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Summary Intercellular bridges between developing germ cells were observed in human fetal ovaries at 10 to 20 weeks gestation. Bridges were frequently found between cells in early stages of degeneration, with similar regressive changes being present in the conjoined cells. In advanced stages of cellular degeneration, bridges were less frequently found and were generally distorted and partially disrupted. Similarity in appearance of adjacent degenerating cells was common, even in late stages of degeneration. These observations suggest that cellular interconnection may be responsible for synchronous degeneration of germ cells during oogenesis.The author thanks Mrs. Lucy A. Conner for her valuable technical assistance. This research was supported by U.S.P.H.S. grant HD-05727.  相似文献   

Whereas somatic cell cytokinesis resolves with abscission of the midbody, resulting in independent daughter cells, germ cell cytokinesis concludes with the formation of a stable intercellular bridge interconnecting daughter cells in a syncytium. While many proteins essential for abscission have been discovered, until recently, no proteins essential for mammalian germ cell intercellular bridge formation have been identified. Using TEX14 as a marker for the germ cell intercellular bridge, we show that TEX14 co-localizes with the centralspindlin complex, mitotic kinesin-like protein 1 (MKLP1) and male germ cell Rac GTPase-activating protein (MgcRacGAP) and converts these midbody matrix proteins into stable intercellular bridge components. In contrast, septins (SEPT) 2, 7 and 9 are transitional proteins in the newly forming bridge. In cultured somatic cells, TEX14 can localize to the midbody in the absence of other germ cell-specific factors, suggesting that TEX14 serves to bridge the somatic cytokinesis machinery to other germ cell proteins to form a stable intercellular bridge essential for male reproduction.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2022,121(16):3162-3171
Numerous engineered and natural systems form through reinforcement and stabilization of a deformed configuration that was generated by a transient force. An important class of such structures arises during gametogenesis, when a dividing cell undergoes incomplete cytokinesis, giving rise to daughter cells that remain connected through a stabilized intercellular bridge (ICB). ICBs can form through arrest of the contractile cytokinetic furrow and its subsequent stabilization. Despite knowledge of the molecular components, the mechanics underlying robust ICB assembly and the interplay between ring contractility and stiffening are poorly understood. Here, we report joint experimental and theoretical work that explores the physics underlying robust ICB assembly. We develop a continuum mechanics model that reveals the minimal requirements for the formation of stable ICBs, and validate the model’s equilibrium predictions through a tabletop experimental analog. With insight into the equilibrium states, we turn to the dynamics: we demonstrate that contractility and stiffening are in dynamic competition and that the time intervals of their action must overlap to ensure assembly of ICBs of biologically observed proportions. Our results highlight a mechanism in which deformation and remodeling are tightly coordinated—one that is applicable to several mechanics-based applications and is a common theme in biological systems spanning several length scales.  相似文献   

Possible presence of DNA in intercellular bridges   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Filaments about 6-7 nm in diameter were seen associated with germ cell intercellular bridges in detergent-permeabilized cells treated with tannic acid. Approximately 40-50 filaments were present subjacent to the bridge density. Filaments encircled the bridge channel in a manner similar to contractile ring actin filaments of dividing cells. NBD-phallacidin and myosin S-1 subfragments were employed to demonstrate that the filaments observed at intercellular bridges are actin. Intratesticular injection of a single dose of cytochalasin D, a specific inhibitor of actin filaments, caused certain intercellular bridges of spermatids to open within 3 hr after injection, leading to the production of symplasts. During bridge opening, remnants of bridge densities were gradually incorporated into the lateral aspect of the plasma membrane of the symplast. Thus actin, present in bridge structures, appeared to participate in maintaining certain intercellular bridges. A model of intercellular bridge structure is presented.  相似文献   

Spermatogonia of the monkey, Macaca nemestrina, were studied with the electron microscope. The spermatogonial nucleus is characterized by dense homogeneous chromatin and an eccentric nucleolus with a prominent surrounding clear zone. Cytoplasm consists chiefly of free ribosomes and vesicular endoplasmic reticulum. Scattered mitochondria with closely spaced transverse cristae are arranged singly and in pairs separated by thin electron-dense bands. Binucleated spermatogonia resemble other spermatogonia in their ultrastructural characteristics, but contain an increased number of lysosome-like structures and degenerating mitochondria. Spermatogonial interconnections are of two types: broad cytoplasmic connections and narrow intercellular bridges. Connected cells are always identical in appearance and stage of maturation. Multiple connections occur. Interconnection of spermatogonia provides a syncytial type of arrangement which allows synchronization of differentiation and results in similar apperance of adjoining cells. Similarity of regressive changes in adjacent degenerating cells is explained by the presence of intercellular bridges.  相似文献   

