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Established rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is associated with a doubled cardiovascular risk. However, data about the cardiovascular risk in early RA are scarce. Preclinical atherosclerosis can be reliably assessed with the carotid intima media thickness (cIMT), and the cIMT is a well-validated predictor of cardiovascular events. The cIMT was therefore used in a recent controlled, prospective study in patients with early RA. Surprisingly, an increased cardiovascular risk at baseline could not be demonstrated whereas cIMT progression appeared to be comparable with the general population. Obviously, this study underscores the need for further large-scale investigations to solve the emerging discrepancy with the existing literature.  相似文献   

The paper examines impacts on mortality of heat waves in 2003, the hottest summer on record in the Czech Republic, and compares them with previous similar events. While most summer heat waves over the period since 1986 were associated with significantly elevated mortality, this was not the case for three out of the four heat waves in 2003. The relatively weak mortality response was particularly noteworthy for the most severe heat wave which occurred in the first 10 days of August 2003 and resulted in enormous excess mortality in some western European countries. A mortality displacement effect and short-term adaptation to heat contributed to the reduced mortality impacts of the heat waves that followed after previous relatively warm periods. However, the decreased mortality response of the 2003 heat waves compared to previous heat waves in the 1990s is also likely to have arisen from positive health-care and other socio-economic changes in the post-communist central European region over the past decade, as well as a better public awareness of heat-related risks due to enhanced media coverage and regular biometeorological forecast and warnings.  相似文献   

Speciation, despite ongoing gene flow can be studied directly in nature in ring species that comprise two reproductively isolated populations connected by a chain or ring of intergrading populations. We applied three tiers of spatio-temporal analysis (phylogeny/historical biogeography, phylogeography and landscape/population genetics) to the data from mitochondrial and nuclear genomes of eastern Australian parrots of the Crimson Rosella Platycercus elegans complex to understand the history and present genetic structure of the ring they have long been considered to form. A ring speciation hypothesis does not explain the patterns we have observed in our data (e.g. multiple genetic discontinuities, discordance in genotypic and phenotypic assignments where terminal differentiates meet). However, we cannot reject that a continuous circular distribution has been involved in the group's history or indeed that one was formed through secondary contact at the 'ring's' east and west; however, we reject a simple ring-species hypothesis as traditionally applied, with secondary contact only at its east. We discuss alternative models involving historical allopatry of populations. We suggest that population expansion shown by population genetics parameters in one of these isolates was accompanied by geographical range expansion, secondary contact and hybridization on the eastern and western sides of the ring. Pleistocene landscape and sea-level and habitat changes then established the birds' current distributions and range disjunctions. Populations now show idiosyncratic patterns of selection and drift. We suggest that selection and drift now drive evolution in different populations within what has been considered the ring.  相似文献   

A variety of molecular, genomic and epidemiological evidence has linked cell cycle regulation to circadian rhythms. In a recent issue of Molecular Cell, Koeffler and colleagues show that PER1 sensitizes human cancer cells to ionizing radiation-induced apoptosis. In addition, PER1 expression was found to be downregulated in human tumors, suggesting a tumor suppressor role for the PER1 protein. The significance of PERs, clocks, and cell cycle control is discussed.  相似文献   

