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Hérens cows are typically not dehorned and are therefore housed in tie-barns during winter. Recently, however, farmers have started to also use loose housing systems. They separate single cows from their herd for periods of a few days to ensure undisturbed calving and to avoid excessive activity caused by animals in oestrus. As these cows are highly motivated to fight, the re-introduction of individuals after separation is usually associated with increased agonistic behaviour. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of the length of separation with regard to behaviour, injuries and stress response.The study was conducted with 45 focal horned Hérens cows kept in four groups of 10, 20, 18 and 21 cows respectively on two Swiss farms: two groups were kept as suckler cows and two groups as dairy cows. Each focal cow was separated on two occasions, once for a short (median: 1 day; high oestrus in dairy, late pregnancy or lactation in suckler cows) and once for a longer (median: 2 days; high oestrus in dairy, calving in suckler cows) period. During the 6 h following the re-introduction, agonistic behaviour was recorded. Occurrence of fresh wounds was noted 10 h after re-introduction. As an indicator of physiological stress, faecal samples were collected and concentrations of the cortisol metabolite 11,17-dioxoandrostanes (11,17-DOA) were determined. All data were analysed using generalised linear mixed-effects models.Frequency and duration of agonistic interaction increased with longer separation (p < 0.02) and quickly decreased during the hours following the re-introduction of the focal cow (p < 0.001). The risk of injuries did not significantly change with duration of separation. Separating the cow from her group brought about an increase in concentration of 11,17-DOA (p = 0.012) that decreased over time (p < 0.001). Interestingly, concentrations during the re-introduction phase were lower in comparison with the separation phase (p < 0.001). The concentration of 11,17-DOA was lower during the longer separations (p = 0.018). We did not find any difference of practical importance in how cows reacted to long compared to the short separation related to the different hormonal states of dairy and suckler cows during separation, nor related to the changes in hormonal state within the suckler cows.In conclusion, the duration of a separation of a single Hérens cow from her herd should be minimised so as to reduce negative effects resulting from agonistic interactions.  相似文献   

The cabbage butterfly, Pieris melete is multivoltine with a pupal summer and winter diapause. Summer and winter diapause are induced principally by relatively long and short daylengths, respectively. The intermediate to relatively short daylengths of autumn permitted some pupae to develop without diapause in the field. A short daylength had a stronger diapause inducing effect than a relatively long one under higher temperatures. The principal sensitive phase for photoperiodic response occurred before the late 3rd larval instar. The critical daylength for wild autumnal populations was between 12h 30min and 12h 40min at an average temperature of 20.5 degrees C. A night interruption by 2h of light averted diapause most effectively when it was placed 10 to 12h after lights-off. High temperatures and long days during summer inhibited the incidence of diapause, suggesting that the occurrence of summer diapause is due to the specific climatic conditions occurring in April and early May, rather than to the high temperatures in summer. This indicates that the butterfly has a cryptic ability to reproduce in summer. High temperatures delayed diapause development, whereas low temperatures enhanced it, indicating that the optimum temperature of diapause development is lower. The diapause regulating mechanisms thus ensure that the species synchronises its development and reproduction with the growth seasons of the host plants and provide the species with a high degree of flexibility in its life cycle.  相似文献   

Two breeds of dairy cattle, one selected for intra-specific fighting and dominance ability (Hérens, H), the other not selected for this behavioural trait (Brune des Alpes, BA), submitted to the same management techniques, were compared with respect to their social behaviour (dominance, agonistic behaviour, social tolerance, social motivation, social distance), fear reactions, ease of handling and physiological correlates.As expected, cows from the H breed were dominant over the BA cows, they were also less fearful either in response to novel objects or in surprise effect tests and had higher social distances at pasture.On the contrary, H cows were less aggressive in undisturbed groups and more tolerant in a food-competition test than BA cows. There were no differences between the two breeds either in aggressive acts in encounters with unfamiliar animals, or in persistence in conflict situations.Furthermore, H cows were less easy to handle in a standardised test, and tended to be less socially motivated than BA cows. Lastly, H cows had higher plasma testosterone levels, and tended to present a lower increase in plasma cortisol level after a surprise effect than BA cows.Thus, the breeders' selection for fighting and dominance ability in H breed appears to have led to several behavioural and hormonal changes.  相似文献   