A study of intercellular bridges during spermatogenesis in the rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A morphological evaluation of intercellular bridges was undertaken during rat spermatogenesis. The dimensions and relationships of the bridges were shown to vary during different phases of spermatogenesis. Cellular divisions of spermatogonia and spermatocytes resulted in the partitioning of pre-existing bridges by complex structures termed bridge partitioning complexes, which are described in detail, as is the process whereby new bridges are formed. The structure of premeiotic bridges was generally consistent; however, during spermiogenesis, the structure of bridges and bridge contents were modified at specific phases of their development. The plasma membrane density associated with the cytoplasmic aspect of early step 1 spermatids separated into multiple dense bands that encircled the peripheral aspect of late step 1 spermatid bridges. By step 2 of spermiogenesis, these dense bands became associated with several cisternae of endoplasmic reticulum, which later coalesced into a single saccule that completely encircled the bridge structure by step 4. At steps 10-13 of spermiogenesis, the single saccule of endoplasmic reticulum vesiculated into many smaller cisternae. Also, filament-bounded densities (measuring 10-12 nm in diameter) appeared within the bridge channel. At step 17 of spermiogenesis, the filament-bounded densities were no longer apparent, but an anastomosing network of endoplasmic reticulum, often in the configuration of a sphere, occupied the entire central region of the bridge. In step 19 spermatids, the smooth endoplasmic reticulum within the bridge channel and the multiple cisternae lining the bridge density were gradually displaced. The subsurface density of bridges gradually lost its prominence. Some cytoplasmic lobes were connected by extremely narrow (approximately 22 nm) cytoplasmic channels. Similar-appearing channels were seen on the surface zone of cytoplasmic lobes or residual bodies, this observation suggesting that channels were sites of severence of bridges. Just prior to the separation or disengagement of the spermatid from the cytoplasmic lobe, selected bridges appeared to open to form large masses. After spermiation, residual bodies were not found joined by bridges; but from the size of some of the residual bodies, it was suspected that they were formed by coalescence of more than one cytoplasmic lobe. Freeze-fracture demonstrated few intramembranous particles on either the P or E face of the plasma membrane forming the bridge; this finding suggested bridge structures restricted free lateral movement of membrane constituents across the bridge.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

A fine structural analysis of fetal mouse ovaries reveals the presence of intercellular bridges between developing oocytes. These bridges, which connect two or more oocytes, are most frequently seen prior to the dictyate stage of meiotic prophase. The intercellular connections are limited by a tri-laminar membrane which is continuous with the oocyte plasmalemma. A characteristic feature of all bridges is the presence of an electron-dense material on the cytoplasmic side of the limiting membrane. Since this dense material is a constant and conspicuous component of the entire bridge, identification of these connections is possible in all planes of section. In cross section, the bridges are usually cylindrical, while in longitudinal section, a variety of configurations are observed. Oocytes connected by intercellular bridges exhibit a highly developed Golgi complex which is frequently localized in the region of the cytoplasmic continuities. Vesicular elements, apparently derived from the Golgi, are routinely observed within the boundaries of the bridges. Other cytoplasmic organelles, including rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, free ribosomes and mitochondria, are also seen in these bridges. The presence of these vesicles and organelles within intercellular bridges suggests that these connections may provide a means for transfer of organelles and other substances from one oocyte to another. It may be, therefore, that intercellular bridges are important for the nourishment and maturation of certain selected oocytes as well as for the synchronization of meiotic events.  相似文献   

Germ cell nuclear factor   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Whether a germ cell embarks on oogenesis, the female gametogenic pathway, or spermatogenesis, the male pathway, may be determined cell-autonomously, by the germ cell's own genes, or by the tissue environment in which it is located. The decision may or may not be associated with the time of entry into meiosis, and this in turn may be controlled wholly by the germ cell's own genes, or in part by the environment. These issues will be explored with reference to Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila and the mouse.  相似文献   

Germ cells are the only cells in the body capable of transferring an individual's genetic and epigenetic information to the next generation. However, the developmental processes that provide the foundation for male and female germ line development and later gamete production are complex and poorly understood. In mice the primordial germ cells enter the bipotential gonad at E10.5 and, in response to the testicular or ovarian micro-environment, commit to spermatogenesis or oogenesis. This paper reviews progress in understanding the molecular processes underlying the early stages of male and female germ line development.  相似文献   

The ovaries of early embryos (40 days post coitum/p.c.) of the bat Carollia perspicillata contain numerous germ-line cysts, which are composed of 10 to 12 sister germ cells (cystocytes). Variability in the number of cystocytes within the cyst and between the cysts (defying the Giardina rule) indicates that the mitotic divisions of the cystoblast are asynchronous in this bat species. Serial section analysis showed that the cystocytes are interconnected via intercellular bridges that are atypical, strongly elongated, short-lived, and rich in microtubule bundles and microfilaments. During slightly later stages of embryonic development (44-46 days p.c.), somatic cells penetrate the cyst, and their cytoplasmic projections separate individual oocytes. Separated oocytes surrounded by a single layer of somatic cells constitute the primordial ovarian follicles. The oocytes of C. perspicillata are similar to mouse oocytes and are asymmetric. In both species, this asymmetry is clearly recognizable in the localization of the Golgi complexes. The presence of germ-line cysts and intercellular bridges (although noncanonical) in the fetal ovaries of C. perspicillata suggest that the formation of germ-line cysts is an evolutionarily conserved phase in the development of the female gametes in a substantial part of the animal kingdom.  相似文献   

