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Sibly RM  Curnow RN 《Heredity》2011,107(2):167-173
Altruism and selfishness are 30-50% heritable in man in both Western and non-Western populations. This genetically based variation in altruism and selfishness requires explanation. In non-human animals, altruism is generally directed towards relatives, and satisfies the condition known as Hamilton's rule. This nepotistic altruism evolves under natural selection only if the ratio of the benefit of receiving help to the cost of giving it exceeds a value that depends on the relatedness of the individuals involved. Standard analyses assume that the benefit provided by each individual is the same but it is plausible in some cases that as more individuals contribute, help is subject to diminishing returns. We analyse this situation using a single-locus two-allele model of selection in a diploid population with the altruistic allele dominant to the selfish allele. The analysis requires calculation of the relationship between the fitnesses of the genotypes and the frequencies of the genes. The fitnesses vary not only with the genotype of the individual but also with the distribution of phenotypes amongst the sibs of the individual and this depends on the genotypes of his parents. These calculations are not possible by direct fitness or ESS methods but are possible using population genetics. Our analysis shows that diminishing returns change the operation of natural selection and the outcome can now be a stable equilibrium between altruistic and selfish alleles rather than the elimination of one allele or the other. We thus provide a plausible genetic model of kin selection that leads to the stable coexistence in the same population of both altruistic and selfish individuals. This may explain reported genetic variation in altruism in man.  相似文献   

There is now abundant evidence that propagule pressure, a composite measure of the number of individuals released into the nonnative location that varies between introduction events, is the most consistent predictor of success in the establishment of exotic species. However, the reasons why we expect propagule pressure to be important – because larger propagules ameliorate the effects of demographic, environmental or genetic stochasticity, or of Allee effects – also predict an influence of species traits on success. Here, we use a quantitative meta-analytical approach to assess the effect of three categories of species-level traits in the successful establishment of nonnative bird species: traits relating to population growth rates, traits that predispose species to Allee effects, and traits that enable a species to cope with novel environments. Traits that predispose species to Allee effects tend to decrease introduction success, whereas traits that enable a species to cope with novel environments tend to increase success. The breadth of habitats a species uses has the strongest mean effect of all variables analysed here. Mean effects for traits relating to population growth rates conflict in sign: in general, success is greater for species with large body mass whereas clutch size is not consistently related to establishment success. These results suggest a likely influence of some species-level traits on exotic bird establishment success, especially traits that enable a species to cope with novel environments. We suggest that considering such traits in terms of the small-population paradigm from conservation biology may be a productive avenue for future research.  相似文献   

Individuals often interact more closely with some members of the population (e.g., offspring, siblings, or group members) than they do with other individuals. This structuring of interactions can lead to multilevel natural selection, where traits expressed at the group‐level influence fitness alongside individual‐level traits. Such multilevel selection can alter evolutionary trajectories, yet is rarely quantified in the wild, especially for species that do not interact in clearly demarcated groups. We quantified multilevel natural selection on two traits, postnatal growth rate and birth date, in a population of North American red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus). The strongest level of selection was typically within‐acoustic social neighborhoods (within 130 m of the nest), where growing faster and being born earlier than nearby litters was key, while selection on growth rate was also apparent both within‐litters and within‐study areas. Higher population densities increased the strength of selection for earlier breeding, but did not influence selection on growth rates. Females experienced especially strong selection on growth rate at the within‐litter level, possibly linked to the biased bequeathal of the maternal territory to daughters. Our results demonstrate the importance of considering multilevel and sex‐specific selection in wild species, including those that are territorial and sexually monomorphic.  相似文献   

Recently, new phylogenetic comparative methods have been proposed to test for the association of biological traits with diversification patterns, with species ecological “niche” being one of the most studied traits. In general, these methods implicitly assume natural selection acting at the species level, thus implying the mechanism of species selection. However, natural selection acting at the organismal level could also influence diversification patterns (i.e., effect macroevolution). Owing to our scarce knowledge on multi-level selection regarding niche as a trait, we propose a conceptual model to discuss and guide the test between species selection and effect macroevolution within a hierarchical framework. We first assume niche as an organismal as well as a species’ trait that interacts with the environment and results in species-level differential fitness. Then, we argue that niche heritability, a requirement for natural selection, can be assessed by its phylogenetic signal. Finally, we propose several predictions that can be tested in the future by disentangling both types of evolutionary processes (species selection or effect macroevolution). Our framework can have important implications for guiding analyses that aim to understand the hierarchical perspective of evolution.  相似文献   

