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Golgins are coiled-coil proteins that play a key role in the regulation of Golgi architecture and function. Giantin, the largest golgin in mammals, forms a complex with p115, rab1, GM130, and soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors (SNAREs), thereby facilitating vesicle tethering and fusion processes around the Golgi apparatus. Treatment with the microtubule destabilizing drug nocodazole transforms the Golgi ribbon into individual Golgi stacks. Here we show that siRNA-mediated depletion of giantin resulted in more dispersed Golgi stacks after nocodazole treatment than by control treatment, without changing the average cisternal length. Furthermore, depletion of giantin caused an increase in cargo transport that was associated with altered cell surface protein glycosylation. Drosophila S2 cells are known to have dispersed Golgi stacks and no giantin homolog. The exogenous expression of mammalian giantin cDNA in S2 cells resulted in clustered Golgi stacks, similar to the Golgi ribbon in mammalian cells. These results suggest that the spatial organization of the Golgi ribbon is mediated by giantin, which also plays a role in cargo transport and sugar modifications.  相似文献   

高尔基体既是蛋白质修饰、分选、水解加工的场所,又是分泌物质的转运站,每时每刻都有大量的蛋白进出高尔基体。在这种情况下,高尔基体仍能保持完整且高度有序的结构,表明高尔基体驻留蛋白有精确的定位信号,以保证它们定位于正确的区隔,而不会沿着分泌途径被运输出去。高尔基体内有几种不同类别的膜蛋白,包括糖基转移酶、周缘膜蛋白、病毒蛋白和受体等。研究显示,有多种定位信号和定位机制参与了蛋白的高尔基体定位。  相似文献   

The Golgi apparatus is an organelle that has been extensively studied in the model eukaryote, yeast. Its morphology varies among yeast species; the Golgi exists as a system of dispersed cisternae in the case of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, whereas the Golgi cisternae in Pichia pastoris and Schizosaccharomyces pombe are organized into stacks. In spite of the different organization, the mechanism of trafficking through the Golgi apparatus is believed to be similar, involving cisternal maturation, in which the resident Golgi proteins are transported backwards while secretory cargo proteins can stay in the cisternae. Questions remain regarding the organization of the yeast Golgi, the regulatory mechanisms that underlie cisternal maturation of the Golgi and transport machinery of cargo proteins through this organelle. Studies using different yeast species have provided hints to these mechanisms.   相似文献   

Membrane motility is a fundamental characteristic of all eukaryotic cells. One of the best-known examples is that of the mammalian Golgi apparatus, where constant inward movement of Golgi membranes results in its characteristic position near the centrosome. While it is clear that the minus-end-directed motor dynein is required for this process, the mechanism and regulation of dynein recruitment to Golgi membranes remains unknown. Here, we show that the Golgi protein golgin160 recruits dynein to Golgi membranes. This recruitment confers centripetal motility to membranes and is regulated by the GTPase Arf1. Further, during cell division, motor association with membranes is regulated by the dissociation of the receptor-motor complex from membranes. These results identify a cell-cycle-regulated membrane receptor for a molecular motor and?suggest a mechanistic basis for achieving the dramatic changes in organelle positioning seen during cell division.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells often use proteins localized to the ciliary membrane to monitor the extracellular environment. The mechanism by which proteins are sorted, specifically to this subdomain of the plasma membrane, is almost completely unknown. Previously, we showed that the IFT20 subunit of the intraflagellar transport particle is localized to the Golgi complex, in addition to the cilium and centrosome, and hypothesized that the Golgi pool of IFT20 plays a role in sorting proteins to the ciliary membrane. Here, we show that IFT20 is anchored to the Golgi complex by the golgin protein GMAP210/Trip11. Mice lacking GMAP210 die at birth with a pleiotropic phenotype that includes growth restriction, ventricular septal defects of the heart, omphalocele, and lung hypoplasia. Cells lacking GMAP210 have normal Golgi structure, but IFT20 is no longer localized to this organelle. GMAP210 is not absolutely required for ciliary assembly, but cilia on GMAP210 mutant cells are shorter than normal and have reduced amounts of the membrane protein polycystin-2 localized to them. This work suggests that GMAP210 and IFT20 function together at the Golgi in the sorting or transport of proteins destined for the ciliary membrane.  相似文献   

