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In central neurons, dendritic differentiation begins well after axonal elongation and is accompanied by the compartmentation of the microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) in the somatodendritic domain. Whether MAP2 plays a role in the morphological and functional maturation of dendrites remains an open question and is the focus of this study. Cultured hippocampal neurons depleted of MAP2 by means of antisense oligonucleotides failed to elongate their dendrites. On the other hand, MAP2-depleted neurons were capable of receiving synapses within the same time course as their control counterparts. However, both the number of synapses per cell and the synaptic density were markedly reduced in neurons in which dendritic elongation has been impaired. Taken collectively, these results suggest that the expression of MAP2 is required for the morphological differentiation of dendrites. Dendritic elongation, however, is not a prerequisite for synapse formation in cultured hippocampal neurons.  相似文献   

Shen K 《Neuron》2006,49(3):323-325
Synapse formation is initiated by cell-cell contact between appropriate pre- and postsynaptic cells and is followed by recruitment of protein complexes in both pre- and postsynaptic compartments. In this issue of Neuron, Lyles et al. show that in cultured Aplysia neurons, clustering of an mRNA at nascent synapses is not only induced by the recognition between synaptic partners, but is also required for further synaptic development and maintenance.  相似文献   

S S Lin  D Dagan  I B Levitan 《Neuron》1989,3(1):95-102
A novel 100 pS K(+)-selective ion channel is frequently observed in cell-attached membrane patches from cultured Aplysia neurons. The activity of this channel is moderately voltage-dependent, but channel openings are rare and brief even when the patch is strongly depolarized. However, the activity of the channel is increased dramatically by the addition of the lectin concanavalin A (Con A), to the patch pipette. The channel is also activated by Con A in the bathing medium, suggesting that the lectin's action is via an as yet unidentified intracellular second messenger. In the one single-channel patch studied, Con A had no effect on the channel mean open time; rather it decreased the average duration of the long closed times between bursts of openings. Thus Con A increases either the open probability of single channels, the number of functional channels in the patch, or both. The functional significance of the Con A-induced modulation of K+ channel activity remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Identified leech neurons in culture are providing novel insights to the signals underlying synapse formation and function. Identified neurons from the central nervous system of the leech can be removed individually and plated in culture, where they retain their characteristic physiological properties, grow neurites, and form specific synapses that are directly accessible by a variety of approaches. Synapses between cultured neurons can be chemical or electrical (either rectifying or not) or may not form, depending on the neuronal identities. Furthermore, the characteristics of these synapses depend on the regions of the cells that come into contact. The formation and physiology of synapses between the Retzius cell and its partners have been well characterized. Retzius cells form purely chemical, inhibitory synapses with pressuresensitive (P) cells where serotonin (5-HT) is the transmitter. Retzius cells synthesize 5-HT, which is stored in vesicles that recycle after 5-HT is secreted on stimulation. The release of 5-HT is quantal, calcium-dependent, and shows activity-dependent facilitation and depression. Anterograde and retrograde signals during synapse formation modify calcium currents, responses to 5-HT, and neurite outgrowth. The nature of these synaptogenic signals is being elucidated. For example, contact specifically with Retzius cells induces a localized selection of transmitter responses in postsynaptic P cells. This effect is signaled by tyrosine phosphorylation prior to synapse formation. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A serial section analysis of photoreceptor synaptic bases was undertaken in the clawed frog Xenopus laevis. The developmental period from tadpole stage 48 through metamorphosis was studied. Horizontal cells contacted rod and cone photoreceptors at ribbon synapses; the number of such contacts per receptor base was constant for rods, but increased for cones as a function of developmental stage. In pre-metamorphic animals bipolar cells contacted receptors only through basal junctions; their number in cone bases increased dramatically during development but was unchanged in rod bases. A densitometric estimation of the cleft width of basal junctions showed that it ranged from 10 to 18 nm, but the junctions could not be divided reliably into the 'wide' and 'narrow' categories reported for other vertebrate species. Near metamorphic climax a new type of ribbon-related bipolar cell junction appeared. Gap junctions between horizontal cells and conventional synapses of horizontal cell onto bipolar cell processes were first seen in mid-larval developmental stages.  相似文献   

Synapses are specialized structures that mediate information flow between neurons and target cells,and thus are the basis for neuronal system to execute various functions,including learning and memory.There are around 1011 neurons in the human brain,with each neuron receiving thousands of synaptic inputs,either excitatory or inhibitory.A synapse is an asymmetric structure that is composed of pre-synaptic axon terminals,synaptic cleft,and postsynaptic compartments.Synapse formation involves a number of cell ...  相似文献   

