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Spatiotemporal variation in reproductive rates is a common phenomenon in many wildlife populations, but the population dynamic consequences of spatial and temporal variability in different components of reproduction remain poorly understood. We used 43 years (1962–2004) of data from 17 locations and a capture–mark–recapture (CMR) modeling framework to investigate the spatiotemporal variation in reproductive parameters of yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris), and its influence on the realized population growth rate. Specifically, we estimated and modeled breeding probabilities of two-year-old females (earliest age of first reproduction), >2-year-old females that have not reproduced before (subadults), and >2-year-old females that have reproduced before (adults), as well as the litter sizes of two-year old and >2-year-old females. Most reproductive parameters exhibited spatial and/or temporal variation. However, reproductive parameters differed with respect to their relative influence on the realized population growth rate (λ). Litter size had a stronger influence than did breeding probabilities on both spatial and temporal variations in λ. Our analysis indicated that λ was proportionately more sensitive to survival than recruitment. However, the annual fluctuation in litter size, abetted by the breeding probabilities, accounted for most of the temporal variation in λ. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

1. Bound and total corticosteroid concentrations of yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) were lowest in May after emergence from hibernation and peaked in August prior to immergence. 2. Total corticosteroids were affected by age but not by sex or reproductive status. 3. There was no consistent relationship between measures of population density and concentrations of corticosteroids; when a significant relationship occurred, only 22-34% of the variation was explained. 4. Social status and social behavior were the major factors affecting corticosteroid concentrations.  相似文献   

1. The presence of siblings might have long-lasting fitness consequences because they influence the early environment in which an animal develops. Several studies under laboratory conditions have shown long-lasting consequences from the presence of male siblings in utero on morphology and life-history traits. However, in wild animals, such effects of litter sex composition are unexplored. 2. We capitalized on a long-term study of individually marked yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) and documented the effects of weaned litter sex composition and anogenital distance on several life-history and fitness traits. 3. First, we demonstrated that the number of males in a litter influenced anogenital distance. Then, we found that masculinized females, those with larger anogenital distances, were less likely to survive their first hibernation, were more likely to disperse and were less likely to become pregnant and wean young. Males from male-biased litters had lower growth rates, but we failed to detect longer-term consequences. 4. Taken together, our results show profound sex-dependent effects of litter sex composition, probably due to differential prenatal exposure to androgens, in free-living animals. We conclude that masculinization might constitute an alternative mechanism explaining variation in different demographic traits. This finding highlights the importance of studying these maternal effects, and they enhance our concern over the widespread use of endocrine disrupting compounds.  相似文献   

When individuals of a variety of species encounter a potential predator, some, but not all, emit alarm calls. To explain the proximate basis of this variation, we compared faecal glucocorticoid metabolite concentrations in live-trapped yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) between occasions when they did and did not emit alarm calls. We found that marmots had significantly higher glucocorticoid levels when they called than when they did not call, suggesting that stress or arousal may play an important role in potentiating alarm calls. Marmots are sensitive to variation in the reliability of callers. The present finding provides one possible mechanism underlying caller variation: physiological arousal influences the propensity to emit alarm calls.  相似文献   

Hannah V. Carey 《Ecography》1985,8(4):259-264
This study examined the basis of diet preference in a mammalian hibernator, the yellow-bellied marmot Marmota flaviventris , in the White Mountains of California. Preference indices calculated from dietary data and food plant availability in the habitat indicated that forb species were preferred over graminoids, particularly in the spring and early summer. Chemical analysis of food plant species suggested that marmots preferred forbs over graminoids because of their lower fiber (cellulose) content and higher concentrations of phosphorus, sodium and possibly protein. Inclusion of graminoids in the diets was probably due to their greater availability in the habitat coupled with the need to maximize the rate of nutrient intake during the short (4–5 month) active season. Seasonal changes in diet composition were noted which may reflect, in part, temporal changes in nutrient demands.  相似文献   

