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The product of the Caenorhabditis elegans ORF F18E2.3 is homologous to the cohesin component Scc3p. By antibody staining the product of F18E2.3 is found in interphase and early meiotic nuclei. At pachytene it localizes to the axes of meiotic chromosomes but is no longer detectable on chromatin later in meiosis or in mitoses. Depletion of the gene product by RNAi results in aberrant mitoses and meioses. In meiosis, homologous pairing is defective during early meiotic prophase and at diakinesis there occur univalents consisting of loosely connected sister chromatids or completely separated sisters. The recombination protein RAD-51 accumulates in nuclear foci at higher numbers during meiotic prophase and disappears later than in wild-type worms, suggesting a defect in the repair of meiotic double-stranded DNA breaks. Embryos showing nuclei of variable size and anaphase bridges, indicative of mitotic segregation defects, are frequently observed. In the most severely affected gonads, nuclear morphology cannot be related to any specific stage. The cytological localization and the consequences of the lack of the protein indicate that C. elegans SCC-3 is essential for sister chromatid cohesion both in mitosis and in meiosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Chromosome segregation during mitosis and meiosis is triggered by dissolution of sister chromatid cohesion, which is mediated by the cohesin complex. Mitotic sister chromatid disjunction requires that cohesion be lost along the entire length of chromosomes, whereas homolog segregation at meiosis I only requires loss of cohesion along chromosome arms. During animal cell mitosis, cohesin is lost in two steps. A nonproteolytic mechanism removes cohesin along chromosome arms during prophase, while the proteolytic cleavage of cohesin's Scc1 subunit by separase removes centromeric cohesin at anaphase. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Caenorhabditis elegans, meiotic sister chromatid cohesion is mediated by Rec8, a meiosis-specific variant of cohesin's Scc1 subunit. Homolog segregation in S. cerevisiae is triggered by separase-mediated cleavage of Rec8 along chromosome arms. In principle, chiasmata could be resolved proteolytically by separase or nonproteolytically using a mechanism similar to the mitotic "prophase pathway." RESULTS: Inactivation of separase in C. elegans has little or no effect on homolog alignment on the meiosis I spindle but prevents their timely disjunction. It also interferes with chromatid separation during subsequent embryonic mitotic divisions but does not directly affect cytokinesis. Surprisingly, separase inactivation also causes osmosensitive embryos, possibly due to a defect in the extraembryonic structures, referred to as the "eggshell." CONCLUSIONS: Separase is essential for homologous chromosome disjunction during meiosis I. Proteolytic cleavage, presumably of Rec8, might be a common trigger for the first meiotic division in eukaryotic cells. Cleavage of proteins other than REC-8 might be necessary to render the eggshell impermeable to solutes.  相似文献   

Katic I  Greenwald I 《Genetics》2006,174(4):1907-1915
The sel-6 gene was previously identified in a screen for suppressors of the egg-laying defect associated with hypermorphic alleles of lin-12 (Tax et al. 1997). Here we show that sel-6 and two other previously defined genes, mal-2 and emb-4, are the same gene, now called "emb-4." We perform a genetic and molecular characterization of emb-4 and show that it functions cell autonomously as a positive regulator of lin-12 activity. Viable alleles identified as suppressors of lin-12 are partial loss-of-function mutations, whereas the null phenotype encompasses a range of lethal terminal phenotypes that apparently are not related to loss of lin-12/Notch signaling. emb-4 encodes a large nuclearly localized protein containing a predicted ATPase domain and has apparent orthologs in fission yeast, plants, and animals.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are the central hub for many metabolic processes, including the citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, and fatty acid oxidation. Recent studies have identified a new mitochondrial protein family, Fam210, that regulates bone metabolism and red cell development in vertebrates. The model organism Caenorhabditis elegans has a Fam210 gene, y56a3a.22, but it lacks both bones and red blood cells. In this study, we report that Y56A3A.22 plays a crucial role in regulating mitochondrial protein homeostasis and reproduction. The nematode y56a3a.22 is expressed in various tissues, including the intestine, muscle, hypodermis, and germline, and its encoded protein is predominantly localized in mitochondria. y56a3a.22 deletion mutants are sterile owing to impaired oogenesis. Loss of Y56A3A.22 induced mitochondrial unfolded protein response (UPRmt), which is mediated through the ATFS-1-dependent pathway, in tissues such as the intestine, germline, hypodermis, and vulval muscle. We further show that infertility and UPRmt induces by Y56A3A.22 deficiency are not attributed to systemic iron deficiency. Together, our study reveals an important role of Y56A3A.22 in regulating mitochondrial protein homeostasis and oogenesis and provides a new genetic tool for exploring the mechanisms regulating mitochondrial metabolism and reproduction as well as the fundamental role of the Fam210 family.  相似文献   

