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In echo-planar imaging (EPI), such as commonly used for functional MRI (fMRI) and diffusion-tensor imaging (DTI), compressed distortion is a more difficult challenge than local stretching as spatial information can be lost in strongly compressed areas. In addition, the effects are more severe at ultra-high field (UHF) such as 7T due to increased field inhomogeneity. To resolve this problem, two EPIs with opposite phase-encoding (PE) polarity were acquired and combined after distortion correction. For distortion correction, a point spread function (PSF) mapping method was chosen due to its high correction accuracy and extended to perform distortion correction of both EPIs with opposite PE polarity thus reducing the PSF reference scan time. Because the amount of spatial information differs between the opposite PE datasets, the method was further extended to incorporate a weighted combination of the two distortion-corrected images to maximize the spatial information content of a final corrected image. The correction accuracy of the proposed method was evaluated in distortion-corrected data using both forward and reverse phase-encoded PSF reference data and compared with the reversed gradient approaches suggested previously. Further we demonstrate that the extended PSF method with an improved weighted combination can recover local distortions and spatial information loss and be applied successfully not only to spin-echo EPI, but also to gradient-echo EPIs acquired with both PE directions to perform geometrically accurate image reconstruction.  相似文献   

Although GroE chaperonins and osmolytes had been used separately as protein folding aids, combining these two methods provides a considerable advantage for folding proteins that cannot fold with either osmolytes or chaperonins alone. This technique rapidly identifies superior folding solution conditions for a broad array of proteins that are difficult or impossible to fold by other methods. While testing the broad applicability of this technique, we have discovered that osmolytes greatly simplify the chaperonin reaction by eliminating the requirement for the co-chaperonin GroES which is normally involved in encapsulating folding proteins within the GroEL–GroES cavity. Therefore, combinations of soluble or immobilized GroEL, osmolytes and ATP or even ADP are sufficient to refold the test proteins. The first step in the chaperonin/osmolyte process is to form a stable long-lived chaperonin–substrate protein complex in the absence of nucleotide. In the second step, different osmolyte solutions are added along with nucleotides, thus forming a ‘folding array’ to identify superior folding conditions. The stable chaperonin–substrate protein complex can be concentrated or immobilized prior to osmolyte addition. This procedure prevents-off pathway aggregation during folding/refolding reactions and more importantly allows one to refold proteins at concentrations (~mg/ml) that are substantially higher than the critical aggregation concentration for given protein. This technique can be used for successful refolding of proteins from purified inclusion bodies. Recently, other investigators have used our chaperonin/osmolyte method to demonstrate that a mutant protein that misfolds in human disease can be rescued by GroEL/osmolyte system. Soluble or immobilized GroEL can be easily removed from the released folded protein using simple separation techniques. The method allows for isolation of folded monomeric or oligomeric proteins in quantities sufficient for X-ray crystallography or NMR structural determinations.  相似文献   

The establishment of short-rotation willow coppice plantations for bioenergy production is proposed as a land management practice to reduce the use of fossil fuels. However, there is little information on the performance of different willow (Salix spp.) cultivars on various types of soils and over climate gradients. This study aimed to determine which set of soil, climatic conditions, and cultivars are conducive to greater growth in eastern Canada. The performance of five willow cultivars was followed over three growing seasons on eight sites representing a large hydroclimatic gradient. Both geographic location and cultivar had a significant effect on annual yields. Annual yields were on average greater in the southern part of the climatic gradient. Across all cultivars, annual yields were positively correlated to average annual temperature (r = 0.23), total annual precipitation (r = 0.77), average growing season temperature (r = 0.21), average growing season precipitation (r = 0.47), and degree days (r = 0.18), as well as soil pH (r = 0.37) and soil extractible P (r = 0.38), and negatively correlated to soil clay content (r = 0.33). Cultivars of the SX group (i.e., Salix miyabeana SX61, SX64, and SX67) showed greater yield than did cultivars of the SV group (i.e., Salix × dasyclados SV1 and Salix viminalis SV5027). These results indicate that at the landscape level, climate variables, especially climate-related variables, largely explain the yield of the selected willow cultivars. Nonetheless, soil pH, extractable P, and clay content likely play an important role in plantation yield.  相似文献   

