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Aquatic species can experience different selective pressures on morphology in different flow regimes. Species inhabiting lotic regimes often adapt to these conditions by evolving low‐drag (i.e., streamlined) morphologies that reduce the likelihood of dislodgment or displacement. However, hydrodynamic factors are not the only selective pressures influencing organismal morphology and shapes well suited to flow conditions may compromise performance in other roles. We investigated the possibility of morphological trade‐offs in the turtle Pseudemys concinna. Individuals living in lotic environments have flatter, more streamlined shells than those living in lentic environments; however, this flatter shape may also make the shells less capable of resisting predator‐induced loads. We tested the idea that “lotic” shell shapes are weaker than “lentic” shell shapes, concomitantly examining effects of sex. Geometric morphometric data were used to transform an existing finite element shell model into a series of models corresponding to the shapes of individual turtles. Models were assigned identical material properties and loaded under identical conditions, and the stresses produced by a series of eight loads were extracted to describe the strength of the shells. “Lotic” shell shapes produced significantly higher stresses than “lentic” shell shapes, indicating that the former is weaker than the latter. Females had significantly stronger shell shapes than males, although these differences were less consistent than differences between flow regimes. We conclude that, despite the potential for many‐to‐one mapping of shell shape onto strength, P. concinna experiences a trade‐off in shell shape between hydrodynamic and mechanical performance. This trade‐off may be evident in many other turtle species or any other aquatic species that also depend on a shell for defense. However, evolution of body size may provide an avenue of escape from this trade‐off in some cases, as changes in size can drastically affect mechanical performance while having little effect on hydrodynamic performance. J. Morphol. 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

During terrestrial locomotion, limb muscles must generate mechanical work and stabilize joints against the ground reaction force. These demands can require high force production that imposes substantial loads on limb bones. To better understand how muscle contractile function influences patterns of bone loading in terrestrial locomotion, and refine force platform equilibrium models used to estimate limb bone safety factors, we correlated in vivo recordings of femoral strain with muscle activation and strain in a major propulsive hindlimb muscle, flexor tibialis internus (FTI), of a species with a published model of hindlimb force production (river cooter turtles, Pseudemys concinna). Electromyography (EMG) recordings indicate FTI activity prior to footfall that continues through approximately 50% of the stance phase. Large EMG bursts occur just after footfall when the muscle has reached its maximum length and is beginning to actively shorten, concurrent with increasing compressive strain on the anterior femur. The FTI muscle shortens through 35% of stance, with mean fascicle shortening strains reaching 14.0 ± 5.4% resting length (L0). At the time of peak compressive strains on the femur, the muscle fascicles remain active, but fascicles typically lengthen until mid‐stance as the knee extends. Influenced by the activity of the dorsal knee extensor femorotibialis, the FTI muscle continues to passively lengthen simultaneously with knee extension and a shift to tensile axial strain on the anterior femur at approximately 40% of stance. The near coincidence in timing of peak compressive bone strain and peak muscle shortening (5.4 ± 4.1% stance) indicates a close correlation between the action of the hip extensor/knee flexor, FTI, and femoral loading in the cooter hindlimb. In the context of equilibrium models of limb bone loading, these results may help explain differences in safety factor estimates observed between previous force platform and in vivo strain analyses in cooters. J. Morphol. 274:1060–1069, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The freshwater snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum has become a model system for studying invasion ecology, host–parasite coevolution, the maintenance of sexual reproduction and ecotoxicology. One understudied aspect of this snail is the variation in morphology within and among populations, which could provide insights into ecological differences across its native range. In this study of 17 New Zealand lake populations of P. antipodarum we used linear measurements and geometric morphometrics to compare several aspects of shell size and shape. We found that, except for those from Lake Te Anau, most lake populations of P. antipodarum differ slightly in shape, but differ significantly in size and in the presence of spines, where larger and spinier snails are found in deeper regions. These striking distinctions in size and shell armature, but not in shape, suggest that the various components of form are under different selective regimes. Snails from Lake Te Anau are different in both shape and size, implying that this population is diverging from the rest of the species in multiple ways, making it an interesting study population for further research.  相似文献   

