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The contribution of cranial neural crest cells to the development and patterning of cranial muscles in amphibians was investigated in the phylogenetically basal and morphologically generalized frog, Bombina orientalis. Experimental methods included fluorescent marking of premigratory cranial neural crest and extirpation of individual migratory streams. Neural crest cells contributed to the connective tissue component, but not the myofibers, of many larval muscles within the first two branchial arches (mandibular and hyoid), and complex changes in muscle patterning followed neural crest extirpation. Connective tissue components of individual muscles of either arch originate from the particular crest migratory stream that is associated with that arch, and this relationship is maintained regardless of the segmental identity-or embryonic derivation-of associated skeletal components. These developmental relations define a pattern of segmentation in the head of larval anurans that is similar to that previously described in the domestic chicken, the only vertebrate that has been thoroughly investigated in this respect. The fundamental role of the neural crest in patterning skeleton and musculature may represent a primitive feature of cranial development in vertebrates. Moreover, the corresponding developmental processes and cell fates appear to be conserved even when major evolutionary innovations-such as the novel cartilages and muscles of anuran larvae-result in major differences in cranial form.  相似文献   

We assess cranial neural-crest cell migration and contributions to the larval chondrocranium in the phylogenetically basal and morphologically generalized anuran Bombina orientalis (Bombinatoridae). Methods used include microdissection, scanning electron microscopy, and vital dye labeling, in conjunction with confocal and fluorescence microscopy. Cranial neural-crest cells begin migrating before neural-fold closure and soon form three primary streams. These streams contribute to all cranial cartilages except two medial components of the hyobranchial skeleton (basihyal and basibranchial cartilages), the posterior portion of the trabecular plate, and the otic capsule, the embryonic origin of which is unknown. Chondrogenic fate is regionalized within the cranial neural folds, with the anterior regions contributing to anterior cartilages and the posterior regions to posterior cartilages. A neural-crest contribution also was consistently observed in several cranial nerves and the connective tissue component of many cranial muscles. Notwithstanding minor differences among species in the initial configuration of migratory streams, cranial neural-crest migration and chondrogenic potential in metamorphosing anurans seem to be highly stereotyped and evolutionarily conservative. This includes a primary role for the neural crest in the evolutionary origin of the paired suprarostral and infrarostral cartilages, two prominent caenogenetic features of the rostral skull unique to anuran larvae. Our results provide a model of the ancestral pattern of embryonic head development in anuran amphibians. This model can serve as a basis for examining the ontogenetic mechanisms that underlie the diversity of cranial morphology and development displayed by living frogs, as well as the evolutionary consequences of this diversity. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

As a step toward resolving the developmental origin of the ossified skull in adult anurans, we performed a series of cell labeling and grafting studies of the cranial neural crest (CNC) in the clawed frog, Xenopus laevis. We employ an indelible, fixative-stable fluorescent dextran as a cell marker to follow migration of the three embryonic streams of cranial neural crest and to directly assess their contributions to the bony skull vault, which forms weeks after hatching. The three streams maintain distinct boundaries in the developing embryo. Their cells proliferate widely through subsequent larval (tadpole) development, albeit in regionally distinct portions of the head. At metamorphosis, each stream contributes to the large frontoparietal bone, which is the primary constituent of the skull vault in adult anurans. The streams give rise to regionally distinct portions of the bone, thereby preserving their earlier relative position anteroposteriorly within the embryonic neural ridge. These data, when combined with comparable experimental observations from other model species, provide insights into the ancestral pattern of cranial development in tetrapod vertebrates as well as the origin of differences reported between birds and mammals.  相似文献   

