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The cell number as well as the hexokinase and glucokinase activity of liver parenchymal and nonparenchymal cells were studied in methapyrilene treated rats. The number of nonparenchymal cells was doubled after treatment with methapyrilene for two weeks while that of hepatocytes remained constant. The hexokinase activity was increased fourfold in the nonparenchymal cell fraction while it was unchanged in the parenchymal cells. The glucokinase activity was decreased in the hepatocytes to one third. Hence, the increased hexokinase activity was due to a proliferation of nonparenchymal cells rather than to a toxic dedifferentiation of hepatocytes.  相似文献   

The rate of carbohydrate flux through phosphofructokinase (measured as the rate of [3-3H]glucose detritiation) was increased fourfold in rat liver parenchymal cells incubated with conditioned medium from lipopolysaccharide-stimulated adherent liver non-parenchymal cells. The rate was not affected in parenchymal cells incubated either with lipopolysaccharide directly or with conditioned medium from non-stimulated non-parenchymal cells. The stimulation of carbohydrate flux through phosphofructokinase by conditioned medium was not duplicated by peptide cytokines known to be released by lipopolysaccharide-activated liver non-parenchymal cells (interleukin-1, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and transforming growth factor-beta) or platelet activating factor. Furthermore, formation of the active conditioned medium was not prevented by inclusion of cycloheximide or dexamethasone to inhibit cytokine synthesis, or indomethacin or BW755c to inhibit arachidonic acid metabolism, during lipopolysaccharide-stimulation of the non-parenchymal cells. The results indicate that intercellular communication between lipopolysaccharide-stimulated liver non-parenchymal cells and parenchymal cells by soluble mediators is responsible for the stimulation of liver phosphofructokinase activity during endotoxin-induced shock. Studies to isolate and identify the factor(s) in the conditioned medium are currently in progress.  相似文献   

Incorporation of C14 Leucine was determined in vitro or in vivo in isolated mitochondria and microsomes of rat brain and liver after acute or chronic ethanol administration in vivo.The protein synthesis in mitochondrial and microsomal preparation was inhibited respectively by chloramphenicol and cycloeximide, specific inhibitors for the two systems tested. The experimental data demonstrate that the in vitro protein synthesis in both systems, mitochondrial and microsomal, is strongly affected only after chronic treatment which produces significant activation at the mitochondrial and microsomal level in the liver and an inhibition on the same systems of the brain.The data for in vivo protein synthesis instead show strong inhibition after acute administration, except for brain mitochondria, which are practically unaffected, while after chronic treatment no significant alterations are observed.  相似文献   

The plasma half-life of beta-galactosidase in rat was about 1.5 min. Ten minutes after in vivo injection, 45% of the enzyme was recovered in liver, with hepatocytes and endothelial cells as the predominant cell types responsible for uptake. In vitro uptake of beta-galactosidase in hepatocytes and nonparenchymal liver cells was saturable, Ca2+-dependent and it could be partly inhibited by mannose or alpha-methyl-mannoside.  相似文献   

Parenchymal and nonparenchymal cells were isolated from perfused rat livers and incubated at 37 degrees C in the absence and presence of ethanol (50 mM). 1. Nonparenchymal cells prepared by means of centrifugation showed a higher rate of incorporation of L-[U-14C]valine into protein than nonparenchymal cells prepared by means of pronase. Cells prepared by the former method were used for further studies. 2. Protein degradation was present in suspensions of both parenchymal and nonparenchymal cells evidenced by increasing levels of branched amino acids in the intracellular and extracellular compartment during cell incubation. 3. The rate of cellular protein synthesis (corrected for precursor pool specific radioactivity) was of the same order of magnitude in nonparenchymal and parenchymal cells when expressed as nmol valine incorporated per mg protein. This rate was also close to the value found in intact liver by other workers. 4. Approximately 25% of the total radioactivity incorporated during incubation for 2 h was found in proteins released to the medium from parenchymal cells, while the corresponding figure for nonparenchymal cells was 3.5%. 5. Ethanol inhibited incorporation of labelled valine into stationary and medium proteins of parenchymal cells. No such effects were found in nonparenchymal cells. 6. Nonparenchymal cells did not metabolize ethanol while parenchymal cells did, shown by changes in lactate/pyruvate ratio and medium pH. It was concluded that nonparenchymal cells are capable of synthesizing proteins at a rate comparable to that found in parenchymal cells. Protein synthesis in parenchymal cells was inhibited by ethanol, but nonparenchymal protein synthesis was unaffected. This difference may be linked to the ability of the former cell type to metabolize ethanol.  相似文献   