Metals are naturally opaque for electromagnetic (EM) waves below violet frequency due to the Coulomb screening effect. In this letter, we demonstrate high optical transparency of a seamless continuous metal film by sandwiching it in a hybrid plasmonic-optical structure. The proposed structure consists of a plasmonic array and an optical cavity, which exhibits magnetic plasmon (MP) resonance and optical Fabry-Perot (FP) resonance, respectively. An optical transparency of 84% in the near-IR regime is achieved making use of interaction between the plasmonic and optical modes. Furthermore, spectral tunability of the high transparency is demonstrated and robustness under oblique incidence is examined. This work may give insights into plasmonic-optical interactions and may be a potential candidate for transparent electrodes.  相似文献   



Previous studies have focused on linking soil community structure, diversity, or specific taxa to disturbances. Relatively little attention has been directed to crop monoculture soils, particularly potato monoculture. Information about microbial community changes over time between monoculture and non-monoculture treatments is lacking. Furthermore, few studies have examined microbial communities in potato monoculture soils using a high throughput pyrosequencing approach.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Soils along a seven-year gradient of potato monoculture were collected and microbial communities were characterized using high throughput pyrosequencing approach. Principal findings are as follows. First, diversity (H Shannon) and richness (S Chao1) indices of bacterial community, but not of fungal community, were linearly decreased over time and corresponded to a decline of soil sustainability represented by yield decline and disease incidence increase. Second, Fusarium, the only soilborne pathogen-associated fungal genus substantially detected, was linearly increased over time in abundance and was closely associated with yield decline. Third, Fusarium abundance was negatively correlated with soil organic matter (OM) and total nitrogen (TN) but positively with electrical conductivity (EC). Fourth, Fusarium was correlated in abundances with 6 bacterial taxa over time.


Soil bacterial and fungal communities exhibited differential responses to the potato monoculture. The overall soil bacterial communities were shaped by potato monoculture. Fusarium was the only soilborne pathogen-associated genus associated with disease incidence increase and yield decline. The changes of soil OM, TN and EC were responsible for Fusarium enrichment, in addition to selections by the monoculture crop. Acidobacteria and Nitrospirae were linearly decreased over time in abundance, corresponding to the decrease of OM, suggesting their similar ecophysiologial trait. Correlations between abundance of Fusarium with several other bacterial taxa suggested their similar behaviors in responses to potato monoculture and/or soil variables, providing insights into the ecological behaviors of these taxa in the environment.  相似文献   

Solution‐processed zinc oxide nanocrystals (ZnO NCs) hybridized with insulating poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) are introduced as a cathode interlayer in bulk heterojunction organic photovoltaic cells based on poly(3‐hexylthiophene) (P3HT):(6,6)‐phenyl‐C61 butyric acid methyl ester (PC61BM) blends. The performance of devices with ZnO‐PEG interlayers exhibit an excellent maximum power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 4.4% with a fill factor (FF) of 0.69 under optimized conditions. This enhanced device performance is attributed to decreased series resistance from the hole blocking properties of ZnO, as well as the facilitated electron transport due to the reduced area of ZnO domain boundaries upon addition of PEG. The addition of PEG also lowers the electron affinity of ZnO, which leads to a nearly Ohmic contact at the polymer/metal interface. Moreover, the ZnO‐PEG interlayer serves as an optical spacer that enhances light absorption and thereby increases the photocurrent. The addition of PEG permits control over layer thickness and refractive indices. Improved photon energy absorption is supported by optical simulations. Devices with highly stable metals such as Ag and Au also show dramatically enhanced performance comparable to conventional devices with Al cathode. Due to its simplicity and excellent characteristics, this multifunctional interlayer is suitable for high performance printed photovoltaic cells.  相似文献   

