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Chain scission of hyaluronan by peroxynitrite   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The reaction of peroxynitrite with the biopolymer hyaluronan has been studied using stopped-flow techniques combined with detection of molecular weight changes using the combination of gel permeation chromatography and multiangle laser light scattering. From the effect of peroxynitrite on the yield of hyaluronan chain breaks, it was concluded that the chain breaks were caused by hydroxyl radicals which escape a cage containing the *OH NO*(2) radical pair. The yield of free hydroxyl radicals was determined as 5+/-1% (as a proportion of the total peroxynitrite concentration). At high peroxynitrite concentrations, it was observed that the yield of chain breaks leveled out, an effect largely attributable to the scavenging of hydroxyl radicals by nitrite ions present in the peroxynitrite preparation. These experiments also provided some support for a previous proposal that the adduct formed between ONOOH and ONOO(-) might itself produce hydroxyl radicals. The rate of this reaction would have to be of the order of 0.05 s(-1) to produce hydroxyl radical yields that would account quantitatively for chain break yields at high peroxynitrite concentrations. By carrying out experiments at higher hyaluronan concentrations, it was also concluded that an additional yield of chain breaks was produced by the bimolecular reaction of the polymer with ONOOH at a rate constant of about 10 dm(3)mol(-1)s(-1). At 5.3 x 10(-3)mol dm(-3) hyaluronan, this amounted to 3.5% chain breaks (per peroxynitrite concentration). These conclusions support the proposal that the yield of hydroxyl radicals arising from the isomerization of ONOOH to nitrate ions is relatively low.  相似文献   

Since the content of hyaluronan (HA)-degrading enzymes in synovial fluid (SF), if any, is extremely low, the high rate of HA turnover in SF is to result from a cause different from enzymatic catabolism. An alternative and plausible mechanism is that of oxidative-reductive degradation of HA chains by a combined action of oxygen and transition metal cations maintained in a reduced oxidation state by ascorbate.  相似文献   

The effects of peroxynitrite on hyaluronan has been studied by using an integrated spectroscopical approach, namely electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and mass spectrometry (MS). The reaction has been performed with the polymer, the tetrasaccharide oligomer as well as with the monosaccharides N-acetylglucosamine and glucuronic acid. The outcome of the presence of molecular oxygen and carbon dioxide has been also evaluated. Although 1H-NMR and ESI-MS experiments did not revealed peroxynitrite-mediated modification of hyaluronan as well as of related saccharides, from spin-trapping EPR experiments it was concluded that peroxynitrite induce the formation of C-centered carbon radicals, most probably by the way of its hydroxyl radical-like reactivity. These EPR data support the oxidative pathway involved in the degradation of hyaluronan, a probable event in the development and progression of rheumatoid arthritis.  相似文献   

The size of hyaluronan in solid tissue was measured using a combination of agarose gel electrophoresis and a radiometric assay. Radiolabeled hyaluronan binding proteins, used in the radiometric assay, were also used to detect hyaluronan after transfer to a nylon membrane following gel electrophoresis. Lane intensity on the autoradiograph was linearly related to the amount applied to the gel between 10 and 100ng. The intensity was independent of the hyaluronan molecular weight for standards with molecular weights equal to or greater than 790,000. The radiometric assay was used to measure hyaluronan irrespective of size, while gel electrophoresis was used to measure hyaluronan with molecular weights greater than 0.79x10(6) or 4x10(6). Deferoxamine was used to inhibit depolymerization during the digestion of tissue samples with protease. The molecular weight pattern was similar for skin, skeletal muscle, heart, lung, small intestine, and large intestine despite large differences in hyaluronan content. For all tissues, 58% of the hyaluronan had a molecular weight greater than 4million. All tissues showed an absence of hyaluronan with a molecular weight below 790,000. The procedure can be used to study changes in hyaluronan size in tissue during inflammation and other pathological states.  相似文献   

Subjects of bovine and porcine flocks are sometimes susceptible to death before time of slaughter, and some of those deaths may be due to cardiovascular problems connected with stress. The role of oxidative stress in farm animals is yet unexplored. Human fibrinogen seems to be highly susceptible to nitration. Peroxynitrite produced from superoxide and nitric oxide initiates noticeable changes in the structure of human fibrinogen molecule. The objective of this work is to compare the in vitro interactions of peroxynitrite with human fibrinogen and with fibrinogen from mammals of great economic importance, namely cows and pigs. Using western blots and ELISA we show that porcine fibrinogen is susceptible to tyrosine nitration induced by peroxynitrite whereas, bovine fibrinogen is more resistant. Moreover, porcine fibrinogen polymerization is susceptible to peroxynitrite action, whereas bovine fibrinogen is the least susceptible to inhibition of polymerization caused by peroxynitrite. These observed differences may result from differences in amino acid sequence of fibrinogen chains, mostly including tyrosine content and location in the Aα chain. Protection against toxic effects of peroxynitrite activity in the circulatory system seems to be important in avoiding cardiovascular diseases and may prevent production loss in pig breeding herds.  相似文献   

