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Changes in the contents of endogenous gibberellins (GAs) wereexamined in three kinds of cultured tobacco cells; a crown gallcell and two cultured cells derived from normal tissue of Nicotianatabacum. The relative amounts of the GAs were analyzed by systematicchromatographic purifications followed by GC-SIM. In all thecell lines examined, the content of GAj was the highest duringthe logarithmic phase of growth, indicating that GA1 has a physiologicalrole in the growth of dedifferentiated cells. 3 Present address: College of Agriculture, Chonnam NationalUniversity, Kwangju 500, Korea. (Received April 11, 1984; Accepted July 10, 1984)  相似文献   

Turgor regulation and effects of high NaCl and water deficiton growth and internal solutes were studied after transferringtobacco cells from control culture medium (osmotic pressure= 0.13–0.15 MPa at time of transfer) to culture mediumcontaining either 82 mol m–3 NaCl or 150 mol m–3melibiose (osmotic pressure of media = 0.62 MPa). Followingtransfer to media with higher osmotic pressure, expansion rateand turgor pressure were reduced. Within 24 h of imposing thewater deficit, expansion rate had returned to that of cellsin control culture medium. However, by 24 h, turgor pressurehad only risen from 0.2 MPa to 0.65 MPa in the NaCl treatmentand to 0.53 MPa in the melibiose treatment, while it was 0.73MPa in the control treatment. Furthermore, turgor pressure remainedwithin 0.05 MPa of these respective values for the rest of the(75 h) experiment. These results suggest differences in bothcell wall properties (extensibility and/or threshold turgor)and the level at which turgor is maintained for cells in thevarious treatments. Solutes contributing nearly all (82–97%) of the osmoticpressure in cells were identified. The initial (up to 24 h)increases in turgor pressure were mainly due to increases insolute concentrations caused by relatively slow expansion rates.However, increased Na+ and Cl uptake contributed toincreased turgor pressure in the NaCl treatment and caused turgorpressure of cells in this treatment to increase faster thanin the melibiose treatment. Likewise, expansion rate rose morequickly in the NaCl than in the melibiose treatment. After 24h, maximum expansion rate was reached and concentrations ofmost internal solutes began to decrease. Nevertheless, turgorpressure remained relatively constant. The constancy of turgorpressure was due to increased glucose uptake rates relativeto controls, with consequent increases in concentrations ofsucrose, glucose and fructose and, in cells in the melibiosetreatment, of organic acids. Glucose uptake was slower in theNaCl than in the melibiose treatment but higher turgor pressurewas maintained in the NaCl treatment due to high uptake of Na+and Cl. Glucose uptake appears to respond to a systemof turgor regulation, but further experiments are required toconfirm this and to determine whether Na+ and Cl uptakealso respond to a system of turgor regulation. Key words: Salinity, water deficit, growth  相似文献   

Moriyasu Y  Ohsumi Y 《Plant physiology》1996,111(4):1233-1241
The response of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) suspension-cultured cells (BY-2) to nutrient starvation was investigated. When the cells that were grown in Murashige-Skoog medium containing 3% (w/v) sucrose were transferred to the same medium without sucrose, 30 to 45% of the intracellular proteins were degraded in 2 d. An analysis with sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that proteins were degraded nonselectively. With the same treatment, protease activity in the cell, which was measured at pH 5.0 using fluorescein thiocarbamoyl-casein as a substrate, increased 3- to 7-fold after 1 d. When the cysteine protease inhibitor (2S,3S)-trans-epoxysuccinyl-L-leucylamido-3-methyl-butane (10 [mu]M) was present in the starvation medium, both the protein degradation and the increase in the protease activity were effectively inhibited. Light microscopy analysis showed that many small spherical bodies accumulated in the perinuclear region of the cytosol 8 h after the start of the inhibitor treatment. These bodies were shown to be membrane-bound vesicles of 1 to 6 [mu]m in diameter that contained several particles. Quinacrine stained these vesicles and the central vacuole; thus, both organelles are acidic compartments. Cytochemical enzyme analysis using 1-naphthylphosphate and [beta]-glycerophosphate as substrates showed that these vesicles contained an acid phosphatase(s). We suggest that these vesicles contribute to cellular protein degradation stimulated under sucrose starvation conditions.  相似文献   