The histological renal anatomy of 10 species of honeyeaters was examined quantitatively, using stereology. The kidneys of five species of predominantly wet zone inhabiting birds: the western spinebill Acanthorhynchus superciliosus , White-checked honeyeater Phylidonyris nigra . New Holland honeyeater Phylidonyris novaehollandiae , little wattlebird anthochaera chrysoptera and red wattlebird Anthochaera carunculata , were compared to five predominantly arid zone inhabiting birds: the grey-fronted honeyeater Meliphaga plumula , white-plumed honeyeater Meliphaga penicillata , white-fronted honeyeater Phylidonyris albifrons , spiny-checked honeyeater Acanthogenys rufogularis and yellow-throated miner Manorina flarigula. The kidneys were asymmetrical, with the left kidney being larger than the right kidney. Kidney mass was directly proportional to body mass (coefficient of correlation, r =+0·95), as was kidney volume to kidney mass (r =+1·0). Wet zone honeyeaters generally and a higher percentage and absolute volume of renal cortex, whilst arid zone honeyeaters generally had a significantly higher percentage and absolute volume of renal medulla. There were few differences between species, in either the percentage or absolute volume or luminal surface area of nephron components within the cortex. Within the medulla, wet zone honeyeaters generally had a higher percentage and absolute luminal surface area of collecting ducts, whilst arid zone honeyeaters had a higher percentage and absolute surface area of capillaries. This may be due to factors such as variations in diet and climate between habitats resulting in differences in honeyeater renal morphology which enable arid zone birds to conserve water and wet zone birds to conserve ions more efficiently.  相似文献   

Schnyder  H.  Künzle  H. 《Cell and tissue research》1983,234(1):219-224
Injections of 125I wheat-germ agglutinin or horseradish peroxidase into the eyes of turtles labeled retrogradely cells in a mesencephalic reticular area lying between the trochlear and the isthmic nuclei. Their number was small and they were found predominantly contralateral to the injected eye. These reticular neurons were not labeled following control injections into the orbital cavity and therefore are considered to project to the retina similar to correspondingly located neurons in some other vertebrates.  相似文献   

1. Superoxide dismutase activities in five tissues of the relatively anaerobic freshwater turtle were compared with SOD activities in the same tissues of two mammalian species (mouse and rabbit) with a more usual pattern of dependence on O2 availability. 2. SOD activities in brain, lung and skeletal muscle, but not liver or cardiac muscle, are significantly lower in the turtle. The turtle also shows differences in the pattern of relative SOD activities in various tissues as compared to the two mammalian species. 3. The data indicate that a relationship does exist between SOD activities and O2 exposure in intact vertebrate systems, and is consistent with a physiological role for SOD in tissue O2 metabolism.  相似文献   

Abstract. This study was undertaken to determine whether intraspecific variation in shell morphology of the freshwater snail Elimia (= Goniobasis ) livescens is caused by predator-induced morphological changes. Juvenile snails from 3 populations were grown in the presence of effluent from predatory crayfish feeding on conspecific snails or in effluent from conspecific snails only. Snails from one population, Clear Creek, exhibited a predator-induced morphology; they grew a narrow body whorl when exposed to the effluent from crayfish. Experimental feeding trials with crayfish and snails from Clear Creek were conducted to determine whether a narrow body whorl reduced predation in the presence of the crayfish Orconectes propinquus . In the feeding trials, snails with a narrow body whorl were eaten less frequently than snails with wider shells. However, there was no difference in overall size (length) between snails that were eaten and those that were not. Thus, juvenile snails from Clear Creek exposed to the presence of crayfish were induced to develop relatively narrow shells, which reduce the risk of successful attack by these crayfish. Hence the induced shell morphology is probably a defense against predation by crayfish.  相似文献   

Environmental conditions induce phenotypic responses (behavioural, morphological and physiological) in many marine species. The boring mytilid Leiosolenus patagonicus inhabits different types of substrata, such as sandstone intertidal and hard subtidal substrata (here called ‘lifeless-substratum’) and shells of bivalve species (here called ‘live-substratum’), where they are exposed to different restrictions in their growth. We used geometric morphometric methods to compare the contour shell shapes from each type of substratum (live and lifeless) since we expected the body shape to differ between individuals from these different substrata. The results showed that the shell shape depends on the type of substratum where the larvae recruit. The mean shell shapes of individuals from the live-substratum are more slender than those of the individuals growing inside the lifeless-substratum. Individuals from live-substratum can adapt their phenotype depending on the oyster’s anti-parasitism responses, while in lifeless-substratum they are able to build their own refuges.  相似文献   