A wide variety of intercellular junctions that are involved with cell adhesion or signal transduction have been described in recent years. A widespread but less well-characterized type of intercellular junction is the stable intercellular bridge. Several organisms use stable intercellular bridges as cytoplasmic connections, probably to allow rapid transfer of information and organelles between cells. Here, the authors take a detailed look at the assembly of intercellular bridges called ring canals in the Drosophila germline and discuss how examination of mutants that disrupt Drosophila ovarian ring canal assembly indicates that these bridges are required for intercellular transport of cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Germ cell transplantation in goats   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Transplantation of spermatogonial stem cells provides a unique approach for the study of spermatogenesis and manipulation of the male germ line. This technique may also offer an alternative to the currently inefficient methods of producing transgenic domestic animals. We have recently established the technique of spermatogonial transplantation, originally developed in laboratory rodents, in pigs, and this study was aimed to extend the technique to the goat. Isolated donor testis cells were infused into the seminiferous tubules of anesthetized recipient goats through an ultrasonographically-guided catheter inserted into the rete testis. Donor cells were obtained by enzymatic digestion of freshly collected testes from immature goats (either from the recipients' contralateral testis or from unrelated donors). Prior to transplantation, testis cells were labeled with a fluorescent marker to allow identification after transplantation. Recipient testes were examined for the presence and localization of labeled donor cells at 3-week intervals up to 12 weeks after transplantation. Labeled donor cells were found in the seminiferous tubules of all testes, comprising 10-35% of the examined tubules. Histological examination of the recipient testes did not reveal evident tissue damage, except for limited fibrotic changes at the site of needle insertion. Likewise there were no detectable local or systemic signs of immunologic reactions to the transplantations. These results indicate that germ cell transplantation is technically feasible in immature male goats and that donor-derived cells are retained in the recipient testis for at least three months and through puberty. This study represents the first report of germ cell transplantation in goats.  相似文献   

Brinton LP 《Tissue & cell》1971,3(4):615-622
Intercellular bridges are present between oogonia and between oocytes of nymphs and newly molted and fasting adult Dermacentor andersoni Stiles. During these stages there is synchronous development of oogonia and oocytes. These bridges are unique both in their degree of development and in possessing narrow, elongated invaginations of the plasma membrane around both bases. Dictyosomes are frequently present in close proximity to bridge bases and vesicles are often noted in bridges between oocytes of adults. Bridges between oogonia infrequently contain cisternae of smooth endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

A previous electron microscopic study of the cat testis revealed that spermatids derived from the same spermatogonium are joined together by intercellular bridges. The present paper records the observation of similar connections between spermatocytes and between spermatids in Hydra, fruit-fly, opossum, pigeon, rat, hamster, guinea pig, rabbit, monkey, and man. In view of these findings, it is considered likely that a syncytial relationship within groups of developing male germ cells is of general occurrence and is probably responsible for their synchronous differentiation. When clusters of spermatids, freshly isolated from the germinal epithelium are observed by phase contrast microscopy, the constrictions between the cellular units of the syncytium disappear and the whole group coalesces into a spherical multinucleate mass. The significance of this observation in relation to the occurrence of abnormal spermatozoa in semen and the prevalence of multinucleate giant cells in pathological testes is discussed. In the ectoderm of Hydra, the clusters of cnidoblasts that arise from proliferation of interstitial cells are also connected by intercellular bridges. The development of nematocysts within these groups of conjoined cells is precisely synchronized. Both in the testis of vertebrates and the ectoderm of Hydra, a syncytium results from incomplete cytokinesis in the proliferation of relatively undifferentiated cells. The intercellular bridges between daughter cells are formed when the cleavage furrow encounters the spindle remnant and is arrested by it. The subsequent dissolution of the spindle filaments establishes free communication between the cells. The discovery of intercellular bridges in the two unrelated tissues discussed here suggests that a similar syncytial relationship may be found elsewhere in nature where groups of cells of common origin differentiate synchronously.  相似文献   

We detected cell-to-cell communication via intercellular bridges in DU 145 human prostate cancer cells by fluorescence microscopy. Since DU 145 cells have deficient gap junctions, intercellular bridges may have a prominent role in the transfer of chemical signals between these cells. In culture, DU 145 cells are contiguous over several cell diameters through filopodial extensions, and directly communicate with adjacent cells across intercellular bridges. These structures range from 100 nm to 5 microm in diameter, and from a few microns to at least 50-100 microm in length. Time-lapse imagery revealed that (1) filopodia rapidly move at a rate of microns per minute to contact neighboring cells and (2) intercellular bridges are conduits for transport of membrane vesicles (1-3 microm in diameter) between adjacent cells. Immunofluorescence detected alpha-tubulin in intercellular bridges and filopodia, indicative of microtubule bundles, greater than a micron in diameter. The functional meaning, interrelationship of these membrane extensions are discussed, along with the significance of these findings for other culture systems such as stem cells. Potential applications of this work include the development of anti-cancer therapies that target intercellular communication and controlling formation of cancer spheroids for drug testing.  相似文献   

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