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内消旋-二氨基庚二酸脱氢酶不对称合成非天然的手性D-氨基酸是目前生物催化领域的研究热点。内消旋-二氨基庚二酸脱氢酶具有优良的立体选择性,利用其进行酶催化不对称合成光学纯的手性D-氨基酸,被广泛用于医药、食品、化妆品、精细化学品等领域。为了促进生物催化法在合成手性D-氨基酸方向的进一步发展,本文对内消旋-二氨基庚二酸脱氢酶催化合成D-氨基酸的现状进行了综述。重点介绍了Corynebacterium glutamicum、Ureibacillus thermosphaericus、Symbiobacterium thermophilum来源的内消旋-二氨基庚二酸脱氢酶在新酶的挖掘、催化性能、晶体结构解析、分子改造、功能与催化机制、合成D-氨基酸新途径等方面的研究进展,并对内消旋-二氨基庚二酸脱氢酶的未来研究方向及策略进行了展望。本综述将进一步加深人们对内消旋-二氨基庚二酸脱氢酶的认识,也为具有挑战性的生物合成任务提供信息借鉴。  相似文献   

【背景】高效实现D-氨基酸的生物合成一直是人们关注的热点。内消旋-二氨基庚二酸脱氢酶(meso-diaminopimelate dehydrogenase,DAPDH)能够直接催化2-酮酸和氨合成D-氨基酸。【目的】提高DAPDH对烷基取代2-酮酸的催化活力,并解释其催化机制。【方法】以来源于嗜热共生杆菌(Symbiobacteriumthermophilum)的内消旋-二氨基庚二酸脱氢酶(StDAPDH)为模板,在前期结构分析结合被选择位点突变结果的基础上,确定对H227位进行定点饱和突变,并以D-丙氨酸、D-2-氨基丁酸、D-正缬氨酸、D-谷氨酸为底物进行筛选。【结果】获得突变体H227Q和H227N。突变体H227Q对丙酮酸、2-氧代丁酸、2-氧代戊酸、2-酮戊二酸的比活力比野生型分别提高了10.9、11.5、8.6和7.6倍。动力学参数表明,突变体H227Q同时提高了酶对底物的亲和力及催化常数,使其对丙酮酸的催化效率(k_(cat)/K_m)相较于野生型提高了9.4倍。利用分子模拟技术分析突变体H227Q与产物氨基酸之间的相互作用表明,227位的谷氨酰胺通过与氨基酸的羧酸形成氢键,使得氨基酸产物Cα上的氢和辅酶烟酰胺环C4原子之间的距离缩短。【结论】利用定向进化技术提高DAPDH对烷基取代2-酮酸的催化活力,有助于开发新型的高效生物催化剂,这些工作也为下一步继续进行更具挑战性的D-氨基酸研究提供了基础。  相似文献   

5-氨基乙酰丙酸 (ALA) 是生物体内四吡咯类化合物的合成前体,在农业及医药领域应用广泛,是极具开发价值的高附加值生物基化学品。目前利用外源C4途径的重组大肠杆菌发酵生产ALA的研究主要利用LB培养基并添加葡萄糖和琥珀酸、甘氨酸等合成前体,成本较高。琥珀酸在C4途径中以琥珀酰辅酶A的形式直接参与ALA的合成。文中在以葡萄糖为主要碳源的无机盐培养基中研究了琥珀酰辅酶A下游代谢途径琥珀酸脱氢酶编码基因sdhAB和琥珀酰辅酶A合成酶编码基因sucCD缺失对ALA积累的影响。与仅表达异源ALA合成酶的对照菌株相比,sdhAB和sucCD缺失菌株ALA的产量分别提高了25.59%和12.40%,且ALA的积累不依赖于琥珀酸的添加和LB培养基的使用,从而大幅降低了生产成本,显示出良好的工业应用前景。  相似文献   