Convergent evolution of shell shape is a well known phenomenon in gastropods that has caused much confusion in taxonomic and systematic studies. A paradigm is the patelliform shell shape in several taxa of the order Basommatophora. Historically, most freshwater limpets were assigned to the family Ancylidae. Based on anatomical data, some taxa were subsequently moved to different families. However, there are still doubts about the monophyly of the remaining ancylids. This is also true for the African limpets and particularly for species of the genus Burnupia Walker, 1912. In the present paper, two independent molecular markers (COI, 18S rRNA) are used to (a) infer the position of Burnupia within the Basommatophora and (b) to test whether the shell shape of Burnupia evolved independently. Bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses of 12 genera of limnic Basommatophora indicate that Burnupia not only appears to be distinct from the Ancylidae, but also from all other representatives of the superfamily Planorboidea studied here. Based on a generally well-supported phylogeny and preliminary anatomical data, it is concluded that patelliform shell shapes evolved at least three times in the taxa studied here and that the shell shape of Burnupia represents another case of convergent evolution. Previously proposed functional and evolutionary scenarios for the evolution of patelliform shell and their relevance for freshwater limpets are discussed.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 140 , 577–586.  相似文献   

The existence of consistent individual differences in behaviour (‘animal personality’) has been well documented in recent years. However, how such individual variation in behaviour is maintained over evolutionary time is an ongoing conundrum. A well-studied axis of animal personality is individual variation along a bold–shy continuum, where individuals differ consistently in their propensity to take risks. A predation-risk cost to boldness is often assumed, but also that the reproductive benefits associated with boldness lead to equivalent fitness outcomes between bold and shy individuals over a lifetime. However, an alternative or complementary explanation may be that bold individuals phenotypically compensate for their risky lifestyle to reduce predation costs, for instance by investing in more pronounced morphological defences. Here, we investigate the ‘phenotypic compensation’ hypothesis, i.e. that bold individuals exhibit more pronounced anti-predator defences than shy individuals, by relating shell shape in the aquatic snail Radix balthica to an index of individual boldness. Our analyses find a strong relationship between risk-taking propensity and shell shape in this species, with bolder individuals exhibiting a more defended shell shape than shy individuals. We suggest that this supports the ‘phenotypic compensation’ hypothesis and sheds light on a previously poorly studied mechanism to promote the maintenance of personality variation among animals.  相似文献   

This paper considers the patterns of shell shape variation shown by Nucella canalicuata, N. emarginata and N. lamellosa from two areas of the Pacific Northwest: the shores near Friday Harbour on San Juan Island and near Bamfield on the west coast of Vancouver Island. No clear pattern of variation in association with changes in exposure was seen in either N. canaliculata or N. lamellosa . It appears that genetic influences are more important controls of shell shape than environmental selection in both these species. Nucella emarginata shows the nearest approximation to the pattern shown by the Atlantic species, N. lapillus , but only at the exposed end of the wave-action gradient. On those shores, enclaves from the most surf-washed open coast headlands have shells with proportionally larger apertures (and thus a shorter, squatter form) than their equivalents in local shelter. But, unlike in N. lapillus , the trend does not continue onto genuinely sheltered shores. Under these circumstances the species is generally rare and, where enclaves do occur, their shells are of much the same shape (although of a much larger size) as in more exposed situations.  相似文献   

Environmental Biology of Fishes - We compared body morphology of two freshwater sculpin taxa that inhabit distinct environmental conditions in the Chesapeake Bay watershed of eastern North America:...  相似文献   

1. Turtle aortic rings were characterized by high frequency spontaneous contractile activity and variable responsiveness to constrictor agents.2. The tissue response was remarkably insensitive to temperature at a range of 37°–15°C.3. The contractile response was effectively blocked by the calcium channel antagonist nifedipine and was substantially dependent on extracellular calcium concentrations.4. Lowering the sodium concentration of the bath medium resulted in a strong, transient contraction followed by reduced responsiveness to norepinephrine and the absence of spontaneous activity.5. Disruption of the vessel endothelium resulted in enhanced and reduced responsiveness to norepinephrine (NE) and acetylcholine (ACh), respectively.6. The results indicate that the regulation of contractile function in turtle vascular smooth muscle differs in several respects from that of mammalian tissue, perhaps, reflecting the adaptation of the vasculature to low pressure and ectothermic conditions.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Natural disturbances are agents of natural selection that drive multiple biological adaptations along evolutionary time. Frequent, high magnitude disturbances are expected to select...  相似文献   

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