Non-specific interactions in beta- and gamma-crystallins have been studied by solution X-ray scattering and osmotic pressure experiments. Measurements were carried out as a function of protein concentration at two ionic strengths. The effect of temperature was tested between 7 degrees C and 31 degrees C. Two types of interactions were observed. With beta-crystallin solutions, a repulsive coulombic interaction could be inferred from the decrease of the normalized X-ray scattering intensity near the origin with increasing protein concentration and from the fact that the osmotic pressure increases much more rapidly than in the ideal case. As was previously observed with alpha-crystallins, such behaviour is dependent upon ionic strength but is hardly affected by temperature. In contrast, with gamma-crystallin solutions, the normalized X-ray scattering intensity near the origin increases with increasing protein concentration and the osmotic pressure increases less rapidly than in the ideal case. Such behaviour indicates that attractive forces are predominant, although we do not yet know their molecular origin. Under our experimental conditions, the effect of temperature was striking whereas no obvious contribution of the ionic strength could be seen, perhaps owing to masking by the large temperature effect. The relevance of the different types of non-specific interactions for lens function is discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated whether a relationship exists between the levels of urate in vivo and lipid peroxidation during exercise. Seven healthy male subjects performed exhaustive cycling exercise under the following three conditions. The levels of urate, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and allantoin in plasma and urine were examined before exercise and during a 3h recovery period. (1) Benzbromarone administration experiment: benzbromarone (an uricosuric agent) was administered orally the day before exercise. (2) IMP administration experiment: inosine 5'-monophosphate disodium salt (a precursor of urate) was administered orally the day before exercise. (3) Control experiment: no test substance was administered. The main results obtained were as follows. Plasma urate levels and total peroxyl radical-trapping antioxidant parameter (TRAP) for deproteinized plasma in the resting period significantly decreased depending on the treatment, in the order of IMP> control > benzbromarone. A significant positive correlation was evident between plasma urate levels and TRAP values for deproteinized plasma. The increase in plasma levels of allantoin was observed only in the case of IMP treatment. A significant negative correlation between plasma levels of urate in the resting period and the amounts of urinary TBARS excreted during the recovery period was recognized. These results suggest that the urate level in vivo before exercise is a factor influencing lipid peroxidation during exhaustive exercise. Furthermore, these findings support the view that urate may serve as an important freeradical scavenger in vivo.  相似文献   

Prevailing models of animal communication assume that signalling during aggressive conflict mitigates the costs of fighting. We tested this assumption by staging dyadic encounters between male field crickets, Teleogryllus oceanicus, under three conditions: (i) both males could sing aggressive songs, (ii) neither male could sing, and (iii) one male could sing but the other could not. We conducted experiments on males from a Hawaiian population from Kauai that has recently evolved signal loss, and males from a Hawaiian population from the Big Island that has not. Among both populations, interactions between two silent males were characterized by higher levels of aggression than interactions involving one or two singing males. Because the level of aggression is strongly related to the cost of fighting, these data demonstrate that signalling mitigates the cost of fighting. In mixed trials, we found no statistically significant differences between the behaviour of calling and non-calling males in either population. We conclude that there is no evidence that the Kauai population exhibits special adaptations to alleviate the costs of signal loss. Finally, we found that males were much more likely to signal after their opponent''s retreat than after their own retreat. Aggressive song therefore meets the definition of a ‘victory display’.  相似文献   