Repurposing existing proteins for new cellular functions is recognized as a main mechanism of evolutionary innovation, but its role in organelle evolution is unclear. Here, we explore the mechanisms that led to the evolution of the centrosome, an ancestral eukaryotic organelle that expanded its functional repertoire through the course of evolution. We developed a refined sequence alignment technique that is more sensitive to coiled coil proteins, which are abundant in the centrosome. For proteins with high coiled-coil content, our algorithm identified 17% more reciprocal best hits than BLAST. Analyzing 108 eukaryotic genomes, we traced the evolutionary history of centrosome proteins. In order to assess how these proteins formed the centrosome and adopted new functions, we computationally emulated evolution by iteratively removing the most recently evolved proteins from the centrosomal protein interaction network. Coiled-coil proteins that first appeared in the animal–fungi ancestor act as scaffolds and recruit ancestral eukaryotic proteins such as kinases and phosphatases to the centrosome. This process created a signaling hub that is crucial for multicellular development. Our results demonstrate how ancient proteins can be co-opted to different cellular localizations, thereby becoming involved in novel functions.  相似文献   

The Golgi Apparatus of Tetrahymena Thermophila   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT. Electron microsocpic investigations reveal that the Golgi apparatus of Tetrahymena thermophila consists of numerous tiny dictyosomes, each consisting of one or two cisternae. the dictyosomes are localized predominantly in the cell cortex closely associated with the mitochondria, arranged in meridians alternating with the ciliary meridians. We estimated about 300-400 of these dictyosomes in the periphery of a cell, a value corresponding to the number of somatic cilia per cell. Cytochemical assays of thiamine pyrophosphatase and acid phosphatase, both marker enzymes of trans Golgi cisternae, resulted in deposits of lead or cerium phosphate in the outermost cisternae of the dictyosomes. In addition, cisternae located at the bases of the basal body/parasomal sac arrangements are stained. This indicates that these cisternae may belong to the Golgi apparatus of the cell.  相似文献   

The Golgi apparatus is the central organelle in the secretory pathway and plays key roles in glycosylation, protein sorting, and secretion in plants. Enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of complex polysaccharides, glycoproteins, and glycolipids are located in this organelle, but the majority of them remain uncharacterized. Here, we studied the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) membrane proteome with a focus on the Golgi apparatus using localization of organelle proteins by isotope tagging. By applying multivariate data analysis to a combined data set of two new and two previously published localization of organelle proteins by isotope tagging experiments, we identified the subcellular localization of 1,110 proteins with high confidence. These include 197 Golgi apparatus proteins, 79 of which have not been localized previously by a high-confidence method, as well as the localization of 304 endoplasmic reticulum and 208 plasma membrane proteins. Comparison of the hydrophobic domains of the localized proteins showed that the single-span transmembrane domains have unique properties in each organelle. Many of the novel Golgi-localized proteins belong to uncharacterized protein families. Structure-based homology analysis identified 12 putative Golgi glycosyltransferase (GT) families that have no functionally characterized members and, therefore, are not yet assigned to a Carbohydrate-Active Enzymes database GT family. The substantial numbers of these putative GTs lead us to estimate that the true number of plant Golgi GTs might be one-third above those currently annotated. Other newly identified proteins are likely to be involved in the transport and interconversion of nucleotide sugar substrates as well as polysaccharide and protein modification.The Golgi apparatus is the central organelle in the secretory pathway, and in higher plants it is involved in the biosynthesis and transport of cell wall matrix polysaccharides, glycoproteins, proteoglycans, and glycolipids as well as in protein trafficking to different subcellular compartments. The last decade has produced substantial findings on the function of the Golgi apparatus: insights into the protein trafficking at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)/Golgi interface, Golgi structural maintenance, its involvement in endocytosis, and its behavior during cell division (for review, see Faso et al., 2009). However, despite its importance, only a small proportion of the Golgi proteome has been studied: relatively few Golgi proteins have been localized, and even fewer have been functionally characterized.The Golgi apparatus is thought to contain a large and diverse group of membrane-bound glycosyltransferases (GTs). The current view is that different GT activities are required for synthesis of the linkage between different donor and acceptor sugars. Having in mind the diversity of linkage types found in cell wall polysaccharides, the number of different GTs involved is likely to be very large. For instance, it has been estimated that for the biosynthesis of pectin alone, the action of 65 different enzymatic activities is needed (Caffall and Mohnen, 2009). By the end of the year 2011, 468 Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) sequences had been annotated in the Carbohydrate-Active EnZymes (CAZy) GT database (Cantarel et al., 2009; http://www.cazy.org). We estimate that two-thirds of these CAZy-classified GTs may be targeted to the Golgi. The remaining one-third are cytosolic or plastidic enzymes involved in processes including, secondary metabolism or starch synthesis. The reported sequences are classified into 43 CAZy families based on amino acid sequence similarities within which at least one member has been biochemically characterized. Each family is likely to have a common structural fold, and three-dimensional (3-D) structures have been resolved for 20 of these 43 families. These are divided mostly into two structural classes, having either a GT-A fold or a GT-B fold (Unligil and Rini, 2000; Bourne and Henrissat, 2001). Moreover, most of the structurally uncharacterized GT families are predicted to adopt either the GT-A or GT-B fold based on 3-D structural homology modeling (Coutinho et al., 2003; Lairson et al., 2008). Despite this conserved 3-D structure, different GT families have very low or undetectable sequence similarities. Consequently, predicting novel GTs based solely on their amino acid sequence similarities is not always achievable, and structural homology searches have also proven useful (Hansen et al., 2009).The length and properties of the transmembrane domain (TMD) of endomembrane proteins appear to play a role in protein sorting and location within the secretory pathway and can be used to predict protein localization (Hanton et al., 2005; Sharpe et al., 2010). In order to perform such predictions, a high number of experimentally localized proteins is required, but only limited data sets have been available for plants to date.In order to identify the most abundant CAZy-classified GTs as well as novel putative GTs, in this work we rigorously extended our proteomic studies of the Golgi apparatus. We have previously developed a high-throughput mass spectrometry (MS)-based quantitative proteomics technique for localization of organelle proteins by isotope tagging (LOPIT; Dunkley et al., 2004, 2006). Here, we report new LOPIT data sets and apply a new method of combining them with published LOPIT data sets, localizing an unprecedented number of plant organelle proteins. We have analyzed the TMD properties of the proteins assigned to the ER, Golgi, and plasma membrane (PM) and determined the organelle-specific features. Structural prediction analysis of the Golgi-localized proteins with unknown functions assessed the protein sequences for the potential to fold similarly to known GT structures. We found that the Golgi contains a substantial number of candidate GT families that have no characterized functions. These results yield a broader understanding of the Golgi function and its biochemical properties.  相似文献   

