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Male songbirds produce extremely elaborate songs, which are the acoustic equivalent of the peacock's tail. Darwin suggested that they were the result of sexual selection by female choice, but had no evidence to support his theory. New techniques now permit us to test his theory under controlled laboratory conditions. When linked to studies of reproductive success in the field, the results suggest that Darwin was right.  相似文献   

Lutzomyia longipalpis (Lutz & Neiva, 1912) (Diptera: Psychodidae: Phlebotominae) is a vector of visceral leishmaniasis in the Americas and it might represent a complex of sibling species. Reproductive isolation between closely related species often involves differences in courtship behaviour. cacophony (cac) and period (per) are two Drosophila genes that control features of the "lovesong" males produce during courtship that has been implicated in the sexual isolation between closely related species. We are using gene fragments from L. longipalpis' homologues of these two genes to study the speciation process in this putative species complex.  相似文献   

Grunts (family Haemulidae) in the genus Anisotremus comprise 10 described species which occur predominantly on coral reefs and subtropical rocky reefs in the Neotropics of the Tropical Eastern Pacific the Caribbean and adjacent waters. In this study, the phylogenetic relationships for all described species were examined based on one mitochondrial gene (cytochrome b) and one nuclear marker (the first intron of the ribosomal protein S7). Closely related species of the genus Haemulon and the single representative of the genus Genyatremus, G. luteus were also included in the analysis, following the suggestion, based on morphological data, that they may be closely related to, or possibly placed within, Anisotremus. Two sweetlips, genus Plectorhinchus, which belong to the recognized sister subfamily Plectorhynchinae, were used as outgroups. Two species pairs in the ingroup genus Anisotremus are geminate species, which presumably diverged after the rise of the Isthmus of Panama, thus providing an internal molecular clock calibration. This allowed for a comprehensive evolutionary scenario for the genus. Our data were consistent with two independent allopatric speciation events (geminate species), and one likely sympatric speciation event. Our data were also consistent with the placement of Genyatremus and Haemulon within the genus Anisotremus, thus breaking its monophyletic status. As proposed for other coral reef species, Anisotremus seems to have colonized coral reefs from non-coral reef habitats. In addition, ancestral species seem to have been widespread, since species that are currently found in Brazilian and Pacific waters are basal on the phylogenetic tree. Finally, this study adds to the hypothesis of a secondary evolutionary center in the New World.  相似文献   

Ayasse M  Stökl J  Francke W 《Phytochemistry》2011,72(13):1667-1677
Sexually deceptive orchids mimic females of their pollinator species to attract male insects for pollination. Pollination by sexual deception has independently evolved in European, Australian, South African, and South American orchid taxa. Reproductive isolation is mainly based on pre-mating isolation barriers, the specific attraction of males of a single pollinator species, mostly bees, by mimicking the female species-specific sex-pheromone. However, in rare cases post-mating barriers have been found. Sexually deceptive orchids are ideal candidates for studies of sympatric speciation, because key adaptive traits such as the pollinator-attracting scent are associated with their reproductive success and with pre-mating isolation.During the last two decades several investigations studied processes of ecological speciation in sexually deceptive orchids of Europe and Australia. Using various methods like behavioural experiments, chemical, electrophysiological, and population-genetic analyses it was shown that minor changes in floral odour bouquets might be the driving force for pollinator shifts and speciation events. New pollinators act as an isolation barrier towards other sympatrically occurring species. Hybridization occurs because of similar odour bouquets of species and the overlap of flowering periods. Hybrid speciation can also lead to the displacement of species by the hybrid population, if its reproductive success is higher than that in the parental species.  相似文献   

The behavioural signals used in mate selection are a key component in the evolution of premating isolating barriers and, subsequently, the formation of new species. The importance of mating signals has a long tradition of study in songbirds, where many species differ in their song characteristics. In oscine songbirds, individual birds usually learn their songs from a tutor. Mistakes during learning can help generate geographic dialects, akin to those within human language groups. In songbirds, dialect differences can often be substantial and there is an intuitive connection between the evolution of song amongst populations at a small scale, and the more substantive song differences between bird species and presumably used in species recognition. However, studies investigating the concordance between putative genetic and behavioural boundaries have generated mixed results. In many cases, this is possibly a function of the poor resolving power of the genetic markers employed. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Lipshutz et al. ( 2017 ) combine genomic markers with a robust behavioural assay to address the importance of song variation amongst white‐crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys) subspecies.  相似文献   

