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国内外高校动物福利教育发展历史与前景展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自20世纪80年代动物福利作为一个严谨的科学分支被人们接受以来,动物福利学科得到了迅猛发展,相关概念在科学研究结果的支持下被更精确地定义,评价动物所处福利水平的体系也逐步被建立起来.伴随着动物福利科学的发展,动物福利教育也逐步被纳入高等教育的课程体系.综述了国内外高等院校特别是高校的动物医学学院近30年间的动物福利教育进程,并以英国、美国、澳大利亚等国的动物福利教育为例说明国际动物福利教育的发展现状与趋势,结合中国现状,思考中国与国际动物福利教育之间存在的差异.随着动物福利相关科学、伦理学以及法学研究的深入,社会对动物福利的关注将会日益加深,相信至少对准动物医生普及动物福利教育必将成为发展的趋势.  相似文献   

In 1 out of 2 years' field trials benomyl applied as a dust treatment at time of planting seed potatoes resulted in an increase in potato gangrene in the progeny of both gangrene-free tubers planted in land contaminated with Phoma exigua var. foveata and gangrene-diseased tubers planted in clean land. Gangrene-infected seed tubers treated with benomyl also produced more stems infected with var. foveata than untreated tubers. Two hypotheses are presented to account for this increase in gangrene which does not occur in seed potatoes treated shortly after lifting. In all cultivars tested an organo-mercury dip-treatment increased total numbers of tubers in the seed and chat-size grades without increasing total weight whereas benomyl dust increased the numbers in these grades in Majestic only. The treatment of gangrene-diseased seed with benomyl dust affected neither total weight nor total number of tubers.  相似文献   

Dog spermatozoa have better quality after thawing in water at 70-75 degrees C instead of 35-38 degrees C. The aim of Experiment 1 was to determine the time needed to thaw 0.5 mL straws in just-boiled (98 degrees C) water and that of Experiment 2 to determine whether thawing frozen dog spermatozoa in just-boiled water will result in better quality than thawing in water at 70 degrees C. Prior to freezing the straws of Experiment 1, a Type J thermocouple with wire diameters of 0.08 mm (Osiris Technical Systems, Centurion, South Africa) was placed in the center of each of ninety-three 0.5 mL straws (IMV Technologies, L'Aigle, France) filled with extender (Biladyl* with 0.5%, v/v of Equex STM paste**) and 54 filled with extender plus 200 x 10(6)spermatozoa/mL (Minitüb, Germany (*) and Nova Chemical Sales, MA (**)). Thirty straws with extender were thawed in water at 70 degrees C and the others in just-boiled water. Temperatures inside straws were recorded 10 times/s during warming. Two ejaculates were then collected from each of eight dogs and one from each of three others. Extended ejaculates from the same dog were pooled, frozen 8 cm above liquid nitrogen, and 2 straws from each of the 11 batches thawed in water at 70 degrees C for 8s and 2 in just-boiled water for 6.5s. Sperm morphology and viability were assessed on eosin-nigrosin smears made after thawing and the percentage progressively motile spermatozoa was estimated immediately, 1, 2 and 3h after thawing. The optimal submersion time in just-boiled water was 6.5s for both sperm concentrations, resulting in average temperatures of 23.6+/-1.5 degrees C (+/-S.E.M.) and 24.9+/-1.6 degrees C inside straws with extender or extender plus spermatozoa (P=0.6). The temperature inside straws thawed in water at 70 degrees C was 13.6+/-1.7 degrees C after 8s. Apart from a 1.5% higher (P<0.05) mean percentage motile sperm 2h after thawing, thawing dog spermatozoa in just-boiled (98 degrees C) water holds no benefit over thawing in water at 70 degrees C, which is easier to do.  相似文献   

Transport of animals is a stressful procedure often resulting in significant losses for the slaughter plant. This study aimed to determine whether or not pigs would benefit from a loading density (low density (LD)) (179 kg/m2) below the normal EU standard loading density (normal density (ND)) (235 kg/m2). Eight similar, 550-km-long road journeys, were followed in which fattening pigs were transported across Germany from farm to slaughter plant. During each journey all pigs were transported at LD (n=4) or ND (n=4). Twelve female pigs per journey (total n=96) were randomly selected for measurement and monitoring of body temperature, behaviour, heart rate and blood parameters. Throughout the journeys, LD pigs displayed more resting behaviour than ND pigs. Average body temperature was lower (P<0.05) for pigs transported at LD (38.0±0.07°C) than those transported at ND (38.3±0.06°C). During loading heart rate increased in both ND and LD pigs and declined after the vehicle had been closed before departure but remained slightly elevated in ND pigs. Pigs transported at ND displayed signs of stress (elevated HR and body temperatures) during the drivers’ break. Blood parameters were only slightly (not significant) effected by loading density. Results indicate that pigs are more capable of adapting to long (550 km) transport conditions when loaded at a density below the present EU requirement.  相似文献   

