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H. Gabryś 《Planta》1985,166(1):134-140
The profile-to-face chloroplast movement in the green alga Mougeotia has been induced by strong blue and near-ultraviolet light pulses (6 J m-2). Simultaneously, strong red or far-red light (10 W m-2) was applied perpendicularly to the inducing beam. The response was measured photometrically. Against the far-red background the reciprocity law was found to hold for pulse durations varying two orders of magnitude. The action spectrum exhibited a maximum near 450 nm and a distinct increase in near-ultraviolet. The time-course and the spectral dependence of pulse responses of chloroplasts in Mougeotia were similar to those recorded for other plants which are sensitive only to blue. This points to an alternative sensor system active in the short-wavelength region in addition to the phytochrome system.Abbreviations FR far-red light - Pr red absorbing form of phytochrome - Pfr far-red absorbing form of phytochrome - R red light This paper is dedicated to the memory of Professor Jan Zurzycki  相似文献   

Glutaraldehyde fixation in 0.33 M sorbitol without any buffer reveals changes in the staining properties of the envelopes of chloroplasts of pea plants kept in the light or in the dark prior to fixation. After dark pretreatment the outer double membrane of the chloroplast does not adsorb heavy metals, resulting in a white unstained rim instead of the usual membrane. All other membranes of the cell, including chloroplast grana, are not affected and stain normally. Light pretreatment of the plants allows the usual staining of the outer membrane of the chloroplats. Fixation carried out in the medium usually used to isolate intact CO2 fixing chloroplasts (sorbitol+buffer+ions) reverses the above process and results in unstained envelopes of chloroplasts from preilluminated leaves, while the envelopes of chloroplasts from leaves kept in the dark stain normally. Glutaraldehyde-fixed chloroplats isolated from preilluminated leaves show a very basic isoelectric point during electrofocusing, while fixed chloroplasts from predarkened tissue exhibit an isoelectric point at about pH 7.  相似文献   

The presence of calcium is essential for chloroplast movement induced by blue light in Lemna trisulca L. The regulatory role of calcium was confirmed by the inhibition of chloroplast movement by cytochalasin B and trifluoperazine. The calcium concentration in tissues was modified by ethylene glycol-bis(2-aminoethylether)-N,N,N, N-tetraacetic acid (EGTA), the calcium ionophore A23187 and La3+. Only a long period of incubation (12h) in EGTA or La3+ caused distrubances in chloroplast movement. This indicates that calcium influx is not essential for chloroplast movement. Those conditions that dramatically changed the internal calcium concentration, either applications of calcium ionophore A23187 and EGTA, or ionophore and La3+, markedly decreased the amplitude of response to blue-light pulses. This demonstrates that disturbances of chloroplast movement are observable only when internal stores of calcium are affected by Ca2+-antagonists. We suggest that the calcium involved in blue-light-induced chloroplast movement is derived from intracellular stores. The addition of Mg2+ to EGTA buffer counteracted its effect, indicating that Mg2+, as well as Ca2+, might possibly be involved in chloroplast movement.Abbreviations EGTA ethylene glycol-bis(2-aminoethylether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - Hepes 4(2-hydroxyethyl-1-piperazine) ethanesulfonic acid - A23187 calcium ionophore We express our gratitude to Professor W. Korohoda for valuable critical comments on this paper and stimulating discussion. We also thank Mr. P. Malec for help in preparing the experiment with trifluoperazine and Mr. A. Waloszek for taking the photographs. We are indebted to Mr. Tim Kline (International House, Krakow, Poland) for improving the English style. This research was supported by grant No. 1042/P2/92/03 from the State Committe for Scientific Research.  相似文献   

Continued synthesis of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b occurs in Tradescantia albiflora Kunth on transfer to darkness. This synthesis continues for several days and may result in a doubling of chlorophyll content per leaf. It is accompanied by continued cell division and development of normal chloroplast ultrastructure, including stacked thylakoids.  相似文献   

H. Adamson  N. Packer  J. Gregory 《Planta》1985,165(4):469-476
Intact plants and isolated leaves of Zostera capricornii Martens ex Aschers were transferred from daylight to darkness. Substantial amounts of chloropyll a and b continued to accumulate in immature and mature tissue in the same ratio as in the light and were incorporated into chlorophyll-protein complexes in the thylakoids. A small amount of protochlorophyllide also accumulated in immature tissue in the dark. Proplastids and immature chloroplasts continued to develop into mature chloroplasts in the dark in the normal manner but prolamellar bodies, which are a conspicuous feature of immature chloroplasts, took longer to disperse than in the light. Protochlorophyllide accumulation and prolamellar-body formation were not correlated. The results indicate that Zostera has a genetic capacity for dark chlorophyll synthesis which is expressed in immature and mature leaf tissue and enables this plant to continue synthesising chlorophyll and assembling chloroplasts at night.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - T o time of transfer to darkness  相似文献   