Many human diseases are associated with harmful action of reactive oxygen species (ROS). These species are involved in the degradation of essential tissue or related components. One of such components is synovial fluid that contains a high-molecular-weight polymer--hyaluronan (HA). Uninhibited and/or inhibited hyaluronan degradation by the action of various ROS has been studied in many in vitro models. In these studies, the change of the molecular weight of HA or a related parameter, such as HA solution viscosity, has been used as a marker of inflicted damage. The aim of the presented review is to briefly summarize the available data. Their correct interpretation could contribute to the implementation of modern methods of evaluation of the antioxidative capacity of natural and synthetic substances and prospective drugs--potential inflammatory disease modifying agents. Another focus of this review is to evaluate briefly the impact of different available analytical techniques currently used to investigate the structure of native high-molecular-weight hyaluronan and/or of its fragments.  相似文献   

Dynamic viscosity (eta) of the high-molecular-weight hyaluronan (HA) solution was measured by a Brookfield rotational viscometer equipped with a Teflon cup and spindle of coaxial cylindrical geometry. The decrease of eta of the HA solution, indicating degradation of the biopolymer, was induced by a system containing H2O2 alone or H2O2 plus CuCl2. The reaction system H2O2 plus CuCl2 as investigated by EPR spin-trapping technique revealed the formation of a four-line EPR signal characteristic of a *DMPO-OH spin adduct. Thus, hydroxyl radicals are implicated in degradation of high-molecular-weight HA by the system containing H2O2 and CuCl2.  相似文献   

Current understanding on the role of peroxynitrite in etiology and pathogenesis of some human diseases, such as cardio-vascular diseases, stroke, cancer, inflammation, neurodegenerative disorders, diabetes mellitus and diabetic complications has recently led to intensive investigation of peroxynitrite involvement in physiology and pathophysiology. Mechanism of cytotoxic effects of peroxynitrite involve its reactions with lipids, DNA/RNA, proteins, and polysaccharides, thus triggering cellular responses ranging from subtle changes of cell functioning to severe oxidative damage of the affected macromolecules leading to necrosis or apoptosis. The present work is aimed at providing a brief overview of i) peroxynitrite biosynthesis and reaction pathways in vivo, ii) its synthetic preparation in vitro, and iii) to reveal its potential damaging role in vivo, on actions studied via monitoring in vitro hyaluronan degradation. The complex biochemical behavior of peroxynitrite is determined by a number of variables, such as chemistry of the reaction itself, depending mostly on the involvement of conformational structures of different energy states, concentration of the species involved, content of reactive intermediates and trace transition metal ions, contribution of carbon dioxide, presence of trace organics, and by the reaction kinetics. Recently, in vitro studies of oxidative cleavage of hyaluronan have, in fact, been the subject of growing interest. Here we also describe our experimental set-up for studying peroxynitrite-mediated degradation of hyaluronan, a system, which may be suitable for testing prospective pharmacological substances.  相似文献   

Hyaluronan (HA), an extracellular linear polysaccharide of alternating N-acetyl-glucosamine and glucuronic acid residues, is ubiquitously expressed in vertebrates, where it affects a broad spectrum of physiological processes, including cell adhesion, migration and differentiation. The HA polymer is synthesized on the cytosolic side of the cell membrane by the membrane-embedded hyaluronan synthase (HAS). However, the process by which the extremely hydrophilic HA polymer is translocated across the membrane is unknown to date. The bacterial HAS from Streptococcus equisimilis (Se) shares a similar transmembrane topology and significant sequence identity with human HASs and likely synthesizes HA by the same mechanism. We demonstrate that the Se-HAS is both necessary and sufficient to translocate HA in a reaction that is tightly coupled to HA elongation. The purified Se-HAS is reconstituted into proteoliposomes (PLs) where it synthesizes and translocates HA. In vitro synthesized, high-molecular-weight HA remains tightly associated with the intact PLs in sedimentation experiments. Most importantly, the newly formed HA is protected from enzymatic degradation by hyaluronidase unless the PLs are solubilized with detergent, thereby demonstrating that HA is translocated into the lumen of the vesicle. In addition, we show that HA synthesis and translocation are spatially coupled events, which allow HA synthesis even in the presence of a large excess of HA-degrading enzyme. The coupled synthesis and membrane translocation of a biopolymer represents a novel membrane translocation mechanism and is likely applicable to the synthesis of some of the most abundant biopolymers, including chitin and cellulose.  相似文献   

