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Isolation of Vacuoles from Root Storage Tissue of Beta vulgaris L   总被引:27,自引:20,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Morphologically intact and osmotically active vacuoles were isolated from root storage tissue of the red beet Beta vulgaris L., and the factors influencing both yield and stability of the vacuoles were determined. Successful isolation depended upon slicing the tissue in an apparatus specifically designed to cut open plant cells without the use of high shear forces and to liberate cellular organelles into an undisturbed reservoir of osmoticum. The resulting brei was centrifuged at 2,000g for 10 min to yield a pellet which contained many vacuoles but which also contained tissue fragments, nuclei, mitochondria, and plastids. The vacuoles were further purified by accelerated flotation through a Metrizamide step gradient. Biochemical assays, light microscopy, and electron microscopy confirmed that there was only trace contamination of the final vacuole preparation by other organelles. Isolated vacuoles were intact and retained their in vivo coloration.  相似文献   

The pH-dependent fluorescence quenching of acridine orange was used to study the Na+- and K+-dependent H+ fluxes in tonoplast vesicles isolated from storage tissue of red beet and sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). The Na+-dependent H+ flux across the tonoplast membrane could be resolved into two components: (a) a membrane potential-mediated flux through conductive pathways; and (b) an electroneutral flux which showed Michaelis-Menten kinetics relationship to Na+ concentration and was competitively inhibited by amiloride (Ki = 0.1 millimolar). The potential-dependent component of H+ flux showed an approximately linear dependence on Na+ concentration. In contrast, the K+-dependent H+ flux apparently consisted of a single component which showed an approximately linear dependence on K+ concentration, and was insensitive to amiloride. Based on the Na+- and K+-dependent H+ fluxes, the passive permeability of the vesicle preparation to Na+ was about half of that to K+.

The apparent Km for Na+ of the electroneutral Na+/H+ exchange varied by more than 3-fold (7.5-26.5 millimolar) when the internal and external pH values were changed in parallel. The results suggest a simple kinetic model for the operation of the Na+/H+ antiport which can account for the estimated in vivo accumulation ratio for Na+ into the vacuole.


The development of invertase activity in storage tissue disksof Beta vulgaris during ageing under aseptic conditions hasbeen studied. The invertase is formed initially in the cellwall and subsequently appears in the cytoplasm. In disks upto 1.0 mm thick, invertase is formed throughout the tissue,but in thicker disks only limited activity appears in the interior.In disks up to 1.0 mm thick, treatment with ethyl acetate priorto enzyme assay increases the measured activity by rendering‘inaccessible’ soluble invertase available to sucrosein the assay medium. In thicker disks, pretreatment with ethylacetate also increases the measured invertase activity by facilitatingsucrose penetration to the centre of the tissue. Osmotic shockaffects invertase activity in the same manner as ethyl acetatetreatment. The significance of these results is discussed inrelation to the induction and development of invertase activityin the disk and in the cell.  相似文献   

Artificial pH gradients across tonoplast vesicles isolated from storage tissue of red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) were used to study the kinetics of a Ca2+/H+ antiport across this membrane. Ca2+-dependent H+ fluxes were measured by the pH-dependent fluorescence quenching of acridine orange. ΔpH-dependent Ca2+ influx was measured radiometrically. Both H+ efflux and Ca2+ influx displayed saturation kinetics and an identical dependence on external calcium with apparent Km values of 43.9 and 41.7 micromolar, respectively. Calcium influx was unaffected by an excess of Mg2+ but was inhibited by La3+ > Mn2+ > Cd2+. The apparent Km for external calcium was greatly affected (5-fold) by internal pH in the range of 6.0 to 6.5 and a transmembrane effect of internal proton binding on the affinity for external calcium is suggested.  相似文献   