添加α-亚麻酸作为底物,经半乳糖诱导,在含有少根根霉△6-脂肪酸脱氢酶基因的酿酒酵母总脂肪酸中检测到十八碳四烯酸的生成;同时添加亚油酸和α-亚麻酸时,检测到γ-亚麻酸和十八碳四烯酸生成,而且十八碳四烯酸的含量是γ-亚麻酸含量的3.81倍,表明在酿酒酵母中少根根霉△6-脂肪酸脱氢酶不仅能催化α-亚麻酸生成十八碳四烯酸,而且偏好n-3途径中的底物α-亚麻酸.同样,在改变少根根霉△6-脂肪酸脱氢酶基因的转译起始密码子周边序列后所构建的转基因酵母中,也得到类似的结果,而且各种目的脂肪酸的含量均有明显提高.  相似文献   

在SO_2熏气9h过程中,小麦叶片中乙烯先上升,约6h达高峰,后下降;ACC含量则随熏气时间的延长而上升。停止熏气,乙烯继续下降,ACC含量也明显降低。MACC含量从熏气3h后不断上升,脱离接触后仍继续增加。6-BA预处理对SO_2引起的乙烯和ACC上升有促进作用,但对MACC含量无明显影响。SO_2熏气提高了乙烯形成酶活性。6-BA预处理对SO_2伤害有保护作用。对逆境乙烯的产生与调节作用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

添加α 亚麻酸作为底物 ,经半乳糖诱导 ,在含有少根根霉Δ6 脂肪酸脱氢酶基因的酿酒酵母总脂肪酸中检测到十八碳四烯酸的生成 ;同时添加亚油酸和α 亚麻酸时 ,检测到γ 亚麻酸和十八碳四烯酸生成 ,而且十八碳四烯酸的含量是γ 亚麻酸含量的 3 81倍 ,表明在酿酒酵母中少根根霉Δ6 脂肪酸脱氢酶不仅能催化α 亚麻酸生成十八碳四烯酸 ,而且偏好n 3途径中的底物α 亚麻酸。同样 ,在改变少根根霉Δ6 脂肪酸脱氢酶基因的转译起始密码子周边序列后所构建的转基因酵母中 ,也得到类似的结果 ,而且各种目的脂肪酸的含量均有明显提高  相似文献   

【背景】雨生红球藻是天然虾青素的最佳来源,广泛应用于虾青素的工业化生产。【目的】探究外源添加不同浓度的2,6-二叔丁基对甲酚(Butylated hydroxytoluene,BHT)对雨生红球藻虾青素积累的影响,以期建立BHT提高雨生红球藻虾青素产量的技术体系。【方法】选用不含硝态氮的BBM培养基,辅以强光照,培养雨生红球藻(Haematococcus pluvialis)LUGU,测试不同浓度BHT对雨生红球藻生物量、虾青素含量、活性氧、抗氧化系统和虾青素合成相关酶基因的影响。【结果】在0-3 mg/L BHT范围内,2 mg/L BHT对雨生红球藻虾青素积累的促进效果最佳,达到31.66 mg/g。2 mg/L BHT有效降低了雨生红球藻内的活性氧水平,增加了细胞内NO水平,提高了藻细胞内过氧化氢酶(Catalase,CAT)、过氧化物酶(Peroxidase,POD)和超氧化物歧化酶(Superoxidedismutase,SOD)活性以及谷胱甘肽(Glutathione,GSH)的含量,诱导了虾青素合成关键酶基因chy和lcy的高效表达。【结论】非生物胁迫条件下,外源添加适量的BHT能促进雨生红球藻中虾青素的积累,且与藻细胞内的信号分子活性氧(Reactive oxygen species,ROS)、NO水平及虾青素合成相关基因的表达调控相关。  相似文献   

实验室条件下采用生长速率法测定化合物N-(4-甲基-2-氨基苯并噻唑)α-氨基-α-(3-三氟甲基苯基)-O,O-二(2-烷氧基乙基)亚膦酸酯对小麦赤霉病原菌(Fusarium graminearum)的离体抑制效果,并初步研究了其抑制小麦赤霉病原菌作用机制.实验结果表明,该化合物对小麦赤霉病原菌的EC_(50)为46.05 μg/mL,当化合物浓度为50 μg/mL时,对该病原菌的抑制率就达到了60.5 %.以浓度为250 μg/mL的该供试化合物处理小麦赤霉病原菌菌丝24 h后,其细胞膜通透性增强,菌体内还原糖、几丁糖和可溶性蛋白含量及几丁质酶活性在短时间内均出现先升高然后下降的趋势.  相似文献   