Peripheral nerve injury (PNI), a common injury in both the civilian and military arenas, is usually associated with high healthcare costs and with patients enduring slow recovery times, diminished quality of life, and potential long-term disability. Patients with PNI typically undergo complex interventions but the factors that govern optimal response are not fully characterized. A fundamental understanding of the cellular and tissue-level events in the immediate postoperative period is essential for improving treatment and optimizing repair. Here, we demonstrate a comprehensive imaging approach to evaluate peripheral nerve axonal regeneration in a rodent PNI model using a tissue clearing method to improve depth penetration while preserving neural architecture. Sciatic nerve transaction and end-to-end repair were performed in both wild type and thy-1 GFP rats. The nerves were harvested at time points after repair before undergoing whole mount immunofluorescence staining and tissue clearing. By increasing the optic depth penetration, tissue clearing allowed the visualization and evaluation of Wallerian degeneration and nerve regrowth throughout entire sciatic nerves with subcellular resolution. The tissue clearing protocol did not affect immunofluorescence labeling and no observable decrease in the fluorescence signal was observed. Large-area, high-resolution tissue volumes could be quantified to provide structural and connectivity information not available from current gold-standard approaches for evaluating axonal regeneration following PNI. The results are suggestive of observed behavioral recovery in vivo after neurorrhaphy, providing a method of evaluating axonal regeneration following repair that can serve as an adjunct to current standard outcomes measurements. This study demonstrates that tissue clearing following whole mount immunofluorescence staining enables the complete visualization and quantitative evaluation of axons throughout nerves in a PNI model. The methods developed in this study could advance PNI research allowing both researchers and clinicians to further understand the individual events of axonal degeneration and regeneration on a multifaceted level.  相似文献   



The annual risk of tuberculous infection (ARTI) is a key epidemiological indicator of the extent of transmission in a community. Several methods have been suggested to estimate the prevalence of tuberculous infection using tuberculin skin test data. This paper explores the implications of using different methods to estimate prevalence of infection and ARTI. The effect of BCG vaccination on these estimates is also investigated.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Tuberculin surveys among school children in 16 communities in Zambia and 8 in South Africa (SA) were performed in 2005, as part of baseline data collection and for randomisation purposes of the ZAMSTAR study. Infection prevalence and ARTI estimates were calculated using five methods: different cut-offs with or without adjustments for sensitivity, the mirror method, and mixture analysis. A total of 49,835 children were registered for the surveys, of which 25,048 (50%) had skin tests done and 22,563 (90%) of those tested were read. Infection prevalence was higher in the combined SA than Zambian communities. The mirror method resulted in the least difference of 7.8%, whereas that estimated by the cut-off methods varied from 12.2% to 17.3%. The ARTI in the Zambian and SA communities was between 0.8% and 2.8% and 2.5% and 4.2% respectively, depending on the method used. In the SA communities, the ARTI was higher among the younger children. BCG vaccination had little effect on these estimates.


ARTI estimates are dependent on the calculation method used. All methods agreed that there were substantial differences in infection prevalence across the communities, with higher rates in SA. Although TB notification rates have increased over the past decades, the difference in cumulative exposure between younger and older children is less dramatic and a rise in risk of infection in parallel with the estimated incidence of active tuberculosis cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