The synthesis of acid invertase during washing of red beet storageroots has been investigated using protein synthesis inhibitors,antibiotics, and antibodies raised against the purified invertase.Acid invertase increased during the first 3 d of washing thendecreased, with the rates of both processes dependent on temperature.Concomitantly, acid phosphatase declined throughout this period.Activity gels confirmed the increase in the level of activeinvertase protein. The increase in activity was prevented bycycloheximide, monensin, tunicamycin, and carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone.Leakage of betanin was measured and ultrastructural observationsundertaken to ensure these compounds had no non-specific effects.Immunoblotting confirmed the synthesis of a new 65 kDa invertaseduring washing and its subsequent loss. The location of theinvertase was investigated by immunoblotting of proteins invacuoles isolated from fresh and washed storage root discs,and indicated that the invertase is localized in the vacuole.The results are discussed in relation to the synthesis and targetingof invertase during the changes induced by washing. Key words: Acid invertase, Beta vulgaris L., protein synthesis, protein targeting, vacuole  相似文献   

Microsomal membranes isolated from red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) storage tissue were found to contain high levels of ionophore-stimulated ATPase activity. The distribution of this ATPase activity on a continuous sucrose gradient showed a low density peak (1.09 grams per cubic centimeter) that was stimulated over 400% by gramicidin and coincided with a peak of NO3-sensitive ATPase activity. At higher densities (1.16-1.18 grams per cubic centimeter) a shoulder of gramicidin-stimulated ATPase that coincided with a peak of vanadate-sensitive ATPase was apparent. A discontinuous sucrose gradient of 16/26/34/40% sucrose (w/w) was effective in routinely separating the NO3-sensitive ATPase (16/26% interface) from the vanadate-sensitive ATPase (34/40% interface). Both membrane fractions were shown to catalyze ATP-dependent H+ transport, with the transport process showing the same differential sensitivity to NO3 and vanadate as the ATPase activity.

Characterization of the lower density ATPase (16/26% interface) indicated that it was highly stimulated by gramicidin, inhibited by KNO3, stimulated by anions (Cl > Br > acetate > HCO3 > SO42−), and largely insensitive to monovalent cations. These characteristics are very similar to those reported for tonoplast ATPase activity and a tonoplast origin for the low density membrane vesicles was supported by comparison with isolated red beet vacuoles. The membranes isolated from the vacuole preparation were found to possess an ATPase with characteristics identical to those of the low density membrane vesicles, and were shown to have a peak density of 1.09 grams per cubic centimeter. Furthermore, following osmotic lysis the vacuolar membranes apparently resealed and ATP-dependent H+ transport could be demonstrated in these vacuole-derived membrane vesicles. This report, thus, strongly supports a tonoplast origin for the low density, anion-sensitive H+-ATPase and further indicates the presence of a higher density, vanadate-sensitive, H+-ATPase in the red beet microsomal membrane fraction, which is presumably of plasma membrane origin.


The H+/ATP stoichiometry was determined for an anion-sensitive H+-ATPase in membrane vesicles believed to be derived from tonoplast. Initial rates of proton influx were measured by monitoring the alkalinization of a weakly buffered medium (pH 6.13) following the addition of ATP to a suspension of membrane vesicles of Beta vulgaris L. Initial rates of ATP hydrolysis were measured in an assay where ATP hydrolysis is coupled to NADH oxidation and monitored spectrophotometrically (A340) or by monitoring the release of 32P from [γ-32P]ATP. Inasmuch as this anion-sensitive H+-ATPase is strongly inhibited by NO3, initial rates of H+ influx and ATP hydrolysis were measured in the absence and presence of NO3 to account for ATPase activity not involved in H+ transport. The NO3-sensitive activities were calculated and used to estimate the ratio of H+ transported to ATP hydrolyzed. These measurements resulted in an estimate of the H+/ATP stoichiometry of 1.96 ± 0.14 suggesting that the actual stoichiometry is 2 H+ transported per ATP hydrolyzed. When compared with the reported values of the electrochemical potential gradient for H+ across the tonoplast measured in vivo, our result suggests that the H+-ATPase does not operate near equilibrium but is regulated by cellular factors other than energy supply.  相似文献   