Dracup, M., Gibbs, J. and Greenway, H. 1986. Melibiose, a suitablenon-permeating osmoticum for suspension-cultured tobacco cells.—J.exp. Bot. 37: 1079–1089. A neutral, non-permeating osmoticum with low molecular weightwas required for studies involving responses to water deficitand salinity by suspension-cultured cells of tobacco. For thispurpose, raffinose, sorbitol, mannitol and melibiose were evaluated. Raffinose was hydrolysed by cells which were then able to useone of the products, namely fructose, for growth. Sorbitol andmannitol were not used for growth but were taken up by cells.After 96 h in media containing 50 mol m–3 of sorbitolor mannitol as the carbon source, cells contained 85 mol m–3sorbitol or 45 mol m–3 mannitol. At least part of theuptake of sorbitol would have been active as sorbitol was transportedagainst a concentration gradient. Melibiose was one of the products of hydrolysis of raffinoseand proved to be an effective osmoticum. When supplied as thesole source of sugar for cells, melibiose was neither hydrolysednor taken up by cells. Furthermore, melibiose was not toxicsince adding 50 mol m–3 to a culture medium containingglucose did not affect growth of cells. Key words: Sorbitol, mannitol, uptake  相似文献   

Attachment of radiolabeled Pseudomonas solanacearum cells to suspension-cultured tobacco cells and tobacco leaf cell walls was measured in vitro by a filtration technique that allowed separation of attached and unattached bacteria. An avirulent strain (B1) attached more rapidly to suspension-cultured cells than did the virulent parent strain (K60), and B1 attachment was less sensitive to inhibition by high ionic strength than was K60. Attachment of B1 bacteria to suspension-cultured cells and to leaf cell walls was comparable (50 to 70%), but only a small proportion (10 to 20%) of K60 bacteria attached to leaf cell walls under optimal conditions. With high bacterial populations (108 bacteria per ml), attachment of K60 to suspension-cultured cells was greatly reduced. Attachment of both strains was completely inhibited by pretreating bacterial cells with heat (41°C) or azide and was partially inhibited by EDTA and kanamycin. The mechanism of attachment is not known, but ionic forces may be involved.  相似文献   

Activation of a host plasma membrane K+ efflux/net H+ uptake exchange by pathogenic pseudomonads plays an important role in the development of hypersensitivity in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). Involvement of the plasmalemma H+-pumping ATPase in this response was investigated. The exchange response of suspension-cultured tobacco cells to Pseudomonas syringae pv syringae was reduced 90% or more by ATPase inhibitors including vanadate, N-ethylmaleimide, and N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. The exchange was also strongly inhibited by the protonophore carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone and by slightly alkaline external pH. Respiratory inhibitors such as oligomycin and sodium azide reduced the exchange by 50% to 75%, while glycolysis inhibitors such as sodium arsenite and sodium iodoacetate decreased exchange by approximately 90%. These results suggest that plasmalemma H+-ATPase activity is required for the exchange response and that this may reflect a requirement for a plasmalemma pH and/or electrical potential gradient.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic aggregation is an early resistance-associated eventthat is observed in potato tissues either after penetrationof an incompatible race of Phytophthora infestans, the potatolate blight fungus, or after treatment with hyphal wall components(HWC) prepared from P. infestans. In potato cells in suspensionculture, the number of cells with cytoplasmic aggregation increasedupon treatment with HWC, but such an increase was suppressedby treatment with cytochalasin D prior to treatment with HWC.This result suggested that cytoplasmic aggregation in culturedpotato cells might be connected with the association of actinfilaments. To identify the molecular basis of cytoplasmic aggregation,we purified actin and actin-related proteins by affinity chromatographyon a column of immobilized DNase I from cultured potato cellsand isolated proteins of 43 kDa, 32 kDa and 22 kDa. Analysisof the amino-terminal amino acid sequences indicated that the43 kDa, 32 kDa and 22 kDa proteins were potato actin, basicchitinase and osmotin-like protein, respectively. This conclusionwas supported by the results of Western blotting analysis ofthe 43 kDa and 32 kDa proteins with antibodies against actinand basic chitinase. Binding analysis with actin coupled toactin-specific antibodies and biotinylated actin suggested thatthe 32 kDa and 22 kDa proteins had actin-binding activity. Inaddition, examination of biomolecular interactions using anoptical biosensor confirmed the binding of chitinase to actin.These results imply the possibility that basic chitinase andosmotin-like protein might be involved in cytoplasmic aggregation,hereby participating in the potato cell's defense against attackby pathogen. (Received June 11, 1996; Accepted January 27, 1997)  相似文献   

