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Treating mammalian cells with continuous sub-lethal doses of Hydroxyurea (HU) causes the loss of double minute chromosomes (DMs) containing amplified oncogenes in culture. Recently, we have shown that treating glioblastoma multiforme cells in culture with low doses of HU causes the loss of DMs containing epidermal growth factor receptor genes. Loss of amplified EGFR genes was accompanied by cessation of growth, and greatly decreased tumorigenicity. To further study HU-induced elimination of DMs we have now followed the fate of dihydrofolate reductase gene (DHFR) amplifying DMs in methotrexate-resistant mouse cells during simultaneous treatment with both MTX and HU. We report that in the presence of both HU and MTX, the amplified genes decreased to 25% of starting levels in the first week of treatment, but that ultimately the cells become resistant to HU and reamplify the DHFR gene. We also report that some DHFR amplifying DMs are much more sensitive to HU than others. This study demonstrates that HU does not simply increase the rate of passive loss of DMs.  相似文献   

Treating mammalian cells with continuous sub-lethal doses of Hydroxyurea (HU) causes the loss of double minute chromosomes (DMs) containing amplified oncogenes in culture. Recently, we have shown that treating glioblastoma multiforme cells in culture with low doses of HU causes the loss of DMs containing epidermal growth factor receptor genes. Loss of amplified EGFR genes was accompanied by cessation of growth, and greatly decreased tumorigenicity. To further study HU-induced elimination of DMs we have now followed the fate of dihydrofolate reductase gene (DHFR) amplifying DMs in methotrexate-resistant mouse cells during simultaneous treatment with both MTX and HU. We report that in the presence of both HU and MTX, the amplified genes decreased to 25% of starting levels in the first week of treatment, but that ultimately the cells become resistant to HU and reamplify the DHFR gene. We also report that some DHFR amplifying DMs are much more sensitive to HU than others. This study demonstrates that HU does not simply increase the rate of passive loss of DMs.  相似文献   

Murine 3T6 selected in increasing concentrations of methotrexate were unstable with respect to dihydrofolate reductase overproduction and methotrexate resistance when they are cultured in the absence of methotrexate. An analysis of the karyotypes of these resistant cells revealed the presence of numerous double minute chromosomes. We observed essentially identical kinetics of loss of dihydrofolate reductase gene sequences in total deoxyribonucleic acid and in deoxyribonucleic acid from fractions enriched in double minute chromosomes and in the numbers of double minute chromosomes per cell during reversion to methotrexate sensitivity, and this suggested that unstably amplified gene sequences were localized on double minute chromosomes. This conclusion ws also supported by an analysis of cell populations sorted according to dihydrofolate reductase enzyme contents, in which relative gene amplification and double minute chromosome content were related proportionally.  相似文献   

Using a polymerase chain reaction-based assay on total cell lysates, we have detected unintegrated human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) DNA in chronically infected T-lymphocytic (ACH-2, J1) and promyelocytic (OM-10.1) cell lines. Treatment with 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine (AZT) or soluble CD4 inhibited accumulation of unintegrated viral DNA about 10-fold within 72 h; removal of AZT permitted recovery to pretreatment levels within 72 h. Our results indicate that unintegrated HIV-1 DNA is unstable in these cell lines and originates from a continuous process of reinfection. OM-10.1 cells had relatively high levels of surface CD4 by flow cytometry and high levels of unintegrated viral DNA by polymerase chain reaction. ACH-2 cells had very low levels of both surface CD4 and unintegrated viral DNA. However, J1 cells, with surface CD4 below the level of detection of flow cytometry had a high level of unintegrated viral DNA similar to that of OM-10.1 cells. This implies that the number of CD4 receptors is not rate limiting for reinfection.  相似文献   

J S Elce  L Sigmund    M J Fox 《The Biochemical journal》1989,261(3):1039-1042
Calpain-catalysed hydrolysis of platelet substrates such as cytoskeletal and calmodulin-binding proteins, and of protein kinase C, is assumed to contribute to platelet aggregation. We have measured calpain I activation by immunoblotting, and [Ca2+]i (cytoplasmic Ca2+ concn.) by fura-2 fluorescence, in parallel with measurement of aggregation, in stirred human platelets treated at different [Ca2+]ext (extend Ca2+ concns.) with A23187, leupeptin, phorbol ester and thrombin. Hydrolysis of actin-binding protein, and [3H]5-hydroxytryptamine release, were also measured in some cases. A rise in [Ca2+]i, platelet aggregation and calpain activation often occurred together. With some combinations of agonists and [Ca2+]ext, however, this correlation was clearly not maintained. It was shown: (a) that activation of calpain and its hydrolysis of platelet substrates were not strictly necessary conditions for platelet secretion and aggregation; (b) conversely, that calpain activation could occur without aggregation.  相似文献   