A method for the solubilization and reconstitution of red beet (1,3)-β-d-glucan synthase with the detergent 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl) dimethylammonio]-1-propane sulfonate (CHAPS) was developed. Glucan synthase was effectively solubilized from microsomal or plasma membranes by 0.6% CHAPS in the presence of EGTA and EDTA. Chelators were found essential for effective solubilization and divalent cations inhibitory. A preextraction of membranes with 0.3% CHAPS and 5 millimolar Mg2+ prior to the solubilization step was found to remove protein contaminants and increase the specific activity of the solubilized enzyme. Conditions for recovering activity from Sepharose 4B gel filtration columns were defined. Addition of phospholipids and low levels of CHAPS in column elution buffers resulted in complete functional reconstitution with 100% recovery of added activity. Specific activities were increased 20- to 22-fold over microsomes. Active vesicles were recovered by centrifugation. These results provide independent and direct confirmation of the enzyme's requirement for a phospholipid environment.  相似文献   

Two distinct membrane fractions containing H+-ATPase activity were prepared from red beet. One fraction contained a H+-ATPase activity that was inhibited by NO3 while the other contained a H+-ATPase inhibited by vanadate. We have previously proposed that these H+-ATPases are associated with tonoplast (NO3-sensitive) and plasma membrane (vanadate-sensitive), respectively. Both ATPase were examined to determine to what extent their activity was influenced by variations in the concentration of ATPase substrates and products. The substrate for both ATPase was MgATP2−, and Mg2+ concentrations in excess of ATP had only a slight inhibitory effect on either ATPase. Both ATPases were inhibited by free ATP (i.e. ATP concentrations in excess of Mg2+) and ADP but not by AMP. The plasma membrane ATPase was more sensitive than the tonoplast ATPase to free ATP and the tonoplast ATPase was more sensitive than the plasma membrane ATPase to ADP.

Inhibition of both ATPases by free ATP was complex. Inhibition of the plasma membrane ATPase by ADP was competitive whereas the tonoplast ATPase demonstrated a sigmoidal dependence on MgATP2− in the presence of ADP. Inorganic phosphate moderately inhibited both ATPases in a noncompetitive manner.

Calcium inhibited the plasma membrane but not the tonoplast ATPase, apparently by a direct interaction with the ATPase rather than by disrupting the MgATP2− complex.

The sensitivity of both ATPases to ADP suggests that under conditions of restricted energy supply H+-ATPase activity may be reduced by increases in ADP levels rather than by decreases in ATP levels per se. The sensitivity of both ATPases to ADP and free ATP suggests that modulation of cytoplasmic Mg2+ could modulate ATPase activity at both the tonoplast and plasma membrane.


The H+/ATP stoichiometry was determined for the plasma membrane H+-ATPase from red beet (Beta vulgaris L., var Detroit Dark Red) storage tissue associated with native vesicles. The determination of H+/ATP stoichiometry utilized a kinetic approach where rates of H+ influx, estimated by three different methods, were compared to rates of ATP hydrolysis measured by the coupled enzyme assay under identical conditions. These methods for estimating H+ influx were based upon either determining the initial rate of alkalinization of the external medium from pH 6.13, measuring the rate of vesicle H+ leakage from a steadystate pH gradient after stopping the H+-ATPase or utilizing a mathematical model which describes the net transport of H+ at any given point in time. When the rate of H+ influx estimated by each of these methods was compared to the rate of ATP hydrolysis, a H+/ATP stoichiometry of about 1 was observed. In consideration of the maximum free energy available from ATP hydrolysis (ΔGatp), this value for H+/ATP stoichiometry is sufficient to account for the magnitude of the proton electrochemical gradient observed across the plasma membrane in vivo.  相似文献   

The molecular weight and isoelectric point of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase from red beet storage tissue were determined using N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD) and a H+-ATPase antibody. When plasma membrane vesicles were incubated with 20 micromolar [14C]-DCCD at 0°C, a single 97,000 dalton protein was visualized on a fluorograph of a sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel. A close correlation between [14C]DCCD labeling of the 97,000 dalton protein and the extent of ATPase inhibition over a range of DCCD concentration suggests that this 97,000 dalton protein is a component of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase. An antibody raised against the plasma membrane H+-ATPase of Neurospora crassa cross-reacted with the 97,000 dalton DCCD-binding protein, further supporting the identity of this protein. Immunoblots of two-dimensional gels of red beet plasma membrane vesicles indicated the isoelectric point of the H+-ATPase to be 6.5.  相似文献   

