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An AP1/AGL9 group of MADS box gene, OMADS1, with extensive homology to the Arabidopsis AGAMOUS-like 6 gene (AGL6) was characterized from orchid (Oncidium Gower Ramsey). OMADS1 mRNA was detected in apical meristem and in the lip and carpel of flower. Yeast two-hybrid analysis indicated that OMADS1 is able to strongly interact with OMADS3, a TM6-like protein that was involved in flower formation and floral initiation in orchid. Transgenic Arabidopsis and tobacco ectopically expressed OMADS1 showed similar novel phenotypes by significantly reducing plant size, flowering extremely early, and losing inflorescence indeterminacy. In addition, homeotic conversion of sepals into carpel-like structures and petals into staminoid structures were also observed in flowers of 35S::OMADS1 Arabidopsis. This result indicated that OMADS1 was involved in floral formation and initiation in transgenic plants. Further analysis indicated that the expression of flowering time genes FT, SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CO 1 (SOC1) and flower meristem identity genes LEAFY (LFY), APETALA1 (AP1) was significantly up-regulated in 35S::OMADS1 transgenic Arabidopsis plants. Furthermore, ectopic expression of OMADS1 rescued late-flowering phenotype in gi-1, co-3 but not for ft-1 and fwa-1 mutants. These results supported that ectopic expression of OMADS1 influenced flower transition and formation by acting as an activator for FT and SOC1 in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Kavaĭ-ool UN  Ezhova TA 《Ontogenez》2011,42(2):151-158
A new mutant, fimbriata petioles (fip), of Arabidopsis thaliana was obtained by chemical mutagenesis. The mutant is characterized by unusual anomalies of floral organs. Clusters of very large cells formed in the distal region of sepals and petals, which created fringed edges of these organs. An analysis of the morphology of the floral organs and leaves of the fip as 1 double mutant revealed a complementary interaction of the ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 (AS1) and FIMBRIATA PETIOLES (FIP) genes. It was assumed that the FIP gene, together with the AS1 gene, controls cell proliferation, preventing their premature entry into endocycle.  相似文献   

fld and co, both with significantly delayed flowering, are characterized as late-flowering mutations in Arabidopsis thaliana. Double mutants between fld-2 and co-3 were generated and the phenotypes characterized. Double mutants flower later than both single mutant parents, suggesting that there is an additive effect. In addition, the formation of flowers in double mutants was altered and showed a novel phenotype. Double mutant flowers contained a much longer stalk (pedicel). Sepals and petals were absent. Several leaf-like structures were produced in the position normally occupied by sepals and the organ numbers were reduced. The carpels were morphologically normal. The stamens produced were usually aborted in the early stage, thus, the flowers were sterile. The additive phenotype observed in double mutants provides evidence to support that these two genes, FLD and CO, are not only involved in rosette-to-inflorescence transition but also involved in the flower formation. This result also indicates that FLD and CO promote the reproductive program through two different pathways.  相似文献   

AINTEGUMENTA (ANT) was previously shown to be involved in floral organ initiation and growth in Arabidopsis. ant flowers have fewer and smaller floral organs and possess ovules that lack integuments and a functional embryo sac. The present work shows that young floral meristems of ant plants are smaller than those in wild type. Failure to initiate the full number of organ primordia in ant flowers may result from insufficient numbers of meristematic cells. The decreased size of ant floral organs appears to be a consequence of decreased cell division within organ primordia. Ectopic expression of ANT under the control of the constitutive 35S promoter results in the development of larger floral organs. The number and shape of these organs is not altered and the size of vegetative organs is normal. Microscopic and molecular analyses indicate that the increased size of 35S::ANT sepals is the result of increased cell division, whereas the increased sizes of 35S::ANT petals, stamens, and carpels are primarily attributable to increased cell expansion. In addition, 35S::ANT ovules often exhibit increased growth of the nucellus and the funiculus. These results suggest that ANT stimulates cell growth in floral organs.  相似文献   