After a prolonged period of red light the formation of a new whorl of lateral hairs can be induced inAcetabularia mediterranea Lamouroux (=A. acetabulum (L.) Silva) by a pulse of blue light. It has previously been shown that the response to blue light obeys the law of reciprocity. In this paper we demonstrate that the responses to blue light are additive only within 10 min after the onset of blue-light treatment, since the responsiveness of the cells is also affected by blue light. One hour after a short blue-light pulse the response to a second blue-light pulse has come to a minimum. After that, the responsiveness is restored in a refractory period of several hours. The fluenceresponse curves for hair-whorl formation at the time of minimum responsiveness are shifted parallel to the original fluence-response curves without preirradiation. Again, the law of reciprocity applies. This indicates an increased light requirement only for the same degree of hair-formation response. The sensitivity to blue light of the reduction of responsiveness response is higher by a factor of about 50 than the induction of hairformation response.  相似文献   

A. Lüttke  S. Bonotto 《Planta》1981,153(6):536-542
Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) distribution in the giant unicellular, uninucleate alga Acetabularia mediterranea was analyzed with the DNA-specific fluorochrome 4'6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) at various stages of the cell cycle. The number of chloroplasts exhibiting DNA/DAPI fluorescence changes during the cell's developmental cycle: (1) all chloroplasts in germlings contain DNA; (2) the number of plastids with DNA declines during polar growth of the vegetative cell; (3) it increases again prior to the transition from the vegetative to the generative phase; (4) several nucleoids of low fluorescence intensity are present in the chloroplasts of the gametes. The temporal distribution of the number of chloroplasts with DNA appears to be linked to the different mode of chloroplast division and growth during the various stages of development. The chloroplast cycle in relation to the cell cycle is discussed.Abbreviations cpDNA chloroplast DNA - DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole  相似文献   

The analytical model describing the steady state position of chloroplasts in dependence of fluence rate as well as the chloroplast response to single strong light pulses has been proposed. The model is based on the following assumptions: 1. Irradiation of the cell generates the state X in the cell membrane region, proportional to the local fluence rate. After switching on the light, the value of X increases exponentially with the time constant of about 3 min. The dark decay of X is also exponential with the same time constant. The level of X controls all kinds of chloroplast arrangements. 2. The state X generates two further states: Y 1 and Y 2, the first of them representing attraction forces for chloroplasts and the second representing repulsion forces. Empirical equations have been found for both Y states. The fluence rate response curve can be described with the use of functions Y 1 and Y 2. 3. The kinetic analysis requires the introduction of two additional functions Z in order to account for delays and time dispersion of the chloroplast movement in response to driving and resistance factors. The computer program for the proposed model was developed and the results of calculations were compared with experimental data (fluence rate response curve and pulse effects) with satisfactory agreement. Initially no attempt was made to ascribe any physical meaning to the postulated states. Some suggestions in this respect are mentioned in the discussion.  相似文献   

Summary Peculiar chloroplast alterations were found in mesophyll cells ofDatura stramonium systemically infected with tomato bushy stunt virus. These alterations lead to complete rearrangement of the thylakoids.  相似文献   

Orientational movement of chloroplasts was induced by a brief irradiation with red light (R) or blue light (B) in dark-adapted prothallial cells ofAdiantum, whose chloroplasts had gathered along the cell dividing wall (i.e., the anticlinal wall). When the whole dark-adapted prothallia were irradiated from a horizontal direction (i.e., from their lobes) with horizontally vibrating polarized R (H pol. R) for 10 or 3 min, the chloroplast left the anticlinal walls and spread over the prothallial surface (i.e., the periclinal walls) within 1–2 hr after the onset of irradiation, returning to the anticlinal wall (dark-position) within 10 hr. However, vertically vibrating polarized R (V pol. R) for 10 min did not induce the movement towards periclinal walls. The R effect was cancelled by non-polarized far-red light (FR) irradiation just after the R irradiation. Irradiation with H pol. B for 10 or 3 min but not with V pol. B could also induce a similar movement of chloroplasts, although the chloroplasts returned within 4 hr. The effect of H pol. B, however, was not cancelled by the subsequent FR irradiation. When a part of the dark-adapted cell at the prothallial surface was irradiated from above with a microbeam of R or B for 1 min, chloroplasts of the cell in the dark-position moved towards the irradiated locus in subsequent darkness. However, in the neighboring cells, orientational movement was not induced by either R or B microbeams. These results show that in dark-adapted prothallial cells, both brief irradiation with R and B can induce chloroplast photo-orientation and that the photoreceptors are phytochrome and blue light-absorbing pigment, respectively. It is also clear that effects of both R and B irradiation do not transfer to neighboring cells.  相似文献   