Male Wistar rats, 6 weeks old, were allowed free access to water containing cadmium chloride at a concentration of 250 ppm as cadmium (Cd) for 6 and 12 months. The growth, as measured by body weight of Cd-treated rats, was significantly retarded. Electron microscopic studies revealed the appearance of small vacuoles in the cytoplasm, and involution of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) in both the liver and whole kidney. When radioactive precursors of phospholipids, H3(32)PO4 and [1(3)-H]glycerol, were injected (ip) into cd-treated rats, the incorporation of 32P into phosphatidylcholine (PC) in the liver was increased 3.2- and 5.8-fold after 6- and 12-month Cd administration, respectively, and that of 3H into PC was also increased 2.3- and 2.2-fold after 6- and 12-month Cd administration, respectively. In the kidney, however, the incorporation rates of these radioactive precursors were little affected by long-term Cd administration. In the liver of rats treated with Cd for 6 and 12 months, the activity of CDP-choline:cholinephosphotransferase was increased by 20-30% over the control. It was shown that de novo synthesis of PC, which is a major constituent of biological membranes, was accelerated by long-term Cd administration in the liver but not in the kidney. These results suggest the possibility of regenerating the membranes in damaged hepatocytes after 6 and 12 months of Cd administration.  相似文献   

The four most important non-specific carboxylesterases from rat liver were assayed for their ability to hydrolyse retinyl esters. Only the esterases with pI 6.2 and 6.4 (= esterase ES-4) are able to hydrolyse retinyl palmitate. Their specific activities strongly depend on the emulsifier used (maximum rate: 440 nmol of retinol liberated/h per mg of esterase). Beside retinyl palmitate, these esterases cleave palmitoyl-CoA and monoacylglycerols with much higher rates, as well as certain drugs (e.g. aspirin and propanidid). However, no transacylation between palmitoyl-CoA and retinol occurs. Retinyl acetate also is a substrate for the above esterases and for another one with pI 5.6 (= esterase ES-3). Again the emulsifier influences the hydrolysis by these esterases (maximum rates: 475 nmol/h per mg for ES-4 and 200 nmol/h per mg for ES-3). Differential centrifugation of rat liver homogenate reveals that retinyl palmitate hydrolase activity is highly enriched in the plasma membranes, but only moderately so in the endoplasmic reticulum, where the investigated esterases are located. Since the latter activity can be largely inhibited with the selective esterase inhibitor bis-(4-nitrophenyl) phosphate, it is concluded that the esterases with pI 6.2 and 6.4 (ES-4) represent the main retinyl palmitate hydrolase of rat liver endoplasmic reticulum. In view of this cellular localization, the enzyme could possibly be involved in the mobilization of retinol from the vitamin A esters stored in the liver. However, preliminary experiments in vivo have failed to demonstrate such a biological function.  相似文献   

The distribution of HCO3?-ATPase activity was studied in cell fractions prepared from homogenates of rat liver. The level of mitochondrial contamination in the microsomal fraction depended on the fractionation procedure and on the method of homogenization. With proper care, microsomes with undetectable mitochondrial contamination could be prepared. These microsomes had no detectable HCO3?-ATPase activity. Approximately 85 % of the total HCO3?-ATPase activity of the post 6000 x g · min supernatant was recovered in the mitochondrialfraction. The properties of this mitochondrial HCO3?-ATPase were not distinguishable from those of the various microsomal HCO3?-ATPase previously described by other investigators.  相似文献   