The most common approach to predicting how species ranges and ecological functions will shift with climate change is to construct correlative species distribution models (SDMs). These models use a species’ climatic distribution to determine currently suitable areas for the species and project its potential distribution under future climate scenarios. A core, rarely tested, assumption of SDMs is that all populations will respond equivalently to climate. Few studies have examined this assumption, and those that have rarely dissect the reasons for intraspecific differences. Focusing on the arctic-alpine cushion plant Silene acaulis, we compared predictive accuracy from SDMs constructed using the species’ full global distribution with composite predictions from separate SDMs constructed using subpopulations defined either by genetic or habitat differences. This is one of the first studies to compare multiple ways of constructing intraspecific-level SDMs with a species-level SDM. We also examine the contested relationship between relative probability of occurrence and species performance or ecological function, testing if SDM output can predict individual performance (plant size) and biotic interactions (facilitation). We found that both genetic- and habitat-informed SDMs are considerably more accurate than a species-level SDM, and that the genetic model substantially differs from and outperforms the habitat model. While SDMs have been used to infer population performance and possibly even biotic interactions, in our system these relationships were extremely weak. Our results indicate that individual subpopulations may respond differently to climate, although we discuss and explore several alternative explanations for the superior performance of intraspecific-level SDMs. We emphasize the need to carefully examine how to best define intraspecific-level SDMs as well as how potential genetic, environmental, or sampling variation within species ranges can critically affect SDM predictions. We urge caution in inferring population performance or biotic interactions from SDM predictions, as these often-assumed relationships are not supported in our study.  相似文献   

Socially mediated speciation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract.— We employ a simple model to show that social selection can lead to prezygotic reproductive isolation. The evolution of social discrimination causes the congealing of phenotypically similar individuals into different, spatially distinct tribes. However, tribal formation is only obtained for certain types of social behavior: altruistic and selfish acts can produce tribes, whereas spiteful and mutualistic behaviors never do. Moreover, reduced hybrid fitness at tribal borders leads to the selection of mating preferences, which then spread to the core areas of the respective tribes. Unlike models of resource competition, our model generates reproductive isolation in an ecologically homogeneous environment. We elaborate on how altruistic acts can lead to reproductive isolation, but also predict that certain types of competition can lead to the speciation effect. Our theory provides a framework for how individual-level interactions mold lineage diversification, with parapatric speciation as a possible end product.  相似文献   

Selection response in traits with maternal inheritance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Maternal inheritance is the non-Mendelian transmission of traits from mothers to their offspring. Despite its presence in virtually all organisms, acting through a variety of mechanisms, the evolutionary consequences of maternal inheritance are not well understood. Here we review and extend a model of the inheritance and evolution of multiple quantitative characters with complex pathways of maternal effects. Extensions of the earlier model include common family environmental effects not associated with maternal phenotype, sexual dimorphism, and paternal effects (non-Mendelian influence of the father on offspring traits). We find that, in contrast to simple Mendelian inheritance, maternal inheritance produces qualitatively different evolutionary dynamics for two reasons: (1) the response to selection on a set of characters depends not only on their additive genetic variances and covariances, but also on maternal characters that influence them, and (2) time lags in the response to selection create a form of evolutionary momentum. These results have important implications for evolution in natural populations and practical applications in the economic improvement of domesticated species. We derive selection indices that maximize either the economic improvement in a single generation of artificial selection or the asymptotic rate of improvement in long-term selection programmes, based on individual merit or a combination of individual and family merit. Numerical examples show that accounting for maternal inheritance can lead to considerable increases in the efficiency of artificial selection.  相似文献   

It is predicted that warmer conditions should lead to a loss of trophic levels, as larger bodied consumers, which occupy higher trophic levels, experience higher metabolic costs at high temperature. Yet, it is unclear whether this prediction is consistent with the effect of warming on the trophic structure of natural systems. Furthermore, effects of temperature at the species level, which arise through a change in species composition, may differ from those at the population level, which arise through a change in population structure. We investigate this by building species-level trophic networks, and size-structured trophic networks, as a proxy for population structure, for 18 648 stream fish communities, from 4 145 234 individual fish samples, across 7024 stream locations in France from 1980 to 2008. We estimated effects of temperature on total trophic diversity (total number of nodes), vertical trophic diversity (mean and maximum trophic level) and distribution of biomass across trophic level (correlation between trophic level and biomass) in these networks. We found a positive effect of temperature on total trophic diversity in both species- and size-structured trophic networks. We found that maximum trophic level and biomass distribution decreased in species-level and size-structured trophic networks, but the mean trophic level decreased only in size-structured trophic networks. These results show that warmer temperatures associate with a lower vertical trophic diversity in size-structured networks, and a higher one in species-level networks. This suggests that vertical trophic diversity is shaped by antagonistic effects of temperature on population structure and on species composition. Our results hence demonstrate that effects of temperature do not only differ across trophic levels, but also across levels of biological organisation, from population to species level, implying complex changes in network structure and functioning with warming.  相似文献   