The Madeiran land snail genus Heterostoma expresses two forms of genital anatomy. One form (hemiphallic) lacks the distal male organs while the other (euphallic) has fully developed hermaphroditic genitalia. Recent evidence suggests this genital variation characterizes two sibling or incipient species. The spatial ecology and habitat associations of these taxa are described in the light of recent ideas on the role of ecology in speciation. Hemiphallic snails are found at a lower density and show a tendency to be more separated from each other compared to euphallic snails. Both taxa are more likely to be closer to other members of the same taxon. The genus as a whole is not found in the presence of sand or pale rock. However, when only areas actually containing snails are examined, hemiphallics show a positive association with sand and rock while euphallics continue to show a negative association. The differences in population density and spacing may suggest an adaptive explanation for reduction of male organs in hemiphallics since this taxon would be expected to have significantly fewer mating encounters. The observed differences in habitat association may suggest a mechanism for sympatric or parapatric divergence in keeping with current models of habitat-driven adaptive speciation. Both of these factors (selection on the mating system in a marginal environment and small scale separation based on habitat) may have been significant in the divergence of hemiphallic and euphallic taxa.  相似文献   

Understanding the genetic architecture of traits involved in premating isolation between recently diverged lineages can provide valuable insight regarding the mode and tempo of speciation. The repeated coevolution of male courtship song and female preference across the species radiation of Laupala crickets presents an unusual opportunity to compare the genetic basis of divergence across independent evolutionary histories. Previous studies of one pair of species revealed a polygenic basis (including a significant X chromosome contribution) to quantitative differences in male song and female acoustic preference. Here, we studied interspecific crosses between two phenotypically less-diverged species that represents a phylogenetically independent occurrence of intersexual signalling evolution. We found patterns consistent with an additive polygenic basis to differentiation in both song and preference (n(E) = 5.3 and 5.1 genetic factors, respectively), and estimate a moderate contribution of the X chromosome (7.6%) of similar magnitude to that observed for Laupala species with nearly twice the phenotypic divergence. Together, these findings suggest a similar genetic architecture underlying the repeated evolution of sexual characters in this genus and provide a counterexample to prevailing theory predicting an association between early lineage divergence and sex-linked 'major genes'.  相似文献   

Mating occurs on the larval host plant in allRhagoletis species (Diptera: Tephritidae). We show how this attribute, when coupled with certain differences in other biological traits, strongly influences the mode of speciation. In species of thesuavis species group, host shifts have never occurred during speciation, and larvae feed in the husks of any walnut species(Juglans spp.), which are highly toxic. Taxa are allopatric or parapatric and exhibit deep phylogenetic nodes suggesting relatively ancient speciation events. Traits responsible for species and mate recognition, particularly in parapatric species, are morphologically distinct and strongly sexually dimorphic. All aspects of their biology, genetics and distribution are consistent with a slow rate of allopatric speciation followed by morphological divergence in secondary contact. In contrast, speciation in thepomonella species group has always involved a shift to a new, usually unrelated, non-toxic host, and all taxa within these groups are sympatric, monophagous and morphologically indistinguishable from one another. Phylogenetic nodes are very shallow, indicating recent sympatric speciation. Sympatric divergence is promoted by genetic variation which allows a portion of the original species to shift to a new habitat or host. Evidence suggests that changes in a few key loci responsible for host selection and fitness on a new host may initiate host shifts. By exploiting different habitats, competition for resources between diverging populations is reduced or avoided. We provide evidence that in phytophagous and parasitic insects sufficient intrinsic barriers to gene flow can evolve between sister populations as they adapt to different habitats or hosts to allow each population to establish independent evolutionary lineages in sympatry.  相似文献   

The biogeographic patterns in sexually reproducing animals in island archipelagos may be interpreted as reflecting the importance of allopatric speciation. However, as the forms are allopatric, their reproductive isolation is largely untestable. A historical perspective integrating geology and molecular phylogeny reveals specific cases where ancient precursor islands coalesce, which allows the application of population genetics to critically test genetic isolation. The Anolis populations on Martinique in the Lesser Antilles are one such case where species-level populations on ancient precursor islands (ca 6-8Myr BP) have met relatively recently. The distribution of the mtDNA lineages is tightly linked to the precursor island, but the population genetic analysis of microsatellite variation in large samples shows no evidence of restricted genetic exchange between these forms in secondary contact. This tests, and rejects, the hypothesis of simple allopatric speciation in these forms. By contrast, Martinique has pronounced environmental zonation, to which anoles are known to adapt. The population genetic analysis shows restricted genetic exchange across the ecotone between xeric coastal habitat and montane rainforest. This does not indicate full ecological speciation in these forms, but it does suggest the relative importance of the role of ecology in speciation in general.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined genotype by environment (GxE) effects on premating reproductive isolation and associated behaviors, even though such effects may be common when speciation is driven by adaptation to different environments. In this study, mating success and courtship song differences among diverging populations of Drosophila mojavensis were investigated in a two-environment quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis. Baja California and mainland Mexico populations of D. mojavensis feed and breed on different host cacti, so these host plants were used to culture F2 males to examine host-specific QTL effects and GxE interactions influencing mating success and courtship songs. Linear selection gradient analysis showed that mainland females mated with males that produced songs with significantly shorter L(long)-IPIs, burst durations, and interburst intervals. Twenty-one microsatellite loci distributed across all five major chromosomes were used to localize effects of mating success, time to copulation, and courtship song components. Male courtship success was influenced by a single detected QTL, the main effect of cactus, and four GxE interactions, whereas time to copulation was influenced by three different QTLs on the fourth chromosome. Multiple-locus restricted maximum likelihood (REML) analysis of courtship song revealed consistent effects linked with the same fourth chromosome markers that influenced time to copulation, a number of GxE interactions, and few possible cases of epistasis. GxE interactions for mate choice and song can maintain genetic variation in populations, but alter outcomes of sexual selection and isolation, so signal evolution and reproductive isolation may be slowed in diverging populations. Understanding the genetics of incipient speciation in D. mojavensis clearly depends on cactus-specific expression of traits associated with courtship behavior and sexual isolation.  相似文献   

