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Differentiating embryonic stem (ES) cells are increasingly emerging as an important source of hematopoietic progenitors with a potential to be useful for both basic and clinical research applications. It has been suggested that dexamethasone facilitates differentiation of ES cells towards erythrocytes but the mechanism responsible for sequential expression of genes regulating this process are not well-understood. Therefore, we in vitro induced differentiation of murine ES cells towards erythropoiesis and studied the sequential expression of a set of genes during the process. We hypothesized that dexamethasone-activates its cognate nuclear receptors inducing up-regulation of erythropoietic genes such as GATA-1, Flk-1, Epo-R, and direct ES cells towards erythropoietic differentiation. ES cells were cultured in primary hematopoietic differentiation media containing methyl-cellulose, IMDM, IL-3, IL-6, and SCF to promote embryoid body (EB) formation. Total RNA of day 3, 5, and 9-old EBs was isolated for gene expression studies using RT-PCR. Cells from day 9 EBs were subjected to secondary differentiation using three different cytokines and growth factors combinations: (1) SCF, EPO, dexamethasone, and IGF; (2) SCF, IL-3, IL-6, and TPO; and, (3) SCF IL-3, IL-6, TPO, and EPO. Total RNA from day 12 of secondary differentiated ES cells was isolated to study the gene expression pattern during this process. Our results demonstrate an up-regulation of GATA-1, Flk-1, HoxB-4, Epo-R, and globin genes (alpha-globin, betaH-1 globin, beta-major globin, epsilon -globin, and zeta-globin) in the 9-day-old EBs, whereas, RNA from 5-day-old EBs showed expression of HoxB-4, epsilon-globin, gamma-globin, betaH1-globin, and Flk-1. Three-day-old EBs showed only HoxB-4 and Flk-1 gene expression and lacked expression of all globin genes. These findings indicate that erythropoiesis-specific genes are activated later in the course of differentiation. Gene expression studies on the ES cells of secondary EB origin cultured in media containing dexamethasone showed a down-regulation of GATA-3 and an up-regulation of GATA-1, Flk-1, and Epo-R in comparison to the two other cytokines and growth factor combinations containing media. The secondary differentiation also showed an enhanced production of erythrocytic precursors in dexamethasone containing media in comparison to that in the control media. Our results indicate that dexamethasone can prove to be an effective agent which can be employed to enhance differentiation towards erythrocytic progenitors from ES cells.  相似文献   

P. aeruginosa corpuscular polyvalent vaccine stimulates hematopoiesis in sublethally stimulated mice. The stimulating effect is dose-dependent. The most effective method of immunization is the intravenous injection of the vaccine. The degree to which the stimulation of hematopoiesis is manifested varies in different strains of mice. The stimulation of hematopoiesis is not linked with an increase in the content of erythropoietin. P. aeruginosa polyvalent corpuscular vaccine and monovaccine, prepared from P. aeruginosa strain 1313 and incorporated into the polyvalent vaccine, protect lethally irradiated mice in the postradiation survival test.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that mesangial cells are important targets of chronic hypoxia injury. Impaired Ca(2+) signaling has been found in mesangial cells (MCs) subjected to chronic hypoxia. However, the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon have not yet been defined. In the present study, we found that chronic hypoxia enhanced the expression of TRPC6 and TRPC6-dependent Ca(2+) entry, and TRPC6 knockdown inhibited the chronic hypoxia-induced increase in [Ca(2+)]i, suggesting that TRPC6-mediated Ca(2+) entry is responsible for the elevated [Ca(2+)]i induced by chronic hypoxia in MCs. In addition, TRPC6 knockdown attenuated chronic hypoxia-induced actin assembly and actin reorganization. We concluded that the upregulation of TRPC6 is involved in the Ca(2+) signaling and actin assembly in human MCs after chronic hypoxia. These findings provide new insight into the mechanisms underlying the cellular response of MCs to hypoxia.  相似文献   

The effect of the thymus cells of the C57BL/6 mice on the colony forming ability of the stem hemopoietic cells of the embryonic liver and bone marrow of young (3 months) and old (2 years) mice was studied their joint transplantation into the mice (CBAXXC57BL/6) F1. The stimulating effect of the thymus cells on the colony forming ability of the stem hemopoietic cells of different age depends both on the dose of the stem hemopoietic cells of embryonic liver and the dose of T-lymphocytes. A suggestion is put forward that the stimulating effect of the thymus cells on the colony formation is due to their interaction with the stem cells in the G2 phase of the mitotic cycle.  相似文献   

