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A patient carrying a de novo 7q31-35 duplication is presented. The tandem duplication was confirmed by FISH analysis. The case seems to be the first in the literature and, in spite of the large size of the duplicated region, he shows mild facial dysmorphism and a moderate mental retardation. The clinical findings of the dup7q published cases are compared in order to define a possible common phenotype.  相似文献   

In this study, we report the combined use of whole and partial chromosome 6 painting probe and YACS probes to define the unbalanced region of a de novo 6q+ marker chromosome. A male patient with peculiar features of < distal 6q trisomy syndrome > showed a direct duplication of 6q23 region. Comparing the phenotype of this child with the phenotype of other < de novo > partial 6q trisomy, we conclude that band 6q23 has an important role in defining 6q trisomy.  相似文献   

Partial trisomy 9q: a new syndrome.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two unrelated patients with a strikingly similar phenotype (low birth weight and poor thriving; mental retardation; dolichocephaly; beaked nose; deeply set eyes; prominent maxilla and receding small chin; long fingers with a peculiar clench) were partially trisomic for two different segments of 9q. The segment found to be trisomic in both patients is small and corresponds to the q31q32 region. This new syndrome is compared to observations of trisomy 9 reported in the literature.  相似文献   

An abnormal chromosome 21 is reported in a child with a phenotype strongly reminiscent of trisomy 21 syndrome. It is shown to result from duplication of the segment 21q21 leads to 21q22.2. Comparison of the phenotype with that of other partial and total trisomics shows that the characteristic features of the trisomy 21 syndrome (mongolism), the mental retardation in particular - is due to trisomy 21q22.2 and perhaps 21q22.2.  相似文献   

Summary A new case of partial trisomy 9q was found in a child presenting two de novo aberrations: a deletion of the long arms of 9 and a 9,21 translocation. A tentative cytogenetic explanation is put forward.  相似文献   

We describe the case of a 6-year-old boy with a de novo deletion of the long arm of chromosome 1 encompassing band 1q31.1-q32.1, minor facial anomalies, mild developmental delay, and behavioral disorders. His postnatal karyotype was normal. Using array-comparative genomic hybridization, we identified and characterized a de novo 1q interstitial deletion of about 15.6 Mb, which partially overlaps those of other reported cases. We considered the gene content of the deleted region in an attempt to compare the clinical features of our patient with these other cases, even though they were not characterized molecularly in detail. The most remarkable difference was the absence of microcephaly. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a de novo 1q31.1-q32.1 deletion. Moreover, it illustrates how molecular delineation associated with fine clinical characterization can improve the genotype-phenotype correlations of classical cytogenetic abnormalities.  相似文献   

Summary Two infants with trisomy involving chromosome 9 are described. One had complete trisomy 9 and the other karyotype 47,XX,+der(9),t(7;9)(p22;q32)mat. A trisomy 9 syndrome is delineated, consisting of features of the trisomy 9p syndrome and various other malformations. These include abnormalities of the cardiovascular and urogenital systems, cranial suture anomalies, dislocation of the hips and knees and early death. A possible relationship of some of these findings to regions of 9q involved in cases of partial trisomy 9 is suggested.  相似文献   

Summary A newborn infant with the clinical features of the Patau syndrome was found to have excess chromosome 13 material present as a tandem translocation involving the short arm of chromosome 6 and the long arm of an extra chromosome 13: 46,XY,t(6;13)(p24;q12). The major part of the long arm of the extra chromosome 13 was attached linearly (tandem translocation) to the short arm of chromosome 6. Both parents were phenotypically and karyotypically normal.  相似文献   

Partial duplication of 3q is a rare chromosomal disorder that leads to multiple congenital abnormalities such as growth retardation, microcephaly and characteristic facial features. Although the phenotype of the patient has similarities with Cornelia de Lange Syndrome they are etiologically different. We report here a 9 months old baby boy with partial duplication of 3q and features similar with Cornelia De Lange syndrome. Conventional cytogenetic analysis revealed a derivative chromosome 21. In order to determine the origin of this chromosome region we used subtelomeric FISH technique. Based on the results of all these cytogenetic studies and the physical examinations, the diagnosis is partial 3q duplication.  相似文献   