A new method for the isolation of smooth endoplasmic reticulumand tonoplast from etiolated mung bean hypocotyls (Vigna radiata[L.] Wilczek) has been developed. After centrifugation in aFicoli density gradient [5.5% (w/w) in 15% (w/w) sucrose] ofa crude microsomal membrane fraction (10,000–156,000?gpellet) which had been prepared and resuspended in buffer systemsthat contained 0.25 M sorbitol, more than 80% of the total amountsof smooth endoplasmic reticulum and tonoplast were co-bandedat the interface between the sample load and the Ficoll layer,while most of the other cellular membranes, including plasmamembrane, Golgi membranes and yellow-colored membrane materials,which were presumably the etioplast envelopes, were sedimentedthrough the Ficoli layer. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum and tonoplastwere separated from each other to a high degree of enrichmentby a subsequent two-polymer phase partitioning. The separationis based on the principle that mung bean tonoplast has a highpartition coefficient for the polyethylene glycol-enriched upperphase and the smooth endoplasmic reticulum has a high partitioncoefficient for the Dextran-enriched lower phase. Assessed interms of degree of contamination by activities of membrane markerenzymes, the isolated smooth endoplasmic reticulum and tonoplastfractions were found to be highly purified. An ATPase sensitiveto neutral detergent and vanadate was found to be specificallyassociated with the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. 1Contribution No. 3172 from the Institute of Low TemperatureScience (Received April 22, 1988; Accepted September 28, 1988)  相似文献   

In order to understand organogenesis, the spatial and temporal alterations that occur during development of tissues need to be recorded. The method described here allows time-lapse analysis of normal and impaired kidney development in zebrafish embryos by using a fluorescence dissecting microscope equipped for structured illumination and z-stack acquisition. To visualize nephrogenesis, transgenic zebrafish (Tg(wt1b:GFP)) with fluorescently labeled kidney structures were used. Renal defects were triggered by injection of an antisense morpholino oligonucleotide against the Wilms tumor gene wt1a, a factor known to be crucial for kidney development.The advantage of the experimental setup is the combination of a zoom microscope with simple strategies for re-adjusting movements in x, y or z direction without additional equipment. To circumvent focal drift that is induced by temperature variations and mechanical vibrations, an autofocus strategy was applied instead of utilizing a usually required environmental chamber. In order to re-adjust the positional changes due to a xy-drift, imaging chambers with imprinted relocation grids were employed.In comparison to more complex setups for time-lapse recording with optical sectioning such as confocal laser scanning or light sheet microscopes, a zoom microscope is easy to handle. Besides, it offers dissecting microscope-specific benefits such as high depth of field and an extended working distance.The method to study organogenesis presented here can also be used with fluorescence stereo microscopes not capable of optical sectioning. Although limited for high-throughput, this technique offers an alternative to more complex equipment that is normally used for time-lapse recording of developing tissues and organ dynamics.  相似文献   

Most species distribution models assume a close link between climatic conditions and species distributions. Yet, we know little about the link between species'' geographical distributions and the sensitivity of performance to local environmental factors. We studied the performance of three bryophyte species transplanted at south- and north-facing slopes in a boreal forest landscape in Sweden. At the same sites, we measured both air and ground temperature. We hypothesized that the two southerly distributed species Eurhynchium angustirete and Herzogiella seligeri perform better on south-facing slopes and in warm conditions, and that the northerly distributed species Barbilophozia lycopodioides perform better on north-facing slopes and in relatively cool conditions. The northern, but not the two southern species, showed the predicted relationship with slope aspect. However, the performance of one of the two southern species was still enhanced by warm temperatures. An important reason for the inconsistent results can be that microclimatic gradients across landscapes are complex and influenced by many climate-forcing factors. Therefore, comparing only north- and south-facing slopes might not capture the complexity of microclimatic gradients. Population growth rates and potential distributions are the integrated results of all vital rates. Still, the study of selected vital rates constitutes an important first step to understand the relationship between population growth rates and geographical distributions and is essential to better predict how climate change influences species distributions.  相似文献   

A high performance plasmonic sensor based on a metal-insulator-metal (MIM) waveguide coupled with a double-cavity structure consisting of a side-coupled rectangular cavity and a disk cavity is proposed. The transmission characteristics of the rectangular cavity and disk cavity are analyzed theoretically and the improvements of performance for the double-cavity structure compared with a single cavity are studied. The influence of structural parameters on the transmission spectra and sensing performance are investigated in detail. A sensitivity of 1136 nm/RIU with a high figure of merit of 51,275 can be achieved at the resonant wavelength of 1148.5 nm. Due to the high performance and easy fabrication, the proposed structure may be applied in integrated optical circuits and on-chip nanosensors.  相似文献   

