the antagonist, induced a rapid, dose-dependent receptor internalization blocked by hypertonic sucrose that was more pronounced for the VIP analog N-hexanoyl-VIP (80%) than for VIP and Ro 25-1553 (50%) and the [A11]-VIP (20%). Re-expression of the receptors at the membrane was achieved within two hours after exposure to VIP and Ro 25-1553 was blocked by 25 μM monensin but not by 10 μg/ml cycloheximide. Re-expression was much slower after exposure to the acylated peptide and was blocked by preincubation with 25 μM monensin and 10 μg/ml cycloheximide.  相似文献   

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