The global climate change may lead to more extreme climate events such as severe flooding creating excessive pulse-loading of nutrients, including nitrogen (N), to freshwaters. We conducted a 3-month mesocosm study to investigate the responses of phytoplankton, zooplankton and Vallisneria spinulosa to different N loading patterns using weekly and monthly additions of in total 14 g N m?2 month?1 during the first 2 months. The monthly additions led to higher phytoplankton chlorophyll a and total phytoplankton biomass than at ambient conditions as well as lower leaf biomass and a smaller ramet number of V. spinulosa. Moreover, the biomass of cyanobacteria was higher during summer (August) in the monthly treatments than those with weekly or no additions. However, the biomass of plankton and macrophytes did not differ among the N treatments at the end of the experiment, 1 month after the termination of N addition. We conclude that by stimulating the growth of phytoplankton (cyanobacteria) and reducing the growth of submerged macrophytes, short-term extreme N loading may have significant effects on shallow nutrient-rich lakes and that the lakes may show fast recovery if they are not close to the threshold of a regime shift from a clear to a turbid state.  相似文献   

The temporal relationship of several hormones to a metabolite of prostaglandin F2α (PGFM) was studied in mares and heifers from the beginning of the first PGFM pulse during luteolysis to the end of the second pulse. Mares (n=7) were selected with a 9-h interval between the peaks of the two pulses. In mares, estradiol-17β (estradiol) increased (P<0.05) within each PGFM pulse and plateaued for a mean of 6h between the pulses, resulting in a stepwise estradiol increase. Progesterone decreased linearly (P<0.0001) throughout the intra-pulse and inter-pulse intervals of PGFM. In heifers (n=6), inter-pulse intervals were variable, and therefore Hours 1-4 of the first pulse (Hour 0=PGFM peak) and Hours -4 to -1 of the second pulse were used to represent the mean 8-h interval between peaks of the two pulses. Estradiol increased (P<0.05) during the ascending portion of each PGFM pulse and then decreased (P<0.05) beginning at Hour -1 of the first PGFM pulse and Hour 0 of the second pulse. The 1-h delay during the second pulse was accompanied by an apparent increase in PRL. A transient decrease in estradiol occurred in individuals between PGFM pulses at a mean of 5h after the first PGFM peak, concomitant with a transient LH increase (P<0.05). Results indicated that estradiol plateaued in mares and fluctuated in heifers during the interval between PGFM pulses. Heifers also showed temporal relationships between estradiol and LH and apparently between estradiol and PRL.  相似文献   



Recent evidence has shown changes in body size and shape of individuals, which are suggested to be a result of global warming caused by climate change. Here, we explored the spatiotemporal changes in wing length and body mass of 24 wintering bird species in Northern Europe and how these relate to temperature anomaly.


Finland and Sweden, Europe.

Time Period

50 years, 1970 to 2020.

Major Taxa Studied

Birds, 24 species.


We used site-specific, long-term winter ringing data containing wing length and body mass measurements from across Sweden and Finland for 24 bird species. We modelled wing length and body mass change over time, in relation to the spatioclimatic gradient and as response to temperature anomalies (of [i] the same winter as the ringing took place, [ii] the previous winter and [iii] the previous spring) by accounting for phylogenetic relatedness between species and their species-specific responses to each predictor of interest.


We show that across all species, body size has decreased since the 1970s, with a negative relationship between wing length and temperature anomalies of previous winters, suggesting carry-over effects likely linked to body size-related survival or dispersal. Body mass was negatively related to the temperature anomaly of the same winter, indicating more immediate effects related to reduced fat reserves during mild winters.

Main Conclusions

Our results highlight a climate-driven decrease in body size across several species and its association with positive anomalies in winter temperature in the high latitudes. However, the responses are not spatially uniform and there is considerable species-specific variation, emphasizing the importance of conducting multispecies studies when investigating responses to climate change. The mechanisms of decreasing wing length and body mass seem to differ and underline the immediate and carry-over effects of temperature warming during the nonbreeding season.  相似文献   