Phytoplasmas are unculturable bacterial plant pathogens transmitted by phloem-feeding hemipteran insects. DNA of phytoplasmas is difficult to purify because of their exclusive phloem location and low abundance in plants. To overcome this constraint, suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) was modified and used to selectively amplify DNA of the stolbur phytoplasma infecting a periwinkle plant. Plasmid libraries were constructed, and the origins of the DNA inserts were verified by hybridization and PCR screenings. After a single round of SSH, there was still a significant level of contamination with plant DNA (around 50%). However, the modified SSH, which included a second round of subtraction (double SSH), resulted in an increased phytoplasma DNA purity (97%). Results validated double SSH as an efficient way to produce a genome survey for microbial agents unavailable in culture. Assembly of 266 insert sequences revealed 181 phytoplasma genetic loci which were annotated. Comparative analysis of 113 kbp indicated that among 217 protein coding sequences, 83% were homologous to “Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris” (OY-M strain) genes, with hits widely distributed along the chromosome. Most of the stolbur-specific SSH sequences were orphan genes, with the exception of two partial coding sequences encoding proteins homologous to a mycoplasma surface protein and riboflavin kinase.  相似文献   

A new weak electron‐deficient building block, bis(2‐ethylhexyl) 2,5‐bis(5‐bromothiophen‐2‐yl) thieno[3,2‐b]thiophene‐3,6‐dicarboxylate ( TT‐Th ), is incorporated to construct a wide‐bandgap (1.88 eV) polymer PBDT‐TT for nonfullerene polymer solar cells (NF‐PSCs). PBDT‐TT possesses suitable energy levels and complementary absorption when blended with both ITIC analogues ( ITIC and IT‐M ) and a near‐infrared (NIR) acceptor ( 6TIC ). Moreover, PBDT‐TT exhibits good conjugated planarity and preferable face‐on orientation in the blended thin film, which are beneficial for charge transfer and carrier transport. The PSCs based on PBDT‐TT : IT‐M and PBDT‐TT : 6TIC blend films yield high power conversion efficiencies of 11.38% and 11.03%, respectively. To the best of the authors' knowledge, the PCE of 11.03% for PBDT‐TT : 6TIC‐ based device is one of the highest values reported for NIR NF‐PSCs. This work demonstrates that TT‐Th is a useful new electron‐accepting building block for making p‐type wide bandgap polymers for efficient NIR NF‐PSCs.  相似文献   