The reorganization of cranial cartilages during tadpole metamorphosis is a set of complex processes. The fates of larval cartilage‐forming cells (chondrocytes) and sources of adult chondrocytes are largely unknown. Individual larval cranial cartilages may either degenerate or remodel, while many adult cartilages appear to form de novo during metamorphosis. Determining the extent to which adult chondrocytes/cartilages are derived from larval chondrocytes during metamorphosis requires new techniques in chondrocyte lineage tracing. We have developed two transgenic systems to label cartilage cells throughout the body with fluorescent proteins. One system strongly labels early tadpole cartilages only. The other system inducibly labels forming cartilages at any developmental stage. We examined cartilages of the skull (viscero‐ and neurocranium), and identified larval cartilages that either resorb or remodel into adult cartilages. Our data show that the adult otic capsules, tecti anterius and posterius, hyale, and portions of Meckel's cartilage are derived from larval chondrocytes. Our data also suggest that most adult cartilages form de novo, though we cannot rule out the potential for extreme larval chondrocyte proliferation or de‐ and re‐differentiation, which could dilute our fluorescent protein signal. The transgenic lineage tracing strategies developed here are the first examples of inducible, skeleton‐specific, lineage tracing in Xenopus.  相似文献   

Amphibians that undergo a metamorphosis provide an unparalleled opportunity to investigate how skeletal shape is generated, preserved, and transformed in development. Their pharyngeal arch (PA) cartilages, which support breathing and feeding behaviors, form embryonically from cranial neural crest cells, grow isometrically at larval stages, and abruptly change shape during metamorphosis. Further, the shape changes occur in three different ways: some adult cartilages form de novo, others emerge from within resorbing larval cartilages and some larval cartilages reshape themselves at the cellular level. Isometric growth followed by abrupt shape change is unique to amphibian PA cartilages, which suggests that the origin and evolution of amphibian metamorphosis has been influenced by the tissue properties of cartilage. This essay reviews the functional role of the PA skeleton in frogs and salamanders and presents a mechanistic framework for understanding how its shape is generated, preserved, and transformed at the levels of cell behavior and specification mechanisms.  相似文献   

The timing and pattern of cranial neural crest cell emergence and migration in the Mexican axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum, are assessed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Cranial neural crest cells emerge and begin to migrate at the time of neural fold closure and soon form three distinct streams. The most anterior (mandibular) stream emerges first, at the level of the mesencephalon. Cells in this stream migrate rostroventrally around the optic vesicle. The second (hyoid) and third (branchial) streams emerge in close succession at the level of the rhombencephalon and extend ventrolaterally. Cells forming the hyoid stream migrate rostral to the otic vesicle, whereas the branchial stream divides into two parallel streams, which migrate caudal to the otic vesicle. At later stages (stage 26 onwards) the cranial neural crest cells disperse into the adjacent mesoderm and can no longer be followed by dissection and SEM. The pattern of cranial neural crest emergence and migration, and division into migratory streams is similar to that in other amphibians and in the Australian lungfish (Neoceratodus forsteri). Emergence of crest cells from the neural tube, relative to the time of neural tube closure, occurs relatively late in comparison to anurans, but much earlier than in the Australian lungfish. These results establish a morphological foundation for studies in progress on the further development and fate of cranial neural crest cells in the Mexican axolotl, as well as for studies of the role of cranial neural crest in cranial patterning.  相似文献   