The double C2 domain protein family (DOC2) is characterized by two calcium-binding domains (C2). Upon binding to calcium, the affinity of the protein to phospholipids is significantly increased, leading to translocation of the protein from the cytosol to the plasma membrane. These properties, and the binding domain of DOC2B to Munc13, suggested that DOC2B could play a role in augmentation and potentiation of synaptic release. Nevertheless, the level of the free intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) which triggers its translocation under in vivo conditions, is not known. Using cultured Aplysia neurons that express rat EGFP-DOC2B, we found that the [Ca(2+)](i) increment necessary to induce EGFP-DOC2B translocation is approximately 200 nM in the bulk of the cytoplasm. The rate of EGFP-DOC2B recruitment to the plasma membrane is slower than the [Ca(2+)](i) elevation rate, while the detachment of EGFP-DOC2B from it is faster than the calcium removal. The extent of EGFP-DOC2B translocation to the plasma membrane reflects local submembrane [Ca(2+)](i). Our observations are consistent with the view that DOC2B can participate in the regulation of neurotransmitter release. It should be noted that EGFP-DOC2B could be used as a tool to map sub-membrane calcium dynamics under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Properties of a neuron may arise via endogenous mechanisms, or via interactions with other neurons. Culturing a neuron in isolation is a useful tool to distinguish between endogenous and circuit-derived properties. We identified two remarkable functional features of pattern initiator neurons B31/B32 in Aplysia when these neurons were cultured in isolation. These features were also present in situ, but were less prominent, and would have been missed had they not been observed first in the isolated cultured neurons. The properties are likely to be present in neurons of higher animals, but have not yet been observed. One feature was autaptic muscarinic self-excitation that contributes to the neuron's plateau potential, by which it initiates behavior. The other feature was the release of nitric oxide (NO) in the absence of spiking, which causes self-inhibition at rest. The nitrergic modulation of B31/B32 is likely to contribute to the control of feeding by dietary changes in the concentration of L: -arginine, the precursor from which NO is synthesized.  相似文献   

We examined the subcellular distribution of specific mRNAs in cultured sympathetic neurons. Under appropriate conditions, sympathetic neurons extend both axons and dendrites that are distinguishable by light microscopic and immunocytochemical criteria. In situ hybridization revealed a differential localization of mRNA within dendrites. mRNA encoding MAP2 was abundant in cell bodies and distributed nonhomogeneously throughout the dendritic compartment, but was not detected in axons. In contrast, mRNAs encoding GAP-43 and alpha-tubulin were restricted to the cell body and largely excluded from dendrites as well as axons. Detergent extraction revealed that most dendrite-associated mRNA encoding MAP2 was associated with the Triton X-100 insoluble fraction of the cell. The subset of mRNAs present in the dendritic compartment may encode proteins involved in the morphogenesis and remodeling of dendrites.  相似文献   

Summary Polyclonal antibodies directed against squid opsin were used in immunocytochemical and immunoblot experiments to identify a rhodopsin-like protein in photosensitive neurons of Aplysia. Aldehyde-fixed abdominal and cerebral ganglia were embedded in paraffin for peroxidase anti-peroxidase analysis or used whole for immunofluorescence studies. Ganglia were embedded in Lowicryl K4M for electron-microscope immunocytochemistry. In both the cerebral and abdominal ganglia, light-microscope immunocytochemical results showed reaction product deposited around the neuronal cell periphery corresponding in position to the lipochondria. In the abdominal ganglion, the giant cell R2, located in the right rostral quarter, and neurons in the right caudal quarter were consistently labeled with anti-opsin. Electron-microscopic studies demonstrated ferritin-labeling of the lipochondria in R2 and other immunoreactive neurons. Immunoblot analysis of R2 and cerebral neuron extracts was used to identify two prominent immunoreactive protein bands at 85000 and 67500 molecular weight.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2023,83(15):2709-2725.e10
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Localized translation and the requisite trafficking of the mRNA template play significant roles in the nervous system including the establishment of dendrites and axons, axon path-finding, and synaptic plasticity. We provide a brief review on the regulation of localizing mRNA in mammalian neurons through critical post-translational modifications of the factors involved. These examples highlight the relationship between mRNA trafficking and the translational regulation of trafficked mRNAs and provide insight into how extracellular signals target these events during signal transduction.  相似文献   