The catabolism of branched chain amino acids, especially valine, appears to play an important role in furnishing building blocks for macrolide and polyether antibiotic biosyntheses. To determine the active site residues of ValDH, we previously cloned, partially characterized, and identified the active site (lysine) of Streptomyces albus ValDH. Here we report further characterization of S. albus ValDH. The molecular weight of S. albus ValDH was determined to be 38 kDa by SDS-PAGE and 67 kDa by gel filtration chromatography indicating that the enzyme is composed of two identical subunits. Optimal pHs were 10.5 and 8.0 for dehydrogenase activity with valine and for reductive amination activity with -ketoisovaleric acid, respectively. Several chemical reagents, which modify amino-acid side chains, inhibited the enzyme activity. To examine the role played by the residue for enzyme specificity, we constructed mutant ValDH by substituting alanine for glycine at position 124 by site-directed mutagenesis. This residue was chosen because it has been considered to be important for substrate discrimination by phenylalanine dehydrogenase (PheDH) and leucine dehydrogenase (LeuDH). The Ala-124–Gly mutant enzyme displayed lower activities toward aliphatic amino acids, but higher activities toward L-phenylalanine, L-tyrosine, and L-methionine compared to the wild type enzyme suggesting that Ala-124 is involved in substrate binding in S. albus ValDH.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the effects on xylitol accumulation and ethanol yield of expression of mutated Pichia stipitis xylitol dehydrogenase (XDH) with reversal of coenzyme specificity in recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae. METHODS AND RESULTS: The genes XYL2 (D207A/I208R/F209S) and XYL2 (S96C/S99C/Y102C/D207A/I208R/F209S) were introduced into S. cerevisiae, which already contained the P. stipitis XYL1 gene (encoding xylose reductase, XR) and the endogenously overexpressed XKS1 gene (encoding xylulokinase, XK). The specific activities of mutated XDH in both strains showed a distinct increase in NADP(+)-dependent activity in both strains with mutated XDH, reaching 0.782 and 0.698 U mg(-1). In xylose fermentation, the strain with XDH (D207A/I208R/F209S) had a large decrease in xylitol and glycerol yield, while the xylose consumption and ethanol yield were decreased. In the strain with XDH (S96C/S99C/Y102C/D207A/I208R/F209S), the xylose consumption and ethanol yield were also decreased, and the xylitol yield was increased, because of low XDH activity. CONCLUSIONS: Changing XDH coenzyme specificity was a sufficient method for reducing the production of xylitol, but high activity of XDH was also required for improved ethanol formation. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The difference in coenzyme specificity was a vital parameter controlling ethanolic xylose fermentation but the XDH/XR ratio was also important.  相似文献   

The Gin residue at amino acid position 102 ofBacillus stearothermophilus lactate dehydrogenase was replaced with Ser, Thr, Tyr, or Phe to investigate the effect on substrate recognition. The Q102S and Q102T mutant enzymes were found to have a broader range of substrate specificity (measured byk cat/K m) than the wild-type enzyme. However, it is evident that either Ser or Thr at position 102 are of a size able to accommodate a wide variety of substrates in the active site and substrate specificity appears to rely largely on size discrimination in these mutants. The Q102F and Q102Y mutant enzymes have low catalytic efficiency and do not show this relaxed substrate specificity. However, their activities are restored by the presence of an aromatic substrate. All of the enzymes have a very low catalytic efficiency with branched chain aliphatic substrates.Abbreviations used BSLDH Bacillus stearothermophilus lactate dehydrogenase - FBP fructose-1,6-bisphosphate - HP hydroxypyruvate - KB ketobutyrate - KC ketocaproate - KV ketovalerate - MDH malate dehydrogenase - PP phenylpyruvate - PYR pyruvate - RBE relative binding energy  相似文献   

