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23 species, one subspecies and three varieties have been described or named for the pan-tropical genus Lasianthus Jack (Rubiaceae) in continental Africa. In the present revision thirteen species, five subspecies and one variety are recognized; additionally two hybrids are proposed. Of the previously named taxa, the subspecies is raised to species rank whereas two species are degraded to subspecies and variety status, respectively. Five species are synonymised including two varieties, and four are left with uncertain status, including one variety. The distribution of the genus in Africa consists of two distinct elements: one component is found in the Guineo-Congolian regional centre of endemism and one in the eastern part of Afiomontane Archipelago-like regional centre of endemism. A centre of species diversity is found in Eastern Arc Mts., where six endemic species occur together with L. laxinervis and the more widespread L. kilimandscharicus. Four of the species are strict endemics of the Uluguru Mts. In addition to the presentation of the new section: Lasianthus Sectio Membranacei, sect. nov., this revision contain two hybrids from Uluguru Mts.: L. macrocalyx × pedunculatus and L. cereifizorus × pedunculatus, and following new taxa and new combinations: L. africanus ssp. biokoensis, subsp. nov.; L. africanus ssp. mayumbensis, comb. et stat. nov.; L. kilimandscharicus ssp. glabrescens, ssp. nov.; L. kilimandscharicus ssp. glabrescens var. xanthospermus, comb. et stat. nov.; L. kilimandscharicus ssp. hirsutus, ssp. nov.; L. laxinervis, stat. nov.; L. pedunculatus ssp. angustisepalus, ssp. nov.  相似文献   

Four species of cycad megasporophyll from the Lower Permian of Taiyuan, China, are described as Crossozamia chinensis (Zhu and Du) comb. nov., C. minor sp. nov., C. spadicia sp. nov. and C. cucullata comb. nov. together with the associated leaves Tianbaolinia circinalis gen. et sp. nov., Yuania chinensis Zhu and Du and Taeniopteris taiyuanensis Halle. An axis bearing megasporophylls in organic connection is described for the first time. Two possible evolutionary pathways from this structure to those of the female reproductive organs of extant cycads are proposed, involving either the reduction of the megasporophylls and their compaction on the axis, or the reduction of the “strobilus” axis. It is suggested that migration of cycads from North China to Europe might have occurred through transportation of their buoyant seeds by the palaeoceanic currents of the Tethys sea.  相似文献   

记述了一中国新纪录属,沟胸盲蝽属Solenoxyphus Reuter1875及隶于该属的两新种及一中国新纪录种,分别定名为黄沟胸盲蝽S. flavicans, sp. nov, 采自新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市、甘河子县、阜康县,绿沟胸盲蝽S. viridulus, sp. nov.采自青海省乌兰县、新疆维吾尔自治区米泉县、阜康县,及中国新纪录蒿沟胸盲蝽S. lepidus(Puton1874)采自新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市、阜康县、米泉县、木垒县及甘河子县,寄主均为蒿属植物Artemisia spp.。  相似文献   

Abstract  Two new species and a little-known one belonging to genus Solenoxyphus Reuter are noted here. Solenoxyphus flavicans sp. nov. and S. viridulus sp. nov. living on Artemisia ssp. are described from Xinjiang, Qinghai and Xinjiang of China respectively; S. lepidus (Puton 1874) on Artemisia ssp. is recorded for the first time from China and redescribed from Xinjiang.  相似文献   

Species of Dichromothrips are shown to be widespread on Orchidaceae in the Old World Tropics from Africa to New Zealand. The centre of diversity appears to be the Malaysian Region but this may be an artefact resulting from poor collections. The genus is redefined, its relationships discussed and a key provided to the 14 species [ australiae sp. nov., borneensis (Pr.); corbetti (Pr.); dendrobii Saki.; indicus sp. nov.; maori sp. nov.; nakahari sp. nov.; nigeriae sp. nov.; orchidis Pr.; phalaenopsidis Saki. (= sakimurai Bhatti syn.nov.); priesneri (Hood); semicognitus Saki.; smithi (Zimm.)j via torus sp. nov.|. Eugeneothrips Hood is synonymised with Dichromothrips.  相似文献   

中国梣属植物的研究(一)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙三省 《植物研究》1985,5(1):37-70
梣属(Fraxinus L.),隶属于木犀科(Oleaceae)木犀亚科(Oleo-ideae)的梣族(Fraxineae),又称为白蜡树属,包括许多经济价值很高的乔灌木,有许多质地优良的用材树种以及绿化、观赏树种。白蜡树Frxinus chirensis Roxb。  相似文献   