The presence of double minute chromosomes (dmin) in cancer cells is known to be correlated with gene amplifications. In human high grade astrocytomas or glioblastomas, about 50% of cytogenetically characterized cases display dmin. G5 is a cell line which has been established from a human glioblastoma containing multiple dmin. In order to identify the DNA content of these dmin, three techniques were successively used: conventional cytogenetic analysis, comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). The karyotype of G5 cells showed numerical chromosome changes (hypertriploidy), several marker chromosomes, and multiple dmin. CGH experiments detected two strong DNA amplification areas located in 9p21-22 and 9p24, as well as an underrepresentation of chromosomes 6, 10, 11, 13, 14, and 18q. By using FISH with a chromosome 9-specific painting probe to metaphase chromosomes of the G5 cell line, dmin were shown to contain DNA sequences originating from chromosome 9. This study demonstrates the usefulness of a combination of classical karyotyping, CGH, and FISH to identify the chromosomal origin of amplified DNA sequences in dmin. Received: 30 October 1994 / Revised: 25 February 1996  相似文献   

We have determined the DNA content of intact double minutes (DMs) and of single minutes (SMs) by fluorometry of the individual chromatin bodies in metaphase spreads after staining with Feulgen-Schiff pararosaniline. We find that the intact DMs and SMs of the methotrexate-resistant mouse cell line 3T6R50 contain 4.4 megabase pairs (Mb) and 2.6 Mb DNA respectively, using the DNA content of E. coli (4.7 Mb) as a reference. As the pulsed field gradient gel electrophoresis experiments by van der Bliek et al. (1988) have indicated that the minutes of 3T6R50 cells contain a homogeneous population of 2.5 Mb DNA circles, we conclude that a SM contains one circular double strand DNA molecule of approximately 2.5 Mb, whereas DMs contain two.  相似文献   

Summary We have determined the DNA content of intact double minutes (DMs) and of single minutes (SMs) by fluorometry of the individual chromatin bodies in metaphase spreads after staining with Feulgen-Schiff pararosaniline. We find that the intact DMs and SMs of the methotrexate-resistant mouse cell line 3T6R50 contain 4.4 megabase pairs (Mb) and 2.6 Mb DNA respectively, using the DNA content of E. coli (4.7 Mb) as a reference. As the pulsed field gradient gel electrophoresis experiments by van der Bliek et al. (1988) have indicated that the minutes of 3T6R50 cells contain a homogeneous population of 2.5 Mb DNA circles, we conclude that a SM contains one circular double strand DNA molecule of approximately 2.5 Mb, whereas DMs contain two.This study was supported in part by grant NKI 84-20 of the Queen Wilhelmina Fund to P.B.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to determine the kinetics of the replication of intrachromosomal versus extrachromosomal amplified dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) genes. Previous studies reported that the DHFR gene, when carried intrachromosomally on a homogeneously staining region, replicates (as a unit) within the first 2 h of the S phase of the cell cycle. We wished to determine if the extrachromosomal location of the amplified genes carried on double minute chromosomes effects the timing of their replication. Equilibrium cesium chloride ultracentrifugation was used to separate newly replicated (BUdR-labeled) DNA from bulk DNA in a synchronized cell population. Hybridization with the cDNA for the DHFR gene allowed us to determine the period of time within the cell cycle in which the DHFR DNA sequences were replicated. We found that, in contrast to intrachromosomal dihydrofolate reductase genes that uniformly replicate as a unit at the beginning of the S phase of the cell cycle, dihydrofolate reductase genes carried on double minute chromosomes (DMs) replicate throughout the S phase of the cell cycle. These results suggest that control of replication of extrachromosomal DNA sequences may differ from intrachromosomal sequences.  相似文献   