Aluminum (Al) and ferrous iron [Fe(II)] are separately non-toxicto cultured tobacco cells in nutrient solution. However, Aland Fe(II) together cause the peroxidation of membrane iipids,the accumulation of Al and Fe, and the loss of viability [Onoet al. (1995) Plant Cell Physiol. 36: 115]. We investigatedthe cause-and-effect relationships of these various responses.In cells exposed to Fe(TT) or Fe(III)-EDTA, both the peroxidationof ipids and the loss of viability were similarly enhanced byAlCl3 in a dose-dependent manner. During exposure to AlCl3,the accumulation of Al and the loss of viability became apparentrapidly and simultaneously at 8 h, whereas both the peroxidationof lipids and the accumulation of Fe occurred at later times.However, lipophilic antioxidants protected cells efficientlynot only from the peroxidation of Iipids but also from the lossof viability and the accumulation of Al and Fe. These resultssuggest that the peroxidation of Iipids in the plasma membranethat is caused by both Al and Fe leads to the accumulation ofAl and Fe and the loss of viability. (Received April 18, 1997; Accepted October 1, 1997)  相似文献   

To date, the lack of a method for inducing plant cells and their Golgi stacks to differentiate in a synchronous manner has made it difficult to characterize the nature and extent of Golgi retailoring in biochemical terms. Here we report that auxin deprivation can be used to induce a uniform population of suspension-cultured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv BY-2) cells to differentiate synchronously during a 4-d period. Upon removal of auxin, the cells stop dividing, undergo elongation, and differentiate in a manner that mimics the formation of slime-secreting epidermal and peripheral root-cap cells. The morphological changes to the Golgi apparatus include a proportional increase in the number of trans-Golgi cisternae, a switch to larger-sized secretory vesicles that bud from the trans-Golgi cisternae, and an increase in osmium staining of the secretory products. Biochemical alterations include an increase in large, fucosylated, mucin-type glycoproteins, changes in the types of secreted arabinogalactan proteins, and an increase in the amounts and types of molecules containing the peripheral root-cap-cell-specific epitope JIM 13. Taken together, these findings support the hypothesis that auxin deprivation can be used to induce tobacco BY-2 cells to differentiate synchronously into mucilage-secreting cells.  相似文献   

Callus cells of rice (Oryza sativa L.) that were actively dividing in suspension culture had lost the ability to divide during the isolation process of protoplasts. Factors influencing the protoplast viability were examined using highly purified preparations of cellulase C1, xylanase, and pectin lyase, which were essential enzymes for the isolation of protoplasts from the rice cells. The treatment of the cells with xylanase and pectin lyase, both of which are macerating enzymes, caused cellular damage. Xylanase treatment was more detrimental to the cells. Osmotic stress, cell wall fragments solubilized by xylanase, and disassembly of cortical microtubules were not the primary factors which damaged the rice cells and protoplasts. The addition of AgNO3, an inhibitor of ethylene action, to the protoplast isolation medium increased the number of colonies formed from the cultured protoplasts, although the yield of protoplasts was reduced by the addition. Superoxide radical (O2-) was generated from the cells treated with xylanase or pectin lyase. The addition of superoxide dismutase and catalase to the protoplast isolation medium resulted in a marked improvement in protoplast viability especially when the non-additive control protoplasts formed colonies with a low frequency. The addition of glutathione peroxidase and phospholipase A2, which have been known to reduce and detoxify lipid hydroperoxides in membranes, to the protoplast culture medium significantly increased the frequency of colony formation. These results suggested that some of the damage to rice protoplasts may be caused by oxygen toxicity.  相似文献   