Members of the syntaxin protein family participate in the docking-fusion step of several intracellular vesicular transport events. Tlg1p has been identified as a nonessential protein required for efficient endocytosis as well as the maintenance of normal levels of trans-Golgi network proteins. In this study we independently describe Tlg1p as an essential protein required for cell viability. Depletion of Tlg1p in vivo causes a defect in the transport of the vacuolar protein carboxypeptidase Y through the early Golgi. Temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of Tlg1p also accumulate the endoplasmic reticulum/cis-Golgi form of carboxypeptidase Y at the nonpermissive temperature (38 degrees C) and exhibit underglycosylation of secreted invertase. Overexpression of Tlg1p complements the growth defect of vti1-11 at the nonpermissive temperature, whereas incomplete complementation was observed with vti1-1, further suggesting a role for Tlg1p in the Golgi apparatus. Overexpression of Sed5p decreases the viability of tlg1 ts mutants compared with wild-type cells, suggesting that tlg1 ts mutants are more susceptible to elevated levels of Sed5p. Tlg1p is able to bind His6-tagged Sec17p (yeast alpha-SNAP) in a dose-dependent manner and enters into a SNARE complex with Vti1p, Tlg2p, and Vps45p. Morphological analyses by electron microscopy reveal that cells depleted of Tlg1p or tlg1 ts mutants incubated at the restrictive temperature accumulate 40- to 50-nm vesicles and experience fragmentation of the vacuole.  相似文献   