Two genes, originally identified in genetic screens for Caenorhabditis elegans mutants that arrest in metaphase of meiosis I, prove to encode subunits of the anaphase-promoting complex or cyclosome (APC/C). RNA interference studies reveal that these and other APC/C subunits are essential for the segregation of chromosomal homologs during meiosis I. Further, chromosome segregation during meiosis I requires APC/C functions in addition to the release of sister chromatid cohesion.  相似文献   

Chromosome ends have been implicated in the meiotic processes of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Cytological observations have shown that chromosome ends attach to the nuclear membrane and adopt kinetochore functions. In this organism, centromeric activity is highly regulated, switching from multiple spindle attachments all along the chromosome during mitotic division to a single attachment during meiosis. C. elegans chromosomes are functionally monocentric during meiosis. Earlier genetic studies demonstrated that the terminal regions of the chromosomes are not equivalent in their meiotic potentials. There are asymmetries in the abilities of the ends to recombine when duplicated or deleted. In addition, mutations in single genes have been identified that mimic the meiotic effects of a terminal truncation of the X chromosome. The recent cloning and characterization of the C. elegans telomeres has provided a starting point for the study of chromosomal elements mediating the meiotic process.  相似文献   

Four different SYP proteins (SYP-1, SYP-2, SYP-3, and SYP-4) have been proposed to form the central region of the synaptonemal complex (SC) thereby bridging the axes of paired meiotic chromosomes in Caenorhabditis elegans. Their interdependent localization suggests that they may interact within the SC. Our studies reveal for the first time how these SYP proteins are organized in the central region of the SC. Yeast two-hybrid and co-immunoprecipitation studies show that SYP-1 is the only SYP protein that is capable of homotypic interactions, and is able to interact with both SYP-2 and SYP-3 directly, whereas SYP-2 and SYP-3 do not seem to interact with each other. Specifically, the coiled-coil domain of SYP-1 is required both for its homotypic interactions and its interaction with the C-terminal domain of SYP-2. Meanwhile, SYP-3 interacts with the C-terminal end of SYP-1 via its N-terminal domain. Immunoelectron microscopy analysis provides insight into the orientation of these proteins within the SC. While the C-terminal domain of SYP-3 localizes in close proximity to the chromosome axes, the N-terminal domains of both SYP-1 and SYP-4, as well as the C-terminal domain of SYP-2, are located in the middle of the SC. Taking into account the different sizes of these proteins, their interaction abilities, and their orientation within the SC, we propose a model of how the SYP proteins link the homologous axes to provide the conserved structure and width of the SC in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Eckmann CR  Crittenden SL  Suh N  Kimble J 《Genetics》2004,168(1):147-160
Germ cells can divide mitotically to replenish germline tissue or meiotically to produce gametes. In this article, we report that GLD-3, a Caenorhabditis elegans Bicaudal-C homolog, promotes the transition from mitosis to meiosis together with the GLD-2 poly(A) polymerase. GLD-3 binds GLD-2 via a small N-terminal region present in both GLD-3S and GLD-3L isoforms, and GLD-2 and GLD-3 can be co-immunoprecipitated from worm extracts. The FBF repressor binds specifically to elements in the gld-3S 3′-UTR, and FBF regulates gld-3 expression. Furthermore, FBF acts largely upstream of gld-3 in the mitosis/meiosis decision. By contrast, GLD-3 acts upstream of FBF in the sperm/oocyte decision, and GLD-3 protein can antagonize FBF binding to RNA regulatory elements. To address the relative importance of these two regulatory mechanisms in the mitosis/meiosis and sperm/oocyte decisions, we isolated a deletion mutant, gld-3(q741), that removes the FBF-binding site from GLD-3L, but leaves the GLD-2-binding site intact. Animals homozygous for gld-3(q741) enter meiosis, but are feminized. Therefore, GLD-3 promotes meiosis primarily via its interaction with GLD-2, and it promotes spermatogenesis primarily via its interaction with FBF.  相似文献   