The prechordal cranium, or the anterior half of the neurocranial base, is a key structure for understanding the development and evolution of the vertebrate cranium, but its embryonic configuration is not well understood. It arises initially as a pair of cartilaginous rods, the trabeculae, which have been thought to fuse later into a single central stem called the trabecula communis (TC). Involvement of another element, the intertrabecula, has also been suggested to occur rostral to the trabecular rods and form the medial region of the prechordal cranium. Here, we examined the origin of the avian prechordal cranium, especially the TC, by observing the craniogenic and precraniogenic stages of chicken embryos using molecular markers, and by focal labeling of the ectomesenchyme forming the prechordal cranium. Subsequent to formation of the paired trabeculae, a cartilaginous mass appeared at the midline to connect their anterior ends. During this midline cartilage formation, we did not observe any progressive medial expansion of the trabeculae. The cartilages consisted of premandibular ectomesenchyme derived from the cranial neural crest. This was further divided anteroposteriorly into two portions, derived from two neural crest cell streams rostral and caudal to the optic vesicle, called preoptic and postoptic neural crest cells, respectively. Fate-mapping analysis elucidated that the postoptic neural crest cells were distributed exclusively in the lateroposterior part of the prechordal cranium corresponding to the trabeculae, whereas the preoptic stream of cells occupied the middle anterior part, differentiating into a cartilage mass corresponding to the intertrabecula. These results suggest that the central stem of the prechordal cranium of gnathostomes is composed of two kinds of distinct cartilaginous modules: a pair of trabeculae and a median intertrabecula, each derived from neural crest cells populating distinct places of the craniofacial primordia through specific migratory pathways.  相似文献   

Direct development in amphibians is an evolutionarily derived life-history mode that involves the loss of the free-living, aquatic larval stage. We examined embryos of the direct-developing anuran Eleutherodactylus coqui (Leptodactylidae) to evaluate how the biphasic pattern of cranial ontogeny of metamorphosing species has been modified in the evolution of direct development in this lineage. We employed whole-mount immunohistochemistry using a monoclonal antibody against the extracellular matrix component Type II collagen, which allows visualization of the morphology of cartilages earlier and more effectively than traditional histological procedures; these latter procedures were also used where appropriate. This represents the first time that initial chondrogenic stages of cranial development of any vertebrate have been depicted in whole-mounts. Many cranial cartilages typical of larval anurans, e.g., suprarostrals, cornua trabeculae, never form in Eleutherodactylus coqui. Consequently, many regions of the skull assume an adult, or postmetamorphic, morphology from the inception of their development. Other components, e.g., the lower jaw, jaw suspensorium, and the hyobranchial skeleton, initially assume a mid-metamorphic configuration, which is subsequently remodeled before hatching. Thirteen of the adult complement of 17 bones form in the embryo, beginning with two bones of the jaw and jaw suspensorium, the angulosplenial and squamosal. Precocious ossification of these and other jaw elements is an evolutionarily derived feature not found in metamorphosing anurans, but shared with some direct-developing caecilians. Thus, in Eleutherodactylus cranial development involves both recapitulation and repatterning of the ancestral metamorphic ontogeny.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Recent studies of the heads of vertebrates have shown a primitive pattern of segmentation in the mesoderm and neural plate not previously recognized. The role of this pattern in the subsequent distribution of cranial crest and the development of branchial arches and cranial nerves, may resolve century-old arguments about the evolution of vertebrate segmentation. In this study, we examine the early embryonic development of the cranium of a primitive amniote, the snapping turtle, with the SEM. We show that the paraxial mesoderm cranial to the first-formed somites is segmented and that this pattern is based on somitomeres, similar to those described in the embryos of chick and mouse. Seven contiguous pairs of somitomeres comprise the “head mesoderm”; the first pair of somites actually arise from the eighth pair of somitomeres added to the axis. Cranial somitomeres are associated with specific brain regions, in that the first pair lie adjacent to prosencephalon, the second and third pair are adjacent to the mesencephalon, and the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh pair of somitomeres lie adjacent to individual neuromeres of the rhombencephalon. Prior to the closure of the anterior neuropore, cranial neural crest cells first emerge from the mesencephalon and migrate onto the second and third somitomeres. Shortly thereafter, neural crest cells emerge at more caudal levels of the rhombencephalon, beginning at the juncture of the fifth and sixth somitomeres. Eventually, neural crest originating from the mesencephalon spreads caudally as far as the fourth somitomere, leaving a gap in crest emigration adjacent to the fifth somitomere. The otic placode develops from the surface ectoderm covering the sixth and seventh somitomeres, and the adjacent rhombencephalic neural crest moves around the cranial and caudal edge of the placode. At more caudal levels, rhombencephalic crest cells merge with cervical crest populations to form a continuous sheet over the somites. By the time the anterior neuropore closes, some of the mesencephalic crest cells return from the paraxial mesoderm to spread onto the rostral wall of the optic vesicle and future telencephalon. The segmentation of the mesoderm and patterned distribution of cranial neural crest seen in snapping turtle embryos, further strengthens the argument that the heads of amniotes are derived from a common metameric pattern established early during gastrulation.  相似文献   