Unrolling of the second leaf of 8-day-old rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings was promoted by weak blue light (B), but not by red light (R). The effect of B was counteracted by irradiation with R just before or after the B. The counteracting effect of R was reversed by subsequent irradiation with far-red light but not by B, even if B was applied for 10 h. The B was effective when the region 0.5–2 cm from the tip of the leaf was irradiated. These results indicate that in rice photoreceptors for blue light located in the region 0.5–2 cm from the tip of the leaf play a key role in leaf unrolling and that a B-absorbing pigment and phytochrome participate in leaf unrolling in a closely related manner.Abbreviations B blue light - R red light - FR far-red light - W white light - D dark This work was presented at the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists on April 4, 1978, in Hiroshima  相似文献   

Gerhard Link 《Planta》1981,152(4):379-380
Fragments of chloroplast DNA from mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seedlings, generated by the restriction endonuclease Eco RI, were used to assess the frequency of complementary sequences in mustard RNA by DNA/RNA hybridization. A pronounced increase in hybridization to a single DNA fragment was found with RNA from seedlings irradiated with continuous far-red light, compared to RNA from dark-grown seedlings.  相似文献   

A soluble protein was isolated from Mougeotia by chloropromazine-sepharose 4 B affinity chromatography. The protein matches the properties of calmodulin in terms of heat stability, Ca2+-dependent electrophoretic mobility in sodium-dodecyl-sulfate polyacrylamide gels, and its ability to activate cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase in a Ca2+-dependent manner. Phytochrome-mediated chloroplast reorientational movement in Mougeotia was inhibited by the calmodulin antagonist trifluoperazine, a hydrophobic compound, or N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalenesulfonamide (W-7), a hydrophilic compound; 50% inhibition (IC50) of chloroplast movement is caused by 20–50 mol l-1 trifluoperazine or 100 mol l-1 W-7. The Ca2+-calmodulin may act as an intermediate in the chloroplast reorientational response in Mougeotia governed by phytochrome.Abbreviations EGTA ethylene glycol-bis(-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - W-7 N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalene sulfonamide  相似文献   

Chloroplast proliferation was investigated inAdiantum protonemata growing under continuous red light. Cell division is absent when cells are grown under red light. The chloroplast number increases as the cell length increases, therefore the chloroplasts divide in the absence of cell division. Chloroplasts in the basal part of the filamentous protonemal cell migrate gradually toward the cell apex, but there is no large net migration from the tip to the base or vice versa, indicating that chloroplast division takes place in the apical part of the protonemata. Chloroplast number in the apical 100 μm was maintained at about 200 during cell growth at least over eight days. The chloroplasts were either dumbbell- or ellipsoid-shaped. Dumbbell-shaped chloroplasts are abundant everywhere in a protonema, ranging from 30 to 50% of the total chloroplasts. The dumbbell-shaped chloroplasts attached to or very close to the plasma membrane seem to be the ones that are dividing but the dumbbell-shaped ones in the other regions do not divide. These data support the hypothesis that a signal from the plasma membrane induces the dumbbell-shaped chloroplasts to divide.  相似文献   

B. Stenitz  K. L. Poff 《Planta》1986,168(3):305-315
The fluence-response curves were measured for phototropic curvature in response to unilateral 450-nm light in hypocotyls of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. These show the classical first positive (peak curvature of 9–10°), indifferent and second positive phototropic response. Reciprocity is valid only for the first positive response; the fluence requirements for its induction are similar to those for induction of the first positive phototropic response of coleoptiles. Large angles of curvature also may be induced by multiple pulses if the individual pulses are separated by an optimum dark period of about 15 min. The curvature induced by a given fluence, whether applied in continuous irradiation or a sequence of pulses, is a linear function of the duration of continuous irradiation or the duration between first and last pulse, respectively. For a given fluence applied in a sequence of pulses, reciprocity remains valid provided the duration between first and last exposure is kept constant. When the duration between first and last pulse is sufficiently long, the fluence required for high phototropic curvature falls in the first positive fluence range. These results are interpreted to indicate the existence of a kinetic limitation in the transduction sequence, and a relatively short lifetime of an initial physiologically active photoproduct. The apparent existence of more than one positive response may have resulted from these characteristics of the transduction sequence.  相似文献   