The spleen is an erythropoietic organ in mouse. To reconstruct a microenvironment essential for erythropoiesis in vitro, the stroma (MSS31) cell line had been established from a newborn mouse spleens. MSS31 cells exhibited properties of endothelial cells: (a) the cells showed the activity to uptake acetylated low-density lipoprotein (Ac-LDL) and (b) the cells can form a capillarylike structure by a phenotypic modulation in collagen matrices. MSS31 cells selectively supported the proliferation and differentiation of the erythroid progenitor cells by direct cell-to-cell contact in a semisolid medium in the presence of erythropoietin. These layers also supported erythrocyte maturation and enucleation of erythroblasts. This suggests that spleen endothelial cells are a new type of stromal cell with erythropoietic stimulation activity and may have a critical function in the hemopoietic inductive microenvironment of the mouse spleen.  相似文献   

It was reported that human hematopoietic stem cells in bone marrow were restricted to the CD34(+)KDR(+) cell fraction. We found that expression levels of Flk-1, a mouse homologue of KDR, were low or undetectable in mouse Lin(-)c-Kit(+)Sca-1(+)CD34(low/-) cells as well as Hoechst33342(-) cells (side population), which have long-term reconstitution capacity. Furthermore, neither Flk-1(+)CD34(low/-) cells nor Flk-1(+)CD34(+) cells had long-term reconstitution capacity in mouse. Taken together with other observations using Flk-1-deficient mice, these results indicate that Flk-1 is essential for the development of hematopoietic stem cells in embryo but not for the function of hematopoietic stem cells in adult mouse bone marrow.  相似文献   

CFU-C and diffusion chamber studies were performed in patients with teratocarcinoma, who underwent long term chemotherapy. No significant decline of bone marrow CFU-C or diffusion chamber cell recovery was found during twelve months of cytotoxic treatment. In contrast to the results in these patients the CFU-C-content of the remission marrow in leukemic patients showed a significant decrease in relation to the duration of remission and chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Unlike known cytostatics, 5'-deoxy-5'-S-isobutyladenosine (SIBA) does not inhibit proliferative activity of hemopoietic stem cells of intact bone marrow. On the contrary, it raises CFUs number of 15-28% in vitro and in vivo. SIBA inhibits by 40% the 3',5'-cAMP-induced increase in CFUs proliferation.  相似文献   

Mouse hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are the best-studied stem cells because functional assays for mouse HSCs were established earliest and purification techniques for mouse HSCs have progressed furthest. Here we describe our current protocols for the purification of CD34-/lowc-Kit+Sca-1+lineage marker- (CD34-KSL) cells, the HSC population making up approximately 0.005% of bone marrow cells in adult C557BL/6 mice. Purified HSCs have been characterized at cellular and molecular levels. Since clonal analysis is essential for the study of self-renewal and lineage commitment in HSCs, here we present our single-cell colony assay and single-cell transplantation procedures. We also introduce our immunostaining procedures for small numbers of HSCs, which are useful for signal transduction analysis. The purification of CD34-KSL cells requires approximately 6 h. Initialization of single-cell culture requires approximately 1 h. Single-cell transplantation requires approximately 6 h. Single-cell immunostaining requires approximately 2 d.  相似文献   

Sublethal irradiation of donors leads to a change in some properties of bone marrow haemopoietic stem cells (HSC) during the exponential growth (days 1-8) of the syngeneic recipients in the spleen. They are: an increase in the rate of proliferation, a slight reduction in time of the population doubling, and a tendency toward an increase in the percentage of cells settled in the spleen after transplantation. These changes in the properties of HSC provide a more rapid repopulation thereof as compared to HSC of intact mice. In all appearance, a pretreatment of donors with AET and 2ADT does not influence the HSC changes induced by radiation, and, at the same time, retains the number of HSC at a high level.  相似文献   