We describe phenotypic characterization of dli-1, the Caenorhabditis elegans homolog of cytoplasmic dynein light intermediate chain (LIC), a subunit of the cytoplasmic dynein motor complex. Animals homozygous for loss-of-function mutations in dli-1 exhibit stochastic failed divisions in late larval cell lineages, resulting in zygotic sterility. dli-1 is required for dynein function during mitosis. Depletion of the dli-1 gene product through RNA-mediated gene interference (RNAi) reveals an early embryonic requirement. One-cell dli-1(RNAi) embryos exhibit failed cell division attempts, resulting from a variety of mitotic defects. Specifically, pronuclear migration, centrosome separation, and centrosome association with the male pronuclear envelope are defective in dli-1(RNAi) embryos. Meiotic spindle formation, however, is not affected in these embryos. DLI-1, like its vertebrate homologs, contains a putative nucleotide-binding domain similar to those found in the ATP-binding cassette transporter family of ATPases as well as other nucleotide-binding and -hydrolyzing proteins. Amino acid substitutions in a conserved lysine residue, known to be required for nucleotide binding, confers complete rescue in a dli-1 mutant background, indicating this is not an essential domain for DLI-1 function.  相似文献   

The Caenorhabditis elegans genome encodes multiple isotypes of alpha-tubulin and beta-tubulin. Roles for a number of these tubulins in neuronal development have been described, but less is known about the isoforms that function during early embryonic development. Microtubules are required for multiple events after fertilization produces a one-cell zygote in C. elegans, including pronuclear migration, mitotic spindle assembly and function, and proper spindle positioning. Here we describe a conditional and dominant mis-sense mutation in the C. elegans alpha-tubulin gene tba-1 that disrupts pronuclear migration and positioning of the first mitotic spindle, and results in a highly penetrant embryonic lethality, at the restrictive temperature of 26 degrees C. Our analysis of the dominant tba-1 (or346ts) allele suggests that TBA-1 assembles into microtubules in early embryonic cells. However, we also show that reduction of tba-1 function using RNA interference results in defects much less severe than those caused by the dominant or346ts mutation, due to partial redundancy of TBA-1 and another alpha-tubulin called TBA-2. Reducing the function of both TBA-1 and TBA-2 results in severe defects in microtubule-dependent processes. We conclude that microtubules in the early C. elegans embryo are composed of both TBA-1 and TBA-2, and that the dominant tba-1(or346ts) mutation disrupts MT assembly or stability. Cell Motil.  相似文献   

In many animals, female meiotic spindles are assembled in the absence of centrosomes, the major microtubule (MT)-organizing centers. How MTs are formed and organized into meiotic spindles is poorly understood. Here we report that, in Caenorhabditis elegans, Aurora A kinase/AIR-1 is required for the formation of spindle microtubules during female meiosis. When AIR-1 was depleted or its kinase activity was inhibited in C. elegans oocytes, although MTs were formed around chromosomes at germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), they were decreased during meiotic prometaphase and failed to form a bipolar spindle, and chromosomes were not separated into two masses. Whereas AIR-1 protein was detected on and around meiotic spindles, its kinase-active form was concentrated on chromosomes at prometaphase and on interchromosomal MTs during late anaphase and telophase. We also found that AIR-1 is involved in the assembly of short, dynamic MTs in the meiotic cytoplasm, and these short MTs were actively incorporated into meiotic spindles. Collectively our results suggest that, after GVBD, the kinase activity of AIR-1 is continuously required for the assembly and/or stabilization of female meiotic spindle MTs.  相似文献   

Sister chromatid cohesion is fundamental for the faithful transmission of chromosomes during both meiosis and mitosis. Proteins involved in this process are highly conserved from yeasts to humans. In screenings for sterile animals with abnormal vulval morphology, mutations in the Caenorhabditis elegans evl-14 and scc-3 genes were isolated. Defects in cell divisions were observed in germ line as well as in vulval and somatic gonad lineages. Through positional cloning of these genes, we have shown that EVL-14 and SCC-3 are likely the only C. elegans homologs of the yeast sister chromatid cohesion proteins Pds5 and Scc3, respectively. Both evl-14 and scc-3 mutants displayed defects in the meiotic germ line. In evl-14 mutants, synaptonemal complexes (SCs) were detectable but more than the usual six DAPI (4',6'-diamidino-2-phenylindole)-positive structures were seen at diakinesis, suggesting that EVL-14/PDS-5 is important for the maintenance of sister chromatid cohesion in late prophase. In scc-3 mutant animals, normal SCs were not visible and approximately 24 DAPI-positive structures were seen at diakinesis, indicating that SCC-3 is necessary for sister chromatid cohesion. Immunostaining revealed that localization of REC-8, a homolog of the yeast meiotic cohesin subunit Rec8, to the chromosomes depends on the presence of SCC-3 but not that of EVL-14/PDS-5. scc-3 RNA interference (RNAi)-treated embryos were 100% lethal and displayed defects in cell divisions. evl-14 RNAi caused a range of phenotypes. These results indicate that EVL-14/PDS-5 and SCC-3 have functions in both mitosis and meiosis.  相似文献   