The development of the vertebrate head is a highly complex process involving tissues derived from all three germ layers. The endoderm forms pharyngeal pouches, the paraxial mesoderm gives rise to endothelia and muscles, and the neural crest cells, which originate from the embryonic midbrain and hindbrain, migrate ventrally to form cartilage, connective tissue, sensory neurons, and pigment cells. All three tissues form segmental structures: the hindbrain compartmentalizes into rhombomeres, the mesoderm into somitomeres, and the endoderm into serial gill slits. It is not known whether the different segmented tissues in the head develop by the same molecular mechanism or whether different pathways are employed. It is also possible that one tissue imposes segmentation on the others. Most recent studies have emphasized the importance of neural crest cells in patterning the head. Neural crest cells colonize the segmentally arranged arches according to their original position in the brain and convey positional information from the hindbrain into the periphery. During the screen for mutations that affect embryonic development of zebrafish, one mutant, called van gogh (vgo), in which segmentation of the pharyngeal region is absent, was isolated. In vgo, even though hindbrain segmentation is unaffected, the pharyngeal endoderm does not form reiterated pouches and surrounding mesoderm is not patterned correctly. Accordingly, migrating neural crest cells initially form distinct streams but fuse when they reach the arches. This failure to populate distinct pharyngeal arches is likely due to the lack of pharyngeal pouches. The results of our analysis suggest that the segmentation of the endoderm occurs without signaling from neural crest cells but that tissue interactions between the mesendoderm and the neural crest cells are required for the segmental appearance of the neural crest-derived cartilages in the pharyngeal arches. The lack of distinct patches of neural crest cells in the pharyngeal region is also seen in mutants of one-eyed pinhead and casanova, which are characterized by a lack of endoderm, as well as defects in mesodermal structures, providing evidence for the important role of the endoderm and mesoderm in governing head segmentation.  相似文献   