The treatment in vitro of bone marrow cells in mice by phytohemagglutinin, concanavaline, or antilimphocytic globulin resulted in the suppression of exogenous hemopoietic colonies in the spleen of lethally irradiated (830r) syngenic recipients, whereas lipopolysaccharide, tuberculin, anti-theta serum or nati-gamma-globulin serum exerted no influence on the colony-forming function of hemopoietic stem cells. The morphological analysis of the ratio and cell composition of hemopoietic colonies has revealed no marked differences between the experimental and control groups. The suppression of hemopoietic stem cells by mitogens might be due both to their direct effect and indirect one, possibly, through a humoral factor.  相似文献   

In experiments on 600 mice, relative biological effectiveness of tritium oxide was compared to that of gamma-radiation (137Cs) with respect to the response of CFUc. It was shown that RBE of tritium oxide was 1 within the dose range from 0.8 to 0.4 Gy.  相似文献   

Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are inherently quiescent and self-renewing, yet can differentiate and commit to multiple blood cell types. Intracellular mitochondrial content is dynamic, and there is an increase in mitochondrial content during differentiation and lineage commitment in HSCs. HSCs reside in a hypoxic niche within the bone marrow and rely heavily on glycolysis, while differentiated and committed progenitors rely on oxidative phosphorylation. Increased oxidative phosphorylation during differentiation and commitment is not only due to increased mitochondrial content but also due to changes in mitochondrial cytosolic distribution and efficiency. These changes in the intracellular mitochondrial landscape contribute signals toward regulating differentiation and commitment. Thus, a functional relationship exists between the mitochondria in HSCs and the state of the HSCs (i.e., stemness vs. differentiated). This review focuses on how autophagy-mediated mitochondrial clearance (i.e., mitophagy) may affect HSC mitochondrial content, thereby influencing the fate of HSCs and maintenance of hematopoietic homeostasis.  相似文献   

Products of mouse peritoneal macrophage destruction (PMD) obtained by aseptic freezing-thawing of the cells, repeated thrice, were found to elicit in syngeneic mice injected with PMD intraperitoneally an increase of CFUs count in the hemopoietic bone marrow tissue and the spleen, as demonstrated by the Till and McCullooch technique. This proved to be a true increase since the transplatned stem cell fraction sorbed by the recipient's spleen was relatively lower in donor mice given PMD than in the control. Although PMD caused an increase of both erythropoietic (E) and granulocytopoietic-monocytic (G) colonies number, the E/G ratio was decreased; one of the mechanisms of the described effect could be the influence of PMD on the hemopoiesis-inducing microenvironment, as the same effects were obtained in mice injected repeatedly with PMD prior to the transplantation of bone marrow tissue of normal donors. Other possible mechanisms of these effects were analyzed, with consideration to the fact that in experiments with preincubation of bone marrow tissue with PMD prior to injection to the lethally irradiated mice no direct stimulating influence of PMD on the stem cell could be revealed.  相似文献   

V N Shvets 《Tsitologiia》1976,18(10):1254-1258
A stimulating influence of thymus cells on the capability of irradiated (from 100 to 500 r) bone marrow of mice of producing colonies in spleen of syngenous recipient has been proven. The intensification of colony formation involves an increased radioresistance of stem cells. It is supposed that radioresistant thymus cells have a stimulating effect. Thymus cells exert their influence not only to the rate of survival of stem cells proliferating in the bone marrow of femur, but also increase their erythropoetic potention.  相似文献   

Mouse teratocarcinoma stem cells PCC3/A/1 differentiated into various types of cells, such as red cells, when they were grown in serum-free medium containing transferrin and bovine serum albumin on a KCF cell feeder layer. These red cells were stained well with 2,7-diaminofluorene (DAF), and therefore were erythroid cells. They were nucleated and contained embryonic globin chains, immunologically identified with antiembryonic hemoglobin antisera after acid urea Triton X-100 polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (UT-PAGE). The addition of erythropoietin to the culture medium enhanced the production of both embryonic and adult globin chains. The addition of interleukin-3 also enhanced the production of embryonic globin chains, but not the production of adult globin chains. These results indicated that primitive erythropoiesis of PCC3/A/1 teratocarcinoma cells did not require exogenous addition of any hematopoietic factor such as erythropoietin or interleukin-3. This culture system will be a new model system for investigating the factors regulating the primitive erythropoiesis in yolk sac blood islands.  相似文献   

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