This article focuses on physical performances after training at a specific time of day. To date, although the effect of time of day on aerobic performances appears to be equivocal, during anaerobic exercises, the effect of time of day has been well established with early morning nadirs and peak performances in the late afternoon. These diurnal rhythms can be influenced by several factors such as the regular training at a specific time of day. Indeed, regular training in the morning hours may increase the lower morning performances to the same or even higher level as their normal diurnal peak typically observed in the late afternoon by a greater increase of performance in the evening. However, regular training in the evening hours may increase the morning-evening (i.e., amplitude of the rhythm) difference by a greater increase of performance in the late afternoon. Therefore, adaptations to training are greater at the time of day at which training is regularly performed than at other times. Nevertheless, although modifications in resting hormones concentrations could explain this time-of-day specific adaptations, precise information on the underlying mechanisms is lacking.  相似文献   



New regimens for intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy (IPTp) against malaria are needed as the effectiveness of the standard two-dose sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) regimen is under threat. Previous trials have shown that IPTp with monthly SP benefits HIV-positive primi- and secundigravidae, but there is no conclusive evidence of the possible benefits of this regimen to HIV-negative women, or to a population comprising of both HIV-positive and –negative women of different gravidities.


This study analyzed 484 samples collected at delivery as part of a randomized, partially placebo controlled clinical trial, conducted in rural Malawi between 2003 and 2007. The study included pregnant women regardless of their gravidity or HIV-infection status. The participants received SP twice (controls), monthly SP, or monthly SP and two doses of azithromycin (AZI-SP). The main outcome was the prevalence of peripheral Plasmodium falciparum malaria at delivery diagnosed with a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay.


Overall prevalence of PCR-diagnosed peripheral P. falciparum malaria at delivery was 10.5%. Compared with the controls, participants in the monthly SP group had a risk ratio (95% CI) of 0.33 (0.17 to 0.64, P<0.001) and those in the AZI-SP group 0.23 (0.11 to 0.48, P<0.001) for malaria at delivery. When only HIV-negative participants were analyzed, the corresponding figures were 0.26 (0.12 to 0.57, P<0.001) for women in the monthly SP group, and 0.24 (0.11 to 0.53, P<0.001) for those in the AZI-SP group.


Our results suggest that increasing the frequency of SP administration during pregnancy improves the efficacy against malaria at delivery among HIV-negative women, as well as a population consisting of both HIV-positive and –negative pregnant women of all gravidities, in a setting of relatively low but holoendemic malaria transmission, frequent use of bed nets and high SP resistance.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00131235  相似文献   

In a previous study on canine esophagus, we reported that intravenous infusion of isoproterenol caused mucosal (i.e., mucosal + submucosal) vasodilation only in the lower esophageal sphincter (but not in the body) and muscularis vasodilation only in the body (not in the lower esophageal sphincter). In the present study, we have investigated in dogs whether these esophageal tissues also exhibit a similar difference in their vasoconstrictory response to intravenous infusion of pitressin. All measurements were made before (basal) and after infusion of 0.02 U pitressin.min-1.kg-1 for 15 min. Pitressin significantly decreased portal venous pressure and blood flow, and increased vascular resistance of all tissues of the esophagus. This vasoconstriction of the tissues, however, was higher in the squamous mucosa of the body than in the columnar mucosa of the lower esophageal sphincter. In contrast, it was higher in the smooth muscle of the lower esophageal sphincter than in the striated muscle of the body. These data together with those of our previous report on isoproterenol demonstrate that pitressin causes a pronounced vasoconstriction in those esophageal tissues where isoproterenol had no effect. Conversely, pitressin causes least vasoconstriction in those tissues where isoproterenol produced a significant vasodilation. These differences could be the result of partial agonist actions or differences in receptor density or in receptor-effector coupling mechanism.  相似文献   

There were carried out macroscopic and microscopic observations of dog's small intestine after putting a clamp on the artery only or on the artery and the upper mesenteric vein. Examinations were performed after 1 and 2 h of ischemia and in different periods after restitution of circulation. By means of histologic and histochemical methods it was found out that no later than after 1 h of ischemia there occur pathologic, irreversible changes in the wall of the small intestine.  相似文献   

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