G. Mosna  M. Pulcini  A. Ghidoni 《Genetica》1984,65(3):199-203
Cells resistant to methotrexate (MTX) were obtained from two established cell lines of D. melanogaster and a karyological analysis was performed. No conspicuous changes in the frequencies of cell types were observed in MTX-resistant (MTXR) subline 0.57, as compared with the original line, whose cells were mostly near-tetraploid. On the contrary, altered karyotypes were frequently noticed in the C1 82 MTXR subline, as compared with the original line, whose cells were mostly diploid. The C1 82 MTXR subline was characterized by mostly tetraploid cells and by the presence of chromosome fragments (in 48% of them). The mitotic segregation suggests the presence of a centromere in these fragments and the fluorescence pattern, after quinacrine staining, suggests that they may be derivatives of the X chromosome.  相似文献   

The shooty rice (Oryza sativa L.) mutant produced on average 192 buds from a single shoot within one month. Numerous shoots carrying the same phenotype were easily regenerated from a small piece of any growing bud after dedifferentiation and callus induction. These traits were inherited by subcultures of all the generations without loss of the vigorous multiplying capability. The shooty phenotype was correlated with an elevated endogenous isopentenyl adenine (2iP) content. Addition of 2iP to the growth media promoted differentiation of wild-type rice callus to large extent, but had little effect on plant regeneration. This mutant may hold a key toward understanding of monocotyledonous (cereal) plant regeneration.  相似文献   

Henn  W.  Blin  N.  Zang  K. D. 《Human genetics》1986,74(1):104-106
Summary Chromosome analysis in a series of human glioblastoma cell lines (HeRo, HeRo-SV1, A172, T406, T508, T705) has indicated characteristic changes in the karyotype, the most striking and consistent of which is a significant increase in the copy number of chromosome 7, with up to 8 copies per metaphase. As determined by Spurr et al., chromosome 7 represents the genomic locus for the oncogene erbB (7pter-q22). Therefore, we have compared the number of chromosomes 7 to the levels of expression of the erbB oncogene. Interestingly, in all of them erbB-specific mRNA was found to be increased at levels even higher than expected from the number of chromosomes 7 found. In contrast, in an astrocytoma of slightly lower grade of malignancy (cell line T567), neither polysomy 7 nor significant expression of the erbB oncogene was noted.  相似文献   

Instability of Mex- phenotype in human lymphoblastoid cell lines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) had extremely low activities of O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase (O6-AGT), and were classified as Mex-. They were highly sensitive to cell killing by 1-(4-amino-2-methyl-5-pyrimidinyl)-methyl-3-(2-chloroethyl)-3-nitrosoure a hydrochloride (ACNU), whereas NMO2, a Mex+ LCL with a high O6-AGT activity, was resistant to the agent. Small fractions of these Mex- LCLs survived the treatment with 10 micrograms/ml of ACNU for 24 h, and the surviving cells were found to be resistant to subsequent treatments with the agent. In addition, they contained O6-AGT activities comparable to that of NMO2 and were therefore regarded as Mex+. These results suggest that the Mex- phenotype in LCLs is unstable.  相似文献   

Jin Y  Liu Z  Cao W  Ma X  Fan Y  Yu Y  Bai J  Chen F  Rosales J  Lee KY  Fu S 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e30419
Double minute chromosomes or double minutes (DMs) are cytogenetic hallmarks of extrachromosomal genomic amplification and play a critical role in tumorigenesis. Amplified copies of oncogenes in DMs have been associated with increased growth and survival of cancer cells but DNA sequences in DMs which are mostly non-coding remain to be characterized. Following sequencing and bioinformatics analyses, we have found 5 novel matrix attachment regions (MARs) in a 682 kb DM in the human ovarian cancer cell line, UACC-1598. By electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA), we determined that all 5 MARs interact with the nuclear matrix in vitro. Furthermore, qPCR analysis revealed that these MARs associate with the nuclear matrix in vivo, indicating that they are functional. Transfection of MARs constructs into human embryonic kidney 293T cells showed significant enhancement of gene expression as measured by luciferase assay, suggesting that the identified MARS, particularly MARs 1 to 4, regulate their target genes in vivo and are potentially involved in DM-mediated oncogene activation.  相似文献   

A case of de novo acute myeloblastic leukemia (AML) M2, with trisomy 4 and double minute (dmin) chromosomes is reported. Amplification of the MYC gene ascertained by FISH was associated with dmin. A review of the literature of trisomy 4-dmin-associated AML shows that this entity preferentially occurs in elderly women and is not always associated with previously identified exposition to mutagens.  相似文献   