Single species aggregations are a commonly observed phenomenon. One potential explanation for these aggregations is provided by the selfish herd hypothesis, which states that aggregations result from individual efforts to reduce personnel predation risk at the expense of group-mates. Not all movement rules based on the selfish herd hypothesis are consistent with observed animal behavior. Previous work has shown that herd-like aggregations are not generated by movement rules limited to local interactions between nearest neighbors. Instead, rules generating realistic herds appear to require delocalized interactions. To date, it has been an open question whether or not the necessary delocalization can emerge from local interactions under natural selection. To address this question, we study an individual-based model with a single quantitative genetic trait that controls the influence of neighbors as a function of distance. The results indicate that predation-based selection can increase the influence of distant neighbors relative to near neighbors. Our results lend support for the idea that selfish herd behavior can arise from localized movement rules under natural selection.  相似文献   

Darwin suggested that the discovery of altruism between species would annihilate his theory of natural selection. However, it has not been formally shown whether between‐species altruism can evolve by natural selection, or why this could never happen. Here, we develop a spatial population genetic model of two interacting species, showing that indiscriminate between species helping can be favoured by natural selection. We then ask if this helping behaviour constitutes altruism between species, using a linear‐regression analysis to separate the total action of natural selection into its direct and indirect (kin selected) components. We show that our model can be interpreted in two ways, as either altruism within species, or altruism between species. This ambiguity arises depending on whether or not we treat genes in the other species as predictors of an individual's fitness, which is equivalent to treating these individuals as agents (actors or recipients). Our formal analysis, which focuses upon evolutionary dynamics rather than agents and their agendas, cannot resolve which is the better approach. Nonetheless, because a within‐species altruism interpretation is always possible, our analysis supports Darwin's suggestion that natural selection does not favour traits that provide benefits exclusively to individuals of other species.  相似文献   

The group selection debate of the 1960s made it clear that evolution does not necessarily increase population performance. Individuals can be selected to have traits that diminish a common good and make population persistence difficult. At the extreme, the discrepancy between levels of selection is predicted to make traits evolve towards values at which a population can no longer persist (evolutionary suicide). Dispersal and prospecting are prime examples of traits that have a strong influence on population persistence under environmental and demographic stochasticity. Theory predicts that an ‘optimal’ dispersal strategy from a population point of view can differ considerably from that produced by individual‐level selection. Because dispersal is frequently risky or otherwise costly, individuals are often predicted to disperse less than would be ideal for population performance (persistence or size). We define this discrepancy as ‘inertia’ and examine current knowledge of its occurrence and effects on population dynamics in nature. We argue that inertia is potentially widespread but that a framework is currently lacking for predicting precisely the extent to which it has a real influence on population persistence. The opposite of inertia, ‘hypermobility’ (more dispersal by individuals than would maximize population performance) remains a possibility: it is known that highest dispersal rates do not lead to best expected population performance, and examples of such high dispersal evolving exist at least in the theoretical literature. We also show, by considering prospecting behaviour, that similar issues arise in species with advanced cognitive and learning abilities. Individual prospecting strategies and the information acquired during dispersal are known to influence the decisions and therefore the fate of individuals and, as a corollary, populations. Again, the willingness of individuals to sample environments might evolve to levels that are not optimal for populations. This conflict can take intriguing forms. For example, better cognitive abilities of individuals may not always lead to better population‐level performance. Simulation studies have found that ‘blind’ dispersal can lead to better connected metapopulations than cognitively more advanced habitat choice rules: the latter can lead to too many individuals sticking to nearby safe habitat. The study of the mismatch between individual and population fitness should not be a mere intellectual exercise. Population managers typically need to take a population‐level view of performance, which may necessitate human intervention if it differs from what is selected for. We conclude that our knowledge of inertia and hypermobility would advance faster if theoretical studies—without much additional effort—quantified the population consequences of the evolving traits and compared this with hypothetical (not selectively favoured) dispersal rules, and if empirical studies were similarly conducted with the differing levels of selection in mind.  相似文献   