Vital dye analysis of cranial neural crest cell migration in the mouse embryo.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The spatial and temporal aspects of cranial neural crest cell migration in the mouse are poorly understood because of technical limitations. No reliable cell markers are available and vital staining of embryos in culture has had limited success because they develop normally for only 24 hours. Here, we circumvent these problems by combining vital dye labelling with exo utero embryological techniques. To define better the nature of cranial neural crest cell migration in the mouse embryo, premigratory cranial neural crest cells were labelled by injecting DiI into the amniotic cavity on embryonic day 8. Embryos, allowed to develop an additional 1 to 5 days exo utero in the mother before analysis, showed distinct and characteristic patterns of cranial neural crest cell migration at the different axial levels. Neural crest cells arising at the level of the forebrain migrated ventrally in a contiguous stream through the mesenchyme between the eye and the diencephalon. In the region of the midbrain, the cells migrated ventrolaterally as dispersed cells through the mesenchyme bordered by the lateral surface of the mesencephalon and the ectoderm. At the level of the hindbrain, neural crest cells migrated ventrolaterally in three subectodermal streams that were segmentally distributed. Each stream extended from the dorsal portion of the neural tube into the distal portion of the adjacent branchial arch. The order in which cranial neural crest cells populate their derivatives was determined by labelling embryos at different stages of development. Cranial neural crest cells populated their derivatives in a ventral-to-dorsal order, similar to the pattern observed at trunk levels. In order to confirm and extend the findings obtained with exo utero embryos, DiI (1,1-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindo-carbocyanine perchlorate) was applied focally to the neural folds of embryos, which were then cultured for 24 hours. Because the culture technique permitted increased control of the timing and location of the DiI injection, it was possible to determine the duration of cranial neural crest cell emigration from the neural tube. Cranial neural crest cell emigration from the neural folds was completed by the 11-somite stage in the region of the rostral hindbrain, the 14-somite stage in the regions of the midbrain and caudal hindbrain and not until the 16-somite stage in the region of the forebrain. At each level, the time between the earliest and latest neural crest cells to emigrate from the neural tube appeared to be 9 hours.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Maturation of vertebrate neuromuscular systems typically occurs in a continuous, orderly progression. After an initial period of developmental adjustment by means of cell death and axonal pruning, relatively stable relationships, with only subtle modifications, are maintained between motoneurons and their appropriate targets throughout life. However, among a restricted group of vertebrates (amphibians and especially the anuran amphibians) the sequential maturation of neuromuscular systems is altered by an abrupt reordering of the basic body plan that encompasses cellular changes in all tissues from skeleton to nervous system. Many anuran amphibians possess neuromuscular circuits that are remarkable by virtue of their complete reorganization during the brief span of metamorphosis. During this period motor systems initially designed for the behavioral patterns of aquatic tadpoles are adjusted to meet the drastically different motor activities of postmetamorphic terrestrial life. This adjustment involves the deletion of neural elements mediating larval specific activities, the accelerated maturation of neural circuits eliciting adult-specific activities and the retrofitting of larval neuromuscular components to serve postmetamorphic behaviors. This review focuses on the cellular events associated with the neuromuscular adaptation in the jaw complex during metamorphosis of the leopard frog, Rana pipiens. As part of the metamorphic reorganization of the jaw apparatus there is a complete turnover of the myofiber complement of the adductor mandibulae musculature. Trigeminal motoneurons initially deployed to the larval myofibers are redirected to new muscle fibers. Simultaneously the cellular geometry and synaptic input to these motoneurons is revamped. These changes suggest that trigeminal neuromuscular circuitry established during embryogenesis is updated during metamorphosis and reused to provide the basis for adult jaw motor activity that is far different than its larval counterpart.  相似文献   

Metamorphosis of cranial cartilages in anuran amphibians constitutes one of the most dramatic and extensive ontogenetic transformations in vertebrates. We quantitatively examined the role of thyroid hormone (3,3',5-triiodo-L-thyronine; T3) in mediating gross aspects of this morphological repatterning in the skull of the Oriental fire-bellied toad, Bombina orientalis. T3 was administered via plastic (Elvax) micropellets in three treatment dosages (2.5, 0.25, and 0.025 microgram) and one control dosage (0 microgram) to tadpoles of three Gosner developmental stages--28/29, 30/31, and 32/33; tadpoles were recoved up to 8 d (treatment and control dosages) or 14 d (control dosage) later. Response of larval cartilages to exogenous T3 was dosage dependent but not implant-stage dependent; chondrogenic tissues that participate in metamorphic transformation are competent to respond to T3 well before they normally do. Metamorphic effects of T3 were visible within 2 d; in most treatment groups, the normal metamorphic sequence was two-thirds complete after 8 d. While T3 also induced precocious ossification, the normal temporal relation between bone formation and cartilage transformation was dissociated in experimental groups. Morphological integration between cartilage and bone during cranial metamorphosis is at least partly the result of each tissue responding independently to endocrine factors.  相似文献   

During early embryonic development, cranial neural crest cells emerge from the developing mid- and hindbrain. While numerous studies have focused on integrin involvement in trunk neural crest cell migration, comparatively little is known about mechanisms of cranial neural crest cell migration. We show that fibronectin, but not laminin, vitronectin, or type I collagen can support cranial neural crest cell migration and segmentation in vitro. These behaviors require both the RGD and "synergy" sites located within the central cell-binding domain of fibronectin. While these two sites are sufficient for cranial neural crest cell migration, we find that the second Heparin-binding domain of fibronectin can provide additional support for cranial neural crest cell migration in vitro. Finally, using a function blocking monoclonal antibody, we show that cranial neural crest cell migration on fibronectin requires the integrin alpha5beta1.  相似文献   