Genome analyses have revealed that gene duplication in plants is rampant. Furthermore, many of the duplicated genes seem to have been created through ancient genome-wide duplication events. Recently, we have shown that gene loss is strikingly different for large- and small-scale duplication events and highly biased towards the functional class to which a gene belongs. Here, we study the expression divergence of genes that were created during large- and small-scale gene duplication events by means of microarray data and investigate both the influence of the origin (mode of duplication) and the function of the duplicated genes on expression divergence.  相似文献   

FRIGIDA (FRI) and FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) are two genes that, unless plants are vernalized, greatly delay flowering time in Arabidopsis thaliana. Natural loss-of-function mutations in FRI cause the early flowering growth habits of many A. thaliana accessions. To quantify the variation among wild accessions due to FRI, and to identify additional genetic loci in wild accessions that influence flowering time, we surveyed the flowering times of 145 accessions in long-day photoperiods, with and without a 30-day vernalization treatment, and genotyped them for two common natural lesions in FRI. FRI is disrupted in at least 84 of the accessions, accounting for only approximately 40% of the flowering-time variation in long days. During efforts to dissect the causes for variation that are independent of known dysfunctional FRI alleles, we found new loss-of-function alleles in FLC, as well as late-flowering alleles that do not map to FRI or FLC. An FLC nonsense mutation was found in the early flowering Van-0 accession, which has otherwise functional FRI. In contrast, Lz-0 flowers late because of high levels of FLC expression, even though it has a deletion in FRI. Finally, eXtreme array mapping identified genomic regions linked to the vernalization-independent, late-flowering habit of Bur-0, which has an alternatively spliced FLC allele that behaves as a null allele.  相似文献   

 We have mapped QTLs (quantitative trait loci) for an adaptive trait, flowering time, in a selfing annual, Arabidopsis thaliana. To obtain a mapping population we made a cross between an early-summer, annual strain, Li-5, and an individual from a late over-wintering natural population, Naantali. From the backcross to Li-5 298 progeny were grown, of which 93 of the most extreme individuals were genotyped. The data were analysed with both interval mapping and composite interval mapping methods to reveal one major and six minor QTLs, with at least one QTL on each of the five chromosomes. The QTL on chromosome 4 was a major one with an effect of 17.3 days on flowering time and explaining 53.4% of the total variance. The others had effects of at most 6.5 days, and they accounted for only small portions of the variance. Epistasis was indicated between one pair of the QTLs. The result of finding one major QTL and little epistasis agrees with previous studies on flowering time in Arabidopsis thaliana and other species. That several QTLs were found was expected considering the large number of possible candidate loci. In the light of the suggested genetic models of gene action at the candidate loci, epistasis was to be expected. The data showed that major QTLs for adaptive traits can be detected in non-domesticated species. Received: 15 January 1997/Accepted: 21 February 1997  相似文献   

The genes controlling the timing of the transition from vegetative to reproductive growth are likely candidates for regulators of genes initiating floral development. We have investigated the interaction of one particular gene controlling flowering time, FCA, with the meristem identity-genes TERMINAL FLOWER 1 (TFL1), APETALA 1 (AP1) and LEAFY (LFY) and the floral repression gene EMBRYONIC FLOWER 1 (EMF1). Double mutant combinations were generated and the phenotypes characterized. The influence of strong and intermediate fca mutant alleles on the phenotype conferred by a 35S-LFY transgene was also analysed. The results support a model where FCA function promotes flowering in multiple pathways, one leading to activation of LFY and AP1, and another acting in parallel with LFY and AP1. Only the latter pathway is predicted to be non-functional in the intermediate fca-4 allele. The results are also consistent with AP1 and TFL1 negatively regulating FCA function. Combination of Columbia fca and emf1 mutant alleles confirmed that FCA is required for the early flowering of emf1. EMF1 and FCA are therefore likely to operate in different floral pathways.  相似文献   

