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Propagation of wild-strain Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) in captivity is hindered by low egg fertility. Therefore, we studied the effects of captivity, age, mate choice and isolation on reproductive parameters of Mallards. Captive drakes had smaller immature testes than free-flying Mallard drakes. Captive yearling ducks weighed less than adult ducks at the beginning of the breeding season, but no differences were found between their initial clutch size, egg volume or number of clutches laid. Yearling pairs had lower egg fertility (7%) than adult pairs (80%). Egg fertility was higher (51 vs 21%) in self-chosen pairs than in randomly assigned pairs. Isolation of ducks, however did not influence egg production.  相似文献   

The origins of floor-laying in ducks could be low motivation for a nest, or stress related to difficulties with accessing a nest (e.g. competition). Using a behavioural demand test, we investigated if increasing the work required to access their nest impacted ducks’ behaviour and two indicators of stress: egg corticosterone concentration and elevation of core body temperature (stress-induced hyperthermia (SIH)). Twelve laying Pekin ducks previously trained in an operant push-door task were required to use a push-door to access their nest. The door was loaded with increasing weight (0–160% of individual BW, four nights per workload) and eventually blocked to prevent nest access. Before testing, temperature data loggers were implanted in the abdomen. Eggs were collected daily to measure corticosterone concentrations. Behaviour towards the push-door was quantified. Three birds were excluded from the experiment at an early stage. Five of the nine remaining birds pushed all workloads up to 160% BW and attempted to pass the blocked door, with another two birds pushing up to 80 and 140% BW. For those that pushed at all workloads (n = 5) the area under the curve (AUC) of hyperthermia was larger at workloads of 80% (P < 0.001), 120% (P < 0.01), 140% (P < 0.001), 160% (P < 0.001), and when the door was blocked (P < 0.001), compared with 0%. On the first night when the door was blocked, all five birds pushed more at the door, but no attempts were made to push on the following 3 nights, yet the AUC of hyperthermia did not differ between nights 2–4 of the blocked door, compared with the first night that the door was blocked. Increasing workload and inability to access the nest had no effect on corticosterone in egg albumen. It was concluded that laying Pekin ducks were motivated to access a nest. Although it was not possible to differentiate metabolic from psychogenic stress on the first night that nest access was denied, we suggest that the occurrence of hyperthermia on the subsequent nights was due to SIH resulting from frustration at their inability to use their preferred nest. Floor-laying therefore is unlikely due solely to low nest-seeking motivation. Egg corticosterone was not a relevant indicator of acute stress. Strategies to improve nest availability (e.g. decreasing competition) could improve the welfare of commercial ducks.  相似文献   

We measured body temperature in Pekin ducks for 22 h after intravenous injection of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of gram negative bacteria at doses of 0, 1, 10, and 100 μg · kg body mass−1. The ducks developed monophasic fevers showing increases in peak temperature reached and duration of fever with increases in dose of LPS. Body temperatures of unrestrained telemetered ducks without access to food and water were similar to those of saline-injected controls in the fever experiments, but were lower in the morning than when the same birds had access to food and water. This nocturnal hypothermia may have resulted from energy restriction imposed by lack of food and water. The dose of LPS required to elicit a fever of over 18 h duration (100 μg · kg−1) will elicit a biphasic fever of 5 h duration in rats. Pekin ducks did not exhibit biphasic fever even at the highest LPS dose administered, indicating that while fever is superficially similar in the two homeothermic classes, there may be differences in details of the mechanism. The similarities of the dose/response characteristics to that of mammals lends support to the theory that fever in vertebrates has a common phyletic origin. Accepted: 5 January 1998  相似文献   

Fever is an energetically expensive component of the mammalian immune system’s acute phase response. Like mammals, birds also develop fever when exposed to pathogens, but, as yet, the energy requirements of febrile mediation in birds are not known. We injected ducks (Anas platyrhynchos; n=8) with 100 μ kg−1 LPS or sterile isotonic saline and recorded their core body temperatures while measuring their O2 consumption and CO2 production in an open-flow respirometric circuit. Lipopolysaccharide elicited robust increases in the core body temperatures of our birds. The metabolic rate of the ducks increased about 80 min after treatment with LPS, relative to the metabolic rate of saline injected birds, and peaked 100 min later when the highest body temperatures were recorded. Our ducks increased their energy expenditure by 33.1% for about 3 h to mount a febrile response that, on average, increased their body temperature 1.4 °C. Studies with humans and rats, kept at thermoneutral temperatures, found a 10-15% increase in metabolic rate for every 1 °C increase in body temperature. The increase in metabolic rate, reported here (23%/°C), is noticeably higher and we conclude that febrile mediation is metabolically more expensive in Pekin ducks than in mammals.  相似文献   

The duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV), a member of the hepadna-virus group, has become a useful animal model for exploring important aspects in this family of viruses such as viral replication, course of infection, and the response to antiviral therapy. In chronically DHBV infected ducks, repeated analyses of liver tissue are important in defining the degree of viral replication and liver injury. We describe a technique for repeated liver biopsy using a Keyes skin punch biopsy. This technique provided sufficient quantities of liver tissue for serial analyses with minimal hemorrhage in 18 Pekin ducks. This procedure offers a safe and reliable method of obtaining serial liver biopsies.  相似文献   

GÖRAN SJÖBERG 《Ibis》1994,136(2):129-135
The effect of various characteristics of Canada Goose Branta canadensis females and clutch size on their nest defence intensity during incubation was studied in the field during five nesting seasons. Nests were approached by a human, and the leaving distance was measured. Risk-taking in post-encounter behaviour was categorized at three levels. Nesting success was significantly associated with nest tenacity, a variable derived from leaving distance, but not with post-encounter behaviour. Nest tenacity, as well as post-encounter behaviour, differed significantly between individuals. Intensity of post-encounter behaviour, but not nest tenacity, increased with increasing age of the female. Nest tenacity, standardized over the incubation period, increased with increasing clutch size, but post-encounter behaviour intensity did not. None of the nest defence variables was correlated with the structural size of the female. Nest tenacity, but not post-encounter behaviour intensity, increased during incubation. Nest tenacity did not differ between early and late breeders, but post-encounter behaviour was more intense in late breeders. There was no evidence of positive reinforcement of nest defence through repeated visits. Nest defence did not differ between lakes, lake types or nest site types, nor was it affected by the distance to the nearest neighbouring nest. The results supported several of the predictions extracted from parental investment theory.  相似文献   

Factors affecting nest predation on forest songbirds in North America   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
FRANK R. THOMPSON  III 《Ibis》2007,149(S2):98-109
Nest predation is an important factor in the ecology of passerines and can be a large source of mortality for birds. I provide an overview of factors affecting nest predation of passerines in North America with the goal that it may provide some insight into the ecology and management of woodland birds in the United Kingdom. Although several factors influence productivity, nest success is perhaps the most widely measured demographic characteristic of open-cup-nesting birds, and nest predation is usually the largest cause of nest failure. The identity of predator species, and how their importance varies with habitat and landscape factors, must be known for managers and scientists to design effective conservation plans and place research on nest predation in the appropriate context. Recent studies using video surveillance have made significant contributions to our understanding of the relative importance of different predator taxa in North America. Spatial and temporal variation in nest predation can be better understood when landscapes are placed in a biogeographical context and local habitat and nest-site effects are placed in a landscape context. Low productivity resulting from high nest predation is one of several potential causes of bird population declines in North America and the UK. Although the 'forest fragmentation paradigm' from the eastern US may not apply directly to the UK, thinking about avian demographics from a multiscale perspective, and consideration of factors affecting nest predation with knowledge of the dominant predator species, may provide insight into population declines.  相似文献   