The hypersensitive response (HR) is a cell death phenomenon associated with localized resistance to pathogens. Biphasic patterns in the generation of H2O2, salicylic acid and ethylene have been observed in tobacco during the early stages of the HR. These biphasic models reflect an initial elicitation by pathogen-associated molecular patterns followed by a second phase, induced by pathogen-encoded avirulence gene products. The first phase has been proposed to potentiate the second, to increase the efficacy of plant resistance to disease. This potentiation is comparable to the “priming” of plant defenses which is seen when plants display systemic resistance to disease. The events regulating the generation of the biphasic wave, or priming, remains obscure, however recently we demonstrated a key role for nitric oxide in this process in a HR occurring in tobacco. Here we use laser photoacoustic detection to demonstrate that biphasic ethylene production also occurs during a HR occurring in Arabidopsis. We suggest that ethylene emanation during the HR represents a ready means of visualising biphasic events during the HR and that exploiting the genomic resources offered by this model species will facilitate the development of a mechanistic understanding of potentiating/priming processes.Key words: hypersensitive response, biphasic patterns, potentiation, defense priming, ethylene, ArabidopsisThe Hypersensitive Response (HR) is a cell death process which occurs at the site of attempted pathogen attack and which has been associated with host resistance.1 Much work on the regulation of the HR has indicated the importance of H2O2,2 and NO.3 A feature of H2O2 generation during the HR is its biphasic pattern (Fig. 1A). The first rise reflects elicitation by pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs)4 and the second reflects the interaction between a pathogen-encoded avirulence (avr) gene product with a plant resistance (R) gene. A key aspect of the first rise is the initiation of salicylic acid (SA) synthesis which potentiates the second rise and hence the potency of plant defense and the HR.5Open in a separate windowFigure 1Patterns of defense signal generation during the Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola elicited-hypersensitive response in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). Generation of (A) H2O2 (●, Mur18); (B) nitric oxide (◇; Mur12 (C) salicylic acid (SA, ■19) and (D) ethylene (○ Mur9) during a HR elicited by Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola (Psph) in tobacco cv. Samsun NN. In (A) a phase where SA acts to augment the second rise in H2O2—the potentiation phase—is highlighted. The potentiation phase is likely to be similar to defense “priming”.6 Methodological details are contained within the appropriate references. (E) A possible model for biphasic defense signal regulation during the Psph-elicited HR in tobacco. During an initial phase NO and H2O2 act to initiate SA biosynthesis, where SA and NO act to initiate a “H2O2 biphasic switch”. This could initially suppress both SA and the H2O2 generation but subsequently acts to potentiate a second phase of H2O2 generation. This in turn increases SA biosynthesis which could act with NO to initiate the “C2H4 biphasic switch” to potentiate ethylene production. These (and other) signals contribute to initiation of the HR and SAR.This potentiation mechanism appears to be similar to defense priming; when whole plants display systemic resistance to disease as opposed to a localized resistance against pathogens. Priming can be initiated (the “primary stimulus”) following attack with a necrotizing pathogen (leading to “systemic acquired resistance”, SAR) or non-pathogenic rhizosphere bacteria (to confer “induced systemic resistance”, ISR). In the primed state a plant stimulates a range of plant defense genes, produces anti-microbial phytoalexins and deposits cell wall strengthening molecules, but only on imposition of a “secondary stimulus”.6 Such secondary stimuli include SA3 or PAMPs7 and is likely to be mechanistically similar to the potentiation step in the biphasic pattern of H2O2 generation (shaded in Fig. 1A). Accordingly, the two phases in the biphasic wave represent primary and secondary stimuli in priming.Highlighting a similarity between local HR-based events and priming, adds further impetus to efforts aiming to describe the underlying mechanism(s), however both phenomena remain poorly understood. Besides SA, both jasmonates and abscisic acid (ABA) have been shown to prime defenses as have a range of non-plant chemicals, with β-aminobutyric acid (BABA) being perhaps most widely used.6,8 Mutants which fail to exhibit BABA-mediated potentiation were defective in either a cyclin-dependent kinase-like protein, a polyphosphoinositide phosphatase or an ABA biosynthetic enzyme.8We have recently investigated biphasic ethylene production during the HR in tobacco elicited by the nonhost HR-eliciting bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola.9 As with H2O2 generation, this pattern reflected PAMP-and AVR-dependent elicitation events and included a SA-mediated potentiation stage. Crucially, we also showed that NO was a vital component in the SA-potentiation mechanism. When this finding is integrated with our other measurements of defense signal generation