The aromatic l-alpha-hydroxy acid dehydrogenase (AHDAH) from Trypanosoma cruzi has over 50% sequence identity with cytosolic malate dehydrogenases (cMDHs), yet it is unable to reduce oxaloacetate. Molecular modeling of the three-dimensional structure of AHADH using the pig cMDH as template directed the construction of several mutants. AHADH shares with MDHs the essential catalytic residues H195 and R171 (using Eventoff's numbering). The AHADH A102R mutant became able to reduce oxaloacetate, while remaining fully active towards aromatic alpha-oxoacids. The Y237G mutant diminished its affinity for all of the natural substrates, whereas the double mutant A102R/Y237G was more active than Y237G and had similar activity with oxaloacetate and with aromatic substrates. The present results reinforce our proposal that AHADH arose by a moderate number of point mutations from a cMDH no longer present in the parasite.  相似文献   

The primary structure of bovine liver UDP-glucose dehydrogenase (UDPGDH), a hexameric, NAD(+)-linked enzyme, has been determined at the protein level. The 52-kDa subunits are composed of 468 amino acid residues, with a free N-terminus and a Ser/Asn microhetergeneity at one position. The sequence shares 29.6% positional identity with GDP-mannose dehydrogenase from Pseudomonas, confirming a similarity earlier noted between active site peptides. This degree of similarity is comparable to the 31.1% identity vs. the UDPGDH from type A Streptococcus. Database searching also revealed similarities to a hypothetical sequence from Salmonella typhimurium and to "UDP-N-acetyl-mannosaminuronic acid dehydrogenase" from Escherichia coli. Pairwise identities between bovine UDPGDH and each of these sequences were all in the range of approximately 26-34%. Multiple alignment of all 5 sequences indicates common ancestry for these 4-electron-transferring enzymes. There are 27 strictly conserved residues, including a cysteine residue at position 275, earlier identified by chemical modification as the expected catalytic residue of the second half-reaction (conversion of UDP-aldehydoglucose to UDP-glucuronic acid), and 2 lysine residues, at positions 219 and 338, one of which may be the expected catalytic residue for the first half-reaction (conversion of UDP-glucose to UDP-aldehydoglucose). A GXGXXG pattern characteristic of the coenzyme-binding fold is found at positions 11-16, close to the N-terminus as with "short-chain" alcohol dehydrogenases.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A single residue of the NAD(H)-dependent lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) from Bacillus stearothermophilus has been changed in order to decrease substrate inhibition. The conserved aspartic acid residue at position 52 was replaced by glutamate using site-directed mutagenesis. The effect on substrate inhibition was measured. In the glutamate-52 mutant substrate inhibition is decreased twofold.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae NAD(H)‐dependent 2,3‐butanediol dehydrogenase (Bdh1), a medium chain dehydrogenase/reductase is the main enzyme catalyzing the reduction of acetoin to 2,3‐butanediol. In this work we focused on altering the coenzyme specificity of Bdh1 from NAD(H) to NADP(H). Based on homology studies and the crystal structure of the NADP(H)‐dependent yeast alcohol dehydrogenase Adh6, three adjacent residues (Glu221, Ile222, and Ala223) were predicted to be involved in the coenzyme specificity of Bdh1 and were altered by site‐directed mutagenesis. Coenzyme reversal of Bdh1 was obtained with double Glu221Ser/Ile222Arg and triple Glu221Ser/Ile222Arg/Ala223Ser mutants. The performance of the triple mutant for NADPH was close to that of native Bdh1 for NADH. The three engineered mutants were able to restore the growth of a phosphoglucose isomerase deficient strain (pgi), which cannot grow on glucose unless an alternative NADPH oxidizing system is provided, thus demonstrating their in vivo functionality. These mutants are interesting tools to reduce the excess of acetoin produced by engineered brewing or wine yeasts overproducing glycerol. In addition, they represent promising tools for the manipulation of the NADP(H) metabolism and for the development of a powerful catalyst in biotransformations requiring NADPH regeneration. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009; 104: 381–389 © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The partially inbred Danish (Skive) strain of mice exhibits a form of liver alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) which differs in electrophoretic mobility from that of all other inbred mouse strains thus far examined, e.g., C57BL/10, DBA/2J, and BALB/c. In order to compare the catalytic and molecular properties of the variant and normal enzyme forms, they were purified to homogeneity by ion-exchange and affinity chromatography. Tryptic peptides of reduced and carboxymethylated subunits of the normal and variant ADH forms were mapped by thin-layer two-dimensional electrophoresis and chromatography and by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. A unique nonapeptide in the Danish mouse liver ADH which did not appear in enzymes from C57BL/10, DBA/2J, or BALB/c mice was identified by both methods. Amino acid sequencing of this peptide revealed that the Arg residue at position 124, as predicted from the cDNA sequence of ADH in DBA/2J mice, has been replaced by Leu in the Danish variant. The Leu for Arg substitution in the variant form appears to account for its decreased cathodic mobility with electrophoresis in starch gels at pH 7.2. The K m and V max of ADH from the Danish strain for three primary alcohols and three aldehydes were similar in value to those of ADH from the C57BL/10, DBA/2J, and BALB/c strains. Based on the X-ray structure of horse liver ADH, position 124 is on the solvent-exposed surface of the catalytic domain. The finding that the kinetic constants are similar for the normal and variant forms is consistent with the observation that this residue is not in the active site and that there is no known role for it in the ADH catalytic mechanism.This work was supported by NIAAA Grant AA-04307.  相似文献   