Observations of freshwater drinking in Eiders feeding primarily on mussels led us to hypothesize that the highly saline sea water enclosed in mussels could cause salt-related dehydration problems in the ducks, since they consume entire mussels. The proportion of sea water increases with increasing mussel size. Smaller duck species are more sensitive to the higher salt content of larger mussels than are larger ducks; however, salt stress may be avoided by feeding in habitats with lower salinity, by feeding on less salty food items, by utilizing smaller mussels, by drinking fresh water, or by employing low energy foraging techniques. A possible evolutionary strategy for solving the salt problem might be to increase body mass, enabling ducks to utilize larger mussels without passing an upper salt consumption limit. At the same time, foraging on larger mussels is more economical. Although large size facilitates the utilization of brackish and marine environments, it may be selected against in ducks breeding in fresh water, where fish competition may reduce optimal food item size. In conclusion, salinity is an important habitat barrier in both breeding and overwintering diving ducks, but there are various ways of crossing this barrier. To understand better how ducks utilize their habitats, however, it is necessary to measure habitat salinity levels and the size of both ducks and their preferred and less-preferred food types.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular function was progressively impaired in Pekin ducks following surgical adrenalectomy. Diastolic and systolic arterial pressures (Pa) were respectively 45% and 28% lower in adrenalectomized (ADX) ducks than in sham-operated (SHAM) controls within 3 days after surgery. Adrenalectomy caused cardiac frequency (fH) to approximately double, diminished cardiac stroke volume, decreased body weight, and decreased plasma norepinephrine, epinephrine, osmolal, Na and Cl concentrations. Adrenalectomy did not alter blood volume, hematocrit, or plasma concentrations of Ca and Mg. Administration of a synthetic glucocorticoid, betamethasone, prevented hypotension and prolonged the survival of ADX ducks. ADX and SHAM ducks maintained with betamethasone for up to 8 days did not differ in Pa, body weight, hematocrit, or plasma concentrations of Na and K. These experiments demonstrate the critical importance of glucocorticoid activity for blood pressure, Na and Cl regulation in birds.  相似文献   

Density‐dependent population regulation is observed in many taxa, and understanding the mechanisms that generate density dependence is especially important for the conservation of heavily‐managed species. In one such system, North American waterfowl, density dependence is often observed at continental scales, and nest predation has long been implicated as a key factor driving this pattern. However, despite extensive research on this topic, it remains unclear if and how nest density influences predation rates. Part of this confusion may have arisen because previous studies have studied density‐dependent predation at relatively large spatial and temporal scales. Because the spatial distribution of nests changes throughout the season, which potentially influences predator behavior, nest survival may vary through time at relatively small spatial scales. As such, density‐dependent nest predation might be more detectable at a spatially‐ and temporally‐refined scale and this may provide new insights into nest site selection and predator foraging behavior. Here, we used three years of data on nest survival of two species of waterfowl, mallards and gadwall, to more fully explore the relationship between local nest clustering and nest survival. Throughout the season, we found that the distribution of nests was consistently clustered at small spatial scales (?50–400 m), especially for mallard nests, and that this pattern was robust to yearly variation in nest density and the intensity of predation. We demonstrated further that local nest clustering had positive fitness consequences – nests with closer nearest neighbors were more likely to be successful, a result that is counter to the general assumption that nest predation rates increase with nest density.  相似文献   

One of the main populations of the Florida scrub-jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens), a federally threatened species, occurs on Ocala National Forest, Florida. We determined the nest daily survival rate (DSR) of 474 nests of Florida scrub-jays in stands subject to sand pine reforestation management after timber harvesting or wildfire on Ocala National Forest. We used the information-theoretic approach with logistic-exposure modeling to determine the most likely models to account for DSR for the incubation and nestling stages separately. The models consisted of 4 components (temporal, management, habitat, and helpers) with each consisting of one to several specific variables. In the incubation stage all the best models included the temporal component alone or in concert with the habitat, helpers, or habitat and helpers components. Model averaging in the incubation stage indicated support for the year and day × year in the temporal component and stand age in the habitat component. In the nestling stage, top models all included the temporal component alone or with helpers or habitat, helpers, and the interaction of habitat and helpers. Model averaging in the nestling stage showed support for the year, nest age, and to a lesser extent day in the temporal component and helpers. The management component, which consisted of no site preparation, wildfire burn, post-harvest burn, chop and seed, or seed only, had little influence on nest survival for the incubation or nestling stages. However, we identified several other management factors that may increase Florida scrub-jay populations despite having no effect on DSR. First, the proportion of Florida scrub-jay nests was significantly higher than expected in burned habitat based on habitat availability, indicating a potential preferred nesting habitat conducive to population growth. Second, incubation stage DSR with respect to stand age (habitat component) declined to stand age 10 yr and then began to increase, which may be attributed to the higher bird population in the prime habitat in the middle stand ages. The denser population may result in more competition for resources, and possibly may attract more predators, resulting in a lower DSR. Thus, although DSR may be lower at the mid-stand ages, the overall population may actually be optimal. Therefore, to increase the Florida scrub-jay population on Ocala National Forest, we recommend maintaining a mosaic of stands ≤20 yr of age and emphasizing natural reseeding and site preparation via burning. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