in the same host-pathogen system the complexity in the signaling network is revealed (Fig. 1). NO generation (Fig. 1B) appeared to be coincident with the first rise in H2O2 (Fig. 1A) which initiated SA biosynthesis10,11 and together would contribute to the first small, but transient, rise in that hormone (Fig. 1C). In line with established models5 this momentary rise in SA coincides with the potentiation phase (shaded in Fig. 1A) required to augment the second rise in ROS. However, ethylene production seems to be correlated poorly with the patterns of NO, H2O2 and SA (Fig. 1D). Nevertheless, biphasic ethylene production was found to reflect PAMP and AVR-dependent recognition and included a SA-mediated potentiation step.9 Hence, ethylene production could be used as a post-hoc indicator of the potentiation mechanism. Therefore, our discovery that the second wave of ethylene production—a “biphasic switch”—is influenced by NO acting with SA could also be relevant to the H2O2 generation. Significantly, the second phases in both H2O2 and ethylene production occur exactly where SA and NO production coincides; in the case of H2O2 generation 2–4 h post challenge and with ethylene 6 h onwards (Fig. 1E).Thus, ethylene production represents a readily assayable marker to indicate perturbations in the underlying biphasic and possible priming mechanisms. As we have demonstrated, laser photoacoustic detection (LAPD) is a powerful on-line approach to determine in planta ethylene production in tobacco9,12 but any mechanistic investigations would be greatly facilitated if the genetic resources offered by the model species Arabidopsis could be exploited.To address this, Arabidopsis Col-0 rosettes were vacuum infiltrated with either Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst) avrRpm1 (HR-eliciting), the virulent Pst strain and the non-HR eliciting and non-virulent Pst hrpA strain. Ethylene production was monitored by LAPD (Fig. 2A). Significantly, Pst avrRpm1 initiated a biphasic pattern of ethylene production whose kinetics were very similar to that seen in tobacco (compare Figs. 2A with with1D).1D). Inoculations with Pst and Pst hrpA only displayed the first PAMP-dependent rise in ethylene production. Thus, these data establish that Arabidopsis can be used to investigate biphasic switch mechanism(s) in ethylene production during the HR and possibly defense priming. When considering such mechanisms, it is relevant to highlight the work of Foschi et al.13 who observed that biphasic activation of a monomeric G protein to cause phase-specific activation of different kinase cascades. Interestingly, ethylene has been noted to initiate biphasic activation of G proteins and kinases in Arabidopsis, although differing in kinetics to the phases seen during the HR.14 Further, plant defense priming has been associated with the increased accumulation of MAP kinase protein.6Open in a separate windowFigure 2Ethylene in the Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato elicited-hypersensitive response in Arabidopsis thaliana. (A) Ethylene production from 5 week old short day (8 h light 100 µmol.m2.sec−1) grown Arabidopsis rosette leaves which were vacuum infiltrated with bacterial suspensions (2 × 106 colony forming units.ml−1) of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst) strains detected using laser photoacoustic detection (LAPD). Experimental details of the ethylene detection by LAPD are detailed in Mur et al.9 The intercellular spaces in leaves were infiltrated with the HR-eliciting strain Pst avrRpm1, (■), the virulent strain Pst (△) or the non-virulent and non-HR eliciting derivative, Pst hrpA (◇). (B) The appearance of Arabidopsis Col-0 and etr1-1 leaves at various h following injection with 2 × 106 c.f.u.mL−1 with of Pst avrRpm1. (C) Explants (1 cm diameter discs) from Arabidopsis leaf areas infiltrated with suspensions of Pst avrRpm1 were placed in a 1.5 cm diameter well, bathed in 1 mL de-ionized H2O. Changes in the conductivity of the bathing solution, as an indicator of electrolyte leakage from either wild type Col-0 (◆), mutants which were compromised in ethylene signaling; etr1-1 (□), ein2-2 (▲) or which overproduced ethylene; eto2-1 (●) were measured using a conductivity meter. Methodological details are set out in Mur et al.9A further point requires consideration; the role of ethylene as a direct contributor to plant defense.15 The contribution of ethylene to the HR has been disputed,16 but in tobacco we have observed that altered ethylene production influenced the formation of a P. syringae pv. phaseolicola elicited HR.9 In Arabidopsis, cell death in the ethylene receptor mutant etr1-1 following inoculation with Pst avrRpm1 is delayed compared to wild type (Fig. 2B). When electrolyte leakage was used to quantify Pst avrRpm1 cell death, both etr1-1 and the ethylene insensitive signaling mutant ein2-1 exhibited slower death than wild-type but in the ethylene overproducing mutant eto2, cell death was augmented (Fig. 2C). These data indicate that ethylene influences the kinetics of the HR.Taking these data together we suggest that the complexity of signal interaction during the HR or in SAR/ISR could be further dissected by combining the genetic resources of Arabidopsis with measurements of ethylene production using such sensitive approaches as LAPD.  相似文献   