During mitosis, chromosome segregation is regulated by a spindle checkpoint mechanism. This checkpoint delays anaphase until all kinetochores are captured by microtubules from both spindle poles, chromosomes congress to the metaphase plate, and the tension between kinetochores and their attached microtubules is properly sensed. Although the spindle checkpoint can be activated in many different cell types, the role of this regulatory mechanism in rapidly dividing embryonic animal cells has remained controversial. Here, using time-lapse imaging of live embryonic cells, we show that chemical or mutational disruption of the mitotic spindle in early Caenorhabditis elegans embryos delays progression through mitosis. By reducing the function of conserved checkpoint genes in mutant embryos with defective mitotic spindles, we show that these delays require the spindle checkpoint. In the absence of a functional checkpoint, more severe defects in chromosome segregation are observed in mutants with abnormal mitotic spindles. We also show that the conserved kinesin CeMCAK, the CENP-F-related proteins HCP-1 and HCP-2, and the core kinetochore protein CeCENP-C all are required for this checkpoint. Our analysis indicates that spindle checkpoint mechanisms are functional in the rapidly dividing cells of an early animal embryo and that this checkpoint can prevent chromosome segregation defects during mitosis.  相似文献   

The assembly of microtubules inside the cell is controlled both spatially and temporally. During mitosis, microtubule assembly must be activated locally at the nascent spindle region for mitotic spindle assembly to occur efficiently. In this paper, we report that mitotic spindle components, such as free tubulin subunits, accumulated in the nascent spindle region, independent of spindle formation in the Caenorhabditis elegans embryo. This accumulation coincided with nuclear envelope permeabilization, suggesting that permeabilization might trigger the accumulation. When permeabilization was induced earlier by knockdown of lamin, tubulin also accumulated earlier. The boundaries of the region of accumulation coincided with the remnant nuclear envelope, which remains after nuclear envelope breakdown in cells that undergo semi-open mitosis, such as those of C. elegans. Ran, a small GTPase protein, was required for tubulin accumulation. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching analysis revealed that the accumulation was accompanied by an increase in the immobile fraction of free tubulin inside the remnant nuclear envelope. We propose that this newly identified mechanism of accumulation of free tubulin-and probably of other molecules-at the nascent spindle region contributes to efficient assembly of the mitotic spindle in the C. elegans embryo.  相似文献   

We have investigated the role of Caenorhabditis elegans RAD-51 during meiotic prophase and embryogenesis, making use of the silencing effect of RNA interference (RNAi). rad-51 RNAi leads to severe defects in chromosome morphology in diakinesis oocytes. We have explored the effect of rad-51 RNAi in mutants lacking fundamental components of the recombination machinery. If double-strand breaks are prevented by spo-11 mutation, rad-51 RNAi does not affect chromosome appearance. This is consistent with a role for RAD-51 downstream of the initiation of recombination. In the absence of MRE-11, as in the absence of SPO-11, RAD-51 depletion has no effect on the chromosomes, which appear intact, thus indicating a role for MRE-11 in DSB induction. Intriguingly, rad-51 silencing in oocytes that lack MSH-5 leads to chromosome fragmentation, a novel trait that is distinct from that seen in msh-5 mutants and in rad-51 RNAi oocytes, suggesting new potential roles for the msh-5 gene. Silencing of the rad-51 gene also causes a reduction in fecundity, which is suppressed by mutation in the DNA damage checkpoint gene rad-5, but not in the cell death effector gene ced-3. Finally, RAD-51 depletion is also seen to affect the soma, resulting in hypersensitivity to ionizing radiation in late embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The Polo-like kinases are key regulatory molecules required during the cell cycle for the successful completion of mitosis. We have cloned a C. elegans homolog of the Drosophila melanogaster polo gene (designated plk-1 for C. elegans polo-like kinase-1) and present the subcellular localization of the PLK-1 protein during the meiotic and mitotic cell cycles in C. elegans oocytes and embryos, respectively. Disruption of PLK-1 expression by RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) disrupts normal oocyte and embryonic development. Inspection of oocytes revealed a defect in nuclear envelope breakdown (NEBD) before ovulation. This defect in NEBD was also observed in oocytes that were depleted of the cyclin-dependent kinase NCC-1 (C. elegans homolog of Cdc2). The plk-1 RNAi oocytes were fertilized; however the resulting embryos were unable to separate their meiotic chromosomes or form and extrude polar bodies. These defects led to embryonic arrest as single cells. genesis 26:26-41, 2000. Published 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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