Report on the child of normal unrelated parents presenting the typical features of acrocallosal syndrome (craniofacial dysmorphy, mental deficiency, convulsive disorder, agenesis of corpus callosum, preaxial polydactyly "hallux duplex" of both feet, and in addition diabetes insipidus) in which a mirror duplication of nearly the entire short arm of chromosome 12 was discovered. Since the symptomatology of trisomy and tetrasomy 12p shows some overlap with acrocallosal syndrome a common origin of the monogenic disorder and the chromosomal phenotypes is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The clinical features consisting mainly of enophthalmos, beaked nose, narrow palpebral fissures, receding chin, long fingers and toes, typical for chromosomal syndrome of partial trisomy 9q, were confirmed in a new case.  相似文献   

We report a case of partial proximal trisomy of the long arm of chromosome 10 confirmed by fluorescence in situ hibridization (FISH) performed with whole chromosome 10 specific painting and specific yac clones. The phenotypic findings, compared to those found in other published cases with the same karyotype, support the recognition of a distinctive partial proximal trisomy 10q syndrome (10q11-->q22).  相似文献   

Summary We have characterised by cytogenetic and molecular analysis a de novo tandem duplication of chromosome 21. High resolution chromosome examination of lymphocytes revealed the following karyotype in 90% of the cells: 46,XY,dir dup (21)(pterq22.300::q11.205 qter). Of these cells, 10% showed a normal karyotype. Gene dosage of chromosome 21 sequences by a slot blot method indicated that the duplication extends from D21S16 to D21S55. In situ hybridization with probes close to the borders of the duplicated segment confirmed the gene dosage data and gave results consistent with a true tandem duplication of chromosome 21. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis of the patient's DNA showed an abnormal restriction band common to D21S55 and D21S16, confirming that the junction point between the two homologous parts of the tandem chromosome brings these two sequences into proximity. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis indicated that the abnormal chromosome was maternal in origin and that the rearrangement of chromosome 21 could not have occurred at a post-zygotic stage of development but resulted from a recombination event during maternal gametogenesis. The possible mechanisms of formation of the abnormal chromosome are discussed, as is the presence of cells with normal chromosomes 21, in the patient.  相似文献   

A case with de novo interstitial deletion of chromosome 7q21.1-q22: A patient with multiple congenital anomalies was found to have a de novo proximal interstitial deletion of chromosome 7q21.1-q22. The patient was 10.5 years of age, and manifestations include growth retardation (below 3rd percentile), mental retardation, mild microcephaly, hypersensitivity to noise, mild spasticity, short palpebral fissures, alternant exotropia, compensated hypermetropic astigmatism, hypotelorism, hypoplastic labia majora and minora, clinodactyly of fingers 4 and 5. Molecular studies revealed that the deletion had a paternal origin, while chromosomes of both parents cytogenetically were shown to be normal. Molecular, and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analyses confirmed no deletion at the Williams-Beuren Syndrome region. Some of the heterogeneous clinical findings were consistent with previously reported cases of same chromosomal breakpoints.  相似文献   

A case of de novo trisomy 9q- (deletion q33----qter) in utero diagnosed is reported. Features of this syndrome are described, compared with those of trisomy 9p et total trisomy 9. The possibility of prenatal diagnosis and the similarity of some features with nail-patella syndrome are focused.  相似文献   

We report a female infant with a karyotype of 46,XX,der(9)t(9;18)(p22.2;q21.32)pat and the phenotypic features of craniofacial dysmorphisms, developmental delay, hypotonia, horizontal nystagmus, strabismus, congenital heart defects, clubfoot, and anorectal malformations with an anterior ectopic anus and a stenosed anal opening. Array comparative genomic hybridization revealed a 16.93-Mb deletion at 9p24.3-p22.2 encompassing the FREM1 gene and a 20.43-Mb duplication at 18q21.32-q23 encompassing the PIGN gene. We speculate that dual genome imbalances in FREMI at 9p22.3 and in PIGN at 18q21.3 are most likely responsible for the abnormal development of anorectum in this patient.  相似文献   

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