Male Sprague-Dawley rats were chronically fed a high-unsaturated-fat diet for 130 days by using total enteral nutrition (TEN), or the same diet in which ethanol (EtOH) isocalorically replaced carbohydrate calories. Additional groups were supplemented with the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) at 1.7 g·kg(-1)·day(-1). Relative to an ad libitum chow-fed group, the high-fat-fed controls had three- to fourfold greater expression of fatty acid transporter CD36 mRNA and developed mild steatosis but little other hepatic pathology. NAC treatment resulted in increased somatic growth relative to controls (4.0 ± 0.1 vs. 3.1 ± 0.1 g/day) and increased hepatic steatosis score (3.5 ± 0.6 vs. 2.7 ± 1.2), associated with suppression of the triglyceride hydrolyzing protein adiponutrin, but produced no elevation in serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT). Chronic EtOH treatment increased expression of fatty acid transport protein FATP-2 mRNA twofold, resulting in marked hepatic steatosis, oxidative stress, and a twofold elevation in serum ALT. However, no changes in tumor necrosis factor-α or transforming growth factor-β expression were observed. Fibrosis, as measured by Masson's trichrome and picrosirius red staining, and a twofold increase in expression of type I and type III collagen mRNA, was only observed after EtOH treatment. Long-term EtOH treatment increased hepatocyte proliferation but did not modify the hepatic mRNAs for hedgehog pathway ligands or target genes or genes regulating epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. Although the effects of NAC on EtOH-induced fibrosis could not be fully evaluated, NAC had additive effects on hepatocyte proliferation and prevented EtOH-induced oxidative stress and necrosis, despite a failure to reverse hepatic steatosis.  相似文献   

The relative contribution of the parenchymal and nonparenchymal rat liver cells to the hepatic uptake of human and rat high density lipoprotein (HDL) and low density lipoprotein (LDL) was determined in vivo. Nonparenchymal cells, isolated 6 h after intravenous injection of iodinated human HDL and LDL, contained respectively 4.2 and 6.3 times the amount of trichloroacetic acid-precipitable radioactivity per mg cell protein as compared to parenchymal cells. For rat iodinated HDL and LDL these factors were 3.4 and 4.1, respectively. These results indicate that nonparenchymal liver cells play a substantial role in the hepatic uptake of human and rat HDL and LDL in vivo.  相似文献   

The activities of NADPH and NADH oxidase were determined in homogenates of isolated pure parenchymal and nonparenchymal rat liver cells at neutral (7.4) and acid (5.5) pH. The NADPH oxidase at pH 7.4 is about equally active in parenchymal and nonparenchymal cells and in both cell types is rather insensitive to KCN (1 mm) inhibition. By lowering the pH to 5.5, the NADPH oxidase of the nonparenchymal cells is stimulated (twofold) while the activity in parenchymal cells is decreased. The NADH consumption at neutral pH in parenchymal cells is 75% inhibited by KCN, while this activity in nonparenchymal cells is relatively insensitive to KCN. The NADH oxidase in both parenchymal and nonparenchymal liver cells is less active when the pH is lowered from 7.4 to 5.5. The distribution of NAD(P)H oxidases between parenchymal and nonparenchymal liver cells and the effect of pH on their activities suggest that in the nonparenchymal cells, the NADPH oxidase might play a role in the synthesis of H2O2 within the phagocytic vacuole. A scheme is proposed which describes the metabolic events involved in H2O2 formation and catabolism of endo(phago)cytosed particles in nonparenchymal liver cells.  相似文献   

In the present study the tissue distribution of [3H]methotrexate was studied after intravenous injection of [3H]methotrexate-containing liposomes in normal and macrophage-depleted mice. Elimination of macrophages was performed by treatment with dichloromethylene diphosphonate- (DMDP)-containing liposomes. After thorough elimination of the macrophages from spleen and liver, by two intravenous injections of DMDP liposomes 6 and 4 days before tissue distribution studies, we found dramatic changes in the localization pattern of [3H]methotrexate liposomes in the blood, due to a decreased uptake of [3H]methotrexate liposomes by the DMDP liposome-treated liver. Because of the absence of these macrophages that are able to clear the blood of liposomes, and because of the resulting higher blood level of liposomes, we found an enhanced uptake of [3H]methotrexate liposomes by the spleen. It may be concluded that, in the spleen, apart from uptake of liposomes by macrophages, at least one other mechanism is responsible for the clearance of liposomes from the circulation. When comparing cholesterol-rich with cholesterol-poor liposomes, we found basically the same results, although uptake of cholesterol-rich liposomes by macrophages was smaller than that of cholesterol-poor liposomes, as found in several other studies. We suggest that pretreatment with DMDP liposomes can help to maintain a high level of intravenous-injected liposome-entrapped material in the blood, which otherwise would be removed by macrophages.  相似文献   