A kinetic analysis was made of l-valine uptake in protoplast-derived cells (mesophyll protoplasts cultured for 6 days) and in suspension-cultured cells of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L., cv Xanthi). Cells from wild-type and Valr-2 mutant plants were compared. A low-Km component was found in protoplast-derived cells (Km = 45 ± 5 micromolar) as well as in suspension-cultured cells (Km = 84 ± 21 micromolar). In the mutant cells the Vmax of this component was 12- to 14-fold less than in wild-type cells. A second component (Km = 2.4 ± 0.7 millimolar) was found in suspension-cultured cells but not in protoplast-derived cells; its Vmax was the same in wild-type and mutant cells. A third component was apparently unsaturable (linear component). It was present in protoplast-derived cells but not in suspension-cultured cells, and had the same magnitude in wild-type and mutant cells. The results are discussed with reference to the uptake of l-valine in leaf tissue, in which the three kinetic components have been found simultaneously. The reduced Vmax of the low-Km component in the Valr-2 mutant, and the differential expression of the other two components in suspension-cultured cells and protoplast-derived cells indicate that the kinetically distinguishable components represent physically distinct transport systems.  相似文献   

Similar changes in the pentacyclic triterpenoid contents wereobserved during the growth cycle of Datura innoxia, Luffa cylindricaand Lycopersicon esculentum seedling callus cells in batch culture.Triterpenoid contents decreased for several days after callusinoculation, then increased rapidly during the mid and lateexponential phases of growth. (Received May 28, 1984; Accepted September 13, 1984)  相似文献   

The kinetics of Pi uptake by phosphate-starved and non-starvedtobacco cells (Nicotiana tabacum BY-2) suspension culture wasinvestigated. The kinetic parameters of Pi uptake were determinedby computer simulation of the curve that represented the time-dependentloss of Pi from the culture medium. The uptake profile couldbe completely explained by assuming the existence of only onekind of Michaelis-Menten-type Pi-transport system with an affinityfor Pi (Km) of about 2.5 µM (the lowest value reportedto date) in both Pi-starved and non-starved cells. No evidencewas obtained suggesting the existence of a "low-affinity" Pi-uptakesystem that has been postulated to exist in several other plantmaterials. The Vmax for uptake of Pi by non-starved cells was12 nmol per minute per milliliter of packed cell. Phosphatestarvation increased the Vmax more than 5-fold, while it hadno effect on the affinity for Pi. Vmax began to increase (atan almost constant rate) just after loss of all Pi from theculture medium and it reached a maximum about 16 hours later.This induction process was completely prevented by the additionof cycloheximide to the culture medium. All these results suggestthat Pi starvation increases the synthesis of a phosphate-carriercomplex that is postulated to be involved in the Pi-uptake process. (Received August 12, 1994; Accepted December 26, 1994)  相似文献   

The xyloglucan present in the 24% KOH extract of the cell wallsof suspension-cultured rice cells was characterized by fragmentationanalysis with Trichoderma viride cellulase and Aspergillus oryzaeß-D-glucosidase. The xyloglucan is composed mainlyof the following oligosaccharide units: Results showed that the xyloglucan of suspension-cultured ricecells is more extensively branched than is that of rice seedlings.Another structural characteristic of the former xyloglucan isthe presence of D-galactosyl-D-xylosyl side chains that arenot found in the latter. (Received June 15, 1984; Accepted January 11, 1985)  相似文献   

We examined the effects of simultaneous treatments with Cd and Ni on the phytochelatin (PC) biosynthesis in suspension-cultured tobacco (Nicotiana tobacum cv. Bright Yellow-2) cells. The induction of PC biosynthesis in response to Cd was not affected by the coexistence of Ni. Cd and Ni formed complexes with different compounds in cells.  相似文献   

The effects of potassium deficiency on the growth and the polyaminelevels of suspension-cultured rice cells were investigated.Our results indicate that putrescine accumulation is a factor,among others, causing growth inhibition of suspension-culturedrice cells under potassium deficiency. (Received September 27, 1993; Accepted November 20, 1993)  相似文献   

Highly purified amyloplasts were isolated from cultured cells of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.). Incubation of amyloplasts with [γ-32P]-ATP resulted in the labeling of more than ten polypeptides. Pulsechase experiments showed the reversibility of the process with some but not all of the polypeptides. The phosphorylation reaction of one polypeptide, Mr 100, was shown to be calcium dependent. Although exogenously added pig brain calmodulin had no effect, the calmodulin antagonist W-7 strongly inhibited phosphorylation of the 100 kilodaltons polypeptide. The presence of endogenous calmodulin, about 1 to 3 micrograms per milligram protein, in the amyloplast preparation was estimated by activation of phosphodiesterase in vitro.  相似文献   

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