A procedure to isolate high-molecular-weight DNA from plant materials has been devised. With this procedure, high-molecular-weight DNA suitable for Southern transfer experiments has been isolated from over 30 plant species including angiosperms (both dicots and monocots), a gymnosperm, members of other divisions, and two microorganisms.  相似文献   

Peroxynitrite (ONOO-) is correlated with the pathogenesis of Helicobacter pylori-induced peptic ulcer diseases. We aimed to investigate the time- and concentration-dependent bactericidal and morphological effects of ONOO- on H. pylori. Authentic ONOO- was synthesized as quenched-flow method. A stock culture of H. pylori NCTC 11637 was exposed to different concentrations of ONOO- (0.1-40 micromol/L) or decomposed ONOO- or fresh medium. Samples were taken at 0, 15, 30, 60, and 120 minutes, for the evaluation of viable bacteria and bacterial morphology with gram strain and transmission electron microscopy. Decomposed ONOO- showed no bactericidal activity against H. pylori. ONOO- application caused a decrease in the number of viable bacteria within the first 15 minutes. The significant conversion of H. pylori from spiral form to coccoid form was determined with 10 micromol/L of ONOO-, and higher concentrations caused lysis of the cells. Separation of cell wall, bleb formation, vacuolization, decrease of secretory granules, and lysis of bacteria were the morphological effects of ONOO- on H. pylori. Because the morphology of the bacteria is one of the important factors in virulence; peroxynitrite-related morphological effects might have an impact in the progress of the H. pylori-induced peptic ulcer diseases.  相似文献   

There is much interest in the bioactivity of in vivo flavonoid metabolites. We report for the first time the hierarchy of reactivity of flavonoid metabolites with peroxynitrite and characterise novel reaction products. O-Methylation of the B-ring catechol containing flavonoids epicatechin and quercetin, and O-glucuronidation of all flavonoids reduced their reactivity with peroxynitrite. The reaction of the flavanones hesperetin and naringenin and their glucuronides resulted in the formation of multiple mono-nitrated and nitrosated products. In contrast, the catechol-containing flavonoids epicatechin and quercetin yielded oxidation products which when trapped with glutathione led to the production of glutathionyl-conjugates. However, the O-methylated metabolites of epicatechin yielded both mono- and di-nitrated products and nitrosated metabolites. The 3'-O-methyl metabolite of quercetin also yielded a nitrosated species, although its counterpart 4'-O-methyl quercetin yielded only oxidation products. Such products may represent novel metabolic products in vivo and may also express cellular activity.  相似文献   

It has been proposed (S. Christen et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94, 3217-3222, 1997) that although alpha-tocopherol (alpha-TH) is an efficient antioxidant, the presence of gamma-tocopherol (gamma-TH) may be required to scavenge peroxynitrite-derived reactive nitrogen species. To investigate the reactions between alpha-TH, gamma-TH, and peroxynitrite, endogenous levels of both alpha-TH and gamma-TH were monitored when low-density lipoprotein was oxidized in the presence of the peroxynitrite generator 5-amino-3-(4-morpholinyl)-1, 2,3-oxadiazolium (SIN-1). SIN-1 oxidized alpha-TH while gamma-TH levels remained constant. The sparing of gamma-TH was also demonstrated when 1,2-dilauroyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine liposomes containing alpha-TH and gamma-TH were incubated with either SIN-1 or peroxynitrite. Our data show that alpha-TH inhibits peroxynitrite-mediated gamma-TH nitration, i.e., 5-NO2-gamma-tocopherol formation. The rate constants for the reactions between both alpha-TH and gamma-TH with peroxynitrite suggest that the sparing of gamma-TH by alpha-TH does not occur by competitive scavenging, but may be due to the formation of a transient gamma-TH intermediate. Nitration of gamma-TH becomes significant only after alpha-TH levels have been depleted. We conclude alpha-TH alone is sufficient to remove any peroxynitrite-derived reactive nitrogen species, as the presence of alpha-TH attenuates nitration of both gamma-TH and tyrosine. The present results also indicate that a bolus addition of peroxynitrite or SIN-1 to liposomes containing gamma-TH forms 5-NO2-gamma-tocopherol in similar yields. This is in contrast to their reaction profile with tyrosine in aqueous solution. Under these conditions, SIN-1 does not form nitrotyrosine at detectable yields.  相似文献   