Isolated populations with novel phenotypes present an exciting opportunity to uncover the genetic basis of ecologically significant adaptation, and genomic scans have often, but not always, led to candidate genes directly related to an adaptive phenotype. However, in many cases these populations were established by a severe bottleneck, which can make identifying targets of selection problematic. Here, we simulate severe bottlenecks and subsequent selection on standing variation, mimicking adaptation after establishment of a new small population, such as an island or an artificial selection experiment. Using simulations of single loci under positive selection and population genetics theory, we examine how population size and age of the population isolate affect the ability of outlier scans for selection to identify adaptive alleles using both single‐site measures and haplotype structure. We find and explain an optimal combination of selection strength, starting frequency, and age of the adaptive allele, which we refer to as a Goldilocks zone, where adaptation is likely to occur and yet the adaptive variants are most likely to derive from a single ancestor (a ‘hard’ selective sweep); in this zone, four commonly used statistics detect selection with high power. Real‐world examples of both island colonization and experimental evolution studies are discussed. Our study provides concrete considerations to be made before embarking on whole‐genome sequencing of differentiated populations.  相似文献   

Plant vacuoles play several roles in controlling development, pathogen defence, and stress response. γVPE is a vacuolarlocalised cysteine protease with a caspase-1 like activity involved in the activation and maturation of downstream vacuolar hydrolytic enzymes that trigger hypersensitive cell death and tissue senescence. This work provides evidence that γVPE is strongly expressed in Arabidopsis guard cells and is involved in water stress response. The γvpe knock-out mutants showed reduced stomatal opening and an increased resistance to desiccation suggesting a new role of γVPE in control of stomatal movements.  相似文献   

Phototropin (phot) is a blue light (BL) receptor in plants and is involved in phototropism, chloroplast movement, stomata opening, etc. A phot molecule has two photo-receptive domains named LOV (Light-Oxygen-Voltage) 1 and 2 in its N-terminal region and a serine/threonine kinase (STK) in its C-terminal region. STK activity is regulated mainly by LOV2, which has a cyclic photoreaction, including the transient formation of a flavin mononucleotide (FMN)-cysteinyl adduct (S390). One of the key events for the propagation of the BL signal from LOV2 to STK is conformational changes in a Jα-helix residing downstream of the LOV2 C-terminus. In contrast, we focused on the role of the A’α-helix, which is located upstream of the LOV2 N-terminus and interacts with the Jα-helix. Using LOV2-STK polypeptides from Arabidopsis thaliana phot1, we found that truncation of the A’α-helix and amino acid substitutions at Glu474 and Lys475 in the gap between the A’α and the Aβ strand of LOV2 (A’α/Aβ gap) to Ala impaired the BL-induced activation of the STK, although they did not affect S390 formation. Trypsin digested the LOV2-STK at Lys603 and Lys475 in a light-dependent manner indicating BL-induced structural changes in both the Jα-helix and the gap. The digestion at Lys603 is faster than at Lys475. These BL-induced structural changes were observed with the Glu474Ala and the Lys475Ala substitutes, indicating that the BL signal reached the Jα-helix as well as the A’α/Aβ gap but could not activate STK. The amino acid residues, Glu474 and Lys475, in the gap are conserved among the phots of higher plants and may act as a joint to connect the structural changes in the Jα-helix with the activation of STK.  相似文献   

A considerable amount of research time has been invested in studies aimed at elucidating pathogenic processes in systemic sclerosis (SSc). Despite this, major challenges for biomedical science remain, such as identification of the key factors that determine susceptibility to SSc, and elucidation of the precise nature of the initiating event that causes endothelial cell injury and ultimately brings about the biological cascade(s) that lead to the pathologic vascular changes. Involved factors are likely to include genetic perturbations, environmental cues, tissue injury, infection and hypoxia/oxidative stress. As important as determining the initiating events are the identification and characterization of key factors that are functionally important in driving vascular disease progression, because these factors are potential targets for therapeutic intervention. This article reviews the role of endothelin as an example of a pleiotropic mediator with effects on various aspects of SSc pathogenesis, such as inflammation, vasculopathy and tissue remodelling.  相似文献   

A simple evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) model of identity advertisement is presented, which is applicable to many different situations, ranging from parental recognition of young to recognition of kin by workers in social insect colonies that comprise several genetically distinct lineages. The model assumes that the receiver may respond favourably or unfavourably to the signaller, but that it cannot immediately determine which type of response is appropriate. The signaller, who always benefits by eliciting a favourable response (but is unaware of which type of response is appropriate for the receiver), may choose to reveal or conceal its identity, making the task of discrimination easier or harder for the receiver. The evolutionarily stable outcome of the model depends on the probability that an unfavourable response is appropriate, the relative costs to the receiver of acceptance and rejection errors, and the relative benefits to the signaller of eliciting a favourable response when this is appropriate and when it is inappropriate for the receiver. High costs of acceptance errors to the receiver, and high benefits of appropriate favourable responses to the signaller, favour provision of distinctive identity cues: so, paradoxically, does a high probability that an unfavourable response is appropriate. However, under a wide range of conditions, selection favours the withholding of signature cues, which prevents discrimination by the receiver. Finally, if the signaller must provide some information to elicit a favourable response, but stands to gain more from such a response when it is undesirable, it may do best to provide partial but incomplete information about its identity.  相似文献   