The order of ossification of bones in the skeleton of Rana pipiens during larval growth and metamorphosis has been determined from observations on specimens fixed in 70% alcohol and stained with alizarin red S. The axial skeleton ossifies in a generally cephalo-caudal sequence, beginning with the parasphenoid bone at Taylor-Kollros stages IV-IX, followed by vertebrae (V-IX) and then the urostyle (IX-XIV). Exoccipitals (VII-IX), frontoparietals (XI-XII) and prootics (XIII-XVII) are additional cranial bones which successively ossify before metamorphosis. With the onset of metamorphosis at stage XVIII jawbones and rostral bones of the skull ossify in the following succession: premaxilla, maxilla, septomaxilla, nasal, dentary, angular, squamosal, pterygoid, prevomer, mentomeckelian, quadratojugal, palatine, columella, posteromedial process of “hyoid.” The sphenethmoid does not ossify until after metamorphosis. Ossification of limbbones begins with the femur or humerus at stages X-XII and progresses proximo-distally to the phalanges by stages XIII-XV. Carpals, however, do not ossify until stage XXV or after metamorphosis. The ilium of the pelvic girdle begins to ossify at stages X-XII, but the ischium is delayed until stages XX-XXIII. Scapula and coracoid of the pectoral girdle undergo initial ossification at stages XII-XIV, suprascapula and clavicle at stages XIII-XV. The sternum does not begin to ossify until stage XXIV. The possible role of thyroid hormones in stimulating osteogenesis is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary In the evolution of land-living vertebrates, the transition from spending the entire life cycle in the water to first a biphasic (adult on land, eggs and larvae in water) and later a terrestrial life-history mode was achieved by changes in developmental processes and regulatory mechanisms. Lungfishes, salamanders and frogs are studied as examples of species which span this transition. The migration and fate of the embryonic cells that form the head is studied, using experimental embryology (extirpation and transplantation of cells), molecular markers and novel microscopy techniques — such as confocal microscopy. Knowing the migratory routes and fates of the cells that form head structures is important for an elucidation of the changes that took place e.g. when gill arches transformed into head cartilages, and when the specialised larval mouth structures present in today’s frogs and toads arose as an evolutionary innovation. Results so far indicate that the early migration and pattern formation of neural crest cells in the head region is surprisingly conserved. Both the amphibians investigated and the Australian lungfish have the same number of migrating neural crest streams, and the identity of the streams is preserved. The major difference lies in the timing of migration, where there has been a heterochronic shift such that cell migration starts much later in the Australian lungfish than in the amphibians. The molecular mechanisms regulating the formation of streams of cranial neural crest cells seem, at least in part, to be differential expression of ephrins and ephrin receptors, which mediate cell sorting. Our understanding of the behaviour of migrating cells (primarily the more well characterised neural crest cells) could be enhanced by a modelling approach. I present preliminary ideas on how this could be achieved, inspired by recent work on Dictyostelium development and our own previous work on pigment cells and their pattern formation during salamander embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The role of the neural crest (NC) in the construction of the vertebrate head was demonstrated when cell tracing techniques became available to follow the cells exiting from the cephalic neural folds in embryos of various vertebrate species. Experiments carried out in the avian embryo, using the quail/chick chimera system, were critical in showing that the entire facial skeleton and most of the skull (except for he occipital region) were derived from the NC domain of the posterior diencephalon, mesencephalon and rhombomeres 1 and 2 (r1, r2). This region of the NC was designated FSNC (for Facial Skeletogenic NC). One characteristic of this part of the head including the neural anlage is that it remains free of expression of the homeotic genes of the Hox-clusters. In an attempt to see whether this rostral Hox-negative domain of the NC has a specific role in the development of the skeleton, we have surgically removed it in chick embryos at 5-6 somite stages (5-6 ss). The operated embryos showed a complete absence of facial and skull cartilages and bones showing that the Hox expressing domain of the NC caudally located to the excision did not regenerate to replace the anterior NC. In addition to the deficit in skeletal structures, the operated embryos exhibited severe brain defects resulting in anencephaly. Experiments described here have shown that the neural crest cells regulate the amount of Fgf8 produced by the two brain organizers, the Anterior Neural Ridge (ANR) and the isthmus. This regulation is exerted via the secretion of anti-BMP signaling molecules (e.g. Gremlin and Noggin), which decrease BMP production hence enhancing the amount of Fgf8 synthesized in the ANR (also called "Prosencephalic organizer") and the isthmus. In addition to its role in building up the face and skull, the NC is therefore an important signaling center for brain development.  相似文献   