Social behaviour was proposed as a density-dependent intrinsic mechanism that could regulate an animal population by affecting reproduction and dispersal. Populations of the polygynous yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris) fluctuate widely from year to year primarily driven by the number of weaned young. The temporal variation in projected population growth rate was driven mainly by changes in the age of first reproduction and fertility, which are affected by reproductive suppression. Dispersal is unrelated to population density, or the presence of the father; hence, neither of these limits population growth or acts as an intrinsic mechanism of population regulation; overall, intrinsic regulation seems unlikely. Sociality affects the likelihood of reproduction in that the annual probability of reproducing and the lifetime number of offspring are decreased by the number of older females and by the number of same-aged females present, but are increased by the number of younger adult females present. Recruitment of a yearling female is most likely when her mother is present; recruitment of philopatric females is much more important than immigration for increasing the number of adult female residents. Predation and overwinter mortality are the major factors limiting the number of resident adults. Social behaviour is not directed towards population regulation, but is best interpreted as functioning to maximize direct fitness.  相似文献   

Maternal effects can have significant and long-term consequences on offspring behavior and survival, while consistent individual differences (i.e., personality) can have profound impacts on individual fitness. Thus, both can influence population dynamics. However, the underlying mechanisms that determine variation in personality traits are poorly understood. Maternal effects are one potential mechanism that may explain personality variation. We capitalized on a long-term study of yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) to identify maternal effects on juvenile docility. To do so, we partitioned the variance in juvenile docility using a quantitative genetic modeling approach to isolate potential maternal effects. We also directly tested whether maternal stress, measured through fecal glucocorticoid metabolite levels during lactation of 82 mothers, was associated with offspring docility. Docility scores were estimated for 645 juveniles trapped between 2002 and 2012. We found an interaction between maternal glucocorticoid levels and dam age on juvenile docility. We also found significant maternal, litter, permanent environment, and year effects. These results suggest that a mother's life history stage interacts with stress to influence offspring personality. This early life influence can have long lasting effects on an individual's docility throughout life.  相似文献   

A. R. French 《Oecologia》1990,82(1):93-96
Summary Age-related differences in the patterns of body temperature regulation during hibernation were found in yellow-bellied marmots. The timing of all entrances into and arousals from torpor was determined from continuous records of thermocouples mounted in each animal's nest box. Older marmots spent more time at high body temperatures following periodic arousals from torpor than did juveniles undergoing their first season of hibernation. In addition, older marmots spontaneously terminated their hibernation seasons in the spring, whereas most juveniles continued to hibernate until either they were emaciated from starvation or they were fed. These two patterns of hibernation reflect age- and size-related differences in the degree to which the animals are constrained energetically and the probability that they can successfully reproduce in spring. The patterns also are consistent with age-related differences in the timing of dormancy in nature.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. All age groups gained mass during the active season, but mass-gain of adult females was delayed during lactation.
  • 2.2. The relationship of body mass to metabolic rate varied widely; when the relationship was significant, R2 varied from 10.3 to 72.6%. Body mass affects VO2 more during lactation than at any other period.
  • 3.3. Mean VinO2 of adult males was higher in June than that of adult, non-lactating females.
  • 4.4. VO2 of reproductive females was significantly higher during lactation than during gestation or postlactation because specific VO2 varied. Specific VO2 of non-reproductive females declined over the active season.
  • 5.5. Specific VO2 of all age groups declined between the premolt and postmolt periods. The reduced maintenance costs can contribute 20–46% to daily growth.
  • 6.6. Observed VO2 was lower than the value predicted from intraspecific or interspecific Bm:M regressions.
  • 7.7. VO2 of wild-caught marmots was lower than that of marmots maintained in the laboratory, probably because of dietary differences.
  • 8.8. Because basal metabolism is a stage on a food-deprivation curve, we suggest that basal metabolic rate is not an appropriate measure of the metabolic activity of free-ranging animals.