The Golgi apparatus plays a pivotal role in the sorting and post-translational modifications of secreted and membrane proteins. In mammalian cells, the Golgi is organized in stacks of cisternae linked together to form a network with a ribbon shape. Regulation of Golgi ribbon formation is poorly understood. Here we find in an image-based RNAi screen that depletion of the ubiquitin-ligase CBLC induces Golgi fragmentation. Depletions of the close homologues CBL and CBLB do not induce any visible defects. In CBLC-depleted cells, Golgi stacks appear relatively unperturbed at both the light and electron microscopy levels, suggesting that CBLC controls mostly network organization. CBLC partially localizes on Golgi membranes and this localization is enhanced after activation of the SRC kinase. Inhibition of SRC reverts CBLC depletion effects, suggesting interplay between the two. CBLC’s regulation of Golgi network requires its ubiquitin ligase activity. However, SRC levels are not significantly affected by CBLC, and CBLC knockdown does not phenocopy SRC activation, suggesting that CBLC’s action at the Golgi is not direct downregulation of SRC. Altogether, our results demonstrate a role of CBLC in regulating Golgi ribbon by antagonizing the SRC tyrosine kinase.  相似文献   

The function of the Golgi has long been recognized to critically depend on vesicular transport from, to, and within its cisternae, involving constant membrane fission and fusion. These processes are mediated by Arf GTPases and coat proteins, and Rabs, tethers and SNARE proteins, respectively. In this article, we describe structural studies of Golgi coats and tethers and their interactions with SNAREs and GTPases as well as insights regarding membrane traffic processes that these have provided.  相似文献   

The various splice variants of the three SERCA- and the two SPCA-pump genes in higher vertebrates encode P-type ATPases of the P2A group found respectively in the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum and the secretory pathway. Of these, SERCA2b and SPCA1a represent the housekeeping isoforms. The SERCA2b form is characterized by a luminal carboxy terminus imposing a higher affinity for cytosolic Ca2+ compared to the other SERCAs. This is mediated by intramembrane and luminal interactions of this extension with the pump. Other known affinity modulators like phospholamban and sarcolipin decrease the affinity for Ca2+. The number of proteins reported to interact with SERCA is rapidly growing. Here, we limit the discussion to those for which the interaction site with the ATPase is specified: HAX-1, calumenin, histidine-rich Ca2+-binding protein, and indirectly calreticulin, calnexin, and ERp57. The role of the phylogenetically older and structurally simpler SPCAs as transporters of Ca2+, but also of Mn2+, is also addressed.All cells invest a considerable part of their total energy budget in active transport to keep up transmembrane (TM) ion gradients (Rolfe and Brown 1997). Prokaryotes already evolved P-type ion-transport ATPases/ion pumps to that aim (Axelsen and Palmgren 1998). The name P-type refers to the transient transfer of the γ-phosphate group of ATP to a highly conserved aspartate group in the enzyme forming a phospho-intermediate. This autophosphorylation is an important step in the pump’s catalytic cycle (Kuhlbrandt 2004). Based on amino-acid sequence comparisons and on the exon/intron layout of the corresponding genes, three types of P-type Ca2+ pumps can be discerned in Eumetazoa: the SERCA-, the SPCA-, and the PMCA-type. Whereas ancestral representatives of each type are recognized in some Eubacteria and Archaea, it is also remarkable that some Eukaryotes have apparently lost either SERCA or SPCA pumps. Yeast for instance lacks SERCA pumps whereas plants thrive well without SPCAs (Mills et al. 2008). The SERCA pumps, which are found in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) or in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of eukaryotic cells and the evolutionary older secretory pathway ATPases (SPCA) found in the Golgi apparatus, are closely related to each other and together belong to the P2A subfamily. They form the topic of this review. The plasma-membrane Ca2+-pumps (PMCA), on the other hand, appear to be phylogenetically the oldest of the three and form the P2B-subfamily branch. PMCAs are addressed in an article by Brini and Carafoli (2009). Some further information on the evolution of the three types of ATPases was recently reviewed by Palmgren and Axelsen (1998) and Vangheluwe et al. (2009). Of the three families, only SERCA pumps translocate two Ca2+ ions and hydrolyze one ATP for each catalytic turnover. They possess two Ca2+-transport sites: site I and site II; the numbers specify the sequence of filling of the respective sites. The single Ca2+-binding site of the SPCA and PMCA pumps structurally corresponds to site II of SERCA (Toyoshima 2009).  相似文献   

Direct immersion of fresh tissue in a solution of silver in formalin at pH 4, followed by development in hydroquinone-formalin, results in consistent silvering of the Golgi apparatus. The time required depends on the penetration of the tissue, two hours for each step being adequate for routine purposes. Proper general fixation of the tissue is enhanced by returning it to a fixative for the customary periods of time. A weak solution of iron alum is suggested as a convenient method for reducing the intensity of the silver image in sections, when that is desired. Replacing the silver image with gold allows it to survive more drastic subsequent treatment, such as periodic acid oxidation.  相似文献   