The purpose of our study was to validate perfusion quantification in a low-perfused tissue by dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) with shared k-space sampling using a blood pool contrast agent. Perfusion measurements were performed in a total of seven female pigs. An ultrasonic Doppler probe was attached to the right femoral artery to determine total flow in the hind leg musculature. The femoral artery was catheterized for continuous local administration of adenosine to increase blood flow up to four times the baseline level. Three different stable perfusion levels were induced. The MR protocol included a 3D gradient-echo sequence with a temporal resolution of approximately 1.5 seconds. Before each dynamic sequence, static MR images were acquired with flip angles of 5°, 10°, 20°, and 30°. Both static and dynamic images were used to generate relaxation rate and baseline magnetization maps with a flip angle method. 0.1 mL/kg body weight of blood pool contrast medium was injected via a central venous catheter at a flow rate of 5 mL/s. The right hind leg was segmented in 3D into medial, cranial, lateral, and pelvic thigh muscles, lower leg, bones, skin, and fat. The arterial input function (AIF) was measured in the aorta. Perfusion of the different anatomic regions was calculated using a one- and a two-compartment model with delay- and dispersion-corrected AIFs. The F-test for model comparison was used to decide whether to use the results of the one- or two-compartment model fit. Total flow was calculated by integrating volume-weighted perfusion values over the whole measured region. The resulting values of delay, dispersion, blood volume, mean transit time, and flow were all in physiologically and physically reasonable ranges. In 107 of 160 ROIs, the blood signal was separated, using a two-compartment model, into a capillary and an arteriolar signal contribution, decided by the F-test. Overall flow in hind leg muscles, as measured by the ultrasound probe, highly correlated with total flow determined by MRI, R = 0.89 and P = 10−7. Linear regression yielded a slope of 1.2 and a y-axis intercept of 259 mL/min. The mean total volume of the investigated muscle tissue corresponds to an offset perfusion of 4.7mL/(min ⋅ 100cm3). The DCE-MRI technique presented here uses a blood pool contrast medium in combination with a two-compartment tracer kinetic model and allows absolute quantification of low-perfused non-cerebral organs such as muscles.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies represent the most important group of protein-based biopharmaceuticals. During formulation, manufacturing, or storage, antibodies may suffer post-translational modifications altering their physical and chemical properties. Such induced conformational changes may lead to the formation of aggregates, which can not only reduce their efficiency but also be immunogenic. Therefore, it is essential to monitor the amount of size variants to ensure consistency and quality of pharmaceutical antibodies. In many cases, antibodies are formulated at very high concentrations > 50 g/L, mostly along with high amounts of sugar-based excipients. As a consequence, all routine aggregation analysis methods, such as size-exclusion chromatography, cannot monitor the size distribution at those original conditions, but only after dilution and usually under completely different solvent conditions. In contrast, sedimentation velocity (SV) allows to analyze samples directly in the product formulation, both with limited sample-matrix interactions and minimal dilution. One prerequisite for the analysis of highly concentrated samples is the detection of steep concentration gradients with sufficient resolution: Commercially available ultracentrifuges are not able to resolve such steep interference profiles. With the development of our Advanced Interference Detection Array (AIDA), it has become possible to register interferograms of solutions as highly concentrated as 150 g/L. The other major difficulty encountered at high protein concentrations is the pronounced non-ideal sedimentation behavior resulting from repulsive intermolecular interactions, for which a comprehensive theoretical modelling has not yet been achieved. Here, we report the first SV analysis of highly concentrated antibodies up to 147 g/L employing the unique AIDA ultracentrifuge. By developing a consistent experimental design and data fit approach, we were able to provide a reliable estimation of the minimum content of soluble aggregates in the original formulations of two antibodies. Limitations of the procedure are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study describes the use of vermiculite for enhanced citric acid productivity by a mutant strain of Aspergillus niger NGGCB-101 in a stirred bioreactor of 15.0 l capacity. The maximum amount of citric acid (96.10 g/l) was obtained with the control 144 h after mycelial inoculation. To enhance citric acid production, varying levels of vermiculite were added as an additive into the fermentation medium. The best results were observed when 0.20 g/l vermiculite was added into the medium 24 h after inoculation resulting in the production of 146.88 g citric acid monohydrate/l. The dry cell mass and residual sugar were 11.75 and 55.90 g/l, respectively. Mixed mycelial pellets (1.08–1.28 mm, dia) were observed in the fermented culture broth. When the culture grown at different vermiculite levels was monitored for Q p , Q s and q p , there was a significant enhancement (P 0.05) in these variables over the control (vermiculite-free). Based on these results, it is concluded that vermiculite might affect mycelial morphology and subsequent TCA cycle performance to improve carbon source utilization by the mould, basic parameters for high performance citric acid fermentation.  相似文献   



A method for the synthesis of O-thymidin-3′-yl S-alkyl dithiophosphate monomers 1 with different S-protecting groups has been developed. These have been used for solution phase synthesis of dithymidine phosphorodithioate by a new phosphotriester method. Coupling reactions are fast (15 min.) and the products are free from phosphorothioate contaminations.  相似文献   

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