In most songbirds, the processes of song learning and territory establishment overlap in the early life and a young bird usually winds up with songs matching those of his territorial neighbors in his first breeding season. In the present study, we examined the relationships among the timing of territory establishment, the pattern of song learning and territorial success in a sedentary population of song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). Males in this population tend to learn their songs from their neighbors and consequently they show high song sharing with neighbors and use these shared songs preferentially in interactions with them. Males also show significant variation in the timing of territory establishment, ranging from their natal summer to the next spring. Using a three-year dataset, we found that the timing of territory establishment did not systematically affect the composition of the song repertoire of the tutee: early establishers and late establishers learned equally as much from their primary tutors and had a similar number of tutors and similar repertoire sizes, nor did timing of territory establishment affect subsequent survival on territory. Therefore, the song-learning program of song sparrows seems versatile enough to lead to high song sharing even for birds that establish territories relatively late.  相似文献   

When animals live in cities, they have to adjust their behaviour and life histories to novel environments. Noise pollution puts a severe constraint on vocal communication by interfering with the detection of acoustic signals. Recent studies show that city birds sing higher-frequency songs than their conspecifics in non-urban habitats. This has been interpreted as an adaptation to counteract masking by traffic noise. However, this notion is debated, for the observed frequency shifts seem to be less efficient at mitigating noise than singing louder, and it has been suggested that city birds might use particularly high-frequency song elements because they can be produced at higher amplitudes. Here, we present the first phonetogram for a songbird, which shows that frequency and amplitude are strongly positively correlated in the common blackbird (Turdus merula), a successful urban colonizer. Moreover, city blackbirds preferentially sang higher-frequency elements that can be produced at higher intensities and, at the same time, happen to be less masked in low-frequency traffic noise.  相似文献   

Funk DJ  Filchak KE  Feder JL 《Genetica》2002,116(2-3):251-267
Does ecological divergence drive species-level evolutionary diversification? How so and to what degree? These questions were central to the thinking of the evolutionary synthesis. Only recently, however, has the ecology of speciation become an important focus of empirical study. Here, we argue that ecologically specialized, phylogenetically diverse, and experimentally tractable herbivorous insect taxa offer great opportunities to study the myriad mechanisms by which ecology may cause reproductive isolation and promote speciation. We call for the development and integrated experimental study of a taxonomic diversity of herbivore model systems and discuss the availability and recent evaluation of suitable taxa. Most importantly, we describe a general comparative framework that can be used to rigorously test a variety of hypotheses about the relative contributions and the macroevolutionary generality of particular mechanisms. Finally, we illustrate important issues for the experimental analysis of speciation ecology by demonstrating the consequences of specialized host associations for ecological divergence and premating isolation in Neochlamisus bebbianae leaf beetles.  相似文献   

Explosive speciation in ancient lakes has fascinated biologists for centuries and has inspired classical work on the tempo and modes of speciation. Considerable attention has been directed towards the extrinsic forces of speciation—the geological, geographical and ecological peculiarities of ancient lakes. Recently, there has been a resurgence of interest in the intrinsic nature of these radiations, the biological characteristics conducive to speciation. While new species are thought to arise mainly by the gradual enhancement of reproductive isolation among geographically isolated populations, ancient lakes provide little evidence for a predominant role of geography in speciation. Recent phylogenetic work provides strong evidence that multiple colonization waves were followed by parallel intralacustrine radiations that proceeded at relatively rapid rates despite long‐term gene flow through hybridization and introgression. Several studies suggest that hybridization itself might act as a key evolutionary mechanism by triggering major genomic reorganization/revolution and enabling the colonization of new ecological niches in ancient lakes. These studies propose that hybridization is not only of little impediment to diversification but could act as an important force in facilitating habitat transitions, promoting postcolonization adaptations and accelerating diversification. Emerging ecological genomic approaches are beginning to shed light on the long‐standing evolutionary dilemma of speciation in the face of gene flow. We propose an integrative programme for future studies on speciation in ancient lakes.  相似文献   

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