透明质素(Hyaluronan)是一种被广泛应用于临床医学领域的粘多糖类物质。有关它的药用标准相继出台。本文引用了欧洲药典2002版以及删拟定的草案对透明质酸钠制定的药用标准。同时提出了建立我国的相应标准所需的检测项目和期望采用的测试手段,为我国开展相关研究提供可供参考的工作平台。  相似文献   

The genes for the degradation of 3-chlorobenzoic acid ( 3Cba ) are present in a 110-kb plasmid pAC27 . A circular map is established using the restriction endonucleases EcoRI, HindIII and Bg/II. The map is derived from the results obtained by partial restriction digestion, complete single and double restriction digestion and finally confirmed with hybridization of the digested fragments using different purified fragments as probes. The 3Cba degradative genes are found to be clustered in one region of the map (EcoRI fragment A) as judged by molecular cloning with a broad host range vector pLAFRI . A portion of the 3Cba degradative gene cluster appears to undergo ready recombination with the chromosome, even in a recA host, suggesting the probable transposable nature of such gene cluster.  相似文献   

In a series of heme and non-heme proteins the nitration of tyrosine residues was assessed by complete pronase digestion and subsequent HPLC-based separation of 3-nitrotyrosine. Bolus addition of peroxynitrite caused comparable nitration levels in all tested proteins. Nitration mainly depended on the total amount of tyrosine residues as well as on surface exposition. In contrast, when superoxide and nitrogen monoxide (NO) were generated at equal rates to yield low steady-state concentrations of peroxynitrite, metal catalysis seemed to play a dominant role in determining the sensitivity and selectivity of peroxynitrite-mediated tyrosine nitration in proteins. Especially, the heme-thiolate containing proteins cytochrome P450(BM-3) (wild type and F87Y variant) and prostacyclin synthase were nitrated with high efficacy. Nitration by co-generated NO/O(2)(-) was inhibited in the presence of superoxide dismutase. The NO source alone only yielded background nitration levels. Upon changing the NO/O(2)(-) ratio to an excess of NO, a decrease in nitration in agreement with trapping of peroxynitrite and derived radicals by NO was observed. These results clearly identify peroxynitrite as the nitrating species even at low steady-state concentrations and demonstrate that metal catalysis plays an important role in nitration of protein-bound tyrosine.  相似文献   

The hyaluronan receptor belongs to the polymorphic family of CD44 glycoproteins, which have been implicated in a variety of cellular functions including adhesion to hyaluronan and collagen, the binding of lymphocytes to high endothelial cells during extravasation, and conferring metastatic potential to carcinoma cells. Here, we demonstrate that the receptor also participates in the uptake and degradation of hyaluronan by both transformed fibroblasts (SV-3T3 cells) and alveolar macrophages. These cells were incubated with isotopically labeled hyaluronan for various periods of time, and the extent of degradation was determined by either molecular-sieve chromatography or centrifugation through Centricon 30 microconcentrators. The macrophages degraded the hyaluronan at a faster rate than the SV-3T3 cells, which may reflect the fact that they contained a greater number of receptors. More importantly, in both cell types, the degradation of hyaluronan was specifically blocked by antibodies directed against the receptor. However, the receptor by itself did not have the ability to degrade hyaluronan, since preparations of SV-3T3 membranes containing the receptor did not break down hyaluronan. Subsequent experiments revealed that macrophages can internalize fluorescein-tagged hyaluronan, and this process was blocked by antibodies against the receptor. Furthermore, the subsequent degradation of hyaluronan was inhibited by agents that block the acidification of lysosomes (chloroquine and NH4Cl). Thus, the most likely explanation for these results is that the receptor mediates the uptake of hyaluronan into the cell where it can be degraded by acid hydrolases in lysosomes. The ability of cells expressing the receptor to degrade hyaluronan may be important during tissue morphogenesis and cell migration.  相似文献   

The hyaluronan receptor, CD44   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
CD44 is a widely expressed cell surface hyaluronan receptor which plays a key role in mediating cell migration. A number of recent papers demonstrating an interplay between CD44 and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) have shed important insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying these events. This has important implication for understanding how mis-regulation of CD44 can contribute to disease pathologies.  相似文献   

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