A bivalve fauna of Early Ordovician (late Arenig) age is described from the Hsiangyang Formation of the eastern part of West Yunnan, China. The fauna contains elements in common with Early Ordovician faunas of southern Gondwanan areas such as the Montagne Noire and Morocco and with those of Avalonia, together with several previously undescribed taxa. The following taxa are new: Biseriodonta simplex gen. et sp. nov.; Glyptarca sinensis sp. nov.; Trigonoglyptarca magna gen. et sp. nov.; Erhaiconcha xiangyangensis gen. et sp. nov.; Fasciculodonta impressa gen. et sp. nov.; Yunnanoredonia laevis gen. et sp. nov.; Daliella gen. nov.; Goniophorina ( Goniophorina ) contracta sp. nov.; Haidongoconcha radialis gen. et sp. nov.; Eopterinea aequiconcha gen. et sp. nov. The bivalve fauna includes the most diverse glyptarcid fauna and the earliest nuculanid and paracyclid known hitherto.   Eastern West Yunnan belonged to the Indochina terrane and it is concluded that the bivalve fauna represents a high-latitude assemblage and that the Indochina terrane should be considered a component part of the Peri-Gondwanan continent in the Ordovician; its bivalve faunas contrast with those of neighbouring terranes which have affinities with those of lower latitudes.  相似文献   

广西杜鹃花研究(二)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谭沛祥   《广西植物》1983,(3):177-187
<正> 1.广西杜鹃 新种 图1 (映山红亚属,映山红组) 灌木,高2米;小枝纤细,被平贴铁锈色糙伏毛,后浙无毛。与紫花杜鹃 Rh.mar iae Hance有近缘,但叶薄革质,侧脉在背面部份隐晦,花冠无斑点,裂片长圆形,有凸尖,雄蕊常4枚,易于区别。  相似文献   

Fruits of Restionaceae and seeds of Typhaceae are described from a latest Eocene–Oligocene mudstone underlying oil shales in a subsurface sequence near Rockhampton, coastal central Queensland. The Restionaceae fruits are unilocular and encase a single pendulous orthotropous seed with a structured micropylar cap, which may be tannin filled. These are allocated to Restiocarpum gen. nov., which has as its type Restiocarpum latericum sp. nov., and four other taxa described herein; Restiocarpum tesselatum sp. nov., Restiocarpum verrucatum sp. nov., Restiocarpum laeve sp. nov., and Restiocarpum fusiforme sp. nov. Typhaspermum cooksoniae gen. et sp. nov., which accommodates asymmetric claviform seeds, is interpreted as a member of the Typhaceae based on the presence of a lid-like operculum, bitegmic wall, and chalazal cavity.

Reconstruction of the source plant community emphasizes similarities to restiad swamps of present day Wallum (swamp heathland) vegetation which is extensively developed along the Queensland coast. Biogeographic implications for the Restionaceae and Typhaceae are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Twenty species of bivalves (14 new) and 14 genera (six new) are described from two localities in the Silurian, upper Telychian, Oktavites spiralis Biozone of Spain: Cardavia cathleenae gen. et sp. nov., C. hafi sp. nov . , C. stefani sp. nov.; Copenychia franta gen. et sp. nov., C. pristina sp. nov.; Stolidotus marco sp. nov.; Telycardia malinka gen. et sp. nov.; Silurinka vetula gen. et sp. nov.; Bolsopteria lentilka gen. et sp. nov.; Nennapteria ibericola gen. et sp. nov., N. ollicula sp. nov.; Actinopteria dakryodes sp. nov., A. isabelae sp. nov. and Dceruska hispanica sp. nov. They comprise two closely related communities, the Copenychia-Cardavia-Actinopteria Community and the Dceruska-Copenychia-Stolidotus Community, which belong to the Snoopyia Community Group. The occurrence of Dceruska Barrande, 1881, Dualina Barrande, 1881, Patrocardia Barrande, 1881, Silurinka , gen. nov., Slava Barrande, 1881 and Stolidotus Hede, 1915 in the Telychian of the Central Iberian Domain, Spain, supports palaeogeographical relationships with other Lower Silurian regions of north Gondwanan and Perunican Europe: the Carnic Alps (Austria), the Montagne Noire (France), Sardinia (Italy) and the Prague Basin (Bohemia), and also to Avalonia: the Welsh Borderland (Great Britain) and Baltica–Skåne (Sweden). These genera together with the new genera Cardavia, Copenychia (the earliest known representatives of the Silurian family Cardiolidae), Telycardia (the oldest known representative of the family Praecardiidae) and Silurinka belong to a Bohemian type of bivalve. Bolsopteria lentilka is closely related to Bolsopteria elliptica (Hind, 1910) from the Aeronian (middle Llandovery) of Scotland.  相似文献   