The consequences of variations in environmental temperature on innate immune responses in birds are by and large not known. We investigated the influence of ambient temperature on the febrile response in female Pekin ducks (Anas platyrhynchos). Ducks, implanted with temperature data loggers to measure body temperature, were injected with lipopolysaccharide (100 μg kg−1) to evoke febrile responses and kept at ambient temperatures higher, within, and lower than their thermoneutral zone (n=10), and in conditions that simulated one day of a heat wave (n=6). Compared to the febrile response at thermoneutrality, at low temperatures, febrile responses were significantly attenuated; fevers reached lower magnitudes (from basal body temperature of 41.2±0.3 °C to a peak of 42.0±0.3 °C). In contrast, at high ambient temperatures, ducks rapidly developed significantly enhanced fevers, which reached markedly higher febrile peaks (from basal body temperature of 41.6 °C to a peak of 44.0 °C in a simulated heat wave when ambient temperature reached 40 °C). These results indicate that ambient temperature affects the febrile response in female Pekin ducks. Our findings reveal a key difference in febrile mediation between ducks and mammals, and have implications for avian survival because high environmental temperatures during febrile mediation could lead to febrile responses becoming physiologically deleterious.  相似文献   

Cloned duck hepatitis B virus DNA is infectious in Pekin ducks   总被引:4,自引:13,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Approximately 10% of German-bred Pekin ducks were found to be chronically infected with duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV). The genomes of three German DHBV isolates analyzed were closely related but showed substantial restriction site polymorphism compared with U.S. isolates. We tested the infectivity of three sequence variants of cloned DHBV DNA by injecting them into the liver of virus-free ducklings. Most of these animals injected with double-stranded closed-circular or plasmid-integrated dimer DHBV DNA developed viremia, demonstrating the infectivity of all three cloned DHBV DNA variants. The cloned viruses produced were indistinguishable from those from naturally infected animals, implying that our experimental approach can be used to perform a functional analysis of the DHBV genome.  相似文献   

Information on avian fever is limited, and, in particular, very little is known about the mediators and modulators of the febrile response in birds. Therefore, in this study, the possible mediatory roles of nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandins (PGs), together with a potential modulatory role for adrenocortical hormones in the generation of fever was investigated in conscious Pekin ducks. Their body temperatures were continuously measured by abdominally implanted temperature-sensitive data loggers. The febrile response induced by intramuscular injection of LPS at a dose of 100 microg/kg was compared with and without inhibition of NO production by N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), inhibition of PG synthesis (by diclofenac), and elevation of circulating concentrations of dexamethasone and corticosterone (by exogenous administration). LPS administration induced a marked, monophasic fever with a rise in temperature of more than 1 degrees C after 3-4 h. In the presence of L-NAME, diclofenac, and adrenocorticoids at doses that had no effect upon normal body temperature in afebrile ducks, there was a significant inhibition of the LPS-induced fever. In addition, during the febrile response, the blood concentration of corticosterone was significantly elevated (from a basal level of 73.6 +/- 9.8 ng/ml to a peak level of 132.6 +/- 16.5 ng/ml). The results strongly suggest that the synthesis of both NO and PGs is a vital step in the generation of fever in birds and that the magnitude of the response is subject to modulation by adrenocorticoids.  相似文献   

Blood components are considered to reflect nutrient metabolism and immune activity in both humans and animals. In this study, we measured 12 blood components in Pekin ducks and performed genome-wide association analysis to identify the QTLs (quantitative trait locus) using a genotyping-by-sequencing strategy. A total of 54 QTLs were identified for blood components. One genome-wide significant QTL for alkaline phosphatase was identified within the intron-region of the OTOG gene (P = 1.31E-07). Moreover, 21 genome-wide significant SNPs for the level of serum cholinesterase were identified on six different scaffolds. In addition, for serum calcium, one genome-wide significant QTL was identified in the upstream region of gene RAB11B. These results provide new markers for functional studies in Pekin ducks, and several candidate genes were identified, which may provide additional insights into specific mechanisms for blood metabolism in ducks and their potential application for duck breeding programs.  相似文献   

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