The role of positional information in synapse formation was studied in the cricket cercal sensory system by transplanting epidermis from one species of cricket to another. Strips of cercal epidermis containing identified sensory neurons were transplanted from a black donor species to a tan host species; the color difference was used to distinguish between donor and host tissue in adults. Transplanted sensory neurons regenerated axons into the host terminal abdominal ganglion where they formed functional chimeric synapses. These methods were used to test the role of positional information in central synapse formation. Newly generated sensory neurons, formed by the donor tissue at the border between graft and host, were examined to test the idea that their position would determine their structure, function, and projection pattern. These "intercalated" sensory neurons support the positional information hypothesis. First, they had directional sensitivities which were appropriate to their location on the cercus; receptors of this directionality would never be made by the donor tissue if left in its original position. Second, these sensory neurons projected to regions of the CNS known to be appropriate for their directionality. Finally, simultaneous recordings from these ectopic sensory neurons and host interneurons demonstrated the expected synaptic connection, based on the overlap of pre- and postsynaptic cells. Thus three aspects of receptor function, directionality, afferent projection, and choice of synaptic partners, appeared to be controlled by positional information.  相似文献   

Synapse formation requires the precise alignment and attachment of presynaptic and postsynaptic cells. Homophilic cell adhesion molecules have now been found to have a role in these processes on both sides of the synaptic cleft.  相似文献   

The synapses between the sensory neuron (SN) and motor neuron of Aplysia undergo long-term functional and structural modulation with appropriate behavioral training or with applications of specific neuromodulators. Expression of molecules within the presynaptic terminals may be regulated in parallel with the changes evoked by the neuromodulators. We examined with immunocytochemical methods whether the level of sensorin, the SN-specific neuropeptide, is modulated in SN varicosities by the location of interaction with the target motor cell L7 and by applications of either 5-HT that evoke long-term facilitation or FMRFamide that evoke long-term depression of Aplysia sensorimotor connections in vitro. A significantly higher proportion of SN varicosities are sensorin positive when they are in contact with the proximal axons of L7 compared to varicosities of the same SNs in contact with distal L7 neurites. Both 5-HT and FMRFamide evoked changes in the efficacy and structure of sensorimotor connections that are accompanied by changes in the frequency of sensorin-positive varicosities contacting the axons of L7. More preexisting SN varicosities are stained after 5-HT, and fewer preexisting SN varicosities are stained after FMRFamide. These results suggest that the postsynaptic target and the neuromodulators not only regulate overall structure but also regulate the level of SN neuropeptide at synaptic sites. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Trillions of synapses form as the brain develops. This intimate contact between two neurons has now been shown to be facilitated by thrombospondins - large extracellular matrix proteins secreted by astrocytes.  相似文献   

Fan SJ  Marchand V  Ephrussi A 《PloS one》2011,6(5):e20612
mRNA localization coupled with translational control is a widespread and conserved strategy that allows the localized production of proteins within eukaryotic cells. In Drosophila, oskar (osk) mRNA localization and translation at the posterior pole of the oocyte are essential for proper patterning of the embryo. Several P body components are involved in osk mRNA localization and translational repression, suggesting a link between P bodies and osk RNPs. In cultured mammalian cells, Ge-1 protein is required for P body formation. Combining genetic, biochemical and immunohistochemical approaches, we show that, in vivo, Drosophila Ge-1 (dGe-1) is an essential gene encoding a P body component that promotes formation of these structures in the germline. dGe-1 partially colocalizes with osk mRNA and is required for osk RNP integrity. Our analysis reveals that although under normal conditions dGe-1 function is not essential for osk mRNA localization, it becomes critical when other components of the localization machinery, such as staufen, Drosophila decapping protein 1 and barentsz are limiting. Our findings suggest an important role of dGe-1 in optimization of the osk mRNA localization process required for patterning the Drosophila embryo.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the absence or altered structure of Dp71, a C-terminal dystrophin gene encoded protein, is responsible for mental alterations observed in about 30% of Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients. Most of these patients have premature translational termination or point mutations at the C-terminal domain of this gene. In brain, Dp71 is the major protein product of the dystrophin gene. To determine the function of Dp71 isoforms in this organ, it is important to document their presence and intracellular localization in brain cells. Extracts from cultured hippocampal neurons and forebrain astrocytes and 5F3 and Dys 2 monoclonal antibodies were thus used for western blots. In these conditions, two Dp71 isoforms spliced or not at exon 78 were detected in both cells (Dp71f and Dp71d, respectively). By immunocytochemistry, we mapped Dp71f and Dp71d in the Golgi complex (GC) and in neuronal nuclei. Only Dp71d was found in cytoplasmic neurofilaments. In astrocytes, these isoforms were detected in the GC. These cell localization data suggest that these Dp71 isoforms may have different functions in the same cell or organelle, as well as in the two different cells analyzed.  相似文献   

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