A biased mutation-assembling method—that is, a directed evolution strategy to facilitate an optimal accumulation of multiple mutations on the basis of additivity principles, was applied to the directed evolution of water-soluble PQQ glucose dehydrogenase (PQQGDH-B) to reduce its maltose oxidation activity, which can lead to errors in blood glucose determination. Mutations appropriate for the reduction without fatal deterioration of its glucose oxidation activity were developed by an error-prone PCR method coupled with a saturation mutagenesis method. Moreover, two types of incorporation frequency based on their contribution were assigned to the mutations: high (80%) and evens (50%), in constructing a multiple mutant library. The best mutant created showed a marked reduction in maltose oxidation activity, corresponding to 4% of that of the wild-type enzyme, with 35% retention of glucose oxidation activity. In addition, this mutant showed a reduction in galactose oxidation activity corresponding to 5% of that of the wild-type enzyme. In conclusion, we succeeded in developing the PQQGDH-B mutants with improved substrate specificity and validated our method coupled with optimized mutations and their contribution-based incorporation frequencies by applying it to the development.Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Leucine dehydrogenase (l-leucine: NAD+ oxidoreductase, deaminating, EC has been purified to homogeneity from a moderate thermophilic bacterium, Bacillus stearothermophilus. Am improved method of preparative slab gel electrophoresis was used effectively to purify it. The enzyme has a molecular mass of about 300,000 and consists of six subunits with identical molecular mass (Mr, 49,000). The enzyme does not lose its activity by heat treatment at 70° C for 20 min, and incubation in the pH range of 5.5–10.0 at 55° C for 5 min. It is stable in 10 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) containing 0.01% 2-mercaptoethanol at over 1 month, and is resistant to detergent and ethanol treatment. The enzyme catalyzes the oxidative deamination of branched-chain l-amino acids and the reductive amination of their keto analogs in the presence of NAD+ and NADH, respectively, as the coenzymes. The pH optima are 11 for the deamination of l-leucine, and 9.7 and 8.8 for the amination of -ketoisocaproate and -ketoisovalerate, respectively. The Michaelis constants were determined: 4.4 mM for l-leucine, 3.3 mM for l-valine, 1.4 mM for l-isoleucine and 0.49 mM for NAD+ in the oxidative deamination. The B. stearothermophilus enzyme shows similar catalytic properties, but higher activities than that from Bacillus sphaericus.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. G. Drews on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

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