With the aid of the C-method of chromosome staining marker chromosomes three classes of human continuous cell lines were studied: 1) HeLa and HeLa-like cell lines (HEp-2, U, KB); 2) non-HeLa cell lines, with type B mobility of glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase (HOS, A-549, A-204); 3) lymphoblastoid cell lines (Raji, Namalva, L-101). Two C-marker chromosomes were observed in two investigated cell lines A-204 and KB, one C-marker chromosome was observed in HEp-2, HeLa, U, A-549, Namalva cell lines; C-markers were absent in HOS and L-101 cell lines. Y-chromosome was found in Raji, A-549 and L-101 cell lines. The C-method of chromosome staining is a simple method, promoting an intraspecific identification of human cell lines.  相似文献   

RACK1 is a crucial scaffold and anchoring protein, which plays a vital role in multiple signaling pathways of tumorigenesis. The aim of the present study was to identify the correlation between expressions of RACK1 and malignant degrees in colorectal carcinoma (CRC) patients. All together 157 CRC patients were enrolled, and their clinical data were analyzed. Expressions of RACK1 in CRC and pericarcinous tissues in these patients were determined by RT-PCR, Western-blot, and immunohistochemistry, respectively. The correlation between RACK1 expressions and histological grades, as well as lymph node metastasis was evaluated. Results showed that the expressions of RACK1 were positively correlated with differentiation level and lymph node metastasis in CRC patients.  相似文献   

The transformed phenotype is markedly affected by Interferon (IFN) long term treatment in HeLa and Siha cell lines. Two months of continuous exposure to 100 and 1000 International Units (IU)/ml of human recombinant alpha IFN causes a drastic reduction of anchorage independent growth in soft-agar. No effect on in vitro growing potential was observed at the same concentrations. This antiproliferative effect in soft-agar was more pronounced in Siha than in Hela cells and was concentration and time dependent. The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) sequences inserted in the cell genome apparently were unaffected as their RNA expression, indicating that IFN may modulate aspects of transformed phenotype regulated by genes other than HPV sequences.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Nuclear texture analysis measures phenotypic changes in chromatin distribution within a cell nucleus, while the alkaline Comet assay is a sensitive method for measuring the extent of DNA breakage in individual cells. The authors aim to use both methods to provide information about the sensitivity of cells to ionizing radiation. METHODS: The alkaline Comet assay was performed on six human bladder carcinoma cell lines and one human urothelial cell line exposed to gamma-radiation doses from 0 to 10 Gy. Nuclear chromatin texture analysis of 40 features was then performed in the same cell lines exposed to 0, 2, and 6 Gy to explore if nuclear phenotype was related to radiation sensitivity. RESULTS: Comet assay results demonstrated that the cell lines exhibited different levels of radiosensitivity and could be divided into a radiosensitive and a radioresistant group at >6 Gy. Using stepwise discriminant analysis, a subset of important nuclear texture features that best discriminated between sensitive and resistant cell lines were identified A classification function, defined using these features, correctly classified 81.75% of all cells into their radiosensitive or radioresistant groups based on their pretreatment chromatin phenotype. Posttreatment chromatin changes also varied between cell lines, with sensitive cell lines showing a relaxed chromatin conformation following radiation, whereas resistant cell lines exhibited chromatin condensation. CONCLUSIONS: The authors conclude that the alkaline Comet assay and nuclear texture methodologies may prove to be valuable aids in predicting the response of tumor cells to radiotherapy.  相似文献   

A genetic system comprised of mammalian cell mutants which demonstrate concomitant resistance to a number of unrelated drugs has been described previously. The resistance is due to reduced cell membrane permeability and is correlated with the presence of large amounts of a plasma membrane glycoprotein termed P-glycoprotein. This system could represent a model for multiple drug resistance which develops in cancer patients treated with chemotherapeutic drugs. We demonstrate here that the multiple drug resistance phenotype can be transferred to mouse cells with DNA from a drug-resistant mutant and then amplified quantitatively by culture in media containing increasing concentrations of drug. The amount of P-glycoprotein was correlated directly with the degree of drug resistance in the transformants and amplified transformants. In addition, the drug resistance and expression of P-glycoprotein of the transformants were unstable and associated quantitatively with the number of double minute chromosomes. We suggest that the gene for multiple drug resistance and P-glycoprotein is contained in these extrachromosomal particles and is amplified by increases in double minute chromosome number. The potential use of this system for manipulation of mammalian genes in general is discussed.  相似文献   

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