A segregating F2 population of Arabidopsis thaliana derived from a cross between the late-flowering ecotype Hannover/Münden (HM) and the early-flowering ecotype Wassilewskija (WS) was analyzed for flowering time and other morphological traits. Two unlinked quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting days to first flower (DFF-a and DFF-b) mapped to chromosome 5. QTLs which affect node number (NN), leaf length at flowering (LLF), and leaf length at 35 days (LL35) also mapped to chromosome 5; LLF-a, LL35-a, NN-a map to the same region of chromosome 5 as DFF-a; LLF-b and LL35-bmap to the same region of chromosome 5 as DFF-b. Another QTL affecting leaf length at flowering (LLF-c) maps to chromosome 3. The proximity of DFF-a, LLF-a, LL35-a and NN-a, as well as the similarity in gene action among these QTLs (additivity), suggest that they may be pleiotropic consequences of a single gene at this locus. Similarly, LL35-b and LLF-b map near each other and both display recessive gene action, again suggesting the possibility of pleiotropy. DFF-b, which also maps near LL35-b and LLF-b, displays largely additive gene action (although recessive gene action could not be ruled out). This suggests that DFF-b may represent a different gene from LL35-b and/or LLF-b. DFF-a maps near two previously identified mutants: co (which also affects flowering time and displays gene action consistent with additivity) and flc. Similar map locations and gene actions of QTLs affecting the correlated traits DFF, LLF, LL35 and NN suggest that these genomic regions harbor naturally occurring allelic variants involved in the general transition of the plant from vegetative to reproductive growth.  相似文献   

为研究拟南芥成花调控基因LFY,我们采用RT-PCR方法分离克隆了三种选择性剪接的片段,分别命名为LFY1239,LFY1263和LFY1275.序列分析表明LFY1263包含一个大小为1 263 bp的开放阅读框,与之前报道的LFY基因片段大小相同,而LFY1239在第一外显子的3'端缺失了36 bp,LFY1275在第一内含子的3'末端插入了12 bp.对几种片段表达部位的分析显示,LFY1239只能在营养生长期的莲座叶中表达,而LFY1263和LFY1275在营养生长期和花期的花器官和莲座叶中都可以检测到,并且,LFY1263呈现出主导地位,LFY1275与LFY1263表达的比例表现为花器官高于莲座叶,该比例的变化可能预示着与成花调控有关.  相似文献   

Using seasonal cues to time reproduction appropriately is crucial for many organisms. Plants in particular often use photoperiod to signal the time to transition to flowering. Because seasonality varies latitudinally, adaptation to local climate is expected to result in corresponding clines in photoperiod-related traits. By experimentally manipulating photoperiod cues and measuring the flowering responses and photoperiod plasticity of 138 Eurasian accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana, we detected strong longitudinal but not latitudinal clines in flowering responses. The presence of longitudinal clines suggests that critical photoperiod cues vary among populations occurring at similar latitudes. Haplotypes at PHYC, a locus hypothesized to play a role in adaptation to light cues, were also longitudinally differentiated. Controlling for neutral population structure revealed that PHYC haplotype influenced flowering time; however, the distribution of PHYC haplotypes occurred in the opposite direction to the phenotypic cline, suggesting that loci other than PHYC are responsible for the longitudinal pattern in photoperiod response. Our results provide previously missing empirical support for the importance of PHYC in mediating photoperiod sensitivity in natural populations of A. thaliana. However, they also suggest that other loci and epistatic interactions likely play a role in the determination of flowering time and that the environmental factors influencing photoperiod in plants vary longitudinally as well as latitudinally.  相似文献   

Caesium-affected gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

The gene FRIGIDA (FRI) is floral repressor and plays a key role in the timing of Arabidopsis flowering. To study the function of FRI-like genes in bamboo, we isolated a FRI family gene from bamboo Phyllostachys violascens and named it PvFRI-L. Sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis show that the PvFRI-L protein belongs to the FRL3 (III) subfamily from monocots and contains a conserved FRIGIDA domain. PvFRI-L was located in the nucleus of onion epidermal cells. PvFRI-L was expressed in all tested organs of flowering and non-flowering bamboo plants with a higher expression in non-flowering than in flowering plants. Overexpression of PvFRI-L in Arabidopsis caused late flowering by downregulating flowering locus T and upregulating flowering locus C. A P-box, the binding site involved in gibberellin response, was found only in the promoter region of PvFRI-L but not in that of FRI. Furthermore, PvFRI-L expression in the leaves of Ph. violascens seedlings was downregulated with gibberellic acid treatment. Taking together, our observation suggests that PvFRI-L may be flowering repressor and its delaying floral timing may be regulated by gibberellic acid in bamboo.  相似文献   

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