Wyse R 《Plant physiology》1974,53(3):507-508
The reducing sugar content of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) roots increased during 30 days of storage at 21 C and 160 days at 5 C as a result of an increase in acid invertase activity. Sucrose synthetase and neutral invertase activities were high at harvest but declined during storage, thus showing no relationship with postharvest reducing sugar accumulation in sugar beet roots. Acid α-glucosidase activity was detected in fresh roots but showed no activity with sucrose as a substrate.  相似文献   

The Diffusion Resistance and Water Status of Leaves of Beta vulgaris   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pot-grown sugar-beet plants were deprived of water in two experimentsuntil they wilted completely. Leaf resistance to water-vapourtransfer was measured directly with a diffusion porometer andcompared with values calculated from measurements of transpiration.There was good agreement between the two estimates. Leaf turgor-pressuredecreased only gradually due, apparently, to an increase intissue-solute concentration with increasing water deficit. Relationshipsbetween leaf water potential, soil water potential, and leafresistance were established and the effective control of transpirationby small changes in leaf resistance was clearly demonstrated.  相似文献   

Getz HP  Klein M 《Plant physiology》1995,108(2):459-467
Sucrose-induced changes of the energization state of the red beet root (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. conditiva) vacuolar membrane were observed with the fluorescent dyes 6-chloro-9-{[4-(diethylamino)- 1-methylbutyl]-amino}-2-methoxyacridine dihydrochloride, as a pH monitor, and 9-amino-6-chloro-2-methoxyacridine (ACMA). Consequently, transient acidification of the surrounding suspension medium could be measured with a pH electrode. This signal was specific for Suc and was not seen for sorbitol, mannitol, or maltose. Sucrose-induced medium acidification was sensitive to the same inhibitors that were efficient in inhibiting sucrose transport, including the monoclonal antibodies TNP56-12 and C50-5-3. It was seen with vacuoles and vesicles energized with MgATP before sucrose was added but also with vacuoles not artificially energized previously. Using bafilomycin A1 for the inhibition of the vacuolar ATPase of vacuoles previously energized by MgATP, apparent Km values for H+ export from the vacuoles to the medium could be calculated taking into account the passive proton leak. Apparent Km values for H+ export determined from data obtained with pH measurements in the medium and with ACMA corresponded to those obtained previously for sucrose uptake. Comparing sucrose uptake rates with corresponding H+ export rates at the respective sucrose concentrations and at Km, a stoichiometry of approximately one proton per transported sucrose was estimated.  相似文献   

栽培甜菜大孢子发生的超微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
栽培甜菜(Beta vulgaris)的大孢子发生为蓼型。减数分裂时, 大孢子母细胞核中出现核液泡, 形成联会复合体, 细胞壁上有胼胝质加厚, 并存在细胞质改组现象。大孢子母细胞减数第1次分裂形成二分体, 2个细胞均被较厚的胼胝质壁包裹。合点端的二分体细胞中细胞器丰富, 线粒体和质体的形态正常, 表明完成了再分化。在大多数情况下, 珠孔端的二分体细胞在减数第2次分裂前(或分裂的过程中)退化, 合点端的细胞分裂产生大小不等的2个细胞, 形成三分体。三分体合点端的大孢子体积较大, 发育成单倍体的功能大孢子。  相似文献   

栽培甜菜大孢子发生的超微结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
栽培甜菜(Beta vulgaris)的大孢子发生为蓼型。减数分裂时,大孢子母细胞核中出现核液泡,形成联会复合体,细胞壁上有胼胝质加厚,并存在细胞质改组现象。大孢子母细胞减数第1次分裂形成二分体,2个细胞均被较厚的胼胝质壁包裹。合点端的二分体细胞中细胞器丰富,线粒体和质体的形态正常,表明完成了再分化。在大多数情况下,珠孔端的二分体细胞在减数第2次分裂前(或分裂的过程中)退化,合点端的细胞分裂产生大小不等的2个细胞,形成三分体。三分体合点端的大孢子体积较大,发育成单倍体的功能大孢子。  相似文献   