Abstract The autapomorphic and diagnostic characters of the genus Alloteratura Hebard 1922, are discussed and confirmed. The structure of male genitalia is revealed for the first time. New data are added to eight known species from Philippines and Malay Peninsula. Seven new species from New Guinea, Philippines, Malay Peninsula, Thailand and China are described. They are A. multispina Jin, sp. nov.; A. angulata Jin, sp. nov.; A. plauta Jin, sp. nov.; A. lamella Jin, sp. nov. ( A. cylindracauda Jin, sp. nov.; A. saimemsis Jin, sp. nov. and A. tibetensis Jin, sp. nov. Remarks are also made on the distribution pattern of the genus.  相似文献   

马建  徐昭焕  张凯  张修国  邱玲 《菌物学报》2020,39(10):1846-1853
对江西省植物凋落物上的暗色丝孢真菌进行了调查研究,自植物枯枝上发现爱氏霉属3个新种——江西爱氏霉、井冈山爱氏霉和庐山爱氏霉,根据采集材料对其进行了详细的形态描述和显微拍照。爱氏霉属迄今已报道69个种。该属广布全球,多数种腐生于植物凋落物或沉水腐木上,未见作为植物病原菌引起植物病害的报道。  相似文献   

记述了浙江长兴县煤山剖面、江西修水县四都乡东岭剖面和信丰县铁石口镇铁石口剖面二叠/三叠系界线以下的软骨鱼类10个类别的微体化石,包含5科6属5种,其中有3新属5新种,它们是:刘氏煤山鲨(Meishanselache liuigen.et sp.nov.)、王氏长兴鲨(Changxingsela-che wangigen.et sp.nov.)、东岭中华尖齿鲨(Sinacrodus donglingensis gen.et sp.nov.)、修水滑齿鲨(Lissodus xiushuiensis sp.nov.)和江西多尖齿鲨(Polyacrodus jiangxiensis sp.nov.)。浙、赣两省的这批软骨鱼类微体化石显示两个特点:组成以弓鲛超科化石为主;发现于特提斯区三叠纪的鲨类与发现于中国南方晚二叠世的鲨类具有密切的亲缘关系。这是包含全球二叠/三叠系界线层型剖面和点位(GSSP)在内的全球二叠/三叠系界线以下软骨鱼类微体化石序列的首次报道。软骨鱼类是我国鱼类化石研究中最为薄弱的一个环节,本文化石的记述大大地填补了这个薄弱环节。  相似文献   

In the following work are presented 5 Taraxacum-Taxa as new for science from the Armenian SSR: sect. Ceratophora Dahlst.: Taraxacum glabratum Doll sp. nov., T. papposum Doll sp. nov.; sect. Erythrocarpa (H.-M.) Dahlst. emend. v. Soest: Taraxacum calocephaloides Doll sp. nov., T. pseudo-gracilens Doll sp. nov.; sect. Orientalia H.-M.; Taraxacum wardenium Doll sp. nov. Besides are discussed farther species and microspecies.  相似文献   

云南省迪庆州更新世早期哺乳类化石的发现   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
本文简述横断山脉中段中甸尼西的哺乳类化石九种,能鉴定到种一级的只有1/3,其中(亻莫)鼠是新种.  相似文献   

The paper describes structural features of megaspores from the Middle Gondwana (Middle Triassic) beds of Nidhpuri. These include two species of Srivastavaesporites Bharadwaj et Tiwari viz. S. triassicus sp. nov. and S. major sp. nov.; Grambastisporites nidhpurensis gen. et sp. nov.; Trikonia emarginata gen. et sp. nov.; one species of Mamillaespora Pant et Srivastava, M. sidhiensis sp. nov.; Nidhitriletes spinosa gen. et sp. nov.  相似文献   

Opisthobranchiate Mollusca from Ghana: Chromodorididae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nine species of the opisthobranch family Chromodorididae are described from Ghana: Cadlina evelinae Marcus; C. rumia Marcus; C. dubia sp. nov.; Chromodoris ghanensis (Edmunds); C. kpone sp. nov.; C. luleorosea (Rapp); Hypselodoris tana sp. nov.; H. bilineata (Pruvot-Fol) and Mexichromis tricolor (Cantraine). The small number of species found belonging to this warm-water family is attributed to the cold water of the Benguela current.  相似文献   

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