Play has been defined as apparently functionless behaviour, yet since play is costly, models of adaptive evolution predict that it should have some beneficial function (or functions) that outweigh its costs. We provide strong evidence for a long-standing, but poorly supported hypothesis: that early social play is practice for later dominance relationships. We calculated the relative dominance rank by observing the directional outcome of playful interactions in juvenile and yearling yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) and found that these rank relationships were correlated with later dominance ranks calculated from agonistic interactions, however, the strength of this relationship attenuated over time. While play may have multiple functions, one of them may be to establish later dominance relationships in a minimally costly way.  相似文献   

Although density dependence has long been recognised as vital to population regulation, there have been relatively few studies demonstrating it spatially in wildlife populations, often due to the confounding effects of variation in habitat quality. We report on a study of woodlarks Lullula arborea, a species of European conservation concern, breeding on lowland heath in Dorset, England. We take the novel approach of utilising the birds’ response to human disturbance, which resulted in much of the variation in density but had no direct impact on demographic rates. Within years, in sites with greater density there were smaller mean chick masses, lower post-fledging survival, and higher rates of nestling mortality attributed to starvation. The effects on clutch size and fledging success were confounded by the area of grassland within a site. There was no effect on brood size. Density dependence also operated within sites between years: as density increased there were reductions in mean chick mass and post-fledging survival, while nestling mortality attributed to starvation increased. Density-dependent effects on clutch size were only weakly regulatory, whereas density-dependent starvation and post-fledging mortality rates contributed strongly to differences in overall breeding output. Heavier chicks (when 7 days old) were significantly more likely to fledge and less likely to starve. Broods with heavier chicks were more likely to supply recruits to the breeding population. Nestling mass was not a factor in survival in the immediate post-fledging period, suggesting that density-dependent processes act independently on this stage. We conclude that the number of birds per hectare of suitable habitat is a valid means of expressing density, and that habitat acts as a surrogate for food abundance through which density dependence operates on the woodlark population.  相似文献   

When consumers feeding on a resource spend time in avoiding high risks of predation, the predator functional response declines with predator density. While this is well established, less attention has been paid to the dependence of the consumer functional response on predator density. Here we show how the separation of behavioral and ecological timescales allows one to determine both responses starting from an explicit behavioral model. Within the general set-up considered in this paper, the two functional responses can tend toward Holling type II responses when consumers react only weakly to predation. Thus, the main characteristics of the standard Rosenzweig-MacArthur tritrophic food chain (logistic resource and Holling type II consumer and predator) remain valid also when consumers have weak antipredator behavior. Moreover, through numerical analysis, we show that in a particular but interesting case pronounced antipredator behaviors stabilize the system.  相似文献   

《Hormones and behavior》2012,61(5):660-665
When the maternal environment is a good predictor of the offspring environment, maternal glucocorticoid (GC) levels might serve to pre-program offspring to express certain phenotypes or life-history characteristics that will increase their fitness. We conducted a field study to assess the effects of naturally occurring maternal GC levels on their offspring in yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) subjected to different predator pressures. Maternal fecal corticosteroid metabolites (FCM) were positively correlated with predator pressure. Predators had both direct and indirect effects on pups. We found that older mothers with higher FCM levels had smaller and female-biased litters. Moreover, sons from older mothers with high FCM levels dispersed significantly more than those from older mothers with low FCM levels, whereas the opposite pattern was found in pups from younger mothers. These age-related effects may permit females to make adaptive decisions that increase their pups' fitness according to their current situation.  相似文献   

When the maternal environment is a good predictor of the offspring environment, maternal glucocorticoid (GC) levels might serve to pre-program offspring to express certain phenotypes or life-history characteristics that will increase their fitness. We conducted a field study to assess the effects of naturally occurring maternal GC levels on their offspring in yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) subjected to different predator pressures. Maternal fecal corticosteroid metabolites (FCM) were positively correlated with predator pressure. Predators had both direct and indirect effects on pups. We found that older mothers with higher FCM levels had smaller and female-biased litters. Moreover, sons from older mothers with high FCM levels dispersed significantly more than those from older mothers with low FCM levels, whereas the opposite pattern was found in pups from younger mothers. These age-related effects may permit females to make adaptive decisions that increase their pups' fitness according to their current situation.  相似文献   

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