A nurse–protégé relationship is a frequent facilitation interaction in deserts that allows the recruitment of new individuals of many species. Our aim was to evaluate the relationship of Echinocereus enneacanthus during its life cycle and its nurse plants in the brousse tigrée (tiger bush) vegetation of the Chihuahuan Desert. The population structure of the cactus is skewed toward adult stages, which are commonly found in the bare areas of the brousse tigrée, whereas juveniles are located in the vegetated bands. The vegetation structure and the nurse–protégé relationship were determined using censuses of 19 permanent plots monitored between 2008 and 2019. The differential association of E. enneacanthus with potential nurse plants was evaluated using an interaction network, under the hypothesis of strict association of the seedlings and juveniles with nurse species. In addition, χ2 tests and standardized residuals were fitted among likely nurse species, weighted by the cover of the nurse and of the areas without vegetation. The study species, as well as the nurse plants, had an aggregated distribution pattern. The interaction network showed that the frequency of the association with nurse plants decreased as the size of the protégé individuals increased. At the same time, there were differences in the establishment of E. enneacanthus under particular nurse plants; Prosopis glandulosa and Hilaria mutica were the most important. The nurse–protégé relationship for seeds and seedlings is integral to the vegetation bands of the brousse tigrée.  相似文献   

The genome of influenza A virus consists of eight-segmented, single-stranded, negative-sense viral RNAs (vRNAs). Each vRNA contains a central coding region that is flanked by noncoding regions. It has been shown that upon virion formation, the eight vRNAs are selectively packaged into progeny virions through segment-specific packaging signals that are located in both the terminal coding regions and adjacent noncoding regions of each vRNA. Although recent studies using next-generation sequencing suggest that multiple intersegment interactions are involved in genome packaging, contributions of the packaging signals to the intersegment interactions are not fully understood. Herein, using synthesized full-length vRNAs of H1N1 WSN (A/WSN/33 [H1N1]) virus and short vRNAs containing the packaging signal sequences, we performed in vitro RNA binding assays and identified 15 intersegment interactions among eight vRNAs, most of which were mediated by the 3′- and 5′-terminal regions. Interestingly, all eight vRNAs interacted with multiple other vRNAs, in that some bound to different vRNAs through their respective 3′- and 5′-terminal regions. These in vitro findings would be of use in future studies of in vivo vRNA–vRNA interactions during selective genome packaging.  相似文献   



Progesterone binding to the surface of the amphibian oocyte initiates the meiotic divisions. Our previous studies with Rana pipiens oocytes indicate that progesterone binds to a plasma membrane site within the external loop between the M1 and M2 helices of the α-subunit of Na/K-ATPase, triggering a cascade of lipid second messengers and the release of the block at meiotic prophase. We have characterized this site, using a low affinity ouabain binding isoform of the α1-subunit.  相似文献   