利用透射电镜技术对栽培甜菜(Beta vuigaris)花粉发育过程进行了超微结构观察。结果表明,在小孢子母细胞减数分裂期间,细胞内发生了“细胞质改组”,主要表现在核糖体减少,质体和线粒体结构发生了规律性变化。末期1不形成细胞板,而是在2个子核间形成“细胞器带”。“细胞器带”的存在起到类似细胞板的作用,暂时将细胞质分隔成两部分。四分体呈四面体型,被胼胝质壁包围。小孢子外壁的沉积始于四分体晚期,至小孢子晚期外壁已基本发育完全。单核小孢子时期,细胞核大,细胞器丰富。二细胞花粉发育主要表现在生殖细胞壁的变化上,生殖细胞壁上不具有胞间连丝。成熟花粉为三细胞型,含有1个营养细胞和2个精细胞。精细胞具有短尾突,无壁,为裸细胞,每个精细胞通过2层质膜与营养细胞的细胞质分开。生殖细胞与精细胞里缺乏质体。  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were raised in mice against a highly purified tonoplast fraction from isolated red beet (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. conditiva) root vacuoles. Positive hybridoma clones and sub-clones were identified by prescreening using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and by postscreening using a functional assay. This functional assay consisted of testing the impact of hybridoma supernatants and antibody-containing ascites fluids on basal and ATP-stimulated sugar uptake in vacuoles, isolated from protoplasts, as well as in tonoplast vesicles, prepared from tissue homogenates of red beet roots. Antibodies from four clones were particularly positive in ELISAs and they inhibited sucrose uptake significantly. These antibodies were specific inhibitors of sucrose transport, but they exhibited relatively low membrane and species specificity since uptake into red beet root protoplasts and sugarcane tonoplast vesicles was inhibited as well. Fast protein liquid chromatography assisted size exclusion chromatography on Superose 6 columns yielded two major peaks in the 55 to 65-kD regions and in the 110- to 130-kD regions of solubilized proteins from red beet root tonoplasts, which reacted positively in immunoglobulin-M(IgM)-specific ELISAs with anti-sugarcane tonoplast monoclonal IgM antibodies. Only reconstituted proteoliposomes containing polypeptides from the 55- to 65-kD band took up [14C]-sucrose with linear rates for 2 min, suggesting that this fraction contains the tonoplast sucrose carrier.  相似文献   

Calcium uptake was examined in sealed plasma membrane vesicles isolated from red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) storage tissue using (45)Ca(2+). Uptake of (45)Ca(2+) by the vesicles was ATP-dependent and radiotracer accumulated by the vesicles could be released by the addition of the calcium ionophore A23187. The uptake was stimulated by gramicidin D but slightly inhibited by carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone. Although the latter result might suggest some degree of indirect coupling of (45)Ca(2+) uptake to ATP utilization via deltamuH(+), no evidence for a secondary H(+)/Ca(2+) antiport in this vesicle system could be found. Following the imposition of an acid-interior pH gradient, proton efflux from the vesicle was not enhanced by the addition of Ca(2+) and an imposed pH gradient could not drive (45)Ca(2+) uptake. Optimal uptake of (45)Ca(2+) occurred broadly between pH 7.0 and 7.5 and the transport was inhibited by orthovanadate, N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, and diethylstilbestrol but insensitive to nitrate and azide. The dependence of (45)Ca(2+) uptake on both calcium and Mg:ATP concentration demonstrated saturation kinetics with K(m) values of 6 micromolar and 0.37 millimolar, respectively. While ATP was the preferred substrate for driving (45)Ca(2+) uptake, GTP could drive transport at about 50% of the level observed for ATP. The results of this study demonstrate the presence of a unique primary calcium transport system associated with the plasma membrane which could drive calcium efflux from the plant cell.  相似文献   

Glutamine-synthetase (GS) from Beta vulgaris seedlings, purified 150-fold, was characterized with regard to its physiological substrate NH3. The data were compared to the unphysiological substrate NH2−OH frequently used in the assay (both synthetase and transferase reaction). The pH-optimum was found at pH 7.5 for the synthetase and at pH 6.3 for the transferase reaction. Through plots of pKm vs pH, the pKe values for dissociable groups in the reaction center were found to be in the range from pH 7–8. Mg2+-ion serves as an allosteric effector with a Hill coefficient of 4.2. The results are discussed in relation to the control of nitrogen metabolism in Beta .  相似文献   

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