Irwin  Darren E.  Irwin  Jessica H.  Price  Trevor D. 《Genetica》2001,(1):223-243
A demonstration of how small changes can lead to species-level differences is provided by ring species, in which two reproductively isolated forms are connected by a chain of intermediate populations. We review proposed cases of ring species and the insights they provide into speciation. Ring species have been viewed both as illustrations of the history of divergence of two species from their common ancestor and as demonstrations that speciation can occur in spite of gene flow between the diverging forms. Theoretical models predict that speciation with gene flow can occur when there is divergent ecological selection, and geographical differentiation increases the likelihood of speciation. Thus ring species are ideal systems for research into the role of both ecological and geographical differentiation in speciation, but few examples have been studied in detail. The Greenish warbler is a ring species in which two northward expansions around the Tibetan plateau have been accompanied by parallel evolution in morphology, ecology, and song length and complexity. However, songs have diverged in structure, resulting in a lack of recognition where the reproductively isolated forms come into contact in Siberia. Our analysis suggests that these differences could have arisen even with gene flow, and that parallel rather than divergent ecological changes have led to divergence in sexually selected traits and subsequent speciation.  相似文献   

Genki Sahashi  Kentaro Morita 《Oikos》2018,127(2):239-251
Partial migration, in which a portion of the population migrates while the rest of the population remains as residents, is a common form of migration. Alternative migratory tactics (AMTs) of partial migration are often determined by polygenic threshold traits. However, the ultimate mechanisms that drive inter‐population variations in threshold traits are not well understood. We present a simple schematic model to explain how the threshold trait changes with fitness consequences under opposing natural and artificial selection forces. We conducted a field test to evaluate the effects of migration difficulty (as a natural selective force) and selective captive breeding (as an artificial selective force) on threshold traits of a partially migratory fish. Male masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou in the Shari River system have AMTs divided into three population categories of hatchery, wild/above the waterfall, and wild/below the waterfall (control). The wild/above the waterfall salmon live in a high‐migration‐cost situation, and the threshold trait changed in a direction that promoted residency. In hatchery salmon, which are produced by migrant‐selective captive breeding, the threshold trait changed in a direction that promoted migration. In contrast, Dolly Varden charr Salvelinus malma displayed only resident tactics, and the threshold trait did not differ between the populations above and below the waterfall, indicating that environment did not explain the variation in the threshold trait. Our results support the model and suggest that opposing natural and artificial selection forces drive variations in the threshold traits and migratory patterns in the studied species. Our conceptual framework for the ultimate mechanism may help to better understand adoption of AMTs and production of diverse intraspecific traits in migratory animals.  相似文献   



Natural reforestation is an important component of climate mitigation and adaptation, but the ecological processes promoting or constraining it are poorly understood. In this study we employ a stand reconstruction approach (which uses ages of extant trees to estimate year of establishment for each individual tree) to test for general trait-based effects on tree species arrival order in post-agricultural forest successions.


Naturally reforesting post-agricultural landscapes throughout New Zealand.


Ages were obtained for 2434 individuals spanning 30 tree species across a nationwide network of 128 plots in 14 naturally reforesting post-agricultural sites. These ages were used to calculate individual-level arrival times (relative to the oldest individual in each plot). We estimated species-level arrival times by fitting linear mixed-effects (LME) regressions (with species identity as the fixed effect, and plots nested within sites as the random effects) to individual arrival time data. We used back-casting (where arrival time data are used to document individual-level presence in plots through time) to track annual changes in species abundance and community-weighted mean (CWM) trait values. We used standardised major axis (SMA) regressions to examine the effect of traits related to resource use strategy, herbivory avoidance, seed dispersal and disturbance response on species-level arrival times. We used LME regressions to test for changes in CWM trait values with stand age.


The earliest-arriving species had traits associated with herbivory avoidance, were abiotically dispersed and had short predicted dispersal distances. There was no evidence that traits linked to resource use strategy or disturbance response affected species arrival times. Every significant species-level relationship was recovered in community-level LME analyses.


Our findings suggest that mammalian herbivore control and enhancement of biotic (bird) seed dispersal may be key management interventions in realising the full climate mitigation and adaptation potential of natural reforestation in post-agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

The geographic mosaic theory of coevolution is stimulating much new research on interspecific interactions. We provide a guide to the fundamental components of the theory, its processes and main predictions. Our primary objectives are to clarify misconceptions regarding the geographic mosaic theory of coevolution and to describe how empiricists can test the theory rigorously. In particular, we explain why confirming the three main predicted empirical patterns (spatial variation in traits mediating interactions among species, trait mismatching among interacting species and few species-level coevolved traits) does not provide unequivocal support for the theory. We suggest that strong empirical tests of the geographic mosaic theory of coevolution should focus on its underlying processes: coevolutionary hot and cold spots, selection mosaics and trait remixing. We describe these processes and discuss potential ways each can be tested.  相似文献   