The presence of serotonin (5-HT) in dissected intestinal muscular wall of the caecum was demonstrated by the determination of endogenous level of the amine by both spectrofluorimetric and radioenzymatic assays. Biosynthesis of [3H]5-HT from [3H]tryptophan in in vitro conditions revealed the presence of tryptophan hydroxylase in these muscular layers and therefore strongly suggest the presence of serotoninergic neurons. Following dissection of the mucosa from the muscular layers containing the nerve plexuses, endogenous 5-HT and 5-hydroxyindol acetic acid levels as well as amounts of [3H]5-HT synthesized from [3H]tryptophan were always higher than those found in intact fragments of the caecum. These results are discussed in terms of metabolic processes involved in the regulation between the two 5-HT containing compartments.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: UCP3 is a mitochondrial membrane transporter that is postulated to uncouple oxidative phosphorylation from ATP synthesis producing heat instead of ATP. Human UCP3 is mainly expressed in skeletal muscle, which plays an important role in energy homeostasis and substrate oxidation. Therefore, UCP3 is a good candidate gene for obesity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We analyzed, among 734 subjects from the Québec Family Study, a new GA repeat microsatellite located in intervening sequence (IVS) 6 (GAIVS6) in UCP3 gene, and two already described restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) Y210Y(C-->T) and V102I(G-->A). Covariance analysis across genotypes for different adiposity, resting energy expenditure, and glucose metabolism variables was undertaken with age and sex, plus body fat and body mass for nonadiposity phenotypes, as covariates. RESULTS: We found strong associations between GAIVS6 and body mass index (p = 0.0001), fat mass (p = 0.0005), percentage body fat (p = 0.0004), the sum of six skinfold thickness (p = 0.0001), and leptin level (p = 0.0001). Homozygote for the GAIVS6 240 bp alleles (15% frequency in QFS) showed higher adiposity than subjects with the GAIVS6 238 bp allele (70% in QFS). The exons, the 5' untranslated region (UTR), and the exon-intron junctions of UCP3 gene from subjects homozygote for either GAIVS6 238 bp or 240 bp alleles were sequenced in search for mutations. Variants 5'UTR-55C-->T and Y210Y(C-->T) were detected, whereas IVS4-36C-->T was uncovered, but no new exonic or splice junction mutation was observed. RFLP Y210Y(C-->T) was not associated to adiposity in QFS; V1021(G-->A) showed no variation. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that some alleles of UCP3 are involved in the etiology of human obesity.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi form a continuum between roots and soil. One end of this continuum is comprised of the highly intimate plant–fungus interface with intracellular organelles for nutrient exchange, while on the other end the fungus interacts with bacteria to compensate for the AM fungus' inability to take up organic nutrients from soil. How both interfaces communicate in this highly complex tripartite mutualism is widely unknown. Here, the effects of phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PSB) Rahnella aquatilis dwelling at the surface of the extraradical hyphae of Rhizophagus irregularis was analysed based on the expression of genes involved in C-P exchange at the peri-arbuscular space (PAS) in Medicago truncatula. The interaction between AM fungus and PSB resulted in an increase in uptake and transport of Pi along the extraradical hyphae and its transfer from AM fungus to plant. In return, this was remunerated by a transfer of C from plant to AM fungus, improving the C-P exchange at the PAS. These results demonstrated that a microorganism (i.e., a PSB) developing at the hyphosphere interface can affect the C-P exchange at the PAS between plant and AM fungus, suggesting a fine-tuned communication operated between three organisms via two distantly connected interfaces.  相似文献   

Protein kinase CK2 predominantly exists as a heterotetrameric holoenyzme consisting of two catalytic subunits (CK2α) and two non-catalytic subunits (CK2β). Early investigations which we review here had revealed the presence of two types of contacts between CK2α and CK2β: a primary interaction responsible for the stability of the CK2 holoenzyme and stimulatory for the catalytic activity, and a secondary interaction which is inhibitory and in which the acidic loop of CK2β associates with the basic stretch and the (p+1)-loop of CK2α. At the end of the last decade both types of interactions were assumed to occur within the same tetrameric complex. The CK2 holoenyzme structure, however, suggested that the secondary interactions must happen between different CK2 tetramers. Such a behaviour should lead to higher-ordered aggregates consistent with several previous reports about a distinct aggregation propensity of CK2. We demonstrate here that in the CK2 holoenzyme crystals contacts between different CK2 tetramers exists which provide structural details of the secondary CK2α/CK2β interactions. These mainly ionic interactions lead to trimeric rings of CK2 holoenzymes in the crystal. In these rings each CK2 tetramer possesses one CK2α subunit open for substrate binding and another one whose active site is blocked by a secondary contact with CK2β from a neighbouring tetramer. This observation fits to previous findings that salt-sensitive ring-like aggregates of CK2 holoenzymes can exist which possess significant catalytic activity. Furthermore it suggests that earlier ideas about a regulatory role of the enzyme’s aggregation propensity may be worth to be revitalised.  相似文献   

The effective cross section for the H 2 + +H 2 + → H 3 + +p reaction in the energy range 5.7–11.5 eV is measured by the split beam method. The maximum of the cross section at an energy of ~8 eV is related to the production of the H 4 ++ compound system. The reaction threshold W thr≈5 eV provides evidence in favor of the classical model of the H 2 + ion with the charge fixed on one of the nuclei throughout the collision event.  相似文献   

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