With the aim of investigating the mechanisms that maintain auxin homeostasis in plants, we have monitored the net uptake and metabolism of exogenously supplied indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and naphthalene-1-acetic acid (NAA) in seedlings of wild type and the IAA-overproducing mutant sur1 of Arabidopsis thaliana . Tritiated IAA and NAA entered the seedling tissues within minutes and were mostly accumulated as metabolites, probably amino acid and sugar conjugates. The mutant seedlings were marked by a strong increase of [3H]IAA metabolism and a reduction of the accumulation levels of both free [3H]IAA and [3H]NAA. The same characteristics were observed in wild-type seedlings grown on 5 μ M picloram. We measured [3H]NAA uptake in the presence of high concentrations of unlabeled NAA or the auxin efflux carrier inhibitor naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA). This abolished the difference in free [3H]NAA accumulation between the mutant or picloram-treated seedlings and wild-type seedlings. These data indicated that active auxin efflux carriers were present in Arabidopsis seedling tissues. Picloram-treated seedlings and seedlings of the IAA-overproducing mutant sur1 displayed increased auxin efflux carrier activity as well as elevated conjugation of IAA. There is previous evidence to suggest that conjugation is a means to remove excess IAA in plant cells. Here, we discuss the possibility of efflux constituting an additional mechanism for regulating free IAA levels in the face of an excess auxin supply.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2007,31(1):1-7
We studied in a laboratory experiment using stream tanks if two percid prey fish, the perch (Perca fluviatilis) and the ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus), can recognize and respond to increased predation risk using odors of two piscivores, the pike (Esox lucius) and the burbot (Lota lota). Burbot is night-active most of the year but pike hunts predominantly visually whenever there is enough light. Perch is a common day-active prey of pike and dark-active ruffe that of burbot. We predicted that besides recognizing the predator odors, the prey species would respond more strongly to odors of the predator which share the same activity pattern. Both perch and ruffe clearly responded to both predator fish odors. They decreased movements and erected the spiny dorsal fins. Fin erection showed clearly the black warning ornamentation in the fin and thus erected fin may function besides as mechanical defense also as warning ornament for an approaching predator. No rapid escape movements were generally observed. Both perch and ruffe responded more strongly to pike odor than to burbot. There were no clear differences in response between day and night. In conclusion, we were able to verify clear predator odor recognition by both prey fish. Both perch and ruffe responded to both predator odors and it seemed that pike forms a stronger threat for both prey species. Despite of diel activity differences both perch and ruffe used the same antipredatory strategies, but the day-active perch seemed to have a more flexible antipredatory behavior by responding more strongly to burbot threat during the night when burbot is active.  相似文献   

This paper uses data from the 1995/96 Mali DHS survey to examine the importance of a wide range of socioeconomic, behavioural and biodemographic factors in the determination of child mortality in Mali, with a special focus on maternal education and behaviour. The central hypothesis of the study is that advances in maternal education would contribute little to child survival in settings such as Mali's urban and rural communities where progress in educational attainment is not matched with improvements in other aspects of socioeconomic development such as economic growth, job creation, financial security and public health and medical resources. Units of analysis are children born in the past 5 years to DHS respondents (women aged 15-45) who were married at the time of the survey. The Cox proportional hazards regression technique has been used to estimate the net effects of variables included as covariates. The findings indicate that the health-seeking behaviour of the mother matters more than maternal education in explaining the observed differences in infant and child mortality in Mali's urban and rural areas.  相似文献   



Arabidopsis plants accumulate maltose from starch breakdown during cold acclimation. The Arabidopsis mutant, maltose excess1-1, accumulates large amounts of maltose in the plastid even in the warm, due to a deficient plastid envelope maltose transporter. We therefore investigated whether the elevated maltose level in mex1-1 in the warm could result in changes in metabolism and physiology typical of WT plants grown in the cold.

Principal Findings

Grown at 21 °C, mex1-1 plants were much smaller, with fewer leaves, and elevated carbohydrates and amino acids compared to WT. However, after transfer to 4 °C the total soluble sugar pool and amino acid concentration was in equal abundance in both genotypes, although the most abundant sugar in mex1-1 was still maltose whereas sucrose was in greatest abundance in WT. The chlorophyll a/b ratio in WT was much lower in the cold than in the warm, but in mex1-1 it was low in both warm and cold. After prolonged growth at 4 °C, the shoot biomass, rosette diameter and number of leaves at bolting were similar in mex1-1 and WT.


The mex1-1 mutation in warm-grown plants confers aspects of cold acclimation, including elevated levels of sugars and amino acids and low chlorophyll a/b ratio. This may in turn compromise growth of mex1-1 in the warm relative to WT. We suggest that elevated maltose in the plastid could be responsible for key aspects of cold acclimation.  相似文献   

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