Golgi Apparatus in the Postmeiotic Basidium of Coprinus lagopus   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A golgi apparatus believed to be involved in basidiospore formation has been found in Coprinus lagopus following meiosis in the basidium.  相似文献   

The dynamic compartmentalization of eukaryotic cells is a fascinating phenomenon that is not yet understood. A prominent example of this challenge is the Golgi apparatus, the central hub for protein sorting and lipid metabolism in the secretory pathway. Despite major advances in elucidating its molecular biology, the fundamental question of how the morphogenesis of this organelle is organized on a system level has remained elusive. Here, we have formulated a coarse-grained computational model that captures key features of the dynamic morphogenesis of a Golgi apparatus. In particular, our model relates the experimentally observed Golgi phenotypes, the typical turnover times, and the size and number of cisternae to three basic, experimentally accessible quantities: the rates for material influx from the endoplasmic reticulum, and the anterograde and retrograde transport rates. Based on these results, we propose which molecular factors should be mutated to alter the organelle's phenotype and dynamics.  相似文献   

Polypeptides of the Golgi Apparatus of Neurons from Rat Brain   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An antiserum was raised against fractions of the Golgi apparatus of neurons from rat brain. Immunoblots of these fractions with the antiserum showed two principal bands of 185 and 150 kilodaltons (kd) in apparent molecular mass. The antiserum reacted with five or six bands of 200, 150, 130, 100-110, 64, and 40 kd in apparent molecular mass in immunoblots of several crude brain membrane fractions. Affinity-purified antibodies from the different gel bands transferred to nitrocellulose paper were used in immunoblot and immunocytochemical studies. Antibodies eluted from the 200-, 150-, 100-110-, and 64-kd bands reacted not only with the corresponding band but also with the other three bands. Antibodies eluted from the 40-kd band stained only the corresponding band. On light and/or electron microscopic immunocytochemistry, the antiserum stained the Golgi apparatus of rat neurons, glia, liver, and kidney tubule cells. Weaker, segmented, and less consistent staining was observed in nuclear envelopes, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and plasma membranes of neurons. Antibodies eluted from the bands at 200, 150, 100-110, and 64 kd stained intermediate cisterns of the Golgi apparatus of neurons. These findings suggest that a group of related polypeptides of brain membranes is preferentially expressed or enriched in the Golgi apparatus of neurons. Polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 185 and 150 kd probably represent moieties endogenous to membranes of the neuronal Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

The addition of a 1% concentration of alkaline earth or heavy metal chloride to a 15% neutral formalin solution was found to be much superior to a similar addition of nitrate. Of the 19 salts tried, BaCl2 and CoCl2 generally gave the best results with the tissues of Pheretima posthuma, Pila globosa, Rana tigrina, Cauia porcellus and Mus rattus. The CoCl2 fixative was found to work more successfully with shorter time for fixation and subsequent impregnation by silver, than da Fano's cobalt nitrate technique. The results obtained with BaCl2 fixative, were equally good and in some cases even excelled those obtained with Aoyama's CdCl2. Fixatives containing MgCl2 and ZnCl2 were satisfactory but the results were not so good as were those obtained with barium and cobalt chloride fixatives. Fixatives containing nitrates generally required longer periods for impregnation and reduction, than those containing chlorides.  相似文献   

The appearance of silver impregnation of the Golgi apparatus can be enhanced by the use of nitrocellulose as an embedding medium. Fixation of 1.5 mm thick pieces of fresh tissue for 8 hr in: glycine, 1.7 gm; 15% formalin, 100 ml; HNO3, conc., 0.5 ml, at pH 2.6 followed by rinsing in water, 4 hr in 1.5% AgNO3, another rinse, and 2 hr reduction in 1.5% hydroquinone in 15% formalin. This staining procedure yields consistently good results for rat, rabbit, and human tissues. Low-viscosity nitrocellulose embedding is done by infiltrating at 56 C in 7% nitrocellulose for 0.5 hr, 15% for 4 hr, and 27% for 1 hr. The nitrocellulose is hardened 2 hr in chloroform, after which, sections as thin as 5 μ can be cut on a sliding microtome. Gold toning and counterstaining can be done with the tissue affixed to the slide. The Golgi apparatus is stained dark brown to black, and there is better preservation of cellular detail than in tissues processed in paraffin.  相似文献   

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