In order to enhance the stability of β-galactosidase, we conjugated the enzyme with dextran T-10 (Mr approx. 10 000). The conjugate contained 9–10 mol dextran/mol protein (β-galactosidase, Mr 68 000), and the specific activity retained after conjugation was 90 ± 4% (n = 3) of the initial activity. Uptake and degradation of native and conjugated β-galactosidase in isolated hepatocytes and nonparenchymal liver cells was studied. There was a marked increase in stability against degradation in both cell types when β-galactosidase was conjugated with Dextran. The degradation of dextran-conjugated enzyme was reduced by 35% in hepatocytes and by 43% in nonparenchymal cells, after 80 and 40 min, respectively, as compared with the free enzyme. However, there was insignificant difference between the uptake of native and conjugated enzyme into the liver cells. Upon intravenous infusion into rats, native and conjugated enzyme were cleared from plasma with only a slight difference in the clearance rate. The observed stability of dextran-conjugated β-galactosidase towards cellular degradation was in accordance with the in vitro experiments. The conjugate showed marked thermal stability at 50°C and enhanced resistance towards proteolysis by the broad specific protease subtilopeptidase A. This demonstrates that dextran conjugation may be used as a means of stabilizing lysosomal enzymes for therapeutic purposes.  相似文献   

The distribution of HCO3MINUS-ATPase activity was studied in cell fractions prepared from homogenates of rat liver. The level of mitochondrial contamination in the microsomal fraction depended on the fractionation procedure and on the method of homogenization. With proper care, microsomes with undetectable mitochondrial contamination could be prepared. These microsomes had no detectable HCO3MINUS-ATPase activity. Approximately 85% of the total HCO3minus-ATPase activity of the post 6000 times g-min supernatant was recovered in the mitochondrial fraction. The properties of this mitochondrial HCO3minus-ATPase were not distinguishable from those of the various microsomal HCO3minus-ATPases previously described by other investigators.  相似文献   

By definition, a vitamin is a substance that must be obtained regularly from the diet. Vitamin A must be acquired from the diet, but unlike most vitamins, it can also be stored within the body in relatively high levels. For humans living in developed nations or animals living in present-day vivariums, stored vitamin A concentrations can become relatively high, reaching levels that can protect against the adverse effects of insufficient vitamin A dietary intake for six months, or even much longer. The ability to accumulate vitamin A stores lessens the need for routinely consuming vitamin A in the diet, and this provides a selective advantage to the organism. The molecular processes that underlie this selective advantage include efficient mechanisms to acquire vitamin A from the diet, efficient and overlapping mechanisms for the transport of vitamin A in the circulation, a specific mechanism allowing for vitamin A storage, and a mechanism for mobilizing vitamin A from these stores in response to tissue needs. These processes are considered in this review.  相似文献   

Ethanol was administered to female and male Wistar rats by mixing it with their drinking water. Ethanol concentrations were gradually increased up to either 8% or 15%. Female rats receiving 8% ethanol in their drinking water consumed 5-13 g, males 4-10 g daily. The ethanol/total food caloric intake percentages were 13 to 20% and 9 to 15% for female and male rats, respectively. There was no difference in body weight and relative liver weight between treated rats and their controls. Female and male rats receiving 15% of ethanol in their drinking water consumed 8-14 g ethanol per kg body weight per day. The percentages of ethanol/total food caloric intake were stabilized at about 25% for both sexes. Growth of the rats differed only slightly from controls; a tendency for a higher increase of body weight of the control rats was found. No difference in relative liver weight between ethanol-treated and control rats was observed. Microscopic examinations revealed that the ethanol treatment resulted in fat accumulation in the liver cells. A proliferation of the Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER) was more marked in the 15% dosed rats than in the 8% dosed rats and more distinct in female rats than in male rats in both dosage groups.  相似文献   

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