The males of many species (such as peacocks) develop excessively large traits, which appear to interfere with their agility and hence survival probability. Moreover, it is also observed that females seem to prefer mating males with such clumsy traits. Zahavi (1975) proposed a handicap theory to explain this phenomenon, suggesting that this trait/preference interaction is a way in which strong males can signal their viability by yielding a handicap in terms of a clumsy trait size. This paper presents a two-sex model of selfish genes that generates this particular male-female interaction, and characterizes the conditions behind a handicap equilibrium. We first show the female dominance result of Bateman (1948) in this two-sex model, and then specify the relevant equilibrium conditions, including the incentive compatibility condition for females, the individual rationality condition for males, and the stability condition of population composition. Identifying these conditions helps us understand the various features of the searching/signaling of sex selection in evolution.  相似文献   

Predicting species abundance is one of the most fundamental pursuits of ecology. Combining the information encoded in functional traits and metacommunities provides a new perspective to predict the abundance of species in communities. We applied a community assembly via trait selection model to predict quadrat-scale species abundances using functional trait variation on ontogenetic stages and metacommunity information for over 490 plant species in a subtropical forest and a lowland tropical forest in Yunnan, China. The relative importance of trait-based selection, mass effects, and stochasticity in shaping local species abundances is evaluated using different null models. We found both mass effects and trait selection contribute to local abundance patterns. Trait selection was detectable at all studied spatial scales (0.04–1 ha), with its strength stronger at larger scales and in the subtropical forest. In contrast, the importance of stochasticity decreased with spatial scale. A significant mass effect of the metacommunity was observed at small spatial scales. Our results indicate that tree community assembly is primarily driven by ontogenetic traits and metacommunity effects. Our findings also demonstrate that including ontogenetic trait variation into predictive frameworks allows ecologists to infer ecological mechanisms operating in community assembly at the individual level.  相似文献   

Animal cognition experiments frequently reveal striking individual variation but rarely consider its causes and largely ignore its potential consequences. Studies often focus on a subset of high-performing subjects, sometimes viewing evidence from a single individual as sufficient to demonstrate the cognitive capacity of a species. We argue that the emphasis on demonstrating species-level cognitive capacities detracts from the value of individual variation in understanding cognitive development and evolution. We consider developmental and evolutionary interpretations of individual variation and use meta-analyses of data from published studies to examine predictors of individual performance. We show that reliance on small sample sizes precludes robust conclusions about individual abilities as well as inter- and intraspecific differences. We advocate standardization of experimental protocols and pooling of data between laboratories to improve statistical rigour. Our analyses show that cognitive performance is influenced by age, sex, rearing conditions and previous experience. These effects limit the validity of comparative analyses unless developmental histories are taken into account, and complicate attempts to understand how cognitive traits are expressed and selected under natural conditions. Further understanding of cognitive evolution requires efforts to elucidate the heritability of cognitive traits and establish whether elevated cognitive performance confers fitness advantages in nature.  相似文献   

Natural populations often show variation in traits that can affect the strength of interspecific interactions. Interaction strengths in turn influence the fate of pairwise interacting populations and the stability of food webs. Understanding the mechanisms relating individual phenotypic variation to interaction strengths is thus central to assess how trait variation affects population and community dynamics. We incorporated nonheritable variation in attack rates and handling times into a classical consumer–resource model to investigate how variation may alter interaction strengths, population dynamics, species persistence, and invasiveness. We found that individual variation influences species persistence through its effect on interaction strengths. In many scenarios, interaction strengths decrease with variation, which in turn affects species coexistence and stability. Because environmental change alters the direction and strength of selection acting upon phenotypic traits, our results have implications for species coexistence in a context of habitat fragmentation, climate change, and the arrival of exotic species to native ecosystems.  相似文献   

The process of domestication leads to acquisition of traits that are often similar between plant species that belong to the same family but have different breeding systems. Hence domestication is a useful model for studying evolutionary responses to selection in plants with contrasting breeding systems. We consider a stochastic model simulating gene flow between a natural population and an initial population containing mutants with domesticated phenotypes at low frequency. We assume that a large number of loci contribute equally to the cultivated phenotype. Our results indicate that the number of loci for which the mutant (‘domestication’) allele is maintained is larger in autogamous plants than in allogamous ones and that domestication can lead to the selection of tightly linked combinations of genes in allogamous plants. This work provides a general model for the selection of gene clusters through a sieve effect and it is discussed in comparison with models proposed to explain the evolution of linkage of genes determining wing patterns in butterflies exhibiting Batesian mimicry.  相似文献   

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