Protonemal cells ofAdiantum capillus-veneris were grown under red light conditions over 6 days and exposed to blue light for 8 hr (and then dim green light for 1 hr for technical reasons), before they were centrifuged acropetally over at least 1 hr at 2,000×g. After this treatment, an arrangement of endoplasmic microtubules (MTs) that resembled the shape of a tadpole could be detected some distance below the nucleus in about 40% of the cells. The percentage of protonemata bearing this Mtstructure was dependent on centrifugation time as well as the time of blue light irradiation. The size of the structure was constant at any time of its existence. Additionally, a wide belt of transversally oriented cortical MTs in the upper part of the protonemata was detected in many cells after blue light irradiation and acropetal centrifugation. Its formation rate seemed to be also dependent on the period of blue light irradiation and centrifugation time. None of the endoplasmic and few of the cortical transverse MT patterns could be seen without blue light irradiation. A strict coincidence in the formation of both MT patterns was not seen. Further, a few tadpole-shaped MT arrays remained during mitosis, whereas the cortical transverse MT pattern was found in stages other than metaphase and anaphase.  相似文献   

Chloroplast orientation in the green alga Mougeotia has been induced by unidirectional red or blue light, given continuously during one hour. In addition, part of the preparations obtained scattered strong far-red light simultaneously with the orienting light. This far-red light completely abolished the response to red light, consistent with phytochrome as the sensor pigment for orientation in Mougeotia. In blue light, however, the response was completely insensitive to far-red light, thus pointing to a different sensor pigment in the shortwavelength region.Abbreviation Pfr far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome  相似文献   

After a pre-treatment with red light, hair formation at the growing tip of the siphonaceous green alga Acetabularia mediterranea Lamour. (= A. acetabulum (L.) Silva) can be induced by a pulse of blue light. Red light is needed again after the inductive blue-light pulse if the new whorl of hairs is to develop within the next 24 h. In order to investigate the role of this red light, the duration of the red irradiation was varied and combined with periods of darkness. The response of hair-whorl formation was dependent on the total amount of red light, regardless of whether the red irradiation followed the blue pulse immediately or was separated from it by a period of darkness. Furthermore, periods of exposure to the photosynthesis inhibitor 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1-1dimethylurea had a similar effect to darkness. Both observations indicate that this red irradiation acts as a light source for photosynthesis. Whether or not the red light had an additional effect via phytochrome was tested in another type of experiment. The dependence of hair-whorl formation on red-light irradiance in the presence of simultaneous far-red irradiation was determined for the pre-irradiation period as well as for the irradiation period after the blue pulse. In both experiments, far-red light caused a small promotion of hair-whorl formation when low irradiances of red light were used. However, these differences were attributable to a low level of photosynthetic activity (which in fact was measurable) caused by red light reflected in the growth chamber. Furthermore, lowering the proportion of active phytochrome by far-red light would be expected to suppress hair-whorl formation. The influence of far-red light was also tested in a strain of Acetabularia mediterranea that developed hair whorls in about 20% of cells even when kept in complete darkness after the blue-light pulse. Far-red irradiation had no effect. These results strongly indicate that phytochrome is not involved in hair-whorl formation. Rather it is concluded that the effects of red light are caused by photosynthesis.Abbreviation DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea  相似文献   

We have used a class of Arabidopsis mutants altered in the accumulation and replication of chloroplasts (arc mutants) to investigate the effect of reduced chloroplast number on the photosynthetic competence of leaves. Each of the arc mutants examined (arc3, arc5, and arc6) accumulate only a few (2–15) large chloroplasts per mesophyll cell [K.A. Pyke and R.M. Leech (1992) Plant Physiology 99: 1005–1008]. The increased plastid size maintains a constant plastid to mesophyll cell volume, which has been suggested to compensate for the lower chloroplast number. In fact, we find that reduced chloroplast number has an effect on both the composition and structure of the photosynthetic apparatus, and that each arc mutant has an altered photosynthetic capacity, and we conclude that photosynthetic competence is dependent on proper chloroplast division and development.  相似文献   

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