Vertebrate pigment cells are derived from neural crest cells and are a useful system for studying neural crest-derived traits during post-embryonic development. In zebrafish, neural crest-derived melanophores differentiate during embryogenesis to produce stripes in the early larva. Dramatic changes to the pigment pattern occur subsequently during the larva-to-adult transformation, or metamorphosis. At this time, embryonic melanophores are replaced by newly differentiating metamorphic melanophores that form the adult stripes. Mutants with normal embryonic/early larval pigment patterns but defective adult patterns identify factors required uniquely to establish, maintain or recruit the latent precursors to metamorphic melanophores. We show that one such mutant, picasso, lacks most metamorphic melanophores and results from mutations in the ErbB gene erbb3b, which encodes an EGFR-like receptor tyrosine kinase. To identify critical periods for ErbB activities, we treated fish with pharmacological ErbB inhibitors and also knocked down erbb3b by morpholino injection. These analyses reveal an embryonic critical period for ErbB signaling in promoting later pigment pattern metamorphosis, despite the normal patterning of embryonic/early larval melanophores. We further demonstrate a peak requirement during neural crest migration that correlates with early defects in neural crest pathfinding and peripheral ganglion formation. Finally, we show that erbb3b activities are both autonomous and non-autonomous to the metamorphic melanophore lineage. These data identify a very early, embryonic, requirement for erbb3b in the development of much later metamorphic melanophores, and suggest complex modes by which ErbB signals promote adult pigment pattern development.  相似文献   

Direct development is a specialized reproductive mode that has evolved repeatedly in many different lineages of amphibians, especially anurans. A fully formed, albeit miniature adult hatches directly from the egg; there is no free-living larva. In many groups, the evolution of direct development has had profound consequences for cranial development and morphology, including many components that are derived from the embryonic neural crest. Yet, the developmental bases of these effects remain poorly known. In order to more fully characterize these changes, we used three molecular markers to analyze cranial neural crest-cell emergence and migration in the direct-developing frog, Eleutherodactylus coqui: HNK-1 immunoreactivity, Dlx protein expression, and cholinesterase activity. Our study validates and extends earlier results showing that the comprehensive changes in embryonic cranial patterning, differentiation, and developmental timing that are associated with direct development in Eleutherodactylus have not affected gross features of cranial neural crest biology: the relative timing of crest emergence and the number, configuration and identity of the principal migratory streams closely resemble those seen in metamorphic anurans. The three markers are variably expressed within and among neural crest-cell populations. This variation suggests that determination of cranial neural crest-cells may already have begun at or soon after the onset of migration, when the cells emerge from the neural tube. It is not known how or even if this variation correlates with differential cell lineage or fate. Finally, although HNK-1 expression is widely used to study neural crest migration in teleost fishes and amniotes, E. coqui is the only amphibian known in which it effectively labels migrating neural crest-cells. There are not enough comparative data to determine whether this feature is functionally associated with direct